Some of the kids from Miyagi-Fang were going to go see stingray. He had told everyone that Kreese had beat him up and almost killed him, which is why Kreese is in jail. But they knew he was lying. As soon as Cat heard she wasn't convinced. Yeah, she wouldn't put it past Kreese to badly hurt people, but to her this sounded more like Silver. She knew first hand what he'd do.

Bert knocked on the door while the other stood more off to the side. Stingray asked if he wanted to play DnD and the people he had been playing with left. That's when the other walked into his view. It was Eli, Demetri, Cat, Migual, and Sam.

"Miyagi-Fangs?" Stingray questioned. "Oh, this is a trap.oh, you Admiral Ackbar-ed me. Et tu, Bert-tay?"

"Knock it off," Hawk said. "We know Kreese didn't hurt you."

"According to my testimony in a court of law, he did. So... read the transcript," Stingray went to close the door, but Sam stopped him.

"You lied to the court, and you lied to my dad," Sam said. "But you're not going to lie to us." She walked in.

"Are you just going to let her- now you're all walking in."

"Okay. Okay. All right," Demetri said. "Let's try this one more time, okay? What happened that night? Who hurt you?" The Miyagi-Fangs were on one side of the table while Stingray was on the other.

"Hey, Bert, how does it feel?" Stingray asked.

"Look. Look at me. Look at me."

"To stab a grown man in the back between his shoulder blades and stare at the blood as it trickled down his back?"

"God, enough!" Hawk said. "No more games."

"My dad went through a lot of pain because of you and Silver," Sam said. "And now a lot of other people will too if you just sit back and do nothing."

"But if I tell you what really happened, you know, h-he'd find out," Stingray said. "I can't. It's not that easy, you guys." The room was silent for a moment.

"Hey, Stingray," Cat said, gaining the man's attention. "Did you know that Silver and my dad used to be friends?"


"Yeah. I was a little kid and I was around him more than I would like," Cat said. "They stopped being friends because Silver liked my mom and so he tried to... he tried to kill my dad."

"Wait, really?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah," Cat nodded. "So I know first hand that Silver is... unstable. I know what he will do to get what he wants. If you tell us what really happened, we will help make sure he doesn't do anything to you."

"I can't..." Stingray said.

Things were quiet for a short time.

"Wait, so," Cat said. "You're into DnD, right?"


"Maybe there's something... maybe there's a story you want to tell us."

"Actually, there... I've been working on this new DnD campaign-" Stingray started, but was cut off.

"I don't think we have time for this," Miguel said.

"Wait a minute," Eli said. "What happens in the campaign, Stingray?"

Stingray exhaled. "Okay, so once upon a time, there was a dwarven monk, and he was a part of the most badass guild in all the land. Uh, he was banished for a time. You know, typical PC crap. But, um, once he paid his penance, he returned. Only by then, the guild was under new leadership. And the monk was denied reentry into the guild. And quite unceremoniously, might I add. So what did the monk do? The monk, he made a pact with a silver-haired king, who would usurp the leader. And it was early one morning, before any of the worries arrived, that the king had stuck the monk down. Again, and again, and again. It was then that they framed the leader for the assault, and the leader was put in chains, and the silver-haired king took over the guild."

"And you were..." Demetri started. He chuckled a little. "The dwarven monk was let back into the guild?"

"Yeah. With benefits," Eli said, looking around the room.

"Aye. With benefits, yeah," Stingray said.

"Okay. So why can't he just tell the people what really happened?" Miguel asked.

"Because he doesn't want to lose his benefits," Sam said.

"No! No," Stingray said. "I would.. The-the monk would give it all back if he could, but he silver-haired king, you know, he... he almost killed the monk. He could've killed him. And why? To get power. So, yeah, the monk fears what that king would do to keep that power. I think the monk just... The monk just wanted reentry into the guild because he thought he could be like a... Like a proud and noble warrior. Just like you, Hawk, Samantha, Cattrina, all you guys. But he's neither proud nor noble. Definitely not a warrior. He just sits around playing with them all day."

"He's scared," Cat said. "He doesn't want to get hurt."

"The monk's just scared," Stingray nodded. "I just can't. I'm sorry."

"That's great," Sam said. "Thanks for nothing."

(867 words. I hope this didn't suck lol. I was going to post this later, but I have work. I was going to wait, but figured I'd just post it now.)
