Party! Moon was throwing a party and everyone was invited. Cat got ready and got an uber over to Moon's. A lot of people were already there. Cat walked in and Moon greeted her. They talked a little before splitting away from each other. Cat walked around a little and saw Eli, Demetri, Miguel, and Robby all together, so she walked over.

"Hello, boys," Cat said.

"Hey, Cat/Catty," the boys responded.

"You look nice," Demetri said.

"Yeah," Eli said.

"Thanks," Cat smiled.


Cat was about three beers and four shots in. She was outside along with Eli, Demetri, and some other random people. The binary brothers were sitting on some bench thing. Cat was sitting with them until a song she liked came on and she got up. She swayed to the music and sang along with the song. She spun around, stumbling a little, and slipped, but Eli caught her before she hit the ground.

"Thankz, E," Cat said.

"Yeah, of course," Eli said. "Be careful."

"Okie dokie," She poked his cheek a little. "I'll be right baaaack. I'm getting another driiiiiiiiiink. And when I'm back yooooouuuuu both are dancing with meeeeeeeee." She spun around a little and stumbled a little as she went back inside.

Cat looked around for more drinks and ended up in the kitchen. She was making herself a mixed drink. "Ah, vodka, you got good taste," a voice said behind her. She turned and saw someone she didn't know.

"What'z a party without vodka," Cat jokes.

The guy laughed a little. "Yeah. I'm Moon's cousin. Zack."

"Cattrina," she introduced herself.

"What a lovely name."

"Oh, uh, thanks." Cat downed her drink and made another one.

"Wow, you really can drink, huh?" Zack asked.

"I suppose I can," Cat shrugged.

"How about a competition? Drink for drink?"



Eli and Demetri were waiting for Cat to come back. They chatted a little, but after a couple minutes Cat wasn't back yet. They were wondering what was holding her up. They waited a little longer, but she still wasn't back, so they got up to go find her. She said she'd by right back, so it was odd for her to be taking this long.

They walked inside. They looked around a little before spotting her in the kitchen. They made their way over and saw some guy talking to her. They saw as he pushed hair from Cat's face. The guy had a smirk on his face as he talked.


"Oh, come on," Zack said. He played with a piece of Cat's hair. "It's just a little competition. You're not a chicken are you?"

"I am no chicken," Cat said. "I'm just like 5 drinks ahead already."

"That's fair, I guess," Zach chuckled.

"Cat, there you are," Demetri said walking over with Eli. "You've been gone for like 15 minutes."

"Oh?" Cat said. "Sorry, D. E."

"It's fine," Eli said, grabbing ahold of one of Cat's hands. "Let's go back outside."

"Okie dokie, one sec," Cat finished making herself a new drink. "Bye, bye, Zack," she waved at Zach as she walked off with Demetri and Eli.

Eli noticed that Zach looked annoyed that they showed up and took Cat away, which made him smirk. The three were outside again back where they were sitting.

"Who was that guy?" Eli asked.

"He said he's Moon's cousin," Cat shrugged. "Aanywayyy, let's daaaaance!"

Even drunk, Cat was still a pretty elegant dancer. She'd been through plenty of dance training while she was younger, especially ballet. She was currently forcing Demetri to dance with her. He didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't really care. He was having fun with her. They were holding hands as they twisted and swayed to the music. He spun her around as she somewhat sang along to the music.

The three were the only ones outside at this point as it was getting cold out. The party was also slowly dying down. Cat tried to get Eli to dance with her too, but he denied. He said he'd rather just watch her. Which is what he was doing. He was watching the two as they danced. He smiled a little and occasionally let out small laughs. It was silly watching as Cat was basically teaching Demetri how to dance as they went one.

(724 words. Whatcha think?)
