| 5

"That's my mom." Derek passed the ball to Isaac once he heard the phone ringing inside, jogging into the house.

While the others claimed to be 'settling themselves in' to the house, Derek, Emilia and Isaac had been playing basketball outside. Emilia cheered once Isaac threw the ball into the basket, throwing her hands up in the air.

Isaac turned to face Emilia with a smile but it suddenly faded into fear.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Chris surrendered, dropping his gun to the floor before attempting to approach the werewolf.

"What do you want?" Emilia backed away, holding Isaac's hand tightly as he stood behind her "Last time i checked your family was trying to kill mine. Whats stopping you from killing me right now?"

"My family has a code, unlike them i actually stick to it." Chris explained, stepping over his gun "You can trust me Emilia."

"Why should i?" Emilia questioned, looking up at the hunter.

"I used to be friends with your mother, until she spiralled out of control." Chris continued to explain,  "I heard about all the things she did to you, you didn't deserve that."

Karen and Chris were good friends many years ago, way before she changed into the woman she was today. When Chris found out she was pregnant with a werewolf's baby he was there for her every step of the way, despite seeing the hunter slowly change into a person he didn't like.

"I'm not a threat to you or your family." Chris looked down at the message on his phone from his sister asking where he was, "But my family aren't far away, i'd get him out of here before he gets hurt."

Chris wanted to help Emilia, he felt partial guilty that he wasn't there for her when Karen went off the rails. So by earning her trust would make Chris' guilt slowly fade away.

"Chris." Emilia turned back around to face the hunter, placing her hand on Isaac's shoulder "Thank you."

Emilia knew he wasn't a danger to her family, but she wasn't going to trust him completely just yet.

"Lets go." Emilia smiled down at the boy, making sure to keep him close as they walked through the trees towards the house.

"Isaac don't move." Emilia told the boy seriously, Isaac nodded hiding behind Emilia as the men walked forward.

"Step away boys, i wouldn't mess with a wolf's cub." Kate spoke up, Emilia sighed in annoyance looking up to the hunter.

"Oh how things would be different if you didn't get turned into a monster." Kate continued, letting out a murderous laugh as Emilia growled  "You might've actually had a chance to be a great hunter like your mother was."

"She's not my mother." Emilia stated glowing her golden eyes at the hunter, completely oblivious to her eyes flashing blue before turning back to golden "Now i warned you once about coming after my family, now it should be you thats going into hiding."

"Is that a threat?" Kate called after her, not liking being threatened by a teenager.

Emilia had had enough of Kate tormenting her family, it was time for it to end.

"Oh you must be a little confused, i would be too if i dedicate my life to killing people."Emilia sassed, growling back at the hunter "Its a promise."


"Lia?" Derek called out to his girlfriend quietly, knowing Isaac was asleep in the next room.

"I had one job and i blew it." Emilia admitted, looking over to her boyfriend sadly "I promised them that i'd keep him safe, I've failed them."

"You haven't failed them." Derek denied, walking into his room to sit next to his girlfriend.

"Isaac could've died today! and it would've been my fault." Emilia told him, wiping away some of her tears "Everything was great nows its all a mess!"

"Camden's gone. we have people after us 24/7. my moms back and is trying to ruin my life. I'm screwing up Isaac's life. And God, where do i even start with my own family!" Emilia continued, feeling Derek pull her into his arms "I'm taking care of everyone else when i cant even take care of myself!"

Seeing Isaac with the hunters today made Emilia feel awful, she felt so guilty for putting Isaac into a situation where he could've been seriously hurt. With everything else going on, this made everything feel even worse.

"Emilia, you're not screwing up Isaac's life one bit." Derek comforted, running his hand through her hair.

"Everything's just going into the constant cycle of going wrong." Emilia sighed, leaning into Derek's chest "I'm beginning to think that its my fault and not the universe messing everything up."

"Everything going to change soon." Derek stated, "All of our problems will disappear the minute we leave Beacon hills, its just going to be me, you and Isaac."

"Do you really think so?" Emilia asked, looking up to her boyfriend.

"I'm going to make sure of it." Derek answered with a nod.

"You're amazing, you know that right?" Emilia smiled, holding onto Derek's hand.

"I don't like to brag." Derek joked, smiling to himself as Emilia laughed.


"I cant believe you're making me do this with you." Blair grumbled, stepping out of the car parked a few houses down from the Argent home "What happened to going to the mall?"

"Why do you have a bat?" Blair gasped, noticing Emilia pull Melissa's baseball bat out of the back seat.

"I can't go all werewolf against a human can i?" Emilia pointed out as she stopped walking once they reached Kate's car parked at the bottom of the driveway.

"Hasn't stopped you before." Blair shrugged, standing a short distance away from her best friend making sure to not get hit with the bat  "What are you doing?"

"I warned her once." Emilia stated, swinging the bat so it collided with the car window "I shouldn't have to do it again."

Blair stared at her best friend in shock as the glass shatter against the floor, Emilia moved around the car slamming the bat against it.

"Emilia!" Blair squealed, watching the werewolf smash up the hunters car.

Once Emilia was satisfied with the car she beat down to pick up a loose brick from the small wall, passing it over to Blair quickly ignoring the car alarm ringing in her ears.

"Throw it." Emilia told the human, looking out for anyone watching.

"What no!" Blair shook her head, trying to pass back the brick.

"Quick!" Emilia motioned for her to throw it, Blair let out a nervous squeak before flinging the brick towards the window.

"Holy shit, Emilia!" Blair exclaimed in shock as the brick smashed through the living room window.

"Run!" Emilia started running away from the house, grabbing onto Blair's hand as she dragged her away from the house.

"I cant believe i just did that!" Blair told her best friend, the two stopping once they reached Emilia's car.

"Welcome to the life of the supernatural, B." Emilia laughed, dragging her away once she noticed Kate running out of the house.


"Rise and shine!" Jason sang walking into Derek and Emilia's room, hitting two saucepans together.

Derek turned to face the doorway, staring at a cheery Jason in surprise. Emilia ignored all the noise trying to back to sleep.

"I dont think so." Derek grumbled, wrapping his arm back around Emilia.

"Its game day, were going to be late if you don't get your lazy asses out of bed!" Jason continued to bang the pans, chuckling to himself as Emilia got out of the bed angrily.

"Stop screaming." Emilia shouted at her older brother attempting to grab the pan from Jason, Jason shook his head clanging the pans together again causing Emilia to storm out of the room.

Emilia shivered as she walked down the hallway towards Isaac's room, the Hale house was always cold and her pink pj shorts and Derek's t-shirt weren't helping. Emilia rolled her eyes once she realised Isaac was still asleep, that kid could sleep through anything.

"How do you sleep through all of this." Emilia sighed, shaking Isaac's shoulder gently "Come on buddy, time to get up."

"No!" Isaac exclaimed, hiding under his covers.

A shirtless Derek walked into the room, throwing Isaac over his shoulder as the ten year old latched onto his duvet. Emilia laughed taking the duvet from Isaac, throwing it back onto his bed before following the two out of the room.

"Don't make me go out there!" Isaac continued to complain, holding onto Derek as he carried the ten year old out of the room.

"Good luck waking him up." Derek laughed, pointing to Charlie passed out comfortably on the sofa.

"On it." Jason nodded, rushing towards the sofa.

"If Jason doesn't stop screaming I'm going to throw him through the window!" Melanie shouted as she stormed down the stairs with Blair following, Melanie ignored the group heading straight for the kitchen.

"Whats wrong with Jase?" Emilia asked grabbing onto Blair's arm as they walked down the hallway.

"I have no idea." Blair shrugged, stopping once they walked into the living room "I think this is his way of dealing with becoming an adult."

"Who would've thought of the day Jason actually had an adult job." Emilia joked, looking over to Jason spraying Charlie in the face with a spray bottle filled with water which was used to water the plants.

"Charlie!" Jason exclaimed, removing the pillow from under his head.

"Leave me alone, mom." Charlie mumbled into the sofa, turning to face the other way.

Jason stared at the human in annoyance trying to think of a way to get him up, Jason smiled knowing exactly how to wake him up. Jason's loud growl caused Charlie to sit up, Charlie jumped back in shock staring at Jason's glowing eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Charlie screamed, leaping up from the sofa from the sudden noise.

"What are you doing?" Jason questioned, looking down at his sister in surprise as she placed her palm against his forehead.

"Are you sick?" Emilia pressed her hand against his head, checking to see if he had a temperature.

"I'm a werewolf, we don't get sick." Jason rolled his eyes, removing his sisters hand from his head.

"You're acting off." Emilia replied, walking to sit next to Derek at the table.

"I'm an mature adult now, i have a proper job." Jason explained, taking a sip of his coffee from the table.

"You became a 'mature adult' overnight?" Emilia joked, looking up to her brother in surprise.

"You spend your days with bobby finstock." Derek added, taking a bite of his toast "Theres no maturity needed."

"Why do i have the feeling he's up to something?" Emilia told her boyfriend, pouring out some cereal for Isaac.

"Nah, i think someones just crapped a shit ton of rainbows and sparkles into his cereal." Charlie spoke up, sitting down opposite them "It will wear off sooner or later."


"Greenberg!" Jason exclaimed, ripping the ball away from the freshman "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Charlie did say it would wear off." Derek laughed, standing next to his girlfriend as he waited for his turn to play.

"We are playing Basket ball not tennis!" Jason added, walking away angrily to meet an equally as angry Bobby "Can i throw this ball at his head?"


"Do i want to know what they are doing?" Jason frowned, hearing a crash from upstairs along with fits of laugher.

The boys looked over to Isaac in surprise as he stood in the doorway with a purple face mask covering his face, Isaac walked into the room itching at the mask.

"What did you do to him!" Derek shouted up to the girls, staring at the ten year old in shock.

"They said it would be fun." Isaac grumbled, trying to pick off the face mask "Don't leave me alone with them."

"I know that look." Jason sighed, noticing Charlie's smirk.


"Charles!" Melanie screamed from upstairs, the stairs creaked as the girls ran down.

Charlie and the boys had decided to throw water ballon's through Derek's bedroom window, surprisingly the first balloon hit Melanie in the face. 

"Why am i the first to blame?" Charlie joked, knowing that he was to blame

"You've delcared war." Emilia glared, crossing her arms as she stood in the middle of Blair and Melanie.

"We're not afraid of you." Jason responded, mocking his sister crossing her arms.

"You should be." Blair spoke up, backing away from the boys.


Many pranks later the group was running round the Hale house like kids, Charlie , Isaac and Jason chased Blair and Melanie through the hallways holding buckets of slime. The girls stopped once they reached a dead end, feeling the buckets of slime being launched at them.

"You are so dead." Blair shouted, the girls running after the boys who were already half way down the stairs.

Emilia and Derek had snook away from the prank war, locking themselves in their room so nothing bad would happen to them. This ended up with them having a pillow fight war of their own.

Emilia jumped on the mattress attempting to hit Derek with the pillow, which had been proven to be difficult with their height difference. Derek laughed dodging the pillow, dropping his back on the bed in the process. Emilia jumped onto the other side of the bed throwing her pillow towards Derek, Derek rolled his eyes as she missed with the pillow landing on the floor.

Emilia giggled as she continued to jump, Derek picked up the werewolf twirling her round before they both fell back onto the bed. Emilia smirked moving to sit onto of Derek, pressing a kiss against his lips.

"I win."
