Cat got to school and immediately made her way to her friends, doing her best to avoid Kyler and his goons. She made it over to Demetri, Eli, and Miguel without much trouble. She did get shoved into a locker, but that was nothing.

"Hey, Cat," Eli greeted as he saw her approach. The other boys looked over and greeted her as well. She waved back in response.

"Did you finish the comic yet?" Demetri asked.

Cat nodded and grabbed it from her backpack. Demetri had lent her the most recent copy of their favorite comic series because it was already sold out by the time Cat could make it to the comic book store. She handed him the comic. There was a small piece of paper on it too that read 'thanks for lending this to me'.

"Of course, Cat," Demetri said and he put the comic away in his bag. "If you're not caught up then who am I going to talk to about it?"

Cat shrugged with a small giggle. Eli wasn't into this particular comic series, so it was just Cat and Demetri who read it/talked about it.


Cat, Demetri, Eli, and Miguel were walking to their table when Kyler started talking really loud about lies he made up about Sam. Miguel walked over to Kyler and set his tray down. He told him to shut up and stop being such an asshole. Kyler pushed Miguel a couple of times and called his karate lame. Miguel said 'it's not lame-ass karate. It's cobra kai' and started to fight Kyler. The two fought for a while then Miggy jumped onto a table and hit Kyler in the face with a lunch tray ending the fight. Everyone cheered for him.


Cat, Demetri, and Eli were hanging out. Cat had met up with them after her track meet.

"Do you guys think we should try the whole karate thing?" Eli asked.

"You want to do karate?" Demetri asked. "It's just going to cause more trouble than it's worth."

"You saw the fight. Miguel kicked ass."

Demetri rolled his eyes a little. "What do you think, Cat? Should we try this karate school thing?"

"Dojo," Cat corrected.


"It's called a karate dojo. Not a karate school."

"Okay, but that doesn't answer the question I asked."

"I have no interest in being part of a dojo."

"See Eli, even Cat is against it," Demetri said.

"I didn't say that," Cat said. "I said I have no interest. I'm not going to stop either of you from joining if that's what you want to do."

"Would you come with at least?" Eli asked.

"I guess I could," Cat shrugged. "But I don't want to do karate."

"Okay. Thanks for the support, Cat," Eli said. "What about you Demetri?"

"Fine. I'll give this karate thing a try," Demetri said with a sigh.

(482 words.)
