- 11

Emilia's combat boots slammed against the ground as she sprinted through the woods, her bare legs covered in mood and her shorts barely keeping her warm, a group of about 10 chasing after her heavily loaded with weapons. Emilia gasped for a breath as she hid behind a tree, clutching onto her bag hanging on her shoulder. Emilia screamed out in pain as the blonde from earlier appeared next to her, plunging her knife in Emilia's bare thigh. Before the Blonde could make anymore movements Emilia's fist collided with her face, moving positions so the hunter was no slammed against the tree.

Emilia broke out into another sprint, ignoring the pain in her thigh and the blood rushing down her leg. The brunette tripped as a hand covered her mouth, slamming her to the ground hiding her behind a fallen tree. Emilia looked up at the man in shock, noticing the resemblance between him and the other hunter, the man put his finger over his mouth signalling for her to be quiet.

"Christopher!" The eldest male shouted out, Chris looked down to Emilia before running back over to the group.

"What was that?" Talia asked her husband standing up from her place on the sofa, looking over to Laura as she walked into the room.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one that heard that." Laura gulped, looking at the worried emotions on her parents faces.

"Whats going on?" Peter spoke up, walking into the living room.

"It was Emilia." Derek rushed running through the room to get to the front door, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Derek wait!" Peter ran out the door after him, catching up with his nephew quickly.

"Emilia!" Derek shouted once she spotted his girlfriend running in the trees, trying to run forward.

"Derek shut up!" Peter grabbed the teen wolf pushing him to the ground, "Get down!"

"i lost her."the younger male spoke up walking back to the group, putting his gun back into his boot.

"How did she get away?" the female voice asked, Emilia groaned quietly applying pressure to the wound with the bottom of her cardigan.

"She's a Bennett." the older male voice replied angrily, "Of course she got away."

"Emilia!" Derek rushed over to Emilia as her eyes started to get heavy, a worried look washed over his face as he saw the blood rushing down her leg.

"Derek?" Emilia asked dizzily, holding onto his hand as he picked her up from the ground with his heart beating rapidly.

"Talia!" Peter shouted out for his sister as he rushed through the door, Derek not far behind him.

"Emmy!" Cora cried as she saw Derek carry her in with blood covering his hands, Laura held her younger sister back stopping her from running to them.

seven hours earlier

After falling asleep in the park Emilia found herself wandering around Beacon hills, finding out as much information from the things from the box as she could. Emilia sat on a bench at another park, staring down at her reflection in the large pond as she sat in silence. She didn't know how to feel, she had gained so much new information it was hard to process everything thats happened. Emilia knew running from her problems wouldn't get her anywhere, but there was so many surrounding her that despite how hard she tried she couldn't run away from.

"Oh great." Emilia whispered, shoving Celeste's diary back in her bag walking quickly away from the pond once she noticed one of the hunters she's encountered over the weeks.

Emilia found herself sprinting away once the hunter noticed her, running into the crowds of children playing in the park trying to hide herself. Once Emilia spotted the exit, she made a break for it hoping to find somewhere she would be safe.


"Wheres Emilia?" Blair asked walking up the the trio stood against Derek's locker, Melanie not far behind.

"We thought she was with you guys." Camden replied turning to see if the boys knew where she was , the both of them looking just as confused as him.

"She's not in school." Melanie added, "We thought you guys might know where she is."

"We dont know." Chuck shrugged.

"She was fine yesterday, i was at her house after school." Derek informed them, closing his locker.

"You were?" Camden asked in surprise, earning a eyeroll from the girls.

"Stop it!" Blair grumbled, shoving Camden's shoulder.

"Is she in the music room?" Derek suggested, knowing thats where she spent most of her time during school hours.

"No, we checked." Melanie shook her head, "She's not answering any of our calls."

"Try Melissa, she's probably sick." Camden replied, Chuck nodding in agreement.

"We called her, she said they got into a fight and Emilia ran off last night" Blair explained,"She would've come to one of us, she normally does."

"So where would she go?" Chuck asked in confusion, his question mainly directed to Camden.

"I have no idea." Camden sighed, noticing the nervous look on derek's face.

Derek couldn't stop thinking about what Peter told him a few weeks ago, or how Emilia had hunters going to house. Derek' s fears got the better of him causing him to walk away from the group, rushing home to tell his pack about Emilia being missing.

"Where are you going?" Chuck shouted after the werewolf, watching him run out of the school doors, "Derek!"



"What happened?" Talia asked her sons girlfriend, helping her onto the couch.

"I got stabbed." Emilia hissed in pain, looking down at the gash on her thigh holding onto Derek's hand tightly.

"Emilia, do you know who stabbed you?" Talia spoke up again, once Emilia had calmed down slightly.

"Hunters, they've been hunting her down for weeks." Peter answered for her, moving out of the way so Keith could attend to Emilia's leg.

"Peter." Talia warned him, signalling down to the human in front of them.

"Its okay, i know." Emilia breathed out, looking up at the hales in front of her as her vision went slightly blurry "I think."

"You know what Lia?" Derek asked the brunette, looking up to his parents in concern as he watched her pass out.


"Morning sleeping beauty." Derek spoke up, noticing that Emilia had woke up.

"Hey." Emilia spoke tiredly looking at her surrounds, relaxing as she realised she was in Derek's arms.

"Someones been bugging me all night to let her in." Derek informed her noticing the door open slightly, Emilia laughed watching Cora's head come into view.

"Careful!" Derek warned his younger sister as she ran over, sitting on the other side of the bed next to Emilia.

"Are you okay?" Cora asked, wanting a answer after waiting all night.

"I think so." Emilia nodded putting on a brave face for Cora, looking over the clock hanging on the wall "shouldn't you be at school?"

"I wanted to wait till you woke up." Cora replied full of energy, despite being awake all night.

"You can see her after, you know she's okay now." Derek chuckled as he watched his younger sister huff in annoyance, "You're already late for school."

"Okay." Cora stood up, despite not wanting to, walking towards the doorway.

"Cora wait." Emilia stopped her, "Could you tell Isaac that i'll come see him tomorrow? "

"How are you really feeling?" Derek asked his girlfriend once cora had left the room, looking down at her lying against his chest.

"Like I've been attacked by hundreds of needles." Emilia replied bluntly, inspecting the cuts and bruises that formed on her arms overnight.

"Close, you got a knife to the leg instead." Derek pointed out, motioning to the large bandage on her thigh.

"Wonderful." Emilia laughed sarcastically, groaning in pain as she tried to move her leg.

"Do the others know what happened?" Emilia asked turning her attention away from the pain, letting Derek help her sit up against the headboard.

"If i told them I'm pretty sure camden would be nervously pacing next to your bed, while Melanie checks you're okay every three seconds and Blair plays Gilmore girls in the background hoping that you wake up." Derek explained, moving so he was sat in front of her.

"And Charlie?"

"Probably finding some way to get us all to stop worrying, or eating something." Derek added.

"Melissa's going to freak out." Emilia stated, already worrying about how she's going to explain how she got stabbed.

"Well she's going to have to freak out later because you aren't walking anywhere, any time soon." Derek reminded her, Emilia sighed knowing she wouldn't be able to walk.

"Before you passed out-" Derek started before Emilia cut him off.

"I know. is it true?" Emilia asked her boyfriend, wanting a truthful answer "Are you a werewolf?"

"I'm a werewolf." Derek nodded slowly, looking down so he didn't see her reaction.

"Derek look at me." Emilia moved closer to him, taking ahold of his hand once she realised why he looked away.

"Im not afraid of you." Emilia admitted, smiling once Derek looked up "i would never be afraid of you."

"You're not scared?" Derek questioned in surprise, looking down at their hands with a smile.

"I mean i was at first." Emilia started, "but then i remembered that you're still you, Derek Hale my boyfriend , my werewolf boyfriend... And being a werewolf doesn't change my feelings for you, i like you for you Derek. You're still the Derek that fakes injuries to see me, the Derek that takes me to a playground for our first date."

Ever since she found out about werewolves Emilia never felt scared, maybe it was the thought of her family being these creatures or how Derek was just like everyone else despite having glowing eyes and heightened reflexes. what was there to be scared of if some of the nicest people she'd ever met were werewolves? it didn't make them any different in her opinion.

"You won't let me live that down will you?" Derek laughed in relief, glad the conversation went well.

"Nope." Emilia shook her head, looking up to Derek will a small smirk "Do your eyes glow?, like what i read in the book."

"Looks like she's going to be sticking around."Peter told his sister, the two Hales watched from the hallway as Emilia stared at Derek's eyes in awe "I guess you don't have to be worried anymore."

"She knows more than i thought." Talia acknowledged, "I don't know how, but she knows more than she's letting us believe."


"Carry me home, my Knight in shining armour." Emilia grinned wrapping her arms around derek's neck as he carried her up the driveway.

"Oh thank god, i was so worried." Melissa sighed in relief walking into the living room, noticing the two teens "What happened?"

"I got stabbed..."Emilia spoke up nervously, watching Melissa's smile drop looking down at her daughter in horror "Its okay! No permanent damage, probably only a scar."

Melissa would hate herself if Emilia got seriously hurt after their fight, she would feel guilty knowing it might of been her fault that Emilia was hurt.

"What happened? i didnt see you at the hospital." Melissa asked quickly, kneeling down to look at the bandage on Emilia's leg.

"My dads a doctor, he helped her." Derek added, the two females turning to face him.

"And you are?" Melissa questioned, raising a brow at the teenage boy in her living room.

"Derek Hale." Emilia answered for him, "My boyfriend."

"Its nice to finally meet you Derek, thank you for bringing her home safe." Melissa smiled, looking down at her daughter with a smirk "She won't admit it, but she talks about you all the time."

"Melissa!" Emilia groaned shielding herself with a cushion, Melissa rolled her eyes taking the cushion from Emilia looking at the two of them with a serious expression.

"Now is anyone going to tell me how the hell you got stabbed!"
