Cat was lying in bed on her phone. It was a Sunday and she had no plans for the day. She didn't want to do anything, so just wanted to stay in bed all day. That is until there was a knock on the front apartment door. She groaned as she slowly got out of bed and made her way to the front door.

She opened the door. "What do you want?" she asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Hello to you too," Robby responded.

Cat turned and walked over to the kitchen as Robby lets himself in and closes the door behind himself. He followed her into the kitchen. He sat down at the counter as he looked at her as she looked through the cabinet.

"So why did you dye your hair again?" Robby asked.

"My friend wanted to 'flip the script'. So I helped him dye his hair and there was some leftover and somehow he convinced me to dye my bangs," Cat answered as she grabbed something from the back of her cabinet.

"One of the kids doing karate with my dad, right?"


Robby nodded.

"Want one?" She held out a 10-pack box of fruit snacks.

"Sure," Robby reached into the half-empty box and grabbed one. Cat grabbed on out too before putting the box back in the practically empty cabinet. "When do you work next?"

"Tomorrow," Cat sighed as she pushed herself up to sit on top of the counter. "Before school."

Robby nodded. "What time?"

"2:30 to 7:30." She laid back across the counter she sat on, throwing a fruit snack in her mouth.


Cat woke up at 1 AM. She yawned as she stretched and got out of bed. She sleepily stumbled to the bathroom. About 20 to 25 minutes later, she walked back out, wrapped in a towel. She changes into her work uniform and wraps her hair in the towel that was previously covering her body.

She packed her backpack with all her school stuff. Then she went over to her dresser and picked out some clothes, putting them in her backpack. She did everything else she had to do to be ready for both work and school before leaving her apartment, locking the door behind her.

She walked into work and clocked in, putting her bag in its spot. She went to her workstation and started cleaning it because whoever worked there before didn't seem to clean it before leaving. She worked in a kitchen, but it wasn't the best restaurant because like none of the workers gave a crap. They're just there to make money. So was she, but she was still one of the best workers.

After Cat was done cleaning her section, her work friend arrived. She smiled over at her friends as she walked over to her.

"Hey, Kitty."

Cat waved back and signed, 'Hi, Tory.'

Cat and Tory have been working together for a long time at this point. They actually work together for two jobs. They've become pretty good friends, but they only hang out outside of work every so often. They just don't get free time at the same time very often.

The two girls were seemingly the only ones that cared about keeping their jobs, yet if the manager was going to fire anyone the two of them would be the first to go. That's just how it is being the youngest workers there, seeing as they are both just teenagers.

Cat rushed to get to school after leaving the work bathroom, now wearing everyday clothes instead of her work uniform. Good thing she's one of the fastest on the track team. As soon as she got to the school she went to her locker where Eli, Demetri, and Miguel were already waiting for her.

"Hey, Cat," Miguel said, being the first to see her.

"Hi, Cat," Demetri said.

"Sup, Cat," Eli greeted.

Cat waved to all of them as a greeting before opening her locker. She did what she needed in her locker before closing it just as the warning bell rang. Miguel said bye to the three and went off to his class. The three walked in the opposite direction of Miguel towards their shared class.

(711 words. Let me know what you think!)
