( JULY 4 )

wyeetolaf just posted a photo!

liked by jaedenwesley and 42 others
wyeetolaf so she hasn't shut up in legit fourty eight hours about something that i didn't mean to tell her so this is my revenge: the dumbass fell asleep on our date last week

tagged: @ahhhrcher

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archibald i'd love to say i'm surprised but i'm really not

sophialillis imagine looking that pretty asleep
β€·yosophz straight facts doe

finnwolfhardofficial wow archer this is BAD
β€·ahhhrcher hate u finnyπŸ₯°

jackdgrazer wait what did he accidentally tell you that resulted in him posting this embarrassment
β€·ahhhrcher first of all fuck u
β€·ahhhrcher and secondly, wy told me about a kith kith
β€·hopeydopey a kith kith?
β€·wyeetolaf shut the FUCK UP ARCHER

jaedenwesley wait
β€·chosenjacobs rip jaeden 2020
β€·teagone holla holla holla
β€·wyeetolaf jaeden don't say a word
‷ahhhrcher JYATT JYATT JYATT 😎
β€·jaedenwesley it was one time ok :(

jeremyraytaylor actually forgot abt that for a hot minute
β€·finnwolfhardoffical HOW-

jackdgrazer that kiss was hot tho no lie
β€·wyeetolaf jack what the hell

ahhhrcher JYATT

ahhhrcher also why would u post this demon

this is PURELY fictional
before y'all get pressed
and is just here to appease
my jyatt heart
