
"I'm going to tell you both something." Emilia started, looking at two of her best friends "And i want you both to react in a completely calm way, and do not by any means gain the attention of Scott or Melissa."

The two blondes sat on the end of Emilia's bed with Emilia standing in front of them, the two nodded slowly waiting to Emilia to continue.

"I kissed derek." Emilia smiled, watching the both of them look at her in shock "Twice."

"No freakin way!", "finally!" Camden and Melanie shouted at the same time, standing up in excitement.

"Did you guys ignore anything i just said!" Emilia whisper shouted, "Stop shouting!"

"You just told us you kissed Derek Hale and your telling us to calm down!" Melanie exclaimed, Camden nodding in agreement.

"I think not, you crazy lady." Camden nodded, "You kissed your crush its a big deal."

"See! even Cooper agrees." Melanie added.

Emilia rolled her eyes, waiting for the day the both of them would stop acting like they hate each other and actually admit their feelings.

"I'm getting Melissa!" Camden sang attempting to walk out of the room.

"No you're not." Emilia tried to stop him, but failed as he ran down the corridor shouting out for her foster mother.

"Mama Melissa i have exiting news!" Camden beamed, dragging his favourite McCall into Emilia's room.

"Emilia and Derek kissed!" Melanie gushed, Melissa gasping in surprise.

"I told you scott!" Melissa called out to her son, smiling knowing that she had won their bet.

"How did you even know." Emilia asked, surprised that Melissa somewhat knew already.

"Its my motherly insticts, i know everything." Melissa explained, gently pushing Emilia back so she was sat on the bed, this time the two blondes and Melissa stood infant of her.

"Now sit down and tell us everything!"


"Its now or never em." Emilia whispered to herself, pushing open the front door to her mothers house.

Emilia nervously walked up the stairs of her old house, knowing that she shouldn't be there, but half of her belongings were there and she needed to get them at some point. Emilia's eyes widened in shock as she heard the front door open, quickly running up the last steps hiding behind the wall next to her room , her usual hiding spot for eavesdropping on her mother.

"The boy's packed up and left." A female voice spoke from downstairs "Should we do anything?"

"Leave it for now." an older male voice replied, "I have a feeling that theres some things we dont know."

Emilia sighed in relief as she heard the footsteps go towards the kitchen, giving her more time to get out of there. Emilia struggled as strong hands pulled her into her bedroom, pushing her against the wall as quietly as possible. Emilia stared at the brunette in confusion as his hand covered her mouth, listening to the people that broke in walk out the front door.

"What the hell!" Emilia exclaimed, breaking away from peters grasp "Peter? what are you doing?"

"Making sure she doesn't kill you." Peter replied harshly, watching the black suv drive away through the window.

who the hell would want to kill me? , Emilia wondered if these are the people Jason was worried about, but she still couldn't understand why they were after her.

"Why would she kill me?" Emilia asked in confusion, her hands shaking as she became more panicked.

"Im not the person to tell you." Peter replied vaguely, knowing not to say the wrong thing.

"Just remember." Peter reminded her before walking down the stairs, "Us Hale's and Bennett's need to stick together."


After the confusing events at what happened at her old house, Emilia walked slowly down the sidewalk towards the Lahey household trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Emilia gripped onto the duffle bag hanging on her shoulder, smiling once she reached the closest house with people she could trust. Her smile dropped as she heard a loud crash come from the building, along with a familiar scream.

"Isaac." Emilia whispered to herself with a worried tone , before running up the driveway.

Emilia barged through the front door, spotting Isaac stood alone in the living room. Isaac stopped crying once he noticed Emilia in the doorway, the teen rushed over bending down to his level avoiding the broken glass on the floor , immediately inspecting the large cut on his forehead.

"Its okay." Emilia comforted him, pulling him into a hug "What happened?"

"I don't know, everything was fine and then him and Camden started shouting." Isaac sniffled, holding onto emilia not wanting to let go

"What were they shouting about?" Emilia asked in concern, hoping to understand the situation.

"This." Isaac pointed to the paper booklet on the table, emilia leaned over taking a glance at the paper.

Looking at the booklet in surprise, Emilia decided not to mention it to Isaac, knowing it was not her place to tell him.

"Wheres Camden?" Emilia sighed, helping Isaac up.

"He stormed out."

"Lets go before your dad comes back." Emilia and Isaac quietly walked out of the front door, quickly making their way down the driveway.


"All sorted." Emilia sang, smoothing down the plaster on his forehead placing the wrapper in the bin.

"Come on off to bed, you have school tomorrow." Emilia continued, helping Isaac into her bed.

"Do i have to go?" Isaac groaned leaning back, his blonde curls spreading out on the pillow.

"Yes you do, you can't miss school. Its exiting day tomorrow, you have costume rehearsals for the play instead of lessons."  Emilia tried to be positive, hoping to convince him to go to school.

"I don't want to go. Most peoples parents are coming in to help, my dad isn't coming and nobody is there to help me." Isaac mumbled, playing with the corner of the duvet.

Emilia remembered Melissa talking about going in to help the kids get ready for the practice show, which was mainly shown to the kids in younger years. Melissa luckily didn't have to miss work to go and help because Scott and stiles were banned from being in the play, after the events of last time. Scott and Stiles were casted for main characters and went completely off script due to them being bored, Scott stared to dance round the stage while Stiles recited star wars, eventually having to be dragged off stage by the sheriff.

"Wasn't Camden going to come?" Emilia asked, sitting down next to him on the other side of the bed.

"He cant, he says he has a test and needs these grades for something important that i can't remember." Isaac said remembering the argument between Camden and his Father earlier today.

"How about i come and help?" Emilia suggested.

"Don't you have a test too?"

"Yes, but you're more important." Emilia admitted, messing with Isaac's hair "Rehearsals aren't until eleven so i still have some time to go to school, then i'll ditch and come help you."

What she said was true, Isaac was one of the main priories in her life , she and camden had been taking care of Isaac since they were six. Emilia would do anything for Isaac, no matter when or where if Isaac needed her she would be there in a heartbeat.


"No buts, I'm coming." Emilia cut him off, standing up to go turn off the light "Time to go to sleep, you have a busy day tomorrow."

"Night Em." Isaac mumbled before snuggling into the duvet.

"Night Isaac."


Luckily for Emilia she had Cheer practice at the time she had to leave, seeing as there was not a proper teacher she could leave without getting seen. Emilia sat on the bleachers putting her belongings back into her gym back, pulling on her cheer jacket.

"Hale, take a brake we dont want your leg getting worse!" Bobby Finstock's loud voice ran through the sports hall, Emilia smiled as she looked to to see Derek making his way over to her.

"Hows that injured leg of yours?" Emilia teased, remembering his fake injury from the previous game.

"Healing, slowly." Derek played along, sitting down next to her, "Where you heading? practice isn't over."

"Camden's little brother doesn't have a parent to help with the play, so I'm going to play parent for the day." Emilia explained, pulling her duffle bag strap onto her shoulder.

"Thats really nice of you to do that for him, especially missing the test next." Derek complimented, remembering the test next period.

"The test isn't that important, its only practice for the proper one." Emilia shrugged, standing up to leave the gym.

"My parents aren't going either, i could with you and help? i mean only if you want." Derek stood up also, hoping to go with her.

"Does that include sneaking you out of the gym?" Emilia smirked.

"It does." Derek nodded.

"Then id love to." Emilia beamed, taking dereks arm putting it over her shoulder "Tell him I'm taking you to the nurse."

"Coach! Emilia's taking me to the nurse i think my leg has got worse." Derek called out, the two of them making their way down the steps.

"Yes go, i cant have my star player hurt even more!" Coach responded nodding his head, turning away to shout at another player.

"Limp a little." Emilia instructed, helping Derek 'walk' across the basketball court.

"Why?" Derek asked, his hand holding Emilia's that helped to support him.

"It has too look realistic, we cant just run out of here." Emilia replied, Derek nodded and started to limp.

"Okay take it down a notch." Emilia laughed, watching Derek's terrible acting skills "I'm taking you to the nurse not the ER."

"Get some!" Camden's voice echoed through the hall as Derek and Emilia reached the doors, the both of them rolling their eyes ignoring him.

"Who would've thought that the schools good girl would be ditching." Derek spoke up in fake surprise, Emilia glared at him slightly.

"Im not the schools good girl." Emilia grimaced, "Plus I've ditched before."

"Hmm." Derek hummed, looking at his hand holding Emilia's.

"Shut up! i can be a bad girl if i wanted it." Emilia continued, trying to get Derek to believe her.

"I'll believe it when i see it." Derek joked, pushing open the doors to the parking lot.

"So, your uncle was at my old house yesterday." Emilia explained, hoping Derek knew about what peter told her "These people broke in and he warned me."

"Are you okay?" Derek asked in concern turning to face her, making sure that she was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Emilia clarified, causing Derek to sigh in relief "He said something like us hales and benetts need to stick together, what did he mean ?"

Derek wasn't entirely sure what peter meant, but after what he was told the other night he had a slight idea.

"I have no idea."


"Dont worry, you will be fine its only practice." Emilia said reassuringly, finishing the animal whiskers on Isaac's cheeks.

"Okay." Isaac nodded, following the rest of the students out of the room.

"I still cant believe they put us on makeup duty." Derek spoke up, sitting on the chair Isaac was previously sat on.

"Its probaby because they wouldn't trust two teenagers with anything else." Emilia shrugged, clearing up some of the makeup from the table in front of them

"What are we supposed to do now?" Derek asked leaning back in his chair, placing his hands in his jersey shorts pockets.

"Just wait until its time to take their makeup off." Emilia replied looking over the schedule on the wall, not entirely sure what they had to do next.

"So we just have to wait in here."

"Yep." Emilia nodded, turning back to face Derek and he picked a lipstick up from the table.

"Derek!" Emilia gasped as Derek dragged a red lipstick across her cheek.

"Emilia no!" Derek's smirked dropped as Emilia picked up a tub of glitter, The teens laughing as Emilia sprinkled some of it on his head.

Emilia stood up to try and find another makeup item, Derek stood up chasing after her. The two teens ran around the classroom , Derek catching up with Emilia with ease. The werewolves arms wrapped around Emilia's waist picking her up from the ground, Emilia squealed as Derek twirled her round - Thankful that the short cheer skirts had shorts underneath.

Not many people saw this side to Derek, only his family and friends saw the real Derek. The fun and playful Derek who would do anything for his family and friends, and Emilia had started to realise that Derek was a lot different to what she thought a few months ago. At school Derek was that mysterious popular kid that everyone wanted to get to know, most of the girls swooning over his bad boy ways.

Derek placed Emilia back on the floor, the two sitting back down on the chairs where they previously sat. Despite already crushing on her Derek felt stronger feelings than before, he found himself wanting to spend more time with her and overtime he did he only felt happiness. The same could go for Emilia, even thought she dint want to let any one into her life, she found it easy to let him in.

Emilia's brown eyes locked with Derek's taking his hand in hers , before anymore movements were made Derek leaned forward placing his free hand on the back of Emilia's chair , kissing her gently on the lips.

The small pot of glitter in Emilia's hand fell to the ground, her hand coming up  around his neck running her hand through his hair. Before the kiss got any deeper, the two teens pulled away gasping for a breath.

"What are we?" Emilia burst out, once again surprised that she found herself kissing Derek hale.

"I dont know." Derek breathed, "What do you want us to be?"

"More than friends." Emilia admitted, looking down to her fingers still interlocked with Derek's.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" Derek asked in surprise, realising that his crush was actually asking him out.

"I think i am." Emilia nodded her head, realising what she just asked.

"Well, i'd love to be your Boyfriend."
