- 6

"See you on Sunday, Caroline!" Emilia smiled waving to her boss as she left the building.

Emilia closed the door with her hip as she pulled on her black zip hoodie with one hand, and held her bag with the other. Emilia had been teaching classes all day, distracting herself from what happened yesterday. Emilia looked behind her as she heard feet scraping against the ground, owning once she noticed cora sat on the bench outside the studio rocking her feet back and forth.

"Hey Cora what are you doing out here? Class finished a hour ago." Emilia asked walking over to the seven year old, cora looked up to her favourite teacher with a smile.

"Derek had practice and couldn't pick me up, my uncle was supposed to but he's not here yet." cora replied,  "I think he's forgot."

"I can take you home if you want, do you know the way?" Emilia asked, taking her car keys out of her gym bag.

"It's fine I can walk home." Cora shook her head, playing with her tutu.

Cora knew she could get in trouble if Emilia took her home, her mother told her that she couldn't bring people home without telling her incase any supernatural business going on. But if she didn't go home with Emilia she could be sat on that bench all night, that is if her family is doing something werewolf related.

"Don't be silly, It's not safe for you to walk back at this time." Emilia insisted, unlocking her car opening the door for cora.

Cora smiled and walked forward, her pink skirt matching with the pink on Emilia's sports leggings,"So where am I taking you?"

"If you drive down to the preserve there will be a road leading to my house near the entrance." Cora told her, putting her seatbelt on after putting her dance bag on the back seat.

"You live in the woods? Cool." Emilia asked, the subject interesting her.

"It gets a little scary sometimes." Cora admitted, trying to explain her supernatural fears in a human way  "But If I get scared Derek goes outside and checks if there's monsters."

"Are you and Derek close?"

"Derek always looks after me when everyone's busy." Cora smiled, "Are you friends with my brother?"

"I guess I am." Emilia shrugged stopping at a red light, laughing to herself as she saw Cora smirking slightly.

Emilia had a feeling that Cora wanted her and Derek to be more than friends, which is completely true.

"I think Derek has a crush on you." Cora stated, causing Emilia to look at her with wide eyes.

"Why would you think that?" Emilia asked, trying not to overreact.

"He was looking at you with googly eyes like daddy does when he sees mommy." Cora smiled, listing to Emilia's heartbeat rising.

"Are you sure? I don't think Derek likes me like that." Emilia denied.

"Plus I heard everyone talking about you the other day, Derek got embarrassed." Cora said simply, changing the subject  "Will you be at my next class?"

"I think so." Emilia nodded, turning the wheel driving town the path cora pointed to.

"Good, because Derek's picking me up." Cora chorused, happy to see Derek and Emilia together.

"We're here!" Cora exclaimed, pointing at her house as Emilia pulled up outside "Thank you for driving me."

Cora waved goodbye to Emilia stepping out of the car, running up the stairs towards her house. Emilia noticed the blue bag in the back seat grabbing it as cora opened the door.

"Cora wait, you forgot your bag!" Emilia called after her, stepping out of her car walking up driveway.

"Uh hi."Emilia jumped smiling up to the taller man, showing him the dance bag "Cora left this in my car."

"Sorry we lost track of the time, thank you so much for bringing her home." Keith smiled, taking the bag from Emilia.

"It's no problem."Emilia introduced herslef, "I'm Emilia, I teach some of her classes."

Keith smiled realising that it was his sons crush, happy that he was finally able to meet her. The familiar sent not going unnoticed.

"She talks about you all the time, I'm Keith her dad." Keith replied, looking down the driveway after hearing Derek walking up.

"Nice to meet you." Emilia smiled, walking down the steps.

"You to." Keith added, closing the front door.

"Lia? What are you doing here?" Derek asked his crush, surprised to see her at his house "That sounded rude, sorry."

"I was just driving Cora home." Emilia answered opening her car door, turning back to face Derek with a smile "See you tomorrow."

"Thanks for getting her home safe, I'll see you then." Derek thanked her, noticing Cora and Laura at the window staring that the teens.

"Bye Derek." Emilia waved goodbye, climbing into her car.


"Mr Harris better give us a A for this project." Emilia smiled holding out a page of their project, jumping as another crash of thunder echoed around the house"I mean its perf-"

Emilia was interrupted by the living room window flying open causing rain to fly into the room, Emilia stood up from the couch rushing over to close the window.

"this storm is getting crazy!" Emilia exclaimed sitting back down on the sofa, leaning back into the cushions.

"Due to the sudden change in weather, we are advising everyone to stay off the roads and to keep indoors. we don't see any possible change in the weather for the evening, we will keep you updated." the radio blared out, a bang of thunder straight after causing Emilia to jump again.

"Not a fan of storms?" Derek asked, noticing his crushes sudden jumpiness.

Emilia had always had a slight fear of storms, every time there was a storm she would always sleep in Jason's room scared that lighting would hit the house. Most times in her childhood Emilia would go to Jason when she was scared, he always brought comfort that her mother didn't give. This was the second time Emilia had been in a storm with Jason, the first time she was taking care of Isaac who was also scared of storms but she pretended everything was ok so his fear didn't grow. Now this time Jason wasn't here but Derek was , and Emilia didn't know why but she knew that she didn't have to hide her fear around him, because he gave her the feeling that she was going to be fine.

"Not massively, no." Emilia laughed nervously, putting the paper into a pile "But at least we got the project done."

"What time is it?" Derek asked, keeping his hands in his hoodie pockets so Emilia didn't see them.

Unluckily, it was the full moon and Derek had been struggling with his control the whole day. Derek knew that if he didn't get home soon he would end up turning, possibly hurting Emilia in the process.

"8:30." Emilia replied, reading off her phone.

"I promised my mom i would be back by now." Derek worried, feeling his claws ripping against the inside of his jumper "I need to get back."

"You cant leave, did you hear what the radio said?" Emilia blurted, hoping Derek wouldn't leave in the dangerous weather "Its too dangerous outside."

"I should call her so she doesn't worry, i'll be back in a minute." Derek stood up making his way to the front door, his eyes glowing golden as his hand hit the door handle.

Emilia nodded turning her attention back onto their project, trying to ignore the storm the best she could. Outside Derek paced nervously his eyes glowing golden as he stared down at his claws, the fear of losing all his control made him worse, walking down the steps in hope of the pouring rain helping to cool him down.

Another bang of thunder rippled through the sky, along with a large gush of wind knocking over one of the chairs in the corner of the porch. Inside Emilia's fears took over, the crash from on the porch made her believe something happened to derek. She knew that he was probably fine, but the thought of him getting hurt made her want to run and make sure that he was ok. And thats exactly what she did.

"Derek !" Emilia called out, rushing towards the front door despite her fears of the storm, she was reluctant at first but pushed the door open.

Emilia sighed in relief as Derek turned to face her unharmed, his eyes turning back to their natural colour but he hid his claws back in his pocket. It didn't take long for Derek to notice the worried look on Emilia's face, knowing he would be the exact same if he was in her position.

"The chair fell, I'm fine."

As Derek stood at the bottom of the steps and Emilia stood at the top they didn't notice the silence, or how long they had been standing there staring at each other. Emilia suddenly felt this pull towards him, like she was supposed to walk closer, that she was drawn to him. Despite his inner wolf trying to break out, Derek felt it too. The feelings the both of them shared felt different, they felt stronger and nothing they've ever felt before.

Still in their trance, Emilia walked down the steps towards him , Derek suddenly realising that was about to happen. Derek could hear her heart beating rapidly out of her chest, the sound somehow calmed him causing his claws to turn back to nails without him realising.

Before anything could've been said, Derek rushed forward placing his lips against hers, Emilia  standing on her tiptoes so she could reach. Derek gently placed his hands on the side of her head, to his surprise his claws were gone. Emilia kissed back, the shock of Derek placing his lips against hers fading away. The world around them suddenly turned into slow motion, the two teens forgetting about the storm around them, or the rain crashing onto them.

"Theres no signal." Derek smiled as he pulled away, both of them blushing.

"Looks like your stuck here for a while." Emilia smirked slightly, her kiss with derek giving her a boost of confidence.

Derek and Emilia smiled at each other, not sure how to act around each other after the kiss. Emilia jumped landing against dereks chest as the thunder made her jump, Derek laughed as Emilia grabbed his hand and quickly dragging up the steps.

"Okay were going inside now!" Emilia squealed, pushing open the front door of Melissa's house. _

"Jason this better be worth it." Emilia mumbled to herself, shoving the self defence poster into her gym bag.

Emilia knew that she would have to keep up with her end of the promise, so signing herself up for self defence classes were her best bet at leaning to protect herself. The teen pushed open the doors the the gym, turning back to face the car park feeling eyes on her. Emilia scanned the car park but saw nobody, there brunette shrugged it off and walked into the gym. At the other end of the car park the werewolf walked out from behind a car, their eyes glowing golden.


"Where have you been?!" Peter shouted as Derek walked into the living room, Derek jumped as Peter continued to shout "You do realise it was a full moon yesterday?"

"I didn't shift." Derek stated, Peter stared at his nephew in confusion.

"What?"Peter asked, standing up from the sofa walking over to the smaller werwolf.

"I didn't shift." Derek repeated, this time with a happy smile on his face.

"How? Who were you with?" Peter replied in disbelief, shock written over his face.

Peter didn't get how Derek could suddenly control his shift, after spending his whole life struggling with it.

"Emilia." Derek answered slowly, still surprised about the whole situation himself.

After all he did control his shift and kiss his crush in the same night.

"Listen Derek theres something i need to tell you." Peter sighed, his tone more serious than before.

Derek nodded, looking at his uncle in confusion as they both sat back down on the sofa.

"About Emilia."


"Did they forget again?" Emilia asked, leaning against the wall next to the entrance of the studio.

"No its Derek's day, Derek never forgets." Cora replied shaking her head, knowing that overtime it was Derek's turn to pick her up he would never forget  "I'm sure he's just running late."

"Well if he's just running late you can come back inside, its no fun sat outside on your own." Emilia suggested, motioning towards the building.

"All my classes are over?" Cora said in confusion, wondering why she would go inside if all her classes were over.

"So are mine, and I'm on lockup duty." Emilia smiled as cora looked up to her in excitement, "That means we have the whole studio to ourselves."

"Come on!" Emilia waved her over, cora nodded standing up from her seat following Emilia into the building "I think we should take advantage of the costume room."

Cora squealed in excitement running into the small room, gazing at the rails of costumes in awe. Emilia laughed watching Cora pick up the biggest tutu she could find, Emilia pulled on her cropped denim jacket ready to go home, Emilia was only assisting classes today so she could wear normal clothes which consisted of a floral skirt and a white top.

"What do you think?" Cora asked twirling round in front of the mirror.

"You look like a princess!"


Twenty minutes later the two girls danced around one of the smaller studio rooms, making up dances to the songs that came on through the radio. After spending the past two years working at the dance studio Emilia got close to many of the kids, but herself and Cora were definitely the closet, Cora was like the little sister Emilia never had. So when Cora found out Derek had a crush on Emilia she wanted them to go out, both of them were some of Cora's favourite people so she thought they would be the perfect couple. And she wasn't wrong.

"I love this song!" Cora's voice echoed through the building, along with Rihanna blasting through the speaker.

Derek walked through the studio doors, his concern fading as he heard his sisters happy voice. Derek smiled as he heard Emilia's voice, following with both of their giggles. Derek pushed open the door to the classroom but the girls were too busy dancing to realise, Emilia held Cora's hand twirling her round, stopping once she spotted the familiar basketball jersey in the doorway.


the two girls turned to face derek as he stood in the doorway with a confused look on his face, Emilia smiled at him walking to the speaker to turn off the music, her ankle boots clicking against the floors.

"Derek!" Cora ran over to her older brother, jumping as he picked her up.

"You look like you've been having fun."Derek chuckled, trying to hold his sister along with the massive pink tutu.

"Emmy and i had the studio to ourselves, we stayed here while we waited for you." Cora babbled, before jumping down smirking to herself "I'm going to wait in the car, bye emmy!"

"Thank you for waiting with her, coach wouldn't let us leave." derek thanked her, walking further into the room.

Emilia nodded knowing Derek was telling the truth, Coach Finstock didn't care when it came to staying on time during practice.

"It was no problem, i'd rather her be with me than outside alone." derek stopped walking once he reached emilia, both of them stood in the middle of the room in a simaler position to yesterday.

"About yesterday-" Derek started, "Uh i don't know what to say."

"Do you regret it?" Emilia asked, hoping that it wasn't a mistake.

"No! of course not." Derek replied, noticing that his hand was holding Emilia's.

"Neither do i." Emilia agreed.

"Maybe i should kiss you again?" Derek smirked, leaning down towards emilias height, placing his hands at the back of Emilia's neck.

"I think you should." Emilia leaned forward pressing her lips against his.

Like yesterday when it was just the two of them it felt like the world had stopped, this time for the both of them all of their problems seemed to disappear and reality would set back in as they pulled away.

"I should probably get her home." Derek laughed, both of them turning to see cora attempting to look through the small window in the door.

"Bye Derek." Emilia said softly, watching the Werewolf walk away.

"Bye Lia."


"Dont you dare!" Derek shouted to his younger his sister, chasing her as she ran through the front door dropping her bag next to it.

"Derek kissed Emmy!" Cora sang once she reached the living room, where the majority of her family sat.

"Cora!" Derek groaned in annoyance, the seven year old smirked sitting down next to her dad on the sofa.

"Whats going on?" Keith laughed, Cora smiled innocently snuggling into his side.

"Derek kissed Emilia!" Cora repeated, Derek glared at his sister sitting down on the sofa opposite.

"Again?" Laura asked in confusion, next to her Derek looked up to her in surprise.

"Laura!" Derek sighed in annoyance, "How did you find out?"

"Peter." Laura said simply.

"You kissed her twice?" Cora asked in confusion.

"I told you peter!" Keith cheered, gaining the attention from Peter and Talia in the kitchen "My son is capable of getting a girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend." Derek informed them, wishing that he didn't have to say that.

"Yet." Talia spoke up, walking into the living room with Peter at her side.

"Mom, when did you get back?" Derek asked his mother, surprised to see her back so quickly.

Talia didn't plan on coming back so soon, but when she got a call from her brother explaining everything that had happened she figured it would be best if she came back. Especially with her trip being unsuccessful.

"This morning." Talia answered, taking a seat in the armchair.

"Wait when did you kiss her the first time?" Keith asked, noticing his son getting fed up with all the questions.


"You were with her yesterday? Derek it was a full moon." Talia spoke angrily, turning to face her brother "I told you he couldn't leave the house."

"Go just your pjs on, i'll be up in a bit." Keith motioned for Cora to upstairs, Cora nodded walking out of the room.

"Well is someone going to tell me what happened?" Talia huffed, asking her children and Peter.

"Well i went to do a project at Emilia's house." Derek answered quickly, making sure that Laura didn't make up some lie.

"Like that actually happened." Laura retorted, Derek rolled his eyes trying to ignore his sister.

"Laura shut up!" Derek snapped, Talia rolled her eyes at her children behaviour.

"Then there was a storm and i couldn't get back for when Peter said." Derek replied truthfully, Talia nodded knowing about yesterdays storm.

"Did you shift in front of her?" Talia asked in concern, fully aware of her sons lack of control.

"He didn't shift at all." Peter answered for him, "Well not fully."

"Probably because he was too busy kissing her." Laura added, smirking as she watched Derek turn to glare at her. 

"Ouch." Laura laughed as Derek hit her against the shoulder.

"You didn't shift?" Talia cautioned, turning to face her husband with a worried glance.

"Go check on Cora, Derek." Keith spoke up.

"But-" Derek started only to get interrupted by his mother.

"Go." Derek sighed, walking out of the room.

"Why are you not happy?" Peter asked his sister, taking Derek's place on the sofa next to Laura.

"She can't be is anchor already, its too soon." Talia replied, looking at her brother with a serious expression.

"Hes had a crush on her for over a month." Laura mentioned, thinking her mum was being ridiculous.

Laura wanted her brother to be happy, and she didn't understand why her family was against it.

"All I'm saying is that Derek's already fallen for her, badly." Talia revealed, Keith looked at his wife understanding at what she was getting at.

Laura wouldn't understand because she didn't know the whole story, Peter, Keith , Talia and one other were the only ones alive that knew the complete story.

"So what."  Laura argued, "He likes her, she obviously likes him. Let them be."

"Its all happy days now, but what happens if he accidentally shifts and shows her he's a werewolf." Peter fought back.

"Then we will deal with it." Laura replied bluntly, standing up to walk away from the argument.

"He knows he rules, he's only going to date her if he truly likes her." Keith added, hoping to bring some hope to the conversation.

"Maybe get to know her and you will change your mind." Laura compromised, before walking out of the room to find her brother.

"Lets hope so." Talia sighed, her eyes landing on the red book placed in the middle of the bookshelf.

Talia knew everything was about to change, and she didn't have a good feeling about it either.
