Cat walked into her room holding a laundry basket. She sets the basket down on her dresser, pulls out her phone, looking at the time, "still another 15 minutes," she muttered and put on a song.

She sighed as she stretched. She pulled back her hair into a ponytail as she walked over to her mess of a bookshelf. She started organizing books and comics as she started humming along with the song. After a while, she checked the time again and saw it had been 12 minutes since she last checked.

She went over to her desk, sitting down in the desk chair. She grabbed her tablet and set it on its little rest stand and moved her computer to be in front of her. She turned off the music [after opening her laptop and turning on her tablet. She pulls up a multiplayer role-play game on her computer as she opens discord on her tablet, goes into a group chat, and hits the call button.

'Bering bering' the call rang until it was answered. "Hey, Cat."

"Hey, Eli."

"Ready to start the game?"

"Of course I am, E. I've been waiting for this all day."

Eli nodded. "So have I."

They both join the same world and game save.

"Now, we need to find the DragonStone before we can enter The Dinner," Eli recapped from the last time they played.

"So we're going to have to get to Dragon Village, where we'll find a dragon's cave, where we'll find the DragonStone, right?" Cat double-checks.

"Yeah and there's definitely going to be a lot of obstacles along the way."

"You think we can find it before D joins?"

Eli shrugged, "We'll be closer at least."

Cat nodded, "Oh, we should pick up some healing potions from the Adventurers' Guild."

The two's video game characters ran about on the computer screen. The characters ran into the guild building and over to the counter with a nonplayer character behind it. A menu with different purchase options showed up.

"I have enough coins to get two," Cat said.

"I have enough for 4 with some coins left," Eli said.

Cat and Eli played for about 15 minutes until Demetri joined the call and game.

"Hey, Demetri," Eli said.

"Hey, D," Cat said.

"Hey, Eli, Cat," Demetri said. "So where're we at?" 

"We're in the Dragon Village searching the dragon's cave for the DragonStone," Eli explained.

"Got it," Demetri nodded.

The three continued to play. They ended up having to fight the dragon's minions before being able to grab the DragonStone. They then went to the dinner where they gave it to the person at the opening of the dinner so they could get the next achievement. They talked to another NPC and got a quest. They worked on it and were able to complete it. After that, they did a couple of other game things before they realized it was very late and they had school tomorrow. They all said good night and closed the game, leaving the call.

(509 words. I don't really know what this was, but I hope you liked it!)
