( MAY 25 )



"woah, there, buckaroo. a warning
would have been nice."

"sorry. i'm guessing you don't
facetime people much?"

"only my grandma who lives
in canada. and she doesn't know
how to use a phone."

"well- surprise."

"could've atleast let me sort
myself out first. i only just woke
up and i look a mess."

"you look great, archer. and how
did you only just wake up? it's
two in the afternoon."

"time zones my dear wyatt. it's
actually five in the evening here."

"oh- what?"

"i took a nap when i got
back from school. also, it's
monday. aren't you at school?"

"i'm homeschooled. so as long
as i do my work, my mom lets
me off whenever."

"awe, momma's boy."

"shut up. speaking of which,
where are your parents?"

"hmm, let's see. one sec."

"mom! dad! come say hi to
my friend!"

"who's your friend?"

"his name's wyatt."

"hi, wyatt, sweetie."


"isn't he the kid from
that clown movie?"


"it's fine. yeah, i am.
it's nice to meet you both."

"nice to meet you too

"and there are my parents.
they're a bit, extra."

"they seem great."

"honestly, they are. i'm
going to be asked so many
questions about you later,

"make sure to tell them how
awesome i am."

"i'll be sure to mention
how cocky you are, too."

"you're so funny, you."

"i pride myself on it."

"so, what you been up to?"

"school. because some of us
aren't all famous and still
have to attend."

"i mean, i couldn't say
whether going would be good
or bad, as i've never been."

"bad. high school sucks.
the only thing that keeps
me going through it is
my friends."

"oh, yeah. i saw some of
them commenting on my
post the other day."

"yeah. i think it was hope,
abs, and maybe tigger? i
don't remember, it was too
long ago."

"it was like on saturday."

"and today's monday. too
long ago."

"if you say so."

"nah, school isn't too bad.
we only have a month left
until summer, so."

"yeah, jack and finn were
on about that. pestering me
to meet you when summer

"it offends me that you
would even have to be
pestered to meet me.
surely you should want

"wow, and you say i'm

"shut up, noodle head."

"no, you shut up, lion

"lion girl?"

"your last name means
lion, right?"

"it does. i'm impressed,

"wow, thank god. all i
ever aim to do is impress
you, archer."

"did you just stick your
tongue out at me?"


"you're such a child."

"i'm not even a year
younger than you. and
you play pokemon go."

"and you don't?"

"no, because i am

"you're bullshitting me."

"you're annoying."

"no, i'm adorable."

"the two are not mutually
exclusive, oleff."

"so you admit i'm adorable?"

"oh, look at that. pizza's here."

"oh, i see how it is. you just
don't want to admit how
adorable i am."

"there's that. but also my
pizza's here. talk later,

"in a bit, lion girl."

