Cat was over at Miguel's because she, him, and Eli were hanging out. Well, they were supposed to be hanging out, but the boys started talking about karate and now they were outside sparring. Cat was sitting there watching them as she sat on her skateboard.

Miguel kicked Eli, sending him back, and making him fall to the ground. There was a loud thud and you could hear as the wind was knocked out of Eli. "Sorry, Hawk," Miguel said as he helped him up.

"Don't worry about it," Eli said, slightly out of breath. The two boys did their handshake.

"If you know how to fall correctly it wouldn't have been that bad," Cat said, gaining the attention of the two boys.

"How would you know?" A voice behind her said. She turned as the boys looked behind her. Standing there in his open doorway was Johnny Lawrence, current Cobra Kai sensei. He was holding a garbage bag.

"Uh," Cat hadn't realized he was there. She signed, 'I just know.'

"What's that mean?"

"She said she just knows," Hawk said.

"Why doesn't she just talk? She talked like a minute ago."

"She only talks in front of some people," Miguel explained.


"That's just how she is," Hawk said.

"Whatever," Johnny said before walking off.

"So how do you know?" Miguel asked, turning to Cat.

"I've taken a lot of falls," Cat shrugged.

"Oh, yeah, because you're a skateboarder," he pointed to the skateboard she was sitting on.

"Uh, yeah, just skateboarding," Cat scratched the back of her neck a little. "Eli, you should have tried to absorb the hit and roll with it. When you roll, you transfer the energy of the fall's impact into the roll rather than letting it go through your body. Oh and if you're falling forward you shouldn't put your hands out first. You should put your arms in front of your face. It could also help to turn your head to the side."

"I'll keep that in mind," Eli said with a small nod.

"So will I," Miguel said.

"Good," Cat said with a playful smirk.

The boys went back to sparing. Hawk threw a punch and Miguel dodged. Then it was the opposite. Then Miguel kicked him, making him stumble back. Hawk then punched Miguel. The fight continued until Miguel got 3 points. They got back into sparing positions ready to continue.

Hawk was about to throw a punch when Cat interrupted. "If you punch like that you'll break your hand," she said.

"She's right," Johnny said as he walked back to his apartment. Cat rolled her eyes a little. Why does he keep having to walk by whenever she talks? "We'll go over punching again next class." He then walked into his apartment, closing the door behind him.

"So how'd you know about the punch?" Miguel asked. "I get the falling because of skateboarding, but how do you know about punching?"

"Uhhh, my dad worked in a gym," Cat shrugged.

"Oh, yeah. He's some kind of personal trainer or some shit. Right?" Hawk said. Cat nodded.

She pulled out her phone after getting a text. It was Tory. Multiple people didn't show up at their work and they were packed. "I have to go." She stood up. "See you guys at school tomorrow."

"See ya, Cat," Eli said.

"Later, Cat," Miguel said.

Cat waved as she left. She quickly went to her apartment to grab her uniform before making her way to work. Neither manager was there, nor were like two other people who were supposed to be there. Tory knew she could count on Cat to show up when she needed help. Honestly, Tory wasn't sure she would have survived at this job for as long as she has without Cat by her side. They had started at the same time, were the same age, and both had home issues.

(651 words. I'm not sure how good this is, but I hope you like it!)
