( JULY 1 )

wyatt woke crazy early on the morning of july first, having a flight to catch at just four am and make his way back to la after only ten short days with archer. after getting dressed and finishing up some last minute packing, wyatt headed next door to wake up a sleeping archer. the curly haired boy knocked once, twice on the wood of her bedroom door, and when he heard a slight groan, he headed inside.

archer was barely awake as she cracked open an eye to look at wyatt. "why do you have to leave so early?" she whined, and wyatt stifled a chuckle at her messy bed head. "in fact, why do you have to leave at all?" slowly, the boy'f bare feet padded towards archer's bed before he climbed on top and wrapped his arms around the girl. "i wish i could stay longer." he mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, and archer smiled at the gesture.

"it'll be okay, wy," archer said lowly, nuzzling into wyatt. "we're soulmates. we have the rest of our lives together. we can go a little while longer whilst we live apart and you have your career." "yeah, we can." wyatt grinned, turning his face so that he was looking at archer, and leant in for a kiss. "nope, no siree, bub." archer shook her head, turning her face away from wyatt who pouted unhappily. "no kissing until you've brushed your teeth."

after another ten minutes of lounging around and postponing the inevitable, wyatt and archer were climbing into archer's mom's car, and started making their way towards the airport. they arrived perhaps fourty minutes later, and mel went and parked around the back, allowing archer and wyatt some time alone.

the pair checked wyatt's luggage in before beginning to make their way to the gate. they wandered in a comfortable yet melancholy silence, neither of them wanting their time together to end as their hands were intertwined. a few people here and there recognised wyatt, but there weren't too many fans, as it was still stupidly early in the morning, not even four. as the pair made it to gate thirteen b, archer let out a sigh before turning to face wyatt.

"i'm going to miss you, dumbass." the girl grinned, causing wyatt to roll his eyes. "not enough for you to stop insulting me, though." "we're not quite there yet." archer answered before pulling the boy into a hug. wyatt accepted, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head upon the top of hers. "y'know, i had my doubts, but i'm really glad you're my soulmate, archer." he said honestly, and archer looked up at him, blinking away a tear that was pricking in the corner of her eye. "i'm glad you're mine, wy."

after one final kiss, wyatt waved goodbye and headed off on his flight, leaving archer to make her way back to her car alone. sure, her heart ached, but she was happy. she had wyatt by her side forever. what could be better?
