( MAY 13 )

"happy eighteenth archer, you loser!" abs joked as his best friend opened the door to him. archer grinned back at the curly haired boy who had grown considerably over the last two years, and now stood well over six foot tall. archer was, of course, still as short as ever. "come on, abs," the girl insisted. "we're gonna be late, and you're driving." "how can you be late to your own party?" the boy questioned, yet he caught the keys that archer threw him and climbed into the car all the same.

roughly ten minutes later, the pair arrived at teagan's house, and were greeted by the girl herself, alongside hope, sophie and gracie. "happy birthday dumbass," hope grinned, pulling her best friend into a hug, and the other girls all did the same. "alright," teagan smiled. "now we're just waiting for the others." "who else did you invite?" archer questioned, only for teagan to shake her head slightly with a knowing wink. "you'll see."

sure enough, people started flocking into the party. first there was a few friends from school, including hope's newly found soulmate, george. mickey showed up shortly after, and archer grinned happily as the boy wrapped his arms around his taller boyfriend and pulled him in for a kiss. a few more people entered, all wishing archer a happy birthday before the girl heard hope squeal as a familiar head of dark curly hair peered round the door.

"finn!" archer yelled, rushing forward and pulling the lanky boy into a bone crushing hug. "i haven't seen you in so long! how've you been?" the girl yelled, causing finn to laugh. over the past two years, archer had remained friends with a lot of the cast, particularly finn and jaeden, though she hadn't seen them in ages.

surely enough, after archer had greeted finn, she watched as the rest of the cast wandered through the door, each one with a large smile and holding a present. first came jack, then chosen, then sophia and jeremy, and finally came jaeden. as archer pulled the dark haired boy into a hug, jaeden smiled smally. "happy eighteenth arch," the boy said. "and, uh, my present, well. it's either simultaneously the best or the worst out of the bunch." "what do you-" before archer had chance to finish questioning jaeden's comment, another head peered round the door of the party.

"wyatt," archer breathed, her heart racing at seeing the boy for the first time in nearly two years. the boy's curly hair was cut short and sat loosely atop his head, and he didn't have the beard that she remembered seeing in the last photo finn had sent her. not that she had been checking up on him over the last two years. or thinking of him at all. nope, definitely not. "hi, archer," the boy smiled. he seemed to have grown a few inches since the pair were last together, and now loomed over archer.

"you two reckon you're ready to talk things out?" sophie questioned from where the group had gathered behind archer and wyatt. archer raised her eyebrows at wyatt, whos brown eyes glistened sadly. "i'm so sorry, arch. for everything i put you through. but i've taken some time, and i've decided that maybe two years without my soulmate was more than enough." "oh, yeah?" archer questioned, her voice barely a whisper, and wyatt nodded. "yeah. forgive me?" instead of answering, archer simply leant forwards, pushing herself up onto her tiptoes and kissing her soulmate for the first time in two years.

because that's the thing about soulmates. even when things fall apart, they'll always find their way back to each other. it's the way the universe intended.
