( JUNE 21 )

wyatt and archer clambered into the back of a sleek black car which had pulled up beside them in the parking lot. archer's mom smiled at the pair, introducing herself as mel, and wyatt smiled at her politely. he noticed how much the woman looked like archer, with her long dark hair and warm brown eyes. the pair sat in a somewhat awkward silence, unsure of what to say to each other during their first meeting. instead, they just listened to the buzz of the radio as mel drove back towards the singh household.

when they arrived, wyatt was greeted by archer's father, nigel, who was also like archer in his own way. also at the door way, unexpected to both archer and wyatt, was a tall boy with golden curls and a great smile on his face. "if it isn't wyatt oleff," abs laughed, ignoring the death glare he was receiving from archer. "abs, right?" the actor checked before throwing the boy a grin as abs nodded. "so, tell me, first impressions of archer?" "abs, shut up." archer insisted, but the boy continued anyway, leading wyatt into the house and to the familiar living room which wyatt had seem many times through numerous facetime calls with the girl. "not bad." wyatt joked, taking a seat on one of the grey couches. "not as funny as i thought she would be." "excuse me," the dark haired girl insisted, tossing a pillow at wyatt which instantly relieved the awkward tension that had formed between the two. "i am fucking hilarious, oleff." "kind of aggressive, too." wyatt continued, causing a smile to break out on abs' face. "don't i know it."

abs returned home shortly after, as it was approaching dinner time, leaving wyatt and archer alone for the first time in since the boy's arrival in west virginia. silence consumed the two as they sat on opposite couches in the large room, the only noise the ticking of the clock in the far corner. then, suddenly, out of the blue, archer spoke. "so, do you want to meet your child?" "what?" wyatt's brown eyes became wide before it dawned on him what the girl meant. "oh, you mean malcolm." "what else was i going to mean?" archer questioned before a loud spurt of laughter escaped from her lips. "what can i say? that's just not how people normally greet me." wyatt argued, though he too was racked with laughter. "you must have had your fair share of weird greeting from fans, though." the girl said after calming down slightly. "oh, many." the curly boy nodded, cracking up again. "particularly people claiming to be my soulmate." archer gave a small smile as wyatt continued. "i'm glad it's you and not them, though."

just for u faith <3
