| 3

"Team Derek and Isaac for the win!" Derek chanted, giving the 10 year old a high five with one hand while holding the wii remote in another.

"I demand a rematch." Emilia laughed wanting to have another chance at beating them at just dance, making her way out of the living room once the doorbell rang.

"Are you Emilia Bennett?" Emilia looked up the tall men in surprise, observing their military ids they held out.

"Yes?" Emilia questioned, hearing Derek walk into the hallway.

"You were Camden Lahey's emergency contact." Emilia nodded, listening to the men nervously "We're sorry to inform you that-"

Emilia didn't need to hear the rest of what they were going to say, she already knew what was coming, she could tell by the expression on their faces. Emilia let out a cry in realisation falling back into her boyfriends arms, Emilia clutched onto Derek's arm tightly as she moved back against the wall covering her mouth with her hand as she continued to cry.

Her best friend, the only one thats been there for her every single day since she was 4, her rock , was gone and was never coming back. Emilia didn't know how to process it, or how to deal with it , she just felt the sadness that had crashed into her. Her heart broke knowing that Camden wouldn't be there for the rest of her life, to be there with her as she got married or had kids. Something they had spent their whole lives planning to do together. A part of her that she's had for practically her whole life had been ripped away just like that.

"We are very sorry for your loss." The blonde of the pair spoke to Emilia, turning to face the alpha once she ran into the hallway walking up the military officers.

"Emilia look at me, breathe." Derek comforted, holding onto his girlfriends shoulders as tears ran down his own cheeks.

Derek couldn't process the thought of one of his best friends being gone, and to add another heart break to the mix he had to sit around and watch Emilia go through loosing her other half.

"He's cant be gone." Emilia denied shaking her hands, looking down to her trembling hands "He's not dead."

"I need some time, i cant handle this." Emilia waved her boyfriend away, standing up to walk away.

"Emilia wait!" Derek called after her trying to run forward, Derek turned back to face his mother as she placed her hand on his arm.

"Leave her, everybody grieves differently." Talia sighed, turning to face the end of the hallway were Isaac stood staring at the werewolves in shock.

"Isaac." Derek whispered walking towards the ten year old, Isaac ran forward wrapping his arms around Derek.

Isaac overheard the whole conversation, he didn't understand some of it, but he knew he needed to be with somebody he loved that was there for him. His only blood related family had left him, Derek and Emilia were the only family he had left.


"Em, is that you?" Lincoln called out, standing up from the sofa in shock of the state of his daughter "Lets go outside, Scott."

"Whats wrong with Emilia?" Scott asked, following his dad outside of the house trying to forget about seeing his sister in a hysterical state.

"I have no idea." Lincoln replied, trying not to listen into his daughters cries from the house.

"Emilia, whats wrong?" Melissa ran over to the eighteen year old, holding onto her sides as she slid down against the wall.

"Emilia breathe." Melissa tried to calm her daughter as she sat down in front of the teen, hoping to understand why she was crying hysterically "Tell me what happened."

"Camden." Emilia whispered, struggling to speak as her heart pounded.

"What's happened to Camden?" Melissa hesitated, covering her mouth with her hand once she realised "is he gone?"

"Oh, Emilia." Melissa ignored her own tears, hugging her daughter as she calmed down slightly.

Camden was like a son to Melissa, she couldn't believe he was actually gone.

"We promised we would never leave each other." Emilia took a deep breath, leaning back against the wall "And now he's gone."

"And isaac! he's all alone now." Emilia sniffled, her heart breaking more than it already was at the thought of the ten year old.

"Hey listen to me, Isaac is not alone." Melissa stated sternly, making sure she had her daughters full attention as she passed her a photo from the table next to them "You are his family, this is his family. Isaac is surrounded by people who love and care for him."

Emilia smiled down at the photo sadly clutching at the corners of the frame, the photo of herself Derek and Isaac last christmas giving her some happiness.

"I want to take care of Isaac like you took care of me." Emilia admitted, looking up to her mother as she wiped away her tears "I cant let them down."

"You've been taking care of that boy since the minute he was born, you haven't let anybody down." Melissa informed her, "He will be fine, he might not be right now, but he will be when he's with you."


"How-" Emilia started, walking into the doorway of Isaac's room at the Hale house.

"It was hard, but i calmed him down." Derek replied, knowing what his girlfriend was about to ask him.

The past year Isaac had to started to trust Derek more than ever, Isaac knew that whenever he didn't have Emilia he could always go to Derek.

Emilia sat down next to Isaac gently, trying not to wake up the boy.

"Sorry isaac, go back to sleep." Emilia apologised, moving the blanket onto Isaac's shoulders so he was comfortable.

"Is he really gone?" Isaac whispered, laying his head on Emilia's lap.

"You have to always remember that Camden loved you very much, and that he will always be in our hearts." Emilia replied, pointing to his heart.

"Whats going to happen to me now he's gone?" Isaac questioned nervously, Emilia looked up to Derek with a sigh before answering the 10 year old.

"Us three have to stick together, don't we?" Emilia answered, Derek nodded in agreement "It might just be the three of us for a while, but things will get better. I promise."

"We're not letting you leave us anytime soon, buddy." Derek spoke up, sitting up in the arm chair next to Isaac's bed.

"Good." Isaac smiled up at the teens, "I love you guys."

Emilia knew what Melissa said earlier, this was her family. And Emilia wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of that.

"We love you to."


The group of friends stood in the woods in front of the tree dedicated to Camden, seeing as they couldn't have a proper funeral they decided to have one of their own. The tree had Camden's initials carved in along with it being surrounded by flowers and items to remember Camden by.

"Goodbye, Camden Lahey." Emilia whispered placing a rose on his memorial, holding onto Isaac's hand "You will forever be in our hearts."

Emilia and Isaac stood the closet to the tree, with Derek not far behind. The rest of the teens were still in shock over the news of the passing of their best friend, Blair and Jason definitely took the news difficult they had known him just as long as Emilia. Charlie and Melanie didn't know Camden for as long but the boy had a special place in their hearts, the memorial finally giving the whole group a proper way to grieve.

"I'm going to make things right Camden, i promise." Emilia promised, running her hand across the memorial sadly.


"Camden wouldn't want us to be sad." Isaac mumbled, sitting in the middle of Emilia and Derek on the bench at the park Derek brought Emilia too.

Derek had started to bring Isaac here now that he lived with them too, with the house filled with lots of people it was the perfect place for an escape.

"He wouldn't, would he?" Emilia replied, looking down to the blonde.

"Well, lets have some fun." Derek suggested, standing up from the bench "Sitting around isn't going to help us feel any better."

"Race ya!" Isaac exclaimed, him and Derek running towards the climbing frame.

"Seriously!" Emilia complained running after them, groaning as she fell in the same place she did the last time "Again?"

She didnt have her best friend anymore, but she had her family and she new that she would be able to get through the pain with them around her. It was going to be hard, but Emilia had to be strong for herself and Isaac.


hey guys

This was supposed to go up earlier but I had too much homework to finish the chapter.

so this chapter broke my heart while writing it, i knew i would have to write it at some point seeing as he actually passed in teen wolf but i knew that i couldn't just keep him alive because it needed to happen based on things that go on in later seasons.

goodbye Camden Lahey

- Ebony
