It's been a couple of weeks since the school fight, which Cat was glad she wasn't there for. She'd heard what happened from all of her friends individually. Well, not all of them since Miguel was in a coma. He was actually awake now. Cat, no longer sick, had visited Miguel every day and now that he was awake she still visited him.

Cat talked to Robby every once in a while over email. He was now in juvie, but at least she knew where he was and that he was safe. Well, safer than being alone on the street. Sure he did something wrong, but he didn't mean to. Cat knew that. She knew Robby better than anyone else knew him.

Cat was on her way to school and wasn't looking forward to it. Everything was so hostile. She felt less tension while being in the courtroom with the guy who caused her parent's death. She was constantly being put into situations where she felt like if she talked to one of her friends her other friends were staring daggers at them. People have been more adamant that she joined a dojo, which she refused.

Cat walked over to her locker and could tell that some of her friends were already looking at her. She was doing whatever she had to in her locker when two separate voices said, "hey, Cat." Cat signed and turned to face Demetri and Eli, who were glaring at each other (well more Hawk than Dem but still).

She gave a small wave. She just wanted to get to class and didn't want to be in this situation.

"So wanna hang out later?" Demetri asked Cat.

"She can't," Hawk said. "She's already hanging out with me."

"Since when?" Cat muttered, putting a book from her bag into her locker before closing it and slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Since I said so."

"Meaning you don't already have plans," Demetri said. "She should be able to choose what she's doing. You can't just decide that for her."

Cat rolled her eyes a little as the two boys started arguing. She could see out of the side of her vision that the Cobra Kais were coming up as were the Miyagi-dos. Once again she was in the middle of the two dojos. This was at least the 15th time this week.

"I actually already have plans," Cat said, cutting off the two boys' argument.

"Oh," Demetri said. "Okay."

"With who?" Hawk asked.

"Why does it matter?" Cat asked.

"Cause I wanna know."

"Too bad," Cat shrugged.

She started to try and walk away. She was stopped though. And of course, it was the question that she had been asked like a hundred times this week. The dojos tried to ask her to join their dojo. Which she has been very adamant about not joining.

Cat signed. "No. I'm not joining a dojo. We've been over this. I have no interest in karate." She practically stormed off and locked herself in the girl's bathroom until class was about to start.


Cat was once again in the middle of something she didn't want to be in the middle of.

"You know what," Cat said, gaining her friends who were rivaling with each other. "I'm done."

"What?" Demetri asked.

"I'm done," Cat repeated. She started walking away only to be followed.

"What do you mean 'you're done'?" Hawk asked.

"I'm done. I'm not going to be in the middle of all of this," Cat gestures around at everything/everyone. "Call me when you figure out y'alls shit."

She left before anyone could even respond. She was sick of her friends putting her in the middle of everything and making her pick sides. She signed and decided to go see the one friend that didn't make things difficult for her these last few weeks.

Cat walked through the hall of the hospital and saw Miss. Diaz, so she went over.

"Hi, miss. Diaz," Cat said.

"Hi, Cattrina," Carmen said. "And I've told you you can call me Carmen."

"Right, Carmen," Cat nodded. "So, uh, how's he doing?" She looked over and into the room Miguel was in. She could see him from where she was, but he couldn't see her.

"It's complicated," Carmen signed. "But I'm sure he'd be happy to see you."

Cat nodded.

"I have to go. I wish I didn't, but I have to. But, I'll be back later. I'll be bringing food later if you wanna stick around."


"Keep an eye on my little Miggy while I'm gone."

"Will do, Miss, Diaz," the young girl said with a slight giggle.

"Carmen," the older lady corrected.

"Carmen," Cat repeated. Carmen made a small wave as she walked away. Cat walked into the room. "Hey, Miggy."

Miguel turned to look at Cat and he gave a weak smile. "Hey, Cat."

"How ya doing?" Cat asked as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed like she's done plenty of times these last couple of weeks.

"I, uh, I," Miguel ran his hand through his hair. "I might never be able to use my legs again."

"Oh, Miggy."

"There is a surgery that could possibly help, but there's no guarantee. It's also really expensive."

Cat put her hand on his hand. "I'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end. Whether your legs work or not."

Miguel nodded. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better, Cat."

"Anytime, Miggy."

The two sat and talked for a while. It was nice to just relax a bit and not think about their worries. Cat was glad to not have to think or talk about karate and Miguel was glad to get his mind off his legs for a while.

"I know stuff you or well someone can help you do that might help with making it easier to get mobilization back in your legs," Cat said.

"What is it?" Miguel asked, sitting up a bit more.

"Well," Cat started. "Someone could move your legs in different motions and put them in different positions, and some other flexibility exercises like massaging them. It helps stimulate and strengthen the muscles. As well as enhances your range of motion, prevents injury, and reduces pain and stiffness."

"Really? How do you know?"

"Well, my mom wanted me to be a dancer and my dad wanted me to be a fighter. You learn a thing or two when your whole life has to do with the body and muscles," Cat shrugged.

The two brought what Cat said up to Carmen and the doctor. Cat was right. As part of its positive effects, muscle stimulation increases blood flow throughout the body and in the muscles. By contracting and relaxing muscles repeatedly, muscle contraction and relaxation act as a pump, resulting in increased blood flow in these muscles and throughout the body that is oxygenated. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the molecule that keeps your whole body going at all times. It is made by using oxygen to break down glucose in your body. (according to google)

(1186 words. Whatcha think?)
