( JULY 13 )

it was seven pm on wyatt's birthday, and whilst the boy had initially had no plans for the day, finn had flown in from vancouver and insisted that the boy attended this party that one of his friends was throwing. whilst he didn't really want to, as soon as jack got wind of the idea, there was no talking him out of it. after readying himself, he waited patiently in his living room for chosen to pull up outside. his phone chimed with texts from archer, but he couldn't bring himself to answer them, and he hated himself for it.

in all honestly, wyatt didn't know what was going on with him. he knew archer was right when she said he was being off, but he just couldn't seem to snap out of it. sure, he cared for the girl so much and he loved spending time with herβ€” he was overjoyed to be her soulmateβ€” but wyatt couldn't help but feel just a little bitter that he had to find his soulmate so soon, yet be so far away from her. but, jaeden was right. they'd be together no matter what.

chosen pulled up outside five minutes later with jack, finn and jaeden all in the back of his car. he climbed into the passenger seat, grinning at his friends as they all wished him a happy birthday and punched his arms playfully, deciding to silence his phone as it chimed once again. "that archer?" jaeden asked him, and, despite the fact he was obviously bluffing, wyatt shook his head. "nah. just a cousin wishing me a good day." jaeden didn't seem to believe him, but said nothing else, and the five drove off in a comfortable buzz of conversation.

wyatt had been at the party for maybe two hours, and he'd already had far too much to drink. finn and jack were lost in the crowds long ago, talking to various different girls, chosen had wandered off with some other people he knew, and it was only jaeden who was stuck by wyatt. "i think you should slow down on the drink, buddy," jae laughed, taking wyatt's cup from his hand and placing it onto a nearby table. noticing his best friend's disheartened look, the blue eyed boy sat down beside wyatt slowly. "what's wrong, wy? why do you seem so sad?"

"i don't know, really," wyatt responded. "i guess it's just the archer thing. not being around your soulmate sucks." jaeden's face softened. "yeah, i'm sorry about that, wy. but hey, it's your seventeenth, we're at a party, you may aswell try to have a good time." wyatt nodded at his friend, taking his drink back and taking a long swig. "you're right, jae. let's go have a good time." jaeden smiled, helping wyatt up as the pair wandered back into the roaring crowds.

it was well into the night now, maybe eleven, maybe twelve, wyatt didn't know. the boy had consumed copious amounts of alcohol and certainly wasn't in his right mind. the last he saw of jaeden was the boy grinning like a maniac claiming he'd found his soulmate, and quickly shoving a british red haired girl towards him who introduced herself as october. wyatt hadn't seen any of his other friends up until now, but he didn't seem to mind; the only company he needed was his red solo cup. this was, until, he spotted a familiar head of dark brown hair and a large smile.

"cassy!" wyatt's voice was slurred as he greeted his ex girlfriend who turned to face him. cassy looked just as pretty as she had when they first broke up nearing eighteen months ago, and in wyatt's drunken state, that seemed to surpass everything she had put him through. "wyatt, hi!" cassy grinned, heading over to him, her cup sloshing with alcohol as she skipped. "how've you been?" "good," wyatt answered, ignoring how much her sickly sweet voice grated at the edge of his nerves. "so, i saw that you met your soulmate," the brown haired girl mused, batting her eyelashes. wyatt simply nodded. "is she, about?" cassy gave wyatt a large, toothy smile. "no, she lives in west virginia." the boy answered, and he didn't quite see where this was going until it happened.

cassy pressed her lips to wyatt's hurriedly, and the alcohol and whatever had been going on inside wyatt these past few days kissed back just as fast. the kiss was rushed, and stopped hurriedly, and then cassy simply grabbed wyatt's hand and dragged him up the stairs, throwing him her signature trouble making smile like she had back when they were together, and wyatt had no trouble following. jaeden had told him to have fun, right?

sorry but i couldn't not make october
and jaeden soulmates πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
also ew cassy and ew wyatt what
are you doing
i'm so sorry prepare for angst
also the faceclaim for cassy is
jenna ortega
