The tournament was about to start. Cat's cousin was back with her. She had Cat's phone using it to live stream. They talked a little, Cat talked to the people watching the live a little, but then Olivia had to go to her seat. She was set next to the Garbage Figs (the band from the last part). The different fighters were announced and they came out.

After everyone was announced, the fights started. Eventually, it was time for Cat's fight, which she won. She had gotten three points almost immediately.

"Woah! The phoenix rises from the flame!" Oli cheered.

While Cat stood to the side waiting for her turn to fight again, she occasionally glanced over at Oli. She gave a small wave as Oli pointed the camera at her.

Cat made it to the finals. One fight left to win and she's the champ. She and her opponent made their ways on the mats. It was some guy she was fighting against. They bowed and got into fighting positions. Then the fight started.

Her opponent threw a punch which she blocked. He kicked at her and she once again blocked. Cat kicked at her opponent, but he moved out of the way. They went back and forth and it was some time before either landed a hit. It was her opponent, but she landed the next hit. His fighting style kinda reminded her of Cobra Kai's fighting style.

The fight continued. Her opponent threw continuous attacks as Cat blocked. She didn't even have a chance to strike back. Her opponents landed a hit, but it didn't count because she had been hit out of bounds. They went back to the center of the mat and the fight continued. This time Cat stuck first which caught her opponent off guard. She landed the hit and got her second point.

Her opponent landed the next hit and they were 2-2.

Cat and her opponent had some back and forth. Her opponent swept her and illegally struck her ankle making Cat clutch her teeth together. Her opponent got a warning and a timeout was called. She and her opponent went to their sides.

Cat clenched her teeth from the pain. She sighed and focused on her breathing. She could barely put any pressure on her foot without a lot of pain.


"Little bug," her dad said. "It's going to be okay."

"I-i-it hu-hurts daddy," Cat said. She was a small child. She was at a tournament and her opponent had hit her in the throat.

"I know, but don't focus on the pain. Don't let the pain control you. Work through the pain. Let it fuel and drive you through the fight."

Cat nodded.


Cat took a second to glance over at Oli, who was still live streaming. She sighed a little. Then she thought of something. She smiled a little.

Moments later it was time for the fight to continue. Cat turned back, looking at the mat. She saw her opponent standing there shirtless and kissing his muscles. Cat scoffed and rolled her eyes. She took off the top of her gi and walked back to the center of the mat with a slit limp.

"If you're done kissing your girlfriends, let's get this over with," Cat said.

The guys scoffed/laughed. "You really want to lose that quick, huh?"

Cat rolled her eyes. She and her opponent got on their marks. The fight started. Cat almost immediately got the point as she crane-kicked her opponent.

"Point, Jackson. Winner," the announcer said.


Eli, Demetri, Miguel, Robby, Johnny, and Carman were all over at the Larusso's house. The live stream of the tournament was up on the tv as they all sat around. They watched in anticipation as the fight played out.

When Cat's opponent hurt her ankle and there was a time-out. They were worried for her. Would she be able to continue the fight? They saw her glance over at the camera before looking away again. Eli and Demetri noticed the small smile on her face.

"Did you see that?" Demetri said.

"Yeah," Eli said.

"What are you talking about?" Johnny asked.

"She smiled a little," Demetri said.  "She has a plan. She knows what she's going to do."

"I wouldn't doubt. She smart," Chozon said. "Much potential."

They all paid attention as the fight was about to start again. The position she started to stand in was familiar to them, most of them anyway. The announcer said fight. That's when the Cat crane kicked her opponent. And boom she won like that. They cheered in excitement even if she couldn't see them.



Cat was back with the medic, who was wrapping up her ankle. Oli came into the room, still live-streaming.

"There she is, the champion," Oli said. "The badass black belt. The phoenix born from the flame. The karate queen. The-"

"Okay, Oli," Cat said with a slight laugh. "I think that's enough."

"Okay, okay," Oli said. She sat next to Cat and flipped the camera to be front facing, so facing them both. "Our lovely viewers want to know how your ankle is."

"Just a sprain and some bruising," Cat said.

"I suggest keeping it elevated and iced for a while," the medic said. The girls nodded and the medic left.

"So, champ," Oli said, slinging her arm around Cat's shoulder. "How does it feel to be an unstoppable badass bitch?"

"Just because I won, doesn't mean I'm unstoppable," Cat said. "But that being said, it feels great. It was an honor to even get this chance again. And boom! I rocked it!"

"That's right! She's a badass baddie! She's kicking ass and taking names!"

Cat laughed.


Cat sat at a table with Oli at this bar-type place. Garbage Figs, their friend's band, was playing on the stage. She had her one foot resting on another chair. Just cause she was injured didn't mean she wasn't going to celebrate. She didn't have her fake ID and even if she did she couldn't use it cause it was kinda known that she just competed in the tournament and it was kinda announced that she was under 18, so she was just drinking a Sherly Temple.

"This next song is a cover and is dedicated to Cattrian Jackson, aka the Phoenix!" Belle announced before they started to play the next song. It was a cover of Champion by Carrie Underwood.

The rest of the night was great. Oli took random pictures and videos, which ended up being posted on her and Cat's Instagram. There were pics and videos of them drinking their drinks, singing along to the music, dancing, and just having a good night. Cat made sure not to put much pressure on her ankle.

Cat had about 5 days before the black belt test, so she'd have to take it easy during that time so that her ankle is better. It was basically a given that she would earn her belt because she won the tournament, but technically she could still not earn it.

Cat had a great time just relaxing and taking it easy. Oli kept her pretty entertained. Sometimes she would go on a call with either or both Eli and Demetri. By the time it was time for her test, she was ready. Her ankle was still a little sore, but nothing too bad.

(1239 words. Whatcha think? Also, below you can see the outfits the band members are wearing for their performance. I had gotten bored and that boredom turned into me making them outfits, too.) 
