Cat sat on the couch in her therapist's office. She's been going to her for months at this point, but she was still kinda nervous and uncomfortable about talking about things. She's never really talked about deep stuff with people before. Especially people that she hasn't known for a long time.

Cat glanced around the room, looking at everything other than the lady across from her. Her eyes finally landed on one thing, a vase of flowers on the small table near the door. Her knees were up to her chest, with her arms wrapped around them.

"So, how have things been since we last talked?" the therapist asked.

"Good," Cat said, she brushed hair loose out of her face. "My boyfriends and I told some people and don't feel like we have to hide our relationship anymore."

"That's great. How'd that go?"

"Pretty good."

The therapist nodded. "So how are they?"

"Good. We're going to go to the carnival with our friends this weekend."

"That should be fun."

Cat nodded. "Yeah."

"Is there anything in particular that you're looking forward to?"

"I don't know..." Cat said, tapping her fingers on her leg. "Maybe some of the arcade games? It can be fun to win different prizes."

"Mhm. Anything else?"

"Uh... just getting to spend time with everyone, I guess."

"Yeah. Tell me about your friends again."

"Well, uh, there's Eli and Demetri, who are my boyfriends," Cat started, sitting up a little more. "I've known them since we were like 5. We've been great friends ever since we met."

"Tell me more about that."

"We'd play together at the park where we met until we eventually started having sleepovers. We'd build legos, read comic books, and stuff like that. And, uh, they'd even play dolls with me and I got them to play dress up with me a couple of times," Cat smiled at the memories. "There was one time that Eli had on a feather bowa, with a fluffy shall, and star-shaped glasses. And Demetri had a Disney princess crown, heart-shaped glasses, and a, uh, an art smack on. And I had on some flower-shaped glasses, a cape, and a sparkly toto. We were all just playing some make-believe games in Eli's backyard, having fun. It was a great time."

"Sounds like a fond memory"

"Yeah," Cat nodded.

"What about your other friends?"

"Well, there's Robby. I met him a couple of years after I met Eli and Demetri. I think I was 7..? Anyway, uh, he's like the one of the people I'm the closest with. He knew about my parents way before anyone else. I told him when I got back after that summer. He's the person I knew I could tell anything to. He and I have been each other's support system for like ever."

"It's good to have people you can trust."

Cat nodded. "I'd trust him with my life," she muttered. "Anyway," Cat cleared her throat a little. "There's Tory, who I met at work. We worked a couple of the same jobs for a while. We were able to help each other out and became pretty close."


"There's Miguel. He started at our school over a year ago. He's cool. He became friends with Eli, Demetri, and me on his first day. He and I will send each other funny videos and memes and stuff. He and I randomly hang out. I'd consider him my bestie."

"What about the other people you mentioned?

"Well, Eli and Demetri are my boyfriends, and before that, I've liked them for a long time. Robby's like my brother from another mother. Tory... well, she's also one of my besties. She's my girl bestie and Miguel is my guy bestie."

"Ah, okay."

"There's also Sam. Out of everyone, I'm the least close with her. I still consider her one of my good friends, but if I had plans with her and one of the others asked to hang out, I wouldn't be opposed to changing plans."

"Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know," Cat shrugged. "Her and I used to not get along or see eye to eye. We get along better now, but I guess I'm still not over the past. I mean I've always had a hard time with trust and stuff."

"Well, it's good that you acknowledge it. The first step is knowing."

Cat nodded a little.

(740 words.)
