| 6

"Now the others are out we can finally have some peace and quiet." Derek told his girlfriend, leaning back into the porch swing.

The others had decided to go into town for a while, Derek and Emilia were glad that things were finally quiet after the past few days being hectic with everyone staying over. Emilia chuckled lightly noticing Charlie's making its way up the driveway, looking up to her boyfriend with a smile as she picked up on the phone ringing inside.

"Have fun with Charlie." Emilia whispered, walking back into the house to answer the ringing phone.

Derek sighed, turning back to face his best friend as he walked up the steps towards him.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." Charlie spoke up, smirking sarcastically at the werewolf.

"Why are you back already?" Derek asked standing up from the porch swing, standing next to the human as the car door opened "And why did you bring everyone with you?"

"I'm dropping off my nephew." Jason called out as he climbed car out of the car, Derek smiled as Isaac ran over to him.

"He isn't supposed to be back from school until 3." Derek stated, looking at the teens in confusion.

"I picked him up." Jason said simply, motioning for Isaac to go inside "Isaac go with Blair and Melanie."

Isaac nodded, walking into the house with the girls. The boys followed them into the house, Derek turned to face Jason as he locked the front door.

"Guys whats going on?" Emilia asked as she walked back outside, staring at Isaac in confusion as he ran past her into the living room "Whats Isaac doing home, why are you locking the door?"

"There's a pack in Beacon Hills." Jason told his younger sister.

"We're the only werewolves in Beacon."Emilia started, looking at her brother in suprise.

"They must of heard about the Hales and the Bennett's going away, knowing it would give them a chance to get into town." Charlie suggested, noticing Jasons worried expression.

Beacon hills had always been the home to the Bennett and Hale packs, any werewolves would be stupid to come and take that from them. The Bennett's and the Hales were two of the, if not the most powerful packs in the world. The two had had packs coming after them for years trying to steal their power, but no one ever succeed.

"And if there's more werewolves." Jason started, looking up to the group nervously "There's more hunters."

"Nobody is leaving this house." Derek instructed, looking out of the window to see a group of werewolves approaching the house.

"Oh god." Emilia whispered, her eyes meeting Derek's concerned ones.

'werewolf drama' was always dealt with by their parents, Emilia, Jason and Derek had no idea what they were doing. If they failed, it would ruin their reputations.

"Lets go."Jason spoke up, going to unlock the front door.

"What do you think you guys are doing!"Emilia exclaimed, pulling her boyfriend away from the door.

"Going out there." Jason replied in a 'duh' tone, glowing his eyes at his sister.

"Not when you can yourselves hurt." Emilia argued, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Its fine, we can handle them." Derek defended them, making his way back over to the front door.

"You two maybe, him not so much." Emilia pointed out, the three werewolves turning to face Charlie "I'm coming with you."

Emilia grabbed her baseball bat that lay next to the front door, turning to face the human of the group.

"Hey just because i'm human doesn't mean i have a chance against them." Charlie chimed in rolling his eyes as the group stared at him with matching glares, taking the baseball bat Emilia handed him "Thanks."

"Stay inside and lock the door." Derek instructed his girlfriend, opening the door for his friends.

Derek didn't want Emilia coming out with them and putting herself in any potential drama, he and Jason had more werewolf experience than Emilia. And charlie, well, they hoped he would run back inside at some point.

"Der-" Emilia started only to get cut off.

"Stay with Isaac and make sure no one gets in the house." Derek finished, closing the door before Emilia could reply.

Emilia sighed in annoyance, wanting to help the boys against the werewolves. The brunette walked back into the living room, staring at her friends in confusion as they stood in the doorway of the dining room in front of Isaac.

"Emilia." Melanie whispered nervously starting at the gun pointed at her face, the two blondes stood in front of Isaac protectively.

Emilia rushed over once she noticed the fear in Melanie's voice, the werewolf pulled Isaac behind her once she picked up on another heartbeat in the room. Emilia went to grab Blair and Melanie but gasped in relief once she realised who stood in front of the humans, her eyes widening at the gun now pointed at her face.

"Chris?" Emilia questioned in shock, retracting her claws "Put the gun down."

"I heard about the pack, i thought you might need my help." Chris spoke up, hoping to help the pack as he lowered his gun.

Chris knew it was dangerous going against his family to help Emilia, but it was more important to him to have Emilia safe than have her put in anymore danger.

"We've got it."Emilia replied, still unsure if she could trust the hunter "How did you get into my house?"

"The window." Chris answered, putting his gun back into his boot.

Emilia loosened her grip on Isaac's hand as Chris moved his gun away, feeling slightly safer around the hunter. Emilia was getting close to trusting Chris, she wanted to trust him. Her whole life shed heard stories from her mom about her best friend Chris, of course only when she was in a mood to be a mother. Emilia knew Chris wasn't like his family, he cared.

"You want me to trust you?" Emilia questioned, looking out the window to the boys approaching the pack "Keep them safe."

"Emilia where are you going?" Blair asked nervously, watching her best friend slowly step away from the group.

"When i come back, there better not be a single scratch on his body." Emilia spoke seriously, Chris nodded knowing what he had to do "Then, i would consider trusting you."

"Emilia no!" Isaac called after the werewolf, trying to chase after her but Melanie and Blair held him back.

"Isaac i'll be fine, stay with Mel and Blair. Chris will watch over you guys." Emilia smiled, rushing out of the house.

It was a massive risk leaving them with Chris, but Emilia had faith he would protect them. they're human.The werewolves turned to face the house as the door slammed shut, the pack growled as Emilia stormed forward angrily.

"I thought we told you not to come out here." Jason grumbled, once his sister stood in the middle of him and Derek.

"I ignored you." Emilia shrugged, glowing her eyes at the werewolf in front of her.

"You made a mistake coming here." Derek growled, standing in front of the other pack intimidatingly "This is Hale and Bennett territory."

The alpha of the pack growled running forward, Jason nodded at Derek the two of them running forward to take him. Derek and Jason slammed down the alpha, sinking their claws into his shoulders as they held him down on the ground. Derek punched the alpha round the face as Jason held him down, the two of them having more power combined than the alpha. Emilia and Charlie ran the opposite way while the pack was distracted watching the boys take down their alpha

Emilia smirked tapping one of the betas shoulder, the werewolf turned while Emilia slammed her fist against her face knocking her out from the impact. Emilia pointed at the other beta for Charlie to go after, encouraging the human to join the fight. Charlie took a deep breath, letting out a squeak as the beta turned ,slamming the bat around the werewolves head in instinct. Emilia gasped in surprise, letting out a laugh as Charlie backed away in shock.

Jason and Derek slammed the alpha against the tree, moving out the way as he coughed out blood growling at the two betas having power over him. Emilia noticed the state of the alpha, making her way over to them as Charlie knocked out the last beta.

Emilia stood in the middle of the boys, right in front of the alpha, standing tall making her look even more intimidating. The alpha feared her, he had heard the rumours of what she could become, now he finally believed them.

"Take your pack, and get the hell out of beacon hills." Emilia growled, slamming her fist against the tree next to the alphas head  "If you don't, the least of your worries will be a few knocked out betas."

Emilia's attention moved from the alpha to the house, a scream echoing from the inside.

"Take care of him." Emilia told her brother, running towards the house with Derek by her side.

The werewolves rushed through the hallways, glowing their eyes at another beta as his unconscious body slid across the floor. They both walked into the room staring at the bullet wound in the females shoulder, turning to the side to see Chris lowering his gun with the humans stood behind him.

"Do you trust me yet?" Chris questioned, moving out the way so Isaac could run forward.

Emilia and Derek bent down to Isaac's level, making sure he was okay. Emilia stood back up once she was sure Isaac was okay, turning back to face the hunter.

"I trust you."


"Why won't you just go away?" Derek groaned, trying to walk away from the hunter.

Emilia stayed with the others while Derek went back to help the boys make sure the alpha took his pack and disappeared, Charlie and Jason had already made it back to the house.

"Someone's feisty." Kate replied, grabbing Dereks arm before he could walk away.

"What do you want Kate?" Derek sighed, turning back to face the blonde he couldn't stand.

"Are you sure it's not what you want, Derek?" Kate started, smirking up at the werewolf.

"Why would you want a girlfriend with so many problems?" Kate continued, running her hand up Dereks arm "When you could have someone like me, I wouldn't make you raise a kid that's not your own."

Kate had been trying to mess with Emilia for months, she knew that if she could get her hands on Derek it would piss Emilia off to the max. But what Kate didn't realise, Derek wasn't going to let her take control of him any time soon.

"Nobody's making me do anything, I make my own decisions." Derek growled, glaring at the woman "And that kid has a name, Isaac, is none of your business."

"So take your hand off me and back off." Derek snapped, pulling his arm away before storming away.


"This is why your family should never go on holiday." Blair groaned, leaning back into the chair as they all walked back into the house.

"Do you guys have any pizza?" Charlie asked walking into the kitchen, making his way towards the fridge.

"You just witnessed a werewolf showdown and your first thought is pizza?" Derek asked sitting opposite Blair at the table.

"Unless you forgot, due to my heroic acts, I'm a human." Charlie ranted, turning to face his friends "and humans get hungry when they run around in the woods all day."

"The fridge is all yours." Emilia shrugged, handing Isaac a drink.

The group adapted to the Supernatural really well, it took Emilia,Jason and Derek by surprise at how well they managed today and how they were acting completely normal afterwards.

"As your coach i should be telling you to eat a vegetable, but as one of your best friends I'm telling you to give me a slice." Jason spoke up, holding out his hand for a slice of left over pizza.

"Teacher of the year." Melanie smiled jokily, laughing as Jason rolled his eyes.


"You're back!" Emilia cheered pulling her dad into a hug, "Don't you ever leave again."

"What did we miss?" Talia asked the two teens, noticing the smashed living room window and the fairy lights covering the porch.

"Well..." Emilia trailed off, looking up to her boyfriend for help while the rest of the hales climbed out of the car.

"We should probably sit down." Derek spoke up, motioning for his family to come inside.


4 chapters left!

Hope you enjoyed ☺️

- Ebony
