| 4

"Why are you telling me all this?" Emilia questioned the alpha, putting the paper down against the desk "Isn't this something to tell your kids, not your sons girlfriend?"

"Because one day you will become the alpha of your own pack, and you need to know everything about our packs." Talia explained, passing Emilia another photo.

"So telling me all your family secrets is part of it?" Emilia continued, looking down at the photo of the baby that Talia just told her about.

Talia and Emilia had been sat going through their family history, Talia insisted it was only Emilia who could come into her office. The rest of the Hales were confused to why Talia wanted to talk top only Emilia but shrugged it off.

"Someone needs to take over for me when i no longer can be the alpha." Talia added, gaining Emilia's attention back.

"But that's Laura, not me." Emilia frowned, handing Talia back the photo.

"Just trust me on this." Talia finished, Emilia nodded picking up on her serious tone.

Emilia didn't understand what Talia was hinting at but she knew it must be important for her to keep it a secret from everyone else.


"Isaac!" Emilia called out as she and Derek ran up the driveway, Isaac appeared in the doorway of the house before running forward towards the werewolves.

Emilia and Derek had been late to pick up Isaac from after school club, this meant that Mr Lahey got the call from school so he had to pick Isaac up. Once Emilia and Derek found out they raced over to the house as quick as they could.

"Emilia." Isaac cried wrapping his arms around the teens waist, letting Derek check the cut on his arm.

"I'm so, so, sorry." Emilia apologized, holding onto Isaac tightly "I couldn't get here on time."

The both of them felt guilty, if they didn't get to him sooner he wouldn't be in that position. Isaac hadn't seen his father in months, and the first time he did he got hurt.

"Its not your fault." Isaac responded, not liking seeing Emilia upset.

"I couldn't protect you this time." Emilia mumbled, looking at the gash across his arm sadly.

Emilia took seeing Isaac like this the hardest, with all of her Emotions running through her mind from the past few weeks she knew she had to do something.

"You've spent your whole life protecting me." Isaac admitted, holding onto Derek's arm as Emilia stood up.

"Stay with Derek." Emilia told him as she stormed up the driveway angrily.

The only way Emilia could keep Isaac safe was if she got rid of the problem completely, something she should've done years ago but now was the only time she could do it successfully.

"Emilia no!" Isaac called after her, looking up to Derek worryingly.

Derek wasn't worried, he knew exactly what she was doing.

"Get up!" Emilia shouted, slamming her hand against the table next to Mr Lahey where he sat drinking a beer.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Mr Lahey backed away as he stood up from the chair, staring at the teen in shock as she slammed him against the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with me? what the hell is wrong with you!" Emilia exclaimed slapping him across the check , before reaching down into her bag to retrieve the papers.

"What is this?" Mr Lahey questioned holding his cheek, wincing as Emilia slammed him back against the table handing him a pen.

"Sign it." Emilia demanded, moving his hand to where he was supposed to sign "If you don't the cops will be at your door arresting you for child abuse and endangerment."

"Fine, take him away. See what i care!" Mr Lahey shoving the papers at the werewolf, backing away from her.

"Have a miserable life all alone." Emilia glared walking away from the man, turning back to fave him once she got to the doorway "And don't you ever come near my kid ever again!"

"What did you do?" Isaac whispered running over to Emilia as she walked out of the house, Emilia held onto the ten year old like her life depended on it.

"You never have to go back there again." Emilia stated, kissing the top of his head.

"I can stay with you?" Isaac asked looking up to the werewolves, the two of them smiling down at him.

"Lets get you two home." Derek spoke up, wrapping his arm around Emilia as she held onto Isaac.


"Whats got you so happy, Mr." Peter looked up from the tv to see Isaac running into the living room with a grin on his face.

Peter and Isaac strangely got along, unlike the rest of the family, Isaac was the only one he didn't bicker with.

"I can stay with Emilia and Derek without any problems." Isaac replied happily, sitting down on the couch next to Jason.

"What do you mean?" Talia asked standing up from the chair at the dining table walking over to the human.

"The papers are signed, were officially Isaac's legal guardians!" Emilia cheered, waving out the paper as she held onto Derek's hand.

Emilia was relived that she finally had some legal control over Isaac, it was the only way she could get him away from his father.

"That's great!" Talia congratulated, pulling both of the werewolves into a hug.

The family was surprised when they found out Derek wanted to sign the papers along with Emilia once they first got them, but after Isaac living with them for a few months how much Derek really did love Isaac like his own.

"Does that mean we can get a dog now?" Isaac asked looking up to the teens with hopeful eyes.

"What are you talking about, we already have a dog, his names Jason." Emilia joked, pointing at her brother.

"You're still going at it with the dog jokes?" Jason rolled his eyes, "Last time i checked you were a werewolf too."

"Well, you've always acted more like a Labrador than a human." Emilia sassed, earning a high five from Isaac.


"How you feeling?" Derek asked his girlfriend, sitting down next to her on the porch swing.

"Its hard, trying to move on and accept everything that's happened." Emilia replied, leaning against the werewolf "But i just have to focus on Isaac, on us, for now."

Emilia's had it hard her whole life, but these past months have been some of the worst. But this time Emilia had a proper family surrounding her to help her through it all.

"You're my family Emilia, I'm going to here for you no matter what." Emilia smiled looking up to her boyfriend, placing her hand in his.


"So Isaac can legally live with you guys now?"Blair asked walking next to her best friend as they made their way through the car park.

"Yeah, thank god." Emilia smiled, moving to the side so she didn't get hit with a car door "if his dad didn't sign things would not be going well."

"i don't have full legal rights, but i have enough." Emilia continued to explain her situation, "So does Derek."

"Does Isaac know about New York?" Blair questioned, wanting to know how Isaac felt about the move.

"I think he's more exited than i am." Emilia laughed, glaring at one of the cheerleaders that made up another rumor about Emilia as she walked past.

The whole of her senior year Emilia had a new rumor thrown at her every week, most of the time it was about her and Derek having a 'secret child' that nobody knows about.

"Only a few more weeks and you won't have to face anybody here again." Blair rolled her eyes watching the cheerleader scurry away, "No more pregnancy rumors for Emilia ever again!"


"What's Jase doing here?" Emilia asked her boyfriend, smiling in relief as he passed her the iPod she left in his car.

"I have no idea." Derek shrugged looking over to the werewolf stood next to Coach, leaning down to kiss his girlfriend before jogging back to the team.

"Boys gather round!" Coach shouted through the room, motioning for all the players to come over "I'd like you to meet our newest addition to the sports department, Coach Bennett."

Bobby couldn't bare to let his best Basketball player in history go so easily, eventually convincing the werewolf to become part of the Sports department.

"No way..." Charlie trailed off, standing next to Derek as they looked at one of their best friends in shock.

"Cant we just call him Jason? we all know who he is." Derek questioned, knowing pretty much the whole team remembered him from last year.

"Do you call me cupcake?" Coach replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What?" Derek furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, as coach stared at him with a unreadable expression.

"No Hale, you cant!" Coach sassed, walking away from the team as he waved his clipboard angrily.

Emilia laughed turning to face Blair as Coach sassed her boyfriend, smiling up at Melanie as she walked over.

"You alright Blair?" Emilia asked, shaking her best friends shoulder as she stared at Jason across the hall.

"I'm dating a teacher." Blair mumbled, staring at the two girls in front of her In shock "This is like one of those books you would read when you were thirteen!"

"Calm down he's only your teacher for what, a month?" Emilia tried to calm the blonde, laughing to herself as Blair glared daggers at her boyfriend.

"I can't calm down!" Blair exclaimed, mumbling to herself as she looked down to the ground.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that their relationship is now technically illegal." Melanie pointed out, herself and Emilia backing away as Jason approached them.

Blair smiled innocently up at her boyfriend, pretending to give him a hug but glared up at the werewolf.

"I am going to kill you!" Blair slammed her hands against her boyfriends chest, staring up at him in disbelief "I think you forgot to mention to your girlfriend you got a job!"

"Look at you, my big brother the pe teacher." Emilia teased, walking away with Melanie to let Jason and Blair have their mini argument.


"Send me pictures when you get there." Emilia told the 10 year old, helping her put the suitcase in the car.

"See you in two weeks!" Cora waved goodbye, climbing into the car next to Peter.

For the first time in years the Hales were going on holiday, with the exception of Lincoln.

"Emilia's in charge." Talia pointed out, walking up to the three of them.

"What! why?" Derek exclaimed, thinking he would be left in charge.

"I think we all know why." Keith laughed, walking to stand next to his wife.

"I'm responsible." Derek informed them, rolling his eyes at everyone's judgemental glares "I am!"

"We'll be back in time for graduation, call if you need anything." Talia told the girl, hesitating to get into the car.

"Go have fun, well be fine." Emilia encouraged her, motioning for them to get in the car.

"3..." Emilia started hearing the car fly down the drive way, way over the speed limit.

"2..." Derek continued, noticing the car pulling up outside of his house.

"1..." Isaac finished once the car parked in front of him, looking up to Emilia with a worried glance.

"The party has arrived!" Charlie shouted, the group climbing out of Jason's car.

Once the group found out about the whole Hale house being practically Empty, they decided it was the best idea to go and stay.

"Who's idea was it to invite them to stay with us?" Emilia asked, noticing all the baggage they were holding.

"I don't think we asked, they invited themselves." Derek answered, leading Isaac into the house after Charlie.

"We are going to have so much fun!" Melanie squealed, dragging Emilia up the steps to her house.
