| 10

"You're going to call everyday right?" Blair asked, sitting down next to Emilia on Melissa's sofa.

"Of course." Emilia smiled over at her best friend, moving back to sit comfortably on the sofa "I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

Emilia was still struggling with yesterday's events, and she will be for a long time. But for now she had to be strong and take control of things for her family.

"You'll be fine, you have Derek." Blair pointed out, holding onto Emilia's hand "Camden would be proud of you."

If Camden was there he would be so proud of his best friend, after everything thats happened during her lifetime all of her friends are proud about how far she's come.

"Do you mean that?" Emilia smiled, trying to be strong at the mention of Camden.

"With everything going on in your life you've managed to be strong for everyone around you." Blair explained, nudging Emilia on the shoulder lightly with a smile "Camden would be more than proud of his little Em."


"What are you doing down here?" Emilia jumped as Jason walked into the room, dropping the photo she was holding back on the shelf.

"Looking at what's left." Emilia answered, walking over to her brother stood in the hallway of the vault.

"Did you and Talia always store things down here in case of emergancies?" Jason asked, notching some of their belongings from when they were younger in the room.

One of the first things Talia taught Emilia about was the Hale vault, Emilia and Talia kept their most important belongings in here where they would be safe.

"Its a good thing we did, after whats happened." Emilia smiled sadly walking out of the room, turning to face her brother once they reached the top of the steps "We should probably head back to Melissa's."

"I know what you're going to ask me." Jason spoke up, walking side by side with Emilia across the car park "To look after Linc, Scott and Melissa."

"Weekly updates?" Emilia grinned, Jason rolled his eyes knowing his sister was completely serious.

Now that Emilia wasn't there to watch over the rest of the Bennett family, Jason knew he had to step up and help out so Emilia wouldn't stress about them everyday.

"I cant believe you're really leaving!" Melanie announced rushing into the room, Emilia shushed her pointing to Isaac fast asleep next to her.

"Do you have to leave?" Melanie wined following Emilia onto the porch, sitting down next to her on the porch swing.

"Beacon Hills is filled with so many open wounds and i need to leave so i can heal." Emilia replied, Melanie nodded her head realising how hard it would be for Emilia to say here for much longer.

"I understand." Melanie sighed, sitting up from her slouched position "This town hasn't excatly treated you well."

"I'll be seeing you soon, Emmy." Melanie smiled standing up from the chair, pulling Emilia up with her  "New York is the perfect shopping destination."

"I have a feeling i'll be seeing you more than everyone else, Mel." Emilia laughed, wrapping her arms around Melanie's waist as the blonde pulled her into a hug.

"The shops are already calling my name!" Melanie sang pulling away from the hug, smiling sadly at her friend before walking away.

"Emilia." Melanie stopped walking, turning back to face the werewolf "Thank you."

"For what?" Emilia asked in confusion, leaning against the doorway.

"For being my friend these past three years, you changed my life for the better." Melanie smiled, waving goodbye to Emilia "I love you Emmy."

Emilia and Melanie became friends when Melanie needed her the most, since then Melanie had been forever thankful for Emilia being there for her no matter what.

"I love you to Mel." Emilia waved back, watching the blonde walk down the steps.


"Come here buddy." Jason kneeled down to Isaac's level, pulling the 10 year old into a hug "Don't miss me to much."

"Don't you mean, don't miss me to much." Isaac joked motioning to himself.

Like Emilia, Jason was the only one out of all their friends to be in Isaac's life since day one. After 10 years watching leave will be hard for the werewolf.

"I think you're right." Jason nodded with a laugh, he was going to miss his nephew

"Look at us, the most unlikely friendship." Charlie joked, Emilia smiled looking up to the voice as he walked into the kitchen.

"I'm going to miss you Charlie." Emilia admitted, leaning her head against his shoulder as he brought her into a hug.

Not many people would've thought these two would've become friends, Charlie was the most popular kid in school and hardly anyone knew who Emilia was. but somehow they managed to make it work and they were extremely close, now more than ever.

"I'm going to miss you to Em." Charlie ran his hand through the smaller girls hair, "Trust me, you'll be seeing me often. I love new York."

"Don't get yourself and Jason into any trouble." Emilia warned him, pulling away from the hug.

"Jason and i getting into trouble? thats the main purpose of our friendship." Charlie laughed as Emilia glared at him, lightly punching his shoulder.

"Take care of your mom, kid." Charlie told the curly haired boy as he walked into the room to stand next to Emilia.

"I will." Isaac nodded, smiling up at his mom.

"Tell Derek i said goodbye." Charlie smiled sadly, having no idea how his best friend was feeling.

Derek hadn't spoke to anyone since the fire other than Emilia and Isaac, he could barley finish a sentence to Emilia without breaking down. Isaac was the only one to get a full conversation out of him, Emilia was glad that Isaac found a way to break through with Derek.

"He will call you when the times right." Emilia sighed, looking into the living room where Derek sat on the sofa looking at one of the photos hanging on the wall.


Emilia smiled at Derek as he lay on the sofa, finally managing to get some sleep. After all the events in the past 24 hours, Derek didn't manage to sleep, and when he tried his thoughts kept him awake. Emilia walked out of the living room and into the kitchen where Melissa sat drinking Tea, the older woman smiled as Emilia sat down next to her at the table.

"I cant believe you're leaving tomrow." Melissa spoke up, placing her mug on the table.

"Neither can i." Emilia admitted, looking at her mom sadly "I dont want to leave everyone, but i have to do whats best for Derek and Isaac."

"You're taking care of your family, and if that means leaving Beacon hills do it." Melissa encouraged her, placing her hand on top of her daughters.

"I feel selfish." Emilia sighed, her gaze landing on the photos covering the front of the fridge "I'm leaving my whole family, i'm going to miss out on watching Scott grow up, i'm going to miss watching my friends move on with their lives."

"We will visit each other all the time, its going to be like you've never left." Melissa smiled, trying to lighten the mood "You're doing whats best for your family, you're allowed to be selfish."

"Hey buddy." Emilia turned to face Isaac as he walked into the room sleepily, leaning against his moms chair  "Are you ready for bed?"

"Come on then." Emilia stood up from the chair once Isaac nodded, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Goodnight grandma." Isaac spoke quietly, turning to face Melissa before they walked out of the room.

This was the first time Isaac had ever called Melissa grandma, despite feeling like she was too young to be a grandma Melissa was happy about what he just said.

"Night Isaac." Melissa smiled at the moment, looking over to Emilia in surprise.


"Call me when you get there?" Lincoln asked his daughter, breaking away from their hug "Make sure to text me three times a day."

"Dad, I'm seeing you in a few weeks, stop worrying." Emilia laughed, seeing the resemblance between herself and her father.

"Okay, okay!" Lincoln sighed, moving out of the way so Emilia could walk over to the car.

"See you soon, old man." Emilia joked, waving goodbye to her younger brother as he stood next to Melissa and Lincoln.

"I'm 36 not 70!" Lincoln groaned, placing his hand on Scott's shoulder.

"Bye!" Scott waved goodbye to his older sister as she climbed into the car, walking up the driveway with his parents.

"You ready to go?" Emilia asked the two boys, holding onto Derek's hand as she started up the car.

"Lets go." Derek smiled, the first one he'd shared since the fire.

getting out of Beacon Hills meant that the family could finally have the time to life like a normal family, something Emilia had dreamed of since she was young. Emilia smiled at Isaac through the mirror as they drove away from the house, looking at the road ahead leading to their new beginning.

the end...


and thats the end of when we were young !

thank you guys for so much love on this book, i cant believe with have 15k reads which is amazing! this is my first completed book, most of my books I've ended up deleting half way through but i completely fell in love with this book and the characters.

im so exited for you all to see Emilia and Derek's future, and how their lives will play out throughout the teen wolf seasons, and theres still lots more of surprises along the way. This book will be the shortest of the series, the next book will have much longer chapters and will be about 3 seasons long.

This book will be edited but probably not for a while

- Ebony
