Hawk called up Cat and said he wanted to change the color of his hair again. Cat said she was happy to help and to just let her know what he wants. He said she should do hers again too, and they could be more matchy again.

Cat agrees. After seeing Silver she didn't really want to have the gray-silver hair anymore. Even if she liked how it looked. She also liked the idea of matching Eli again. She was also glad that Silver didn't seem to notice her among the students.

Hours later the two met up at Cat's apartment and she got to work. She took the color out of his hair before dying it with the new color. After being done with him she did her own hair.


"Vietnam vet turned businessman," Demetri said. He and Eli were talking about Silver while Cat walked alongside them. She already knew everything Demetri was saying. "Had a few ups and downs but still turned out pretty rich. Not much dirt other than some toxic waste scandal in Borneo back in the '80s."

"Sounds like a renaissance man," Hawk said. "How'd you even find out his name?"

"I took a picture at the dojo, found an old facial recognition beta test, and tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC," Demetri said before closing his iPad.

"I love it when you talk nerdy," Yasmine said as she and Moon walked over.

"You are both the first and my favorite person to say that," Demetri said. Yasmin giggled and the two kissed.

Cat rolled her eyes a little, though it went unnoticed seeing as it seemed no one realized she was there anymore. 'Says the girl that bullied us for years,' she thought. 'Her popularity starts to decline and ours goes up, and boom she's dating Demetri.'

"I-I like the new hue," Moon said to Eli. "Purple's the color of the crown chakra you know? It symbolizes enlightenment."

"Uh, yeah, that's what I was going for. So..." Hawk said.


'If they also start making out I'm leaving,' Cat thought as she stood between the two groups. She was on her phone texting her aunt who was doing a little check-up on her since it's been months since they last talked. Cat had to brush her bangs out of her face since they started to grow out cause she didn't feel like having to trim them every other week.

"Listen," Yasmin said to Demetri. "I have bad news. I just found out my dad's wedding is going to be in Sydney."

"Sydney, Nova Scotia?" Demetri asked.



"Since it's in May, it means I won't be here for prom or the tournament."


"But I'll still root for you."


"Consider me an admirer from afar."

"Hey, I'll take whatever I can get."

"Save me a seat at lunch?"


Yasmin kissed Demetri. "Specifically this one," she touched his butt before walking off.

"Later guys," Moon said before following Yasmin.

The two guys watched as the two girls left.

"All right, no offense, but I have no idea how you pulled that one off," Hawk said.

"Neither do I," Demetri said. "I guess I was just myself and somehow that worked."

"Because you're a great guy," Cat said, putting her phone in her pocket. "Both of you are."

"Thanks, Cat," Eli said. "You're great, too."

"Yeah," Demetri said.

"Thanks," Cat said.

"What about you and Moon?" Demetri asked Hawk. "Did I detect a note of rapprochement in the air?"

"We're just getting used to being friends again. Besides, she has a girlfriend, so..."

"You mean Piper? Oh no. That's over," Demetri said and started walking.

"They broke up weeks ago," Cat added, following Demetri.

"Weeks?" Hawk asked following the two, "one week, five? How many weeks is 'weeks'?"

"Yo," Miguel said as he saw the three. "You guys won't believe this. Sensei got drunk and went on a Twitter rant." He handed over his phone.

"I believe everything except the part where he knows how to tweet," Demetri said. Cat snickered a little.

"Looks like he and Sensei Larusso are gonna have a rematch."

"Wait so they're really going to fight?" Hawk asked.

"Apparently," Sam said. "Should've seen this coming."

"There goes that job," Cat muttered. She's not even getting paid. She hasn't been paid, as Daniel said he would talk to Johnny about it but as far as she knows that hasn't happened yet.

"Who does he even think he's tweeting to?" Demetri asked. "You're his only follower?"

"I don't know," Miguel said. "He seems serious about it."

"So this is real?" Hawk asked. "Sensei and Sensei are going to throw down?"


"That's awesome."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Cat said. "It's probably not going to end well."

(804 words.) 
