Cat laid asleep next to Demetri. He was awake and was just watching her as she slept. It wasn't in a creepy way. He occasionally left a kiss on her forehead as he held onto her hands. He caressed his thumbs over the marks on her knuckles.

Demetri had hugged her so tight when he first saw her. He had been told about her getting hurt the night before. He had been really worried even though he was told she was fine. He was just relieved when he saw her. Of course, it's horrible that she's hurt, but he was worried that the injuries would be worse.

Demetri placed his hand gently on Cat's cheek. He lightly brushed his thumbs over her cheekbones and jawline. He kept examining her face, memorizing every inch of it. She had a light dusting of subtle freckles across her face. They were light, so they weren't very noticeable unless you looked closely. Her soft pink lips were slightly parted as she breathed softly. As of the night before she also had a cut going across them.

Demetri kissed Cat's forehead once more before pulling her closer to his chest, his chin on top of Cat's head. "Sleep well, beautiful," he muttered. He ran his fingers through her hair as he started to drift off to sleep.


"What the hell happened to you?" Robby asked as he saw Cat as she came around the dojo with Demetri and Eli. She was still bruised and whatnot from the other night.

"Some people tried to mug me," Cat shrugged.

"Someone mugged you?" Sam asked.

"Tried to mug me," Cat corrected. "I fought them off."

"Badass," Tory said. She and Cat did a handshake; hitting the front of their hands together than the back, then snapped their fingers.

(300 words. Whatcha think.)
