Cat groaned loudly as she went up to Eli, Demetri, and Miguel outside of the school. School ended about 10 minutes ago and the four of them planned to hang out. Cat had to talk with a teacher so the other three waited outside for her.

"Something wrong, Cat?" Demetri asked with a tinge of sarcasm.

After checking that no one else was around, she quietly said, "yes, Demetri," she rolled her eyes a little. "Something is wrong."

"What's wrong, Cat?" Eli asked as the group started walking.

"I have to join some stupid extracurricular."

"Why's that so bad?" Miguel asked.

"Well, because I've waited so long, there's only three options. Looks like I'm going to have to join track."

"What about the other options?"

"Well, the three options are track, speech and debate, and student government."

"Oh," Demetri said as he nodded a little. "Track makes sense now."

"Yeah," Eli agreed.

"So your options are basically to run or talk in front of people," Miguel said.

"Yup," Cat sighed. "But it's whatever I guess." She shrugged. "I go on runs pretty regularly anyway. I just don't really like being a part of school things more than I have to."

"You're so antisocial," Demetri said.

"So are you."

"Yeah, kinda I guess, but I'm not as bad as you."

(219 words. Sorry, it's short. It's kinda filler, I guess.) 
