- 3

"Am i going to regret this?"

"Probably." melanie shrugged, continuting to drag emilia down the hallway.

The smaller teen stumbled as her friend pulled her towards the gym, rolling her eyes Emilia steadied herself before continuing to be dragged.


"Don't be silly of course you won't, you get to spend more time with me and see that Cameron boy you're friends with." Melanie continued to ramble as they turned the corner into a another hallway.

"Camden, his names camden mel." Emilia correcting her for what feels like the thousandth time.

"Yeah whatever, i knew that. Plus you're an amazing dancer we need you on the team!" Melanie continued to rambled about the subject before stopping her self "No buts! As of now you are officially on the team."

" You're not the captain, surely you cant make that choice."

"We don't have a captin, we all agreed it would be you to take over the team." Melanie shrugged pushing open the doors to the gym "I mean you have more experience than all of us."

"But i cant come to all of the practices" Emilia answered, hoping it was an excuse to get out of it.

" Don't worry you can bring scotty with you whenever you need." Melanie said happily, smirking slightly once she noticed she was winning Emilia over.

"Fine okay!" Emilia exclaimed, giving up fighting with her about it.

"She said yes!" Emilia jumped as Melanie practically screamed to the team, both the cheer squad and the basketball team turned to face them.

"Wait, the basketball team practice in here too?" Emilia's eyes fell directly on Derek, turning her attention back to Melanie before he could notice.

Emilia realised that she would be seeing a lot more of Derek, and this time she was happy about it.

"Yep, Finnstock gets annoyed if we distract the team but we do it to piss him off anyways." meanie said simply, handing Emilia a pair of pom poms "Lets get to it, shall we?"


"Mel i feel ridiculous, everyones staring!" Emilia exclaimed dropping her pom poms to the ground as she walked past meanie, still dancing along to the music.

"Get over it and dance!" Melanie said bluntly turning the opposite way, continuing the choreography.

"Fine!" Emilia grumbled walking through the middle of the girls, moving her body along with the music.

Across the hall the basketball team were on break, Jason and Camden laughed as they watched Emilia perform her mini solo in the middle of the girls. Both boys knew that Emilia would never do that by her own choice, they also knew that it was melanie's doing.

" I can believe Melanie convinced her to do this." Camden laughed, both him and Jason clapping once Emilia finished dancing.

"Me either." Jason responded, both putting their hands up in surrender as Emilia turned and glared at them.

Even across the hall both boys could recognise that glare anywhere, and if they both didn't stop whatever they were doing that annoyed her they would more than likely get screamed at.

"Hey Jase, since when was emilia on the cheerleading squad." Derek asked walking up to Jason and camden, Derek looked at Camden with a confused look as Camden glared at him weirdly.

Despite Jason being in the year above with Derek's sister the pair had been friends for years, they had met at basketball club one day after school in middle school and since then they actually have been very close.

"Since now i guess. " Jason shrugged, before turning to face camden as he spoke up "I'm going over, you coming? "

"No, i'll see her later." Jason nodded, looking at Derek with a smirk as he noticed him staring at his sister "Why the look, hale?"

"Huh?" Derek asked, attempting to fake confusion.

"You're going all googling eyes over my sister."

"What? no I'm not." Derek denied, shaking his head.

"Sure." Jason said sarcastically, the boys looking over to Emilia and Camden laughing as she hit with on the head with a pom pom " Dont worry nothings ever going to happen between them, he's her best friend."


"Hey Lia." Derek spoke up walking over to Emilia who was sat on the floor packing away the speaker, while the rest of the team was back in the locker room.

"Lia? thats a new one." Emilia replied with a smile, slightly surprised that Derek had given her a nickname "I like it."

"I was wondering if you are coming to the game tomorrow? " Derek asked as Emilia stood up, Emilia looked up at him with a smile.

"Its kinda complusary now I'm on the cheer time." Emilia laughed, raising a brow at the taller boy "Why hoping to see me there? "

"I guess you could say that."

"Well i'll see you there." Emilia said before walking away, before getting to far away she turned back around to face Derek "You better win for me."

"I will."


"Emmy !" Emilia stumbled as Scott crashed into her as he made her way through the doorway to the McCall house, Scott smiled up at his sister waving around a piece of paper in his hand "Emmy look!"

"Hey Scott, whats this? " Emilia asked taking the paper from Scott, looking at his goofy smile with a questioning look.

"Oh, just a A on his maths test." Melissa called out from the kitchen, Emilia gasped pulling Scott into a hug. 

"What! Scott thats amazing!" Emilia exclaimed, giving the paper back to Scott with a proud look on her face.

"Oh my goodness look at you! first Scott gets an A and now you're on the cheerleading team!" the two looked up to Melissa as she walked into the hallway, a smile growing on her face as she looked at her two kids.

"More like forced on the team." Emilia laughed, causing Melissa to roll her eyes.

"Oh shush you! this means its time for a photo."Melissa said excitedly, grabbing her Polaroid camera from the table "No more groaning, its a important day for us McCalls!"

Both of them sighed before standing next to each other smiling, Scott holding his paper out for the camera to see.

"Ok, smile!" Melissa called out before taking the photo, she smiled taking the photo out of the camera "Perfect, this is going on the fridge."

"Along with many other photos of us." Scott grumbled as Melissa walked back into the kitchen, causing Emilia to chuckle.

"Watch it." Melissa warned poking her upper body back into the hallway, Scott giggled running into the living room as Emilia followed Melissa into the kitchen.

"I'm having the night off so i can come watch the game tomorrow." Melissa said while putting the photo on the fridge with a magnet.

"Melissa, you don't have to do that." Emilia responded, looking at her mother figure with a sad smile.

"Yes i do, its your first game as a cheerleader. Plus Scott wants to see Camden and Jason play." Melissa shrugged causing Emilia to nod, moving to help her with dinner.

Melissa knew that Emilia would want her family there with her, her real mom wouldn't even know she was on the cheer team so Melissa knew it was her responsibility to show Emilia that she does have a supportive family. But Emilia knew that already, and she didn't need Melissa to prove that to her. Melissa, Scott and Jason, they were her family. even if they don't share the same blood.

"Okay." Emilia grabbed the plates from the cupboard, nearly dropping them as a loud crash came from the living room

Emilia and Melissa looked at each other before putting whatever was in their hands down, rushing into the living room. The two females frowned as they watched Scott stand up from his place on the floor, rubbing his head.

"Scott, you okay?" Melissa asked her son, Scott nodded attempting to move his hair from out of his face.

"I think he needs a hair cut." Emilia suggested, realising that Scott more than likely fell because of his long floppy hair.

"No cuts!" Scott exclaimed causing Melissa and Emilia to laugh.


"So where did you disappear to last night Em? don't tell me you were up to something scandalous." Camden asked, flopping himself onto emilias bed "Wait please say you were, i need the drama!"

Like most days after school Emilia would find herself getting interrupted with whatever she was doing by Camden storming into her room with some sort of rant, if it was a year ago there would be her other best friend Blair following him. But she moved away so its just the two of them now,  sometimes they would have Isaac as the third member as the group but it was never the same.

"Your love for drama is starting to concern me, Lahey." Emilia laughed, causing Camden to shove her in the shoulder.

" Ha ha ha, now tell me!" Camden responded sarcasitcally, waiting for Emilia to explain herself.

"What makes you think i was up to something?"

"Jason called me asking where you were, seeing as you didn't tell neither of us we assumed you were up to something." Camden shrugged making himself comfy on Emilia's bed in her room at melissa's.

Emilia prefered her room at the McCalls, it felt more homely than it did at her moms. The walls were painted a soft pink and had photos covered on one of the walls, the majority of the photos were Emilia and her friends along with some of her and her family, on another wall Emilia had some pictures scott had drawn from when he was younger and some certificets and awards she had won over the years.

"Of course you did." Emilia sighed leaning back against the pillows on the window seat, traling her hand against the glass.


"I was with someone." Emilia answered simply, causing Camden to look at her with a curious smile.

"Who's this someone?" Camden asked, getting slightly too exited over this information.


"Derek who? " Camden groaned, getting impatient with his best friend.

" ... Hale." Emilia answered nervously, waiting for Camden's reaction.

"NO WAY! Emillia Melissa Bennett i never expected this from you." Camden exclaimed in shock, emilia rolled her eyes at his dramatic reaction " I'm so surprised, Blair would be so proud."

" Blair probably heard you screaming all the way in florida, shut up!" Emilia shouted back, causing camden to laugh.

"Sorry." Camden held his hands up in surrender, " I was just surprised. "

"Why are you so surprised i hung out with a guy? i can hang out with guys. " Emilia asked, confused as to why Camden is reacting the way he is.

"You kinda are lacking in the guy department, i mean other than me your wonderful best friend." Camden explained, signalling towards himself. 

"Camden!" Emilia exclaimed throwing a pillow at the tall blonde, Camden caught the pillow with ease causing Emilia to groan "I know how to act around guys perfectly fine, i was with Derek for three hours and i survived that."

"I suppose you have a point." Camden shrugged, smirking at Emilia "No wonder why he was staring at you at practice."

"He was staring at me?" Emilia asked, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing at the mention of Derek.

"Wait do you like him!" Camden eyes widened as he watched his best friends actions.

"What no !" Emilia attempted to lie, exaggerating her actions.

Emilia was a bad liar, everyone that was close to her knew that. Whenever she had to lie about something she would always find herself exaggerating all of her actions, having no idea why.

"Dont lie to me Emilia." Camden stood up from the bed, walking to stand infant of Emilia.

" Okay maybe i do, like just a little. I barley know him, i cant like him that much already." Emilia confessed nervously, looking up to Camden with hopeful eyes "Right?"

"Well get to know him then, i see potential with you guys."

"Camden." Emilia groaned, burying her head with a fluffy pillow.

"Emilia, I'm being serious."Camden said genuinely,"I can actually see you guys together."

"Really? " Emilia removed the pillow from in front of her face, waiting for Camden to respond.


"Well, i must dash, a certain curly blonde haired boy needs my attention." Camden changed the subject, making his way to the door way.

"Don't go gossiping about me to Isaac !" Emilia called out as he left her room, laughing lightly to herself.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Hi Melissa, bye Melissa!" Emilia heard Camden talk to her family members, laughing as he mocked herself and blair's goodbye "Bye Scott, love you!"

"Bye Camden, love you!" Scott shouted back from the room next to Emilia's.

"That sounded like a intresting conversation." Melissa spoke up, standing in Emilia's doorway.

"Camden got exited over me spending time with a boy, thats all." Emilia shrugged, standing up from her seat making her way over to the bed.

"Emilia what! when were you going to tell me!" Melissa reposted in shock, Emilia sighed forgetting that Melissa's reaction would be just like or worse than Camden's.

"Not you too." Emilia groaned, sitting on her bed.

"Yes me too, tell me what happened."Melissa walked into the room, sitting next to Emilia.

"Okay, well..."


"Derek stop!" Keith held his son back, Derek growled fighting against his father "Remember, alpha, beta, omega."

Inside the basement most of the hale family stood helping Derek, who was currently unable to control his shift.

"Its not working!" Derek growled, breathing heavily attempting to gain control.

"It will keep going." Talia encouraged her son, Derek nodded doing as his mother said.

"Alpha, beta." Derek repeated, slowly turning back to his normal form with a gasp "Omega."

"See, i told you it will work." Talia smiled, putting a hand on her sons shoulder.

"Well it didn't work very well." Peter retorted, leaning against the table in the corner of the cellar "He needs a anchor Talia."

"Yes well we tried everything and nothings working." Talia snapped at her brother, like usual, being over protective of her son "So if you have any suggestions, please do say."

"Derek go upstairs." Keith told his son, Derek nodded walking out of the room.

Like on most occasions Derek was sent out when it came to arguments between the adults, most times it annoyed him because he knew he could handle whatever they were going to say.What all annoyed him was that Laura could stay, despite being only a year older.

"You cant baby him for the rest of his life talia, you have to let him deal with it himself!" Peter exclaimed walking over to his older sister, Keith and Laura stood watching the siblings fight like they always do. especially over Derek, "He's a seventeen year old boy, he can look after himself."

"I'm sure he can look after himself as a human, but as a werewolf not so much." Talia responded, trying to keep her calm with her younger and irritating brother.

"Well we will just have to make sure he can look after himself, and he will. Eventually." Keith added, his daughter nodding in agreement.

"Are you going to his game tomorrow? " Talia asked peter.

Peter always went to derek's games, he found it as a way to show Derek that he will always be there for him.

"Laura and i will watch him." Peter nodded.

"He's seventeen not seven." Keith said only to be ignored.

"Good." talia turned to face both peter and Laura" Look out for that girl he's took a liking too, i want to know more about her."

"You realise were not your minions, right mom?" Laura said with a eye roll.

"Of course i do, Laura. But we need all the help we can get when it comes to your brother."

"Are you talking about the girl derek likes? because she's really nice, she's my friend." Cora spoke up as she skipped into the basement, holding one of her many teddy bears in her hand.

"Is she?" Talia asked in surprise, bending down to her youngest daughters height "How do you know her?"

"She's my dance teacher." Cora said simply, smiling at her mom.

"How about next lesson i take you to dance?" Talia asked, causing cora to look at her mom in confusion. Derek always took her to dance, she didn't understand why her mom wanted to now.

"Okay."Cora shrugged, walking out of the room.

"See, she's being helpful." Talia stood up and turned to face the remaining hales.

"I think you are all overreacting. Derek has a crush , he's not planning on proposing to her or have kids. The only time we need to worry if they actually become a thing, which it more than likely won't." Keith spoke up, acting as if he was the only sane one in the room.

"I suppose you have a point." Laura agreed.

"Just wait a little longer, then you will understand."


"Im so close to hitting harris around the head with a brick, how is he even a teacher!" Camden huffed slamming his tray against the cafeteria table, the crash of the plastic caused Emilia to jump back into reality.

"Bad morning?" Emilia questioned with wide eyes, Camden nodded grumbling to himself.

"You guessed it, double harris." Camden muttered, emilia looking at her best friend in realisation.

Camden and Mr Harris had never gotten along, well Harris never got along with any students, most of the lessons where Camden is present it usually ended in a argument.

"Ouch." Emilia responded, looking at camden in confusion as he shrunk down in his seat.

"Oh god, here we go." Camden groaned looking at the approaching blonde, Emilia turned to face Melanie with a smile.

"hello Em. Cameron." Melanie chirped, purposely getting Camden's name wrong.

When Emilia and Melanie first became friends Emilia noticed Melanie's crush on Camden straight away, Melanie found out by acting like she disliked Camden it would cover up her crush. After all, she does have a boyfriend. While Camden on the other hand thought Melanie hated him, for the past year he had been oblivious to Melanie crushing on him.

"hey Mel."Emilia hummed, putting down her bottle of water.

"Just reminding you that theres practice 5th period and straight after school before the game, you will have around a half hour break before the game starts." Melanie informed, her blonde curls bouncing against her shoulders.

"Got it." Emilia nodded, laughing lightly to herself as Camden attempted to hide behind his bag.

"Great, bye em! "Melanie beamed walking away from the table, turning back around to Camden "Oh and Connor."

"I'm starting to think she's doing that on purpose now."Camden realised, prodding his food with his fork.

"You only just realised that?" Emilia laughed before looking at Camden seriously, attempting to lie to him "Come on Cam, we all know she's jelous because i spend more time with you."

"But I'm your best friend." Camden gasped, Emilia rolling her eyes at his overdramatic actions.

"Yes but to her I'm her best friend." Emilia pointed out, "She doesn't have many friends, her only friends are friends with her because of her boyfriend."

Melanie gained all her popularity from her boyfriend, she didn't go out with him for that reason but to her popularity did have its perks.

"I suppose you have a point." Camden shrugged,"But if Blair was still here she would've slapped her into reality."

"I almost did that, but i got to know her and changed my mind." Emilia said in defence of her friend, hoping that Camden will soon realise the truth.

"Are you exited for the game tonight?" Camden asked, looking up to Emilia rolling his blue eyes.

Emilia's gase was focused on the other side of the cafeteria, mainly on her brothers table where Derek sat. The two teens eyes met causing each other to both blush and turn away quickly, both of them smiling to themselves.

"Em?"Camden spoke up loudly, attempting to get the attention of his best friend "Hello? earth to Emilia."

"Sorry, what were you saying?" Emilia answered, slightly flustered.

"I saw that, you and Derek giving each other googly eyes." Camden said with a questioning tone, pointing his finger at he both of them.

"We were not." Emilia blurted, trying to lie once again.

"Don't be in denial because you got caught, just own up and say that you like him."

"I don't like like him, but i kinda do like like him." Emilia concluded looking down at the table with rosy cheeks, across the hall a teen werewolf was doing the same.

"You realise you don't make any sense right?" Camden laughed, smirking at Emilia unaware of Derek listening to the conversation  "You know what , i get it now. You like Derek, Derek obviously likes you seeing as he's sat over there staring at you, and in 10 years time you will be married with many beautiful children."

"Camden!" Emilia squealed with wide eyes, Derek mentally having the same reaction.


"I can't believe I'm doing this." Emilia stated nervously looking around the hall, Melanie once again dragging her around.

The sports hall was practically filled with families of the basketball team and those who just wanted to support the team.

"Well you are, deal with it."Melanie shrugged, motioning over to Scott and Melissa "Your family is here, you can't disappoint them."

Emilia smiled as she watched Scott blabber on at Melissa pointing at the basketball team, waving to them as they turned her way.

"Fine, lets go." Emilia gave in, herself and melanie jogging towards the cheer team.

"Go Emilia!"Scott cheered from the bleachers, loud enough to be heard over all the people in the hall.

"Why are they acting as if I'm going to play basketball?" Emilia asked herself, forgetting that melanie was next to her.

"They're exited, smile for the camera!" Melanie grabbed Emilias arm, pushing her into a pose as a school photographer stood infront of them

"Is it like this every game?" Emilia asked once the camera guy walked away, not really liking all the sudden attention.

"Get used to all the photos my friend, your birthdays in a few weeks, and i have planned the perfect party." Melanie sang, grabbing her pom poms from the floor.

"You have?"

"I have." melanie nodded, pushing emilia to the front of the team "Shush, the musics starting!"

"So she's the one at the front?" Laura asked her uncle, the two Hales sat in the middle of the bleachers not so far away from Scott and Melissa.

"From Cora's desciption of her, yes." Peter nodded, watching as derek stared at the brunette moving towards the front of her team as the music started.

"She's pretty." Laura added,"I never really see her around, i see her blonde friend but never her."

"Derek told me she spends most lunchtimes studying or in the music room." Peter stated, Laura rolling her eyes like usual "Or she's with the curly haired boy dereks stood with."

One thing about peter that annoyed Laura the most was that he had to know everything before everyone else, according to her mother he had been like that since he was a child.

"How did you know that?"

"Derek tells me everything, we have that type of bond." Peter bragged, knowing it will push his nieces buttons.

"Sure you do." Laura snorted, earning a nudge in the arm from peter.

"So you like my best friend." Camden spoke up, derek turning to face his crushes best friend in surprise "Don't worry, i approve of you. for now."

"Good to know." Derek nodded, despite being a werewolf derek was still slightly intimidated by Camden.

When it comes to his best friend or his brother,  Camden could be as scary as he wanted.

"Break her heart and i will break your neck." Camden threatened walking over to jason, leaving derek stunned.

"Too harsh?"

"No buddy, you're good." Jason laughed, knowing he probably would've done the same at some point
