( MAY 19 )

"hey, wy, you checked twitter recently?" jaeden asked his friend, chucking a pillow so that it hit the curly haired boy straight in his face. "no, why?" wyatt asked, pushing the pillow to the floor and flipping his friend off. "another girl claiming to be your soulmate." "oh, god." wyatt groaned with a sigh. "i've had atleast a hundred of them, and that's just from the girls." jaeden smirked at his friend, though he knew the feelings. "this one seems different, though. she didn't look like a crazed fan." "looks can be deceiving." wyatt countered, yet the boy logged into his twitter all the same. sure enough, there was a notification from jaedenβ€” and one from jeremyβ€” tagging him in this girl's post. from a first glance, wyatt could tell the girl's name was archer. his eyes flickered over the caption and he noticed that jaeden was right; she didn't seem crazy obsessed with him, and it didn't seem like a plea for attention. it seemed genuine. wyatt supposed there was only one way to find out. scrolling down slightly, wyatt let his eyes fall on the picture of the girl that was attatched to the tweet, and instantly, a strange feeling overcame him. his brown eyes widened as his face froze, only moving to utter two words; "oh, shit."

"what's up, wy?" jaeden asked, his blue eyes watching his best friend from across the room. "i checked the tweet," wyatt managed, his gaze still fixated on this photo of the girl, archer. "and what? just another phony fangirl?" the straight haired boy laughed, only to be cut short by the serious, flabbergasted look on wyatt's face. "this one wasn't fake, jae." the brown eyed boy spoke, and instantly, jaeden was up on his feet questioning him. "wait, really? she's your soulmate? you had the feeling? you know?" "yes, yes, yes and yes again," wyatt answered with a sigh as jaeden whistled lowly. "wow, didn't see that one coming." "let me see her." the boy spoke again after a few moments of silence used for comprehending the situation. "is she pretty?" "i mean, yeah." wyatt shrugged, handing his phone to jaeden so he could see. the boy's blue eyes widened as he chuckled. "wow, you got lucky, oleff." "i guess," wyatt agreed, taking his phone back from the older boy. "i should probably text her." "probably," jaeden nodded, sitting down beside him. "man, i still can't believe you found your soulmate on twitter. i didn't even know that was how that thing worked!" "me neither," wyatt shook his head. "me neither."
