| 7

"I cant wait till i graduate." Isaac admitted, putting Emilia's graduation cap on his head.

"Um, you're not growing up anytime soon." Emilia laughed taking the blue cap off Isaac's messy curls, pulling the 10 year old into a hug  "You have to stay little forever!"

"I have to go to high school, i have to continue the Hale legacy." Isaac pointed out, Emilia rolled her eyes turning to face her boyfriend stood in the kitchen eating cereal.

"Really?" Emilia chuckled, Derek smiled walking over to the two of them.

Derek and Isaac had joked around about Isaac taking over his sports legacy when he goes to high school, Bobby Finstock was all for it after ease-dropping on their conversation.

"i'll be back soon." Emilia told the two boys, standing up from the chair "Isaac don't make any promises to Derek!"

"Okay!" Isaac called out after her.

"Can i help you?" Emilia glared, realising her mother stood in the doorway.

"I'm leaving town." Karen stated, moving out the way as Emilia walked out of the house.

"Am i supposed to act surprised?" Emilia questioned, looking over to her mother with a bored expression.

"Actually, am i surprised!" Emilia joked, pointing at the woman "You bothered to say goodbye."

"You're not the girl i raised." Karen shot, looking at her daughter in disgust.

"Yeah I'm not, because you didn't raise me." Emilia corrected in a bored tone.

"My daughter was a human, not a werewolf." Karen continued to argue, staring at her daughter with a dark glint in her eyes.

"Your daughter would be dead if she wasn't a werewolf." Emilia added, sighing in annoyance.

Emilia jumped as Karen pulled out a gun, holding it out pointing her daughter. Emilia knew her mother was once a hunter, but she didn't think she would actually try to kill her. Emilia ducked as the bullet flew past her, piercing through the front door.

"Holy shit!" Emilia exclaimed, backing away from the hunter "Are you insane?"

"Stay here." Derek told the ten year old, jumping up from the sofa once he heard the gunshot.

Derek looked over Jason knowing they were thinking the same thing, whenever Karen and Emilia were alone something bad was bound to happen. The two werewolves made their way to the doorway of the living room quickly, stopping once they heard Isaac's voice.

"Is Emilia okay?" Isaac asked worriedly, knowing Emilia was outside.

"She's fine, stay with Peter." Derek replied, looking over to his uncle with a worried glance.

"yYu're an abomination." Karen spoke, still holding on to her gun.

"At least I'm not a murderer!" Emilia spat, feeling herself being pulled back.

Derek stood in front of Emilia, holding onto her tightly incase anything went wrong, Jason stood next to Emilia glaring at the woman.

"Its time for you to leave." Derek growled, holding Emilia behind him protectively "This is private property."

Karen glared at the werewolves lowering her gun, turning around to walk away from the house knowing she wouldn't win the fight.

"Walk away, you've had lots of practice." Emilia shouted after her, turning back around to face the boys "The bitch just tried to kill me."

"Are you okay?" Derek asked, checking Emilia for any injuries.

"Your mom just tried to kill you?" Jason asked at the same time, surprised that Karen actually went that far.

"She's not my mother, why should i care? she didn't love me, she didn't give a damn about anyone other than herself." Emilia ranted, "I'm glad that shes gone, she cant turn our lives to shit anymore."


"We're going to be late to our own graduation." Derek pointed out, sitting up from his lying down position on his bed.

"We're not going to be late." Emilia rolled her eyes, continuing to apply her lipgloss in the mirror.

After what felt like forever to the two of them, they were finally graduating high school.

"Yeah for now, but if you add another coat of lipgloss we might be." Derek stood up from their bed, walking over to the desk.

Derek rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Emilia's waist, Emilia laughed attempting to apply another coat.

"Derek put me down!" Emilia squealed, dropping her lipgloss on the desk as Derek lifted her over his shoulder.

"I will once we are in the car." Derek replied, dodging Emilia's foot as she tried to hit him with her high heel.

"We need our gowns, stupid." Emilia laughed as Derek walked back into their room.

"Alright grumpy, lets get our hideous gowns." Derek sassed, walking to sit back down on his bed.

"Now who's the reason were going to be late?" Emilia questioned, taking the gowns out of the wardrobe as Derek lay down.

"Do you think i'll get asked to give a speech? because if i do i would confirm all those rumours just for the fun of it." Derek questioned, moving so Emilia could lie down next to him once she placed the blue gowns down on the side.

"And say what? 'oh yeah all the rumours are true, me and Emilia are married with a secret child. Oh and guess what,  she's pregnant?'" Emilia joked, turning to the side to face her boyfriend.

"I'm not pregnant." Emilia denied as she and Derek sat up in shock, staring at Lincoln standing in the doorway with a equally surprised expression.

"She's not pregnant, i think." Derek added, earning a glare from Emilia.

Derek knew Emilia wasn't pregnant, he thinks, but he wouldn't mind if she was. it wouldn't of been good timing but Derek knew Emilia was the one he wanted to spend his whole life with, he didn't need to spend years searching for the right girl to know that. He didn't care if they were young, he loved her.

"You're not helpful." Emilia grumbled, shoving his shoulder. 

"You better not be pregnant, you already have one kid." Lincoln stated, motioning for the teens to leave "Lets go, we're late."

"You're not pregnant right?" Derek asked as Emilia picked up the blue gowns, walking towards the door.

"Oh my god!" Emilia groaned, staring at her boyfriend in surprise as he stood with a questioning expression "No, Derek I'm not!"

"Don't you get any ideas." Lincoln threatened, turning back around to face the teens.

"To the class of 2006!" The head teacher cheered into the microphone, clapping along with the audience.

The group of friends walked over to their families, all with matching smiles as they carried their diplomas. Derek and Emilia didn't think they would manage to graduate high school with everything that happened in their lives, but somehow they did.

"Photo time!" Melissa cheered, running over to her daughter with her camera in hand.

"Here we go." Emilia and Lincoln groaned, already been put through a photoshoot before they left the house by Melissa.

"Oh, stop it!" Melissa laughed, pulling her daughter into a tight hug "My babies all grown up!"

"Mom!" Emilia grumbled, looking up to her dad for help.

"You're moving to new York, we can embarrass you all i want." Lincoln replied, taking a photo of the two.

Melissa and Lincoln had been getting along well these past months despite their past, the both of them making Scott and Emilia their first priorities. Scott still doesn't know about Lincoln being his father, but Lincoln was happy that he was Scott's life either way, he just wanted whats best for his son.

"We can finally escape this hell!" Charlie cheered once Emilia back walked over to them, turning to Jason "Well not you."

"You can legally date Jase now." Melanie told the blonde, Blair laughed wrapping her arms around Jason's waist "I think there is a party calling our names!"


"Things are so much different now since last year." Derek pointed out, taking a sip of his drink as he and Jason stood at the top of the steps at Charlie's house, smiling as he watched Emilia dance "A good different." 

Emilia laughed dancing along to spice girls with Melanie and Blair, smiling up to her boyfriend as she twirled around trying not to trip over in her heels.

"Take care of my sister, Hale." Jason told his best friend, knowing he would take care of her but he needed to hear it to make sure.

Jason knew Derek had so much love for his sister, he would never dream of hurting Emilia and the same would go for his sister with Derek. Jason knew that if anything did happen to the couple, it would have to be something serious to break them apart.

"Always." Derek promised, laughing as charlie joined in with the girls.


"I told you not to wait up till i got home." Emilia spoke up, leaning into the doorway of Isaac's room.

"I sleep better if you or Derek are home." Isaac replied, sitting up in his bed "How was the party?"

"It was fun, I'm glad I've finished high school forever." Emilia replied walking into the room, "Come on, time for bed."

"Do i have to go bed? all your friends are downstairs." Isaac looked up to Emilia with his puppy eyes, hoping he could stay up even later.

"You can see them tomorrow, its late." Emilia shook her head, moving up Isaac's duvet as he lied down.

"Fine." Isaac sighed tiredly, leaning down into his pillow.

"Plus we have some busy days ahead Mr." Emilia spoke quietly, noticing Isaac slowly falling to sleep "We have to start packing for New York."

"I love you, mom." Isaac spoke up before Emilia could leave the room.

Emilia stared at the 10 year old in shock as he closed his eyes as he slowly fell to sleep, speechless at the words that just came out of his mouth. Isaac had always thought of Emilia as his mom, she was the only mother figure he had, and she did the best job doing it. Emilia knew deep down that she truly was Isaac's mom, but the shock of the words leaving his mouth took over.

"I love you to, Isaac." Emilia smiled, turning off the light before leaving the room.

"Lia?" Derek walked over to his girlfriend once he noticed her shocked state, the others following.

"Isaac just called me mom." Emilia blurted, looking up to Derek with a happy but shocked smile.

"I mean, he's not wrong." Blair smiled, leaning into Jason's side as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"How do you feel about it?" Derek asked, knowing this was a big shock for his girlfriend.

"It feels good." Emilia beamed.

Emilia only felt happiness, she had the family she'd always dreamed of , a kid that was beyond perfect and a boyfriend that was everything a girl could want. For once, she was finally completely happy.

"Well i think its time we celebrated the end of high school our own way!" Charlie cheered waiting for the others to finish his sentence.

"Movie night!" Everyone cheered, running over to the sofas.


"Its not that long until we go to New York now, time for our fresh start." Derek pointed out, lying his head back on his pillow.

"Isaac wouldn't stop going on about it to my mom, he's really exited." Emilia grinned, turning to face her boyfriend "I still don't want to leave everyone though."

"We're not the only ones leaving, its the best thing for our family if we leave now." Derek replied, holding onto Emilia's hand.

"You're right." Emilia nodded, knowing that she had to leave beacon hills.

Leaving Beacon hills meant that they could move on from all of the tragedy that had happened here, to take some time away and recover.

"I never would've thought i would have my own family at eighteen." Derek admitted, smiling at the thought of his little family.

Family had always been the most important thing to Derek, now that he has his own he knows how much his life is going to change for the better.

"This is only the beginning."


i figured its about time for a happy ish chapter!

so the group has finally graduated, that means theres only three chapters left...

these chapters need to be edited so bad but i will do that once this book is completed.

then its time for a sequel !

- Ebony
