- 2

"Jason." Emilia grumbled, shoving his large shoulder with her foot, the elder sibling turned his body to face the opposite direction.

"What do you want?" Jason also grumbled, trying to make himself comfortable on the carpet.

"It's morning, mom will be home soon." Emilia answered, laughing as Jason jumped up and looked around, "You have a few hours left till she's back, I suggest you clean this mess up."

Both teens turned around to see the living room in a complete mess, rubbish everywhere and spilled drinks on the floor. Jason groaned looking up to the ceiling, Emilia smiled knowing that she didn't have to deal with the mess this time.

"Well I hope you have a lovely time cleaning up this mess, without me!" Emilia sang, making her way over to the door slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

"No Em please, don't leave me to do all this alone!" Jason shouted as Emilia opened the front door, Emilia shook her head walking out the door but tripping on the doorframe as she went.

"That's your fault for not helping me!" Jason laughed as Emilia looked up to him from the ground, moving her long hair out of her face.

Emilia stood up from where she fell, smiling sarcastically at her brother before slamming the door shut.

"Where are we going Cora? Your class was that way." Derek asked his younger sister as she dragged him down one of the hallways at the dance studio, the seven year old skipped happily as she held her older brothers hand.

"Going to see if emmy's here." Cora answered, her pink tutu being thrashed around by all her jumping.

"Who's Emmy?"

Emilia stood in the middle of the studio practicing her dance, for most of the day she taught classes and now she was nearly finished going over her dance. Along with working at the veterinary clinic Emilia taught dance, it was a easy way for her to make money since her mom never helped her or Jason out.

Derek looked through the small window in the door as Cora pointed out the room, he watched in surprise as the girl who had been getting his attention lately danced along to the music.

"This is Emmy?" Derek said in shock, his green eyes not looking away from the girl.

Derek realised that there was a lot about Emilia that he didn't know, and he was willing to get to know everything about her.

"Yeah, are you friends? She goes to your school." Cora asked the older werewolf, her attention moving to her teacher motioning for her to over.

"I hope we will be." Derek whispered to himself as Cora ran over to her teacher, Derek took a deep breath before moving towards the door.

If he wanted to get to know Emilia more why not do it now?

Emilia looked over to the door as it opened, her eyes widened once she realised it was Derek. The brunette turned off the music before turning back to face Derek.

"I'm beginning to think you're stalking me." Emilia laughed, Derek shook his head and smiled at her.

"Uh, I was actually brining my sister to class, and here you are." Derek answered nervously, both of the teens stuck as to what to say to each other.

"Do you have to wait till she's finished?" Emilia asked picking up her bag from the floor, slinging it over her shoulder.

"No, my moms picking her up." Derek answered, looking at Emilia in confusion as she walked towards Derek.

"Well it looks like you have time to walk me home." Emilia smiled with a small smirk as she walked past him, Derek stood still for a few seconds until he realised what was going on.

Derek didn't even have time to make a move, Emilia did it for him.

Emilia and Derek walked side by side down the sidewalk, they had been walking for around twenty minutes and spent most of time talking about their friends or what's happening around school but not about each other.

"Isn't your house that way?"Derek asked, pointing in the opposite direction to where they were walking.

"I don't want to go home, the longer I'm out of that house the better." Emilia shrugged putting her hands into her grey cardigan pockets, on the way out of leaving the studio Emilia changed into a simple red skater style dress and changed her trainers for some tan ankle boots.

"Sometimes I feel the same way, it gets pretty chaotic at my house quite often." Derek replied with a smile, he couldn't explain to her that his house is full of werewolfs "I could take you to where I normally go when I need to get out of the house, it's only a little bit further down the street."

"I'd love that." Emilia smiled, blushing slightly at Derek wanting to spend more time with her.

"But don't think I've forgotten about earlier, stalking and now kidnapping. I'm staring to question your intentions Hale." Emilia laughed along with Derek, her comment lightening the mood.

"And what exactly are my intentions Bennett?" Derek questioned, smirking as Emilia looked away with a smile on her face.

"Surely that's for you to know and for me to figure out."

"A park?"

Emilia's eyes scanned the park tucked away behind some houses on the edge of the preserve, the place looked like it hadn't been used in years.

"Dont juge it till you try it." Derek laughed, the two teens walking into the park.

"Best player in the basket ball team spends his free time in a playground, i wonder what coach would say." Emilia said playfully, nudging Derek with her shoulder, due to her height her shoulder only hitting his arm.

"Coach would probably tell us one of his childhood stories that leads into one if his rants about how bad we are." Derek responded with a shrug, Emilia nodding her head knowing that would be how it would go.

"So why here? Surely there must a reason you like this place, there's loads of playgrounds in Beacon."

"If you haven't noticed this place his abandoned." Derek motioned to the park, Emilia looked around as she and Derek walked through the gates "My uncle brought me here as a kid, this was my favourite place to be, and now nobody comes here because its on the outskirts of the woods so i decided it needed some love."

When Derek was little this is the place where Peter brought him when talia had werewolf related things to deal with, after a while Peter, Derek and Cora spent most of their time here.

"I guess you have lots of memories here." Emilia added, frowning when happy childhood memories were mentioned.

Unlike Derek who has had a very happy childhood and has lots of happy memories that he will remember for the rest of his life, Emilia hasn't had the easiest childhood. The only family like memories she has is either with Melissa, Scott or her brother and Camden, Emilia liked to block out most of her childhood and ignoring the fact that she didn't have many happy memories was a good way to do so.

"So many." Derek sighed, his hand trailing against the railings

"Okay time to have some fun." Emilia brightened up, looking at Derek with a playful smile "Oh come on, we're in a playground, we have to play in it."

"You mean act like five year olds?" Derek questioned, raising a brow at the smaller brunette.

"That's exactly what i mean." Emilia nodded, the teens standing opposite of each other in the centre of the park.

"Race you got the top?" Derek asked, Emilia nodded before sprinting towards the large wooden climbing frame.

"Hey, no fair you started before me!" Derek ran after her, his werewolf abilities helping him catch up.

Emilia laughed as she pulled herself up onto one of the wooden planks, running across the bridge leading to the stairs , the small teen let out a squeal as she tripped over her own feet landing on a heap on the floor just like she did this morning. Emilia would find a way to fall in any situation, she'd been incredibly clumsy her whole life.

"You okay?" Derek asked looking down at Emilia lying sideways on one of the wooden planks, Emilia looked up to him with a goofy smile pushing her arm up so she could lean her head against her hand.

"Yeah I'm fine, just really clumsy!" Derek laughed helping her up before running past her across the ladder, Emilia trailing after him.

"I win." Derek smirked as he turned to face Emilia behind him.


After messing around in the park for what felt like hours, Emilia and Derek found themselves lying at the top of the climbing frame looking up to the sky as the sun set.

"How come we've never really ran into each other much at school?" Emilia asked, turning her body to face Derek "I mean schools a big place and has lots of different crowds, but we've crossed paths before but never bothered to talk to each other."

"Maybe the time was never right."Derek answered truthfully, Emilia looked up to the sky listening to Derek

"And now it is?" Emilia questioned, turning back to face the werewolf.

"I'm just saying, it could be fate." Derek shrugged, Emilia looked at him with her one and only smile.

Derek never really believed in fate before, despite his life revolving around the supernatural, and now the teen boy was starting to question if it really did exist. Emilia also never believed in fate, if she did she would fall into the downward spiral of why everything went wrong during her childhood. And she really didn't want that to happen.

"So we were destined to meet officially yesterday?"

"Your words not mine." Derek smirked as he watched Emilia blush as she turned away, both teens staring up into the dark sky.

"Do you ever feel like you are in your own bubble at times?" Emilia spoke up, Derek's attention turning fully on her "Like times like this, all our problems seem to disappear and its like the world has stopped spinning for just one moment. "

Emilia hadn't really experienced that feeling much before, but she truly felt it while with Derek. It was like it was just them all alone in the world.

"I've never really thought about it like that." Derek shook his head, waiting for Emilia to continue.

"So when we go back to school on Monday and we are no longer in our own bubble, do you think everything will stay the same?" Emilia added, hoping that from now on things will be different.

"Surely that's for us to decide."

"Or will fate strike again and change everything?" Emilia laughed slightly, hinting at what Derek said earlier.

"I think on Monday everything will be different." Derek stated after a while, sitting up from where he was lying .

Derek didn't think everything was going to be different, he knew it was going to, because he wanted it to.

"Whys that?" Emilia asked, also sitting up from the wooden planks.

"We're no longer strangers."


"I've had fun."Emilia spoke up, standing a few feet away from Derek on her porch "Its finally nice to get to know the famous Mr Derek hale."

"And the same to you Miss Bennett." Derek replied with a smile on his face.

"Bye Derek." Emilia said softly as she opened her front door, looking a Derek in a loving gaze as she walked down the driveway.

"Emilia?" Derek called out from the bottom of the driveway, Emilia turned round in confusion a smile landing on her face once her eyes met Derek's.

"Was this a date?"

"It can be if you want it to be." Emilia responded, her hair falling onto one shoulder as she leant against the doorway.

"Hopefully i can get a second?" Derek asked, smiling to himself once he heard emulous heart beating rapidly.

"You will have to ask fate about that one Hale."

Emilia and Derek knew that they shouldn't be spending more time with each other, but there was something that just couldn't keep them away.


"Derek's back!" Cora shouted as she looked out the living room window, the seven year old jumped up from her seat and ran over the door almost slipping on the fluffy carpet on the way.

"Why do you seem so happy to see me? Isn't it past your bedtime by now?" Derek questioned as he slid off his shoes and shoved them into the corner, Cora smiled at her older brother cheekily before running off.

"Derek?" His mother called out from the kitchen, Derek walked into the room looking at his mother, father and uncle sat around the dining room table.

"Hey." Derek answered, his response sounding more like a question than a reply.

"Where were you?" Talia asked her son, signalling for him to sit at the table with them.

"At the park." Derek answered truthfully, taking a seat next to his uncle at the wooden table.

"You were at the park with yourself?" Keith added, looking at his only son in confusion.

"No of course he wasn't alone, who is she?" Peter butted in, willing to be more harsh with Derek than his sister and brother in law.

"What are you talking about?" Derek asked innocently, hoping to fool his parents

"Don't play dumb Derek, you know exactly what I'm taking about." Peter rolled his eyes, earning a slap on the shoulder from his older sister

"Peter..." Talia sighed, giving her son a sympathetic look.

The Hales weren't your typical family in beacon hills, with the whole family being werewolves it brings a lot of family drama. Derek and his parents were close, as close as they could be with Talia and Keith away often dealing with werewolf business, meaning that Peter was in charge. Unlike his with his parents, Derek and peter had a love hate relationship. As much as they hated to admit it they were close like brothers, but they would never be closer than Derek and Laura, since they were young Derek and Laura had been the closest of all of the family.

"Her names Emilia, happy now?" Derek snapped standing up from his seat, startling the werewolves around the table.

"Derek-" keith started, attempting to calm down his son.

"Yes I know, no girlfriends until I learn control."Derek grumbled, looking over to his parents and peter "But there's just something about her that's makes me want to know more."

"Don't say it." Talia told her husband, watching her son stomp up the stairs.

"There's no point in hiding it Talia, we met when I was his age and I was exactly like him."Keith said, siding with his son.

"But you had control and I wasn't human."

"Oh my god!" Emilia shouted in shock as she closed the front door, her older brother frightening her as he appeared in front of her, "what are you doing?"

"Where were you?" Jason asked, taking a few steps back letting Emilia drop her bag on the floor.

"At work." Emilia answered, walking past him.

"Work finished two hours ago." Jason responded bluntly, grabbing onto Emilias hand pulling her back.

"I don't have to explain myself to you Jase." Emilia pulled her hand back, turning around to make her way into the kitchen.

"Wait, don't go in there." Jason jogged after her, moving his younger sister towards the staircase.

"Moms on one."

When Emilia's mom was in some sort of mood or had a bad day she liked to take it out on her kids, some days were worse than others but the teens learned when it was best to avoid the woman they have to call mom.

"Wonderful." Emilia grumbled, looking into the kitchen to see her mom sat in the kitchen with a cigarette in one hand and her phone in another typing angrily on it "I'm getting my things and heading to Melissa's."

Emilia smiled sadly at jason as she passed him to walk up the stairs, the Bennett teens flinching when they heard a smash in kitchen.


"Whats got you in a mood?" Laura asked her younger brother as she sat next to him on the floor, Derek looked down to the carpet with mixed emotions.

"Mom,dad and Peter." Derek replied with a sigh, Laura nodded her head knowing that it was most likely the case.

"Ah, should've known." Laura laughed lightly, causing Derek to look up to her.

"They didn't send you to talk to me, did they?" he asked with a frown.

"Not today." Laura answered shaking her head,"Tell your big sister whats up."

"Were you scared of falling in love?" Laura looked at Derek surprised at his question, "Falling so much that you were terrified."

"I've never had a love like that." Laura admitted, nudging Derek's shoulder lightly "But there's no reason to be scared, werewolves can love just as well as humans."

" I'm scared laura. Everyones telling me that i cant like someone because i have no control, but i think i already have."

"Thats okay right? Its nothing serious, its just a crush." Laura shrugged, not seeing a issue with Derek having a crush.

"For now." Derek sighed, looking back down at the carpet "But what happens when i fall."

"You learn control, and you learn it fast."
