( JULY 20 )

when archer and abs stepped out of lax and into the warm california air, jaeden was there to greet them. when she caught sight of the currently blonde boy waving at her, the girl almost did a double take. it was so weird to think that she was here in la, meeting jaeden martell, her celebrity idol. not only that, but here and jaeden were actually friends, and soon enough, if all went to plan, archer would be back dating wyatt oleff. the whole situation seemed so surreal to her, and, apparently, it felt the same to abs.

"i can't believe that's jaeden fucking martell," tbe curly haired boy whispered to archer, who just nodded in agreement as jaeden approached. "archer, abs, hey!" jaeden grinned, pulling archer into a hug and shaking abs' hand before the taller boy rolled his eyes and pulled jae into a hug aswell. "how was your flight?" the blonde questioned, and archer shrugged. "it was pretty good." abs scoffed. "how would you know? you fell asleep ten minutes in." "shut up," archer insisted, shoving her friend's arm playfully. jaeden grinned, but his smile was faulted when he noticed the flash of cameras. "come on," the boy said to the other two. "we don't want the paparazzi seeing us."

after calling an uber back to the martell household, jaeden, archer and abs took a seat in jaeden's house, unsure of what the next move was. "so, what happens now?" jaeden questioned the girl, who simply shrugged. "i don't know." "do you think you're ready to see wyatt yet?" abs raised his eyebrows at his best friend, who shook her head sadly. abs sighed lowly, but the solemn mood was cut up when jaeden began grinning. "we could always go eat?"

jaeden took archer and abs to a restaurant on the beach front in los angeles. it still seemed so strange to be in the presence of someone archer had looked up to for the last three years, but she couldn't deny, jaeden was as nice as she'd hoped. the boy was so fun to be around, and he was genuinely the sweetest human being. the meal was helping to keep archer's mind off of wyatt, and the impending doom that tomorrow would bring. she hoped with all her heart that she would be able to forgive him, for both of their sakes.
