
"Oh my god."

Melanie and Emilia stood in front of the building, Emilia looked up to the blonde in shock. The building was full of people from their school and people were still arriving. The abandoned arcade building was decked out in fairy lights and decorations that Emilia loved, Emilia smiled at the effort Melanie put into the party.

"Isn't it amazing!" Melanie beamed with a smile, her arm linked with Emilia's.

"Theres so many people." Emilia blurted, "I don't even know half of these people."

"I mean i did invite the whole school." Melanie shrugged, smoothing out her purple mini dress.

"Melanie!" Emilia groaned, remembering telling Melanie that she didn't even want a party, "How did you even manage to find this place?"

"My dad owns it, i figured it would be the best place for a party." Melanie answered,noticing Derek approaching them "I'm going to leave you to it, birthday girl."

"You came!"Emilia said happily once Derek reached her.

"I'm not going to miss my girlfriends birthday." Derek replied looking at the party in front of them "For someone who hates parties this is a pretty big one."

"It wasn't my idea." Emilia admitted, playing with the bottom of her baby pink flowy mini dress.

"Well, your party awaits miss Bennett." Derek said in a sing song voice, taking ahold of Emilia's hand.

"Ugh dont remind me." Emilia sighed, letting Derek drag her into the party.

"You missed your grand entrance! whatever you were doing, it better be worth it." Camden exclaimed, calming down as he noticed Derek stood next to her.

"Definitely worth it." Camden smirked, turning back to the crowd of teenagers dancing "I'm going to, uh, go."

"Come on." Derek led her over the Photo Booth in the corner.

"How did you know?" Emilia asked in surprise, wondering how he knew thats where she wanted to go.

"You wouldn't stop staring at it when we first walked in." Derek shrugged, pressing go on the screen "ready?"

"Silly!" Emilia instructed as the two of them pulled silly faces, Derek glowed his golden eyes as the as the flash went so it didn't cause a light beam on the photos, a trick Peter taught him when he was younger.

"Cute!" Emilia smiled to the camera as she leaned her head on Derek's shoulder.

Emilia turned to face Derek smiling as she placed her lips against his, the two of them forgetting that the photos were being taken. Emilia let out a laugh as Derek placed kisses down her cheek onto her neck, both of them pulling away as the final photo took.

"I think its time we joined the party." Derek spoke up as they exited the booth, Emilia placing the photo in her clutch bag hanging down next to her hips.

"Good idea." Emilia agreed, holding onto the chain of her bag smiling up at Melanie as she skipped over to them.

"You my friend need a drink." Melanie handing them cups, stumbling slightly leaning on Camden for support as he came up behind her "And one for your boyfriend."

"Melanie are you drunk? already." Emilia asked in surprise, taking in one of her best friends appearance.

"Yes she is." Camden answered dragging Melanie away to sober her up, rolling his eyes as he turned back to see Emilia giving him an encouraging thumbs up.

"Did you see that?" Emilia asked her boyfriend, pointing to the two blondes "They are being nice to each other!"

"Well Melanie just broke up with Chuck." Derek suggested.

"You know about cami?" Emilia questioned in surprise, dancing along to the music.

"What's cami?" Derek spoke in confusion, taking a sip of his drink.

"Their ship name, well Camden and Melanie's." Emilia explained, downing her drink before placing it on the table.

"Oh right." Derek laughed as he watched his girlfriends face scrunch up after drinking too much of her drink at once, "Yeah Camden accidentally told me."

"Maybe they will finally get together."Emilia shook off the buzz, "it will be less awkward when we all hang out."

"Wait i thought they broke up?" Derek asked as he finished his drink, placing the solo cup on the table next to Emilia's.

"They have." Emilia shrugged, "They figured its better to be friends, now they're like besties or something."

"Well i found Chuck." Derek pointed out, the two of them laughing once they spotted charlie in the middle of a dance battle with some overly intoxicated member of the basketball team.

"Typical." Emilia giggled, pulling on his hands so he would dance with her "Ooh, i love this song."

"Derek!" Emilia laughed as Derek twirled her around, gripping onto his back tightly as he dipped her.


"Okay so your present has arrived!" Melanie sang dragging Emilia outside where all of the others stood waiting.

"What are you talking about?" Emilia asked looking up to the group in confusion.

"Camden and i have a surprise for you." Melanie grinned, motioning to the car.

"You got me a car?" Emilia announced, looking at the black vehicle with a frown.

"No Emilia, we didn't get you a car." Camden laughed, covering her eyes with his hands.

"Well i forgot to get you a gift , so whatever this is, its from me to." Charlie spoke up, Emilia laughed with a nod.

"Okay, keep your eyes shut!" Camden instructed, walking away to open the car door.

"Open!" Melanie squealed, waiting for Emilia's reaction excitedly.

"Blair!" Emilia gasped running forward to her best friend, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Hey Em." Blair beamed, pulling away from the hug only to be pulled into another by Camden.

"I missed you so much." Emilia giggled, Camden practically hanging off her shoulders.

"I missed you guys more!" Blair rolled her eyes, pushing Camden off Emilia before she fell to the floor.

After spending a year apart everything still felt the same to the three teens, like they hadn't been apart for so long.

"What are you doing back here?" Emilia questioned, unable to stop smelling.

"My dad wants to open a new office so I'm back for senior year!" Blair smiled as she watched Emilia look up at her in shock.

"No way!" Emilia blurted, forgetting about her friends behind her.

"And i came back early, i couldn't miss my best friends birthday could i?" Blair started, looking at the others stood behind Emilia "i know I've only been gone for a year, but can someone explain to me what has happened?"

"Oh right!" Emilia began, motioning to the others "Obviously you know Camden, and Mel."

"Blair meet Derek and Charlie or Chuck, he goes by both, Derek and Charlie meet Blair." Camden finished, pointing to the boys.

"Since when we you friends with popular people." Blair whispered, walking over the boys.

"I have no idea." Emilia whispered back, smiling up at her boyfriend.

"Lets get back to the party." Melanie spoke up, watching Emilia take Derek's hand pulling him back into the party.

"So how long have they been a thing?"Blair asked looking at the couple with a smile, watching her best friend laugh happily at something Derek said.

Blair didn't expect Emilia to make new friends let alone get a boyfriend, Emilia's trust issues always prevented her from doing so, Blair knew she would have to talk to her best friend about this.

"When it comes to Derek and Emilia we barley know anything" Melanie replied, "We literally have to shake any information we can get out of them."

"I'm sure i can change that." Blair declared, heading to the dance floor with the rest of the group.


"Id really love to see you as drunk as them two." Laura admitted, pointing over to Emilia and Melanie dancing to some made up routine.

"Oh god." Derek mumbled with a smile, watching his girlfriend and Melanie dancing in sync.

"Well little brother, you look happy." Laura pointed out, nudging his shoulder.

"You could say that." Derek responded.

"Is this something to do with the birthday girl?" Laura asked, watching Derek as he smiled looking at Emilia dancing with Blair and Melanie "You really like her, dont you?"

"I do." Derek nodded, looking back to his sister.

"Are you going to ask her out?" Laura questioned, trying to get as much information as she could to tell Cora later.

"Who said we aren't already going out?" Derek hinted, slowly backing away from his older sister.

"Derek Hale you better explain yourself!" Laura shouted after him, drawing no attention to herself as the music was so loud.

"Bye laura!" Derek laughed, making his way over to Emilia.

"Derek!" Emilia exclaimed, stumbling into her boyfriend.

"Wow, careful." Derek said helping her stand straight.

"I think I'm drunk." Emilia slurred, looking up Derek tiredly.

"Yep." Derek replied, holding onto her ams tightly so she didn't fall "You are so drunk."

"I never drink." Emilia denied, motioning with her thumb and pointer finger how 'little' she had "but i had just a few."

"I think its time to get you home." Derek decided, helping Emilia walk over to the exit.

"I cant go home, Melissa's working and Scotty is with Stilinski." Emilia replied in a sing song voice, the names sounding nothing like they were supposed to.

"What about your moms house." Derek suggested, helping Emilia into his car, making sure the seatbelt was on properly.

"She's long gone." Emilia trailed off, leaning back into the chair in a daze.

Derek knew about how unreliable Emilia's mother was, he'd heard Jason complaining about her for years, but he didn't expect her to actually leave them for good.


"You have to really quiet." Derek whispered, his arm wrapped around his girlfriends waist tightly as she held her heels in her hand "Don't make a sound."

"Oops." Emilia giggled, gasping quietly covering her mouth.

"This way." Derek pointed to his room, picking up his girlfriend before she passed out in the middle of the hallway.

"Derek, you were so cute!" Emilia gasped pointing at a baby picture of him hanging on the wall,Derek chuckled putting his hand over her mouth before she made anymore noise.

Derek carried Emilia into his room, placing her gently on the bed, lying down next to her.

"Thank you for taking care of me." Emilia mumbled, lying her head on his chest.

"I'm always going to take care of you." Derek promised, running his hand through her hair "Goodnight lia."

"Night Derek."


"Lia." Derek whispered, shaking his girlfriends shoulder slightly "Come on we have to go."

"But your beds so comfortable." Emilia grumbled turning away from him, snuggling into his pillow.

"Derek!" Emilia squealed gripping onto him as he picked her up from his bed, carrying her in the bridal position before placing her back on the ground.

"Shh!" Derek whispered, handing Emilia her bag from last night.

"Everyones asleep, they won't hear us." Emilia stated quietly, putting the chain on her shoulder while carrying her heels in her hands.

"They're light sleepers." Derek answered,holding Emilia's hand as he got her out of the house as quickly as possible.

"Did i completely embarrass myself last night?" Emilia asked sliding on her heels once they were out of the door, not sure wether she wanted to know the answer.

"Well your dance with Melanie was something." Derek pointed out, watching his girlfriend look up at him in shock.

"Oh no."


"Morning derek." Talia smiled at her son, turning back to talk to Laura at the dining room table"How was the party? "

"Fun." Laura responded, taking a bite of her toast "Well more fun for derek. "

"Where's Emilia?" Cora spoke up in confusion, walking into the room sitting down next to Laura.

"What are you on about, sweetie?" Talia asked, looking up to her children.

"Derek brought Emilia home last night." Cora replied simply putting a slice of toast on her place, taking the butter from Peter's hands.

"Derek..." Talia started, sharing a worried glance with her husband.

"Sneaking your girlfriend into a house full of werewolves, risky move Derek." Peter joked, stealing the butter back from cora.

"I don't know what your talking about." Derek rushed, taking a slice of toast from the place before rushing out of the room "I'm going to Practice . Bye!"

"We can hear your heartbeat!" Peter shouted after his nephew.

"Nothing happened!" Derek shouted back, sliding on his trainers.

"Sure..." Laura added, causing Talia to glare at her eldest daughter.

"Shut up laura!"


"Sorry I'm late!" Emilia apologised jogging over to the girls warming up, "I had to drop Scott off with Stiles after work."

"Its alright we haven't really done much anyways." Blair piped, standing up once Emilia reached them.

"You're already on the team?" Emilia asked, motioning to the cheer uniform on Blairs body.

"Of course!"Blair grinned, grabbing Melanie and Emilia's hands before pulling them over to the bleachers.

"Thats my boy!" Bobby Finstock cheered, patting Derek on the back as he jogged over to him "You see that? thats how you all should be playing!"

"Scott, stop staring at the girls!" Bobby's loud voice echoed through the sports hall, snapping charlie out of his gaze.

"Sorry!" Charlie caught the basketball that Bobby threw at him, walking away from where he and Camden stood.

"Everyone take ten!" Bobby waved his clipboard in the air before walking off to probably shout at a player.

"On a scale of one to ten, how gorgeous do i look today?" Charlie asked Derek the same question he previously asked Camden, hoping for a better answer than 'eh, average'.

"On a scale of one to ten, how much do you want me to boost your ego?" Derek mocked, throwing the ball into the basket with ease.

"Seriously, do you think Kara will agree to go on a date with me?" Charlie asked again with a serious tone, catching the ball before Derek could throw another shot.

"You're Charlie Scott, nobody turns you down." Derek encouraged, "You can do this buddy."

"Im Charlie scott. Nobody turns me down." Charlie repeated, nodding to himself.

"Go get em, sexy!"Derek laughed, pushing his friend towards the group of cheerleaders.

"Go find your girlfriend, hottie!" Charlie joked, staring at Derek in confusion as he stopped walking and turned back to the curly haired boy.

"How did you find out about that?" Derek asked in surprise, wondering how he found out.

"Dude i was joking." Charlie started, "Wait, hold on."

"Got to go." Derek waved, jogging in the opposite direction.

"We are talking about this later!" Charlie shouted after him, chuckling as Derek waved him off.

"I cant believe you actually joined the team." Blair said in disbelief, knowing how her best friend felt before she left.

"I didn't actually agree to it." Emilia replied, nudging Melanie in the hip with her elbow.

"I forced her." Melanie grinned, earning a high five from Blair.

"Stop being cute, i'll throw up." Blair groaned watching Emilia and Derek stare at each other.

"Shut up, you're just mad because Jason isn't here." Emilia teased, turning her attention back to the girls.

"Okay maybe." Blair admitted, rolling her eyes.

"Why's Annie staring at me?" Emilia asked, looking up the the group of sophmores sat on the opposite blechcers.

"Because you have a thing with derek hale." Melanie shrugged, Blair nodded in agreement.

"Hey Annie! stop staring at my best friend, before i make you." Blair shouted as she stood up from her seat, smirking as the group of girls stared at them in shock.

"Excuse me, i have a bitch to kill." Blair said watching the girls whisper between themselves.

"I think i'll join you." Melanie linked arms with Blair, the two of them making their way across the hall.

"I think it was a bad idea leaving the two of them together." Emilia laughed walking over to Derek , watching the two teens intimidate the sophomores.

"I agree."


Emilia sat at her desk writing out a essay for the english homework, luckily for her she had done most of it in class while the teacher wasn't looking. Looking at the picture from the photo booth pinned on her wall from the other night, with a smile on her face as she stopped writing.

Despite the circumstances of her life, for once she felt truly happy.


turns out this book might be longer than i expected, but the first part will be longer that part two.

- Ebony
