( JUNE 14 )

imessage conversation

archerβ€” lion girl🦁
wyattβ€” noodle head🀧

noodle head🀧
you excited to meet me?
you don't have long to wait now

lion girl🦁
oh, overjoyed

noodle head🀧
man, nothing but sarcasm with
you isn't it

lion girl🦁
i'm sorry
i am genuinely very exited
to meet you

noodle head🀧
i don't believe you

lion girl🦁

noodle head🀧
uh, what is that

lion girl🦁
proof that i am excited
featuring my little monkey
who i am yet to name

noodle head🀧
ooo can i help you name him?

lion girl🦁
bold of you to assume that my
monkey is a him

noodle head🀧
my apologies
what pronouns does your monkey

lion girl🦁
but you shouldn't assume

noodle head🀧
and you shouldn't be so

lion girl🦁
it's one of my most charming

noodle head🀧
i can tell

lion girl🦁
so, what name suggestions
do you have?

noodle head🀧

lion girl🦁
i am not naming my monkey

noodle head🀧
too late
i already signed the birth certificate
and named myself malcolm's father

lion girl🦁
wow, i've known you a month
and we already have a child

noodle head🀧
it's an ugly ass child

lion girl🦁
he gets it from you

noodle head🀧
ouch that was harsh

lion girl🦁
i'm kidding i'm kidding
you're very attractive and you
know it
hopefully malcolm will grow
into his looks like you did

noodle head🀧
that was surprisingly sweet
for you archer

lion girl🦁
i have my moments

noodle head🀧
also, considering we're being
nice to me now, can we change
the name of the conversation?

lion girl🦁
sure thing boss

lion girl🦁 changed the name of the chat to "MALCOLM'S CO-PARENTS"

noodle head🀧
why co-parents and not just

lion girl🦁
because we're not together so

noodle head🀧
so when we are together we can
be his parents?

lion girl🦁

noodle head🀧
that's the plan

lion girl🦁
wow, i never knew the great
wyatt oleff was such a flirt

noodle head🀧
well i've finally found someone
worth flirting with
