- 8

"Where are we going?" Emilia asked as she and Camden walked across the cafeteria.

"To sit with my friends."

"You have friends other than me and Blair? I'm so proud." Emilia gasped in fake surprise, nudging Camden in the hip playfully.

"Shut up." Camden rolled his eyes, dragging the smaller teen towards his usual table.

"And by friends you mean Derek and Chuck?" Emilia questioned noting the pair sat down at the table, smiling once she noticed Derek.

"Yes, but if your brother didn't disappear be would be here too." Camden replied, pointing over to Melanie as she walked into the cafeteria cheerfully "Plus, your blonde friend is coming."

"Oh stop being silly Camden,  you and i both know you think that you wouldn't think of her as my 'blonde friend'" Emilia smirked, waving Melanie over.

"What should i call her then?"

"Future wife?" Emilia chuckled watching Camden look down at her in shock.

"Emilia!" Camden groaned in annoyance.

"What? you tease me about Derek, so I'm teasing you about mel." Emilia pointed out, smiling at the blonde linking arms with hers.

"Hows my best friend? and Carter. " Melanie spoke up, flipping some of her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Camden." Camden corrected her, despite her actually knowing his name.

"whatever." Melanie shrugged it off, motioning Emilia to look at Derek with her head.

"I'm great Mel." Emilia laughed, smiling at her boyfriend as she noticed him staring.

"Look who's joined us, tweedle dee and tweedle dum." Charlie sang, looking up from his food as the others sat down at the table.

"Hello, Charles." Melanie smiled sarcastically, sitting down opposite her ex boyfriend.

"Hey boyfriend." Emilia whispered taking the seat next to the teen wolf, Derek smiled down at his girlfriend taking ahold of her hand underneath the table.

"So seeing as we are all here, just a reminder that tomorrow night its Emilia's birthday party you should all know the location." Melanie announced, mainly aimed at Charlie knowing his forgetfulness.

"So are the both of you going to explain why Derek left practice with a injured leg, and came back with glitter in his hair and a heart drawn on his face? Oh not forgetting the eyeshadow coating his face." Charlie asked turning to face the couple, the both of them turning their attention back on the group.

" 'Injured' " Camden said sarcastically, knowing that Derek was fine.

"We got bored." Derek answered for them, hoping the group would buy it.

"Hey you're the one who drew on my face first!" Emilia exclaimed.

"I didn't dump glitter on your head." Derek responded, Emilia rolled her eyes.

"Well, i didn't chase you around the classroom." Emilia argued, smiling at the memory.

"Now to me that doesn't sound like going to the nurses office." Melanie pointed out, looking at the two of them with a playful smirk.

"Told you he was getting some." Camden chimed in.

"He was not 'getting some'!"

"Does anybody have the maths homework to copy?" Charlie asked, remembering that he needed it for next period.



"Am i dreaming? Or are my two beautiful children bringing me dinner?" Melissa asked with a grin, taking the tub of food from Emilia.

"We made it!" Scott smiled up at his mother.

"I made it." Emilia reassured her, the two of them shivering at the thought of Scott cooking.

"Good, i was starting to get hungry." Melissa looked between the two with a raised brow,  "What are the two of you up to?"

"Us? nothing." Emilia and Scott shook their heads, slowly backing away from their mother.

"Guys." Melissa started,looking at the guilty look on Scott's face.

"Quick go, before she asks anymore questions!" Emilia whispered pulling on Scott's hand, the two of them running down the hallway.

"Bye mom!" scott called out once they reached the doors, waving as he ran out.

"Hello Emilia." Emilia looked up in surprise at the voice in front of her, relaxing once she noticed her boyfriends father.

"Hi Keith!" Emilia smiled as she ran out of the hospital chasing after Scott.

"Kids." Melissa mumbled to her self, sitting back down at the desk.


"She's not going to realise we broke the radio right?" Scott asked kicking his shoes into the corner as they entered the house.

"We hid it in the far corner of the attic, Scott. She's not going to find it." Emilia sighed picking up his shoes, placing them on the rack before walking into the kitchen.

"Stiles is here!" Scotts voice echoed through the house, following with footsteps slamming against the stairs.

"I need coffee." Emilia mumbled to herself, taking a mug out from the cupboard.

"At this time of night?"

"Oh my god!" Emilia jumped catching her mug before she could drop it against the counter, turning to face the blonde behind her "Melanie what are you going here?"

"Sleepover?" Melanie questioned, holding up a bag full of her belongings.

Emilia looked at Melanie in confusion, Melanie never showed up unannounced and always planned their sleepovers at least a week before.

"Okay i might be hiding from my mom." Melanie confessed, sitting down at one of the dining room chairs.

"What did you do this time." Emilia sighed, sitting down opposite her.

"Cody convinced her that i was pregnant." Melanie exclaimed, "which I'm not!"

"And she believed your 13 year old brother, who despises you?"

"Of course she believed him, he's the golden child!" Melanie grumbled, tapping her fingers on the table angrily.

"You're moms calling!" Emilia laughed, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"No she's not!" Melanie gasped, watching Emilia answer the phone in shock.

"Hi Mrs Baker!"Emilia answered happily,  "The father? oh I'm not too sure, who did cody say?"

"Emilia!" Melanie glared, Emilia laughed rolling her eyes.

"Cody's lying to you Mrs baker, Melanie isn't actually pregnant." Emilia informed her, "I'm sure."

"Okay, bye!" Emilia locked her phone and placed it back in her pocket, looking up to Melanie with grin.

"What did she say?" Melanie asked quickly, hoping that her mother believed Emilia.

"She believes me because, I'm her favourite out of all your friends." Emilia grinned proudly, "And then something about your grandma."

"Of cour-" Melanie started her rant, getting cut off by Emilia.

"Shh!" Emilia whispered placing her finger against her lip, pointing up the the ceiling.

Melanie nodded once she heard the floorboard creek, remembering that Emilia's room was right above the kitchen. The girls made their way upstairs as quietly as possible, barging through the doorway to Emilia's room.

"What do you two think your doing?" Emilia questioned, Scott and Stiles jumped as they walked into the room looking at the two teens in fear.

"Trying to find information about your boyfriend." Stiles answered quickly, shielding himself behind Scott.

Despite his small crush on Emilia, Stiles was terrified of her after watching her go crazy at Camden for breaking one of her 'friends' DVDs. Since then stiles knew never to mess with the brunette, but somehow Scott convinces him too.

"Stiles!" Scott grounded in annoyance, cringing as his sister looked at him angrily.

"What? she scares me." Stiles admitted looking up nervously, calming down lightly as he watched Melanie smile at the three of them.

"Out!" Emilia pointed at the door, rolling her eyes as they rushed out.

"Whats that look for?" Emilia asked sitting down on her bed, noting the exited smile on Melanie's face.

"You're going out with Derek!" Melanie squealed, Emilia sighed and nodded.

"Finally!" Melanie cheered, flopping down on the bed next to Emilia.

"I've only known him properly for 3 months." Emilia pointed out, Melanie shrugged.

"Exactly." the blonde added,  standing up from the bed "About time."

"Come on we have to pick out a outfit for the party." Melanie took ahold of Emilia's arm, dragging her up too "Don't tell me you forgot about your own birthday."


Emilia grumbled to herself sitting up in her bed making sure not to wake Melanie, grabbing her phone from the bedside table sliding it open.

look outside

Emilia put her phone back on the nightstand walking over to her window, smiling as she saw Derek stood outside her house. Emilia looked over to Melanie making sure she was asleep before pulling on a random hoodie that ended just before her shorts and some boots, making her way out of her house.

"Its 5am, what are you doing here?" Emilia asked, shivering as the cold hit her bare legs.

"Happy birthday!" Derek sang quietly, pulling his girlfriend into a hug once she reached the bottom of the steps.

"You couldn't wait until the morning to tell me that?" Emilia laughed looking up to her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Nope." Derek shook his head, taking ahold of Emilia's hand as they sat on the porch steps where they had their first kiss.

"You're so cute." Emilia smiled leaning her head on his shoulder, completely forgetting that Derek had made her get up at 5am.

"I got you something." Derek spoke up, pulling the small box out of his pocket.

"You didn't have to." Emilia sighed, smiling down at the blue box.

"Its your birthday, of course i did." Derek replied as Emilia opened the box, Smiling as he watched her look at the necklace with a adoring look "Cora helped me pick it, she told me you would like it."

"I love it, thank you Derek." Emilia admitted, running the heart shaped charm through her fingers as Derek helped her put on the necklace.

"Lets go on a walk." Derek suggested, moving her hair back to where it was originally sat on her shoulders.

"At 5am?" Emilia questioned, watching her boyfriend stand up holding his hand out for her to take.

"Are you scared?" Derek teased, Emilia rolled her eyes standing up from the steps.

"Im not scared." Emilia said taking ahold of Derek's hand, snuggling into his side as he placed his arm over her shoulders.

"Don't worry, i'll always protect you." Derek said truthfully, hearing her heart beat.


"Happy birthday!" Emilia jumped as she walked into the kitchen, looking up to her family in surprise.

"Guys!" Emilia squealed, sitting down at the dining table next to Scott.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Emilia, happy birthday to you!" everyone sang as Melissa placed the birthday cake in front of Emilia.

"Make a wish." Scott spoke up once they stopped singing, Emilia nodded with a smile blowing out her 17 candles.

"Who wants cake for breakfast?" Emilia suggested, watching Scotts face light up.

"I do!" The eight year old cheered.



I'm trying to get as many chapters written and posted before i go back to school, its my last year so I'm going to be crazy busy and won't have as much time to write these chapters.

i just finished writing the final chapter of part one, you might need a tissue box...

but on a good note part two is going to get crazy, everything is going to be very different. 

hope you enjoyed!

- Ebony
