( JULY 19 )

the last week of wyatt's life had probably been the worst he had ever experienced. since he fucked up royally and cheated on archer, he'd never felt more alone. sure, jaeden had still spoken to him and tried to help him, as had nic and chosen, but the rest of his friends hadn't said a word to him. all of them had sided with archer, even jaeden, and he couldn't blame them. what he did was wrong, and wyatt was one hundred percent prepared to do anything to make it right.

in all honesty, wyatt had been dying to check up on archer, ask her how she was doing, but she had said that she needed time, and he respected that. the girl hadn't uploaded anything onto her twitter or main instagram page, and, as wyatt noticed the other day, he had been blocked from her private; he couldn't blame her. every part of wyatt had been itching to catch a flight back to west virginia to see the girl and try and make things right, but jaeden had advised him not to, so he didn't.

with a sigh, wyatt flopped down on his bed, picking up his phone and deciding to ring jaeden in an attempt to cure his boredom and to lessen his desire to ring archer. after just two rings, jae picked up, and the two boys spoke for hours about anything and everything, though mainly just about the girl wyatt felt so deeply for. "so, what you doing tomorrow? fancy heading to the beach?" wyatt questioned his best friend, pretending he didn't notice how jaeden's voice caught in his throat at his words. "i-i can't, sorry wy," jaeden answered, causing wyatt to raise an eyebrow. "why? you meeting someone else?" the dark haired boy stumbled slightly over his words at the other end of the phone, which wyatt took as a sign to keep questioning.

"wait, you're not going on a date, are you?" wyatt mused, his eyebrows raised so high they became lost under his curls. the boy heard jaeden sigh on the other end of the phone before he answered with a, "yeah. you got me." "oh, my god!" wyatt exclaimed. "is it with that october girl you met at the party on my birthday?" wyatt's voice faded out at the mention of the party, and he wasn't really listening as jaeden failed to come up with some sort of cover story.

his mood being considerably soured, wyatt hung up the phone call not long after, and instead took once again to moping on his bed, scrolling through archer's instagram and trying to think of a way to fix what he had done.
