- 12

It had been a few weeks since Emilia was Injured and things had started to get back to normal, Emilia and Derek's relationship was getting better and better as the days went on and the two couldn't be happier. Emilia found herself spending lots more time with the Hales, Isaac, Scott and Melissa, she was finally starting to feel like she had a proper family.

"Have a good evening, Mrs Cooper." Emilia smiled handing the woman the packet of medication for the dog, turning to look at her younger daughter "Make sure not to play barbies when Toby is around, we don't want him getting sick again."

"I will." the little girl nodded, stroking the labradors head.

"Talia, hi, i didn't know you were back? I didn't see you this morning." Emilia greeted, notching the alpha walk through the door.

"I just got back in town." Talia replied.

"Are you here to see Deaton?" Emilia asked, opening the gate for Talia to walk in.

"I'm actually here to see the both of you." Talia corrected her, following Emilia into the back of the clinic.

"Oh right, follow me then." Emilia smiled knocking on the door before walking in, "Deaton, Talia's here."

"Hello Alan." Talia greeted, Deaton smiled looking up to the two.

"Nice to have you back, was the trip successful?" Deaton asked motioning for them to come in.

"Very." Talia nodded, "You don't need to hide things anymore, Alan, she knows."

"Are you a werewolf too?" Emilia questioned, leaning against the metal table.

"No, I'm an Druid Emissary." Deaton corrected, chuckling to himself at Emilia's confused expression.

"A what?" Emilia Blurted, looking down in embarrassment.

"Im a adviser to the hale pack." Deaton smiled in amusement, "Emilia, how did you find out about the supernatural."

"These were in my attic, i put the pieces together." Emilia walked over to her bag in the corner of the room taking out the papers, placing them on the table.

"Have you ever seen these before?" Talia asked, looking through the ancient papers.

"This yes." Alan pointed to the bestiary, looking over to the personal items from the original wolves along with many pieces of paper including information about that time "But these, i thought they had been destroyed hundreds of years ago."

"Do you understand what these are, Emilia?" Talia asked her sons girlfriend, pointing to the papers scattered over the table.

"Not really." Emilia admitted, shaking her head.

"This is our family history." the alpha spoke, pointing to their last names of one of the papers.

"This is the reason i went away, to find your family." Talia continued, "Our families are very important to each other."

"The only blood family I've ever known is my mother." Emilia added, thinking she had no family left "And Scott."

"Emilia, everyone believes you're the only Bennett alive." Deaton put in, Emilia picking up on the seriousness in his voice.

"My brother doesn't know he's a bennett, He's a secret from my father." the teen explained.

"That makes sense."

"Wait, my whole family is dead?" Emilia questioned, hoping that wasn't true.

"See thats what we thought." Talia responded, "Until my son found you, and your existence changed everything."

"How did i change things?"

"Packs dont leave one of theirs behind, unless they were dead." Alan answered, "But you had someone watching you, and that got us thinking , what if everything we believed is wrong?"

"What if your family, your pack, is alive." Talia hinted, Emilia looked up to the alpha hoping she isn't about to say what she thinks she is.

"What are you trying to tell me." Emilia asked slowly, staring at the two of them.

"I found your father, Emilia." Talia stated.

Emilia took a deep breath putting her gaze down to her feet, the teen didn't know how to feel about the news. Emilia wanted to meet her father, but she feared that everything would change when its only just started to get better. Emilia's father had been gone her whole life, the thought of meeting him was exiting but at the same time terrifying.

"I need to go." Emilia grabbed her back quickly, rushing out of the door ignoring the adults shouting after her.


Everything made sense, did Melissa know? of course she didn't, Emilia thought to herself as she walked up the staircase quietly, trying not to wake Mr Lahey passed out on the sofa.

"Why am i human?" Emilia mumbled to herself as she stood in front of Isaac's bedroom, snapping out of her thoughts as Camden spoke up.

"Hey, what did you want to talk about?" Camden asked looking up from his laptop, noticing his best friend walk into Isaac's room.

"I didnt have time to ask you before, well everything." Emilia began, sitting down next to Camden on the floor "why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Camden asked in confusion, closing his laptop before placing it on the ground.

"That you're joining the army." Emilia stated, Camden sighed turning to face the smaller teen.

"Emilia-" Camden started, the two of them speaking in hushed tones so they didn't wake Isaac.

"When are you leaving." Emilia questioned, unsure wether she wanted to know the answer or not.

Camden leaving would just break Emilia, with Jason gone Camden was her only support system other than Melissa. Blair and Melanie we're there for her, but Camden was the one she depended on most. Camden knew this, it was one of the main reason's he considered not going, but with Derek and her friends around her he knew Emilia would be okay.

"In september." Camden answered, watching his best friend frown sadly "Are you mad?"

"I don't know." Emilia admitted, looking up to the small boy asleep "What about Isaac? How can you leave him, especially now?"

"Because i know that he has you, and you will take care of him better than i ever could." Camden replied truthfully.

"But you're his brother." Emilia went on, standing up to place the blanket that fell pack onto Isaac's bed.

"You've been by his side since the day he was born, you practically raised him." Camden explained, watching as Emilia placed the blanket back on his bed after checking that he was okay " You're just as much family to him as i am, if not more."

Camden knew Emilia would be able to take care of Isaac on her own, she's done it since she was eight. Camden had always been there for his brother, but he had no idea how to take care of a kid, he was there to protect him from their dad and be the best brother he could. But Emilia was the one to be a parent to Isaac, and everybody knew that.

Camden didn't know why Emilia wanted to help raise his brother, or why she stuck around for this long, but he would forever be grateful for what she's done for the both of them.

"You need to tell the others." Emilia sighed, sitting back down next to Camden.

"I know." Camden nodded, dreading telling them already.

"And please, just tell Melanie you like her." Emilia laughed, "if you leave without telling her, i will go out of my mind."

"I promise." Camden agreed, smirking as he looked down at his best friend "Only if you tell me about you and your boyfriend."

"How did you?" Emilia trailed off, looking up at Camden in surprise.

"Come on, I'm your best friend." Camden teased, "You've been dating Derek for nearly two months, of course i figured it out. Plus you two weren't very good at hiding it."

"So is Derek what you imaged he would be?" Camden asked as Emilia leaned her head on his shoulder with a smile on her face.

"He's perfect, camden."

Derek was perfect, he was better than Emilia could ever dream of.


"Hey Scott." Emilia greeted she walked through the front door to Melissa's house, smiling as the small boy ran down the stairs to see her.

"Whats wrong with mom?" Scott asked his sister, making sure that Melissa couldn't hear them.

"What do you mean?" Emilia frowned, Melissa had been fine every time Emilia had seen her since their fight.

"I think she's sad." Scott admitted.

"I think she's just stressed." Emilia sighed, knowing that this is about "She's got a lot on her mind."

With Emilia aware of her secret, Melissa had began to worry about things way more than before.

"Is it my fault?" Scott looked up to his sister with a guilty expression, blaming himself.

"No, of course not!" Emilia comforted, "Don't blame yourself."

"I need to go and do something." Emilia told him, taking a coat from the hook "Will you be ok while I'm gone?"

"Yeah, I'm going to watch a film with mom." Scott nodded, running into the living room to find Melissa.


"Okay, so if Derek was a Junior back then, how old was he? How old were you? How old are you now?" Stiles spoke up impatiently, wanting to know more from Peter.

"Not as young as we could have been, but not as old as you might think." Peter hinted,

"Okay, that was frustratingly vague. How old are you?" Stiles rolled his eyes, turning to face the other Hale in the room.

"I'm 17." Cora answered simply.

"See, that's an answer. That's how we answer people." Stiles sassed, ignoring Peter's glare.

"Well, 17 how you'd measure in years." Cora added, chuckling to herself as she watched Stiles sigh in annoyance.

" All right, I'm just gonna drop it. What happened to Derek and the Piano girl?" Stiles changed the subject, turning his attention back to Peter.

"What do you think happened? like all teenagers. One minute, it's, 'i hate you, don't talk to me.' The next, it's frantic groping in any dark corner they could manage to find themselves alone for five minutes. Their favorite dark corner was an abandoned distillery outside of Beacon Hills." Peter continued the story, looking at the human in annoyance sensing another question coming up.

"All right, hold up. How do you know all this? You just said that they were alone." Stiles chimed in.

Cora turned away to face the window, attempting to block out her uncle and his lies about Derek and Emilia, she might of been only eight but she knew the full truth unlike stiles. Peter was only giving a short summery, some of which was incorrect, when theres a lot more to be told.

"Back then, I wasn't just Derek's Uncle. I was his best friend, his closest confidante. That's how I know." Cora sighed glaring at her uncle, knowing that he and Derek were close but not as close as he was with Jason, Charlie and Camden


Sneaking out of the Hale house on the full moon was Derek's idea, of course he didn't tell his girlfriend that until they were at least no hearing distance away from the house, knowing his girlfriend would probably freak out and fall over while sneaking out. So now outside of Beacon hills the two teens ran through the woods, Emilia freaking out slightly less than she was than before, the girl not used to breaking the rules often.

"I cant believe we snook out on a full moon." Emilia broke away, observing their surroundings.

"I dont think they will find us here." Derek spoke, moving Emilia's hair away from her face.

"They're werewolves." Emilia laughed, "I think they will find us eventually."

"Well, its just you and i until then." Derek grinned, looking up to the full moon.

"I bet its nice being able to go out on a full moon, in total control." Emilia , holding onto Derek's hand.

"All thanks to you." Derek leaned down to press his lips against Emilia's, the full moon shining down on them.

Derek knew that if he dint have Emilia he would not have gained control by now, she was the only thing that worked after years of searching.


"Emilia, what are you in here?" Talia asked in confusion, noticing Emilia walk into her office.

"I want to meet my father." Emilia stated.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Talia reassured her, standing up from her desk chair.

"I've gone 17 years without my father in my life." Emilia nodded, "I'm not willing to wait anymore."

Emilia knew meeting her father would be the only way she can move on from the past, finally being able to learn about a part of her life she had been in the dark about.

"I'll take you." Talia smiled, Emilia's determination reminding her of Lincoln.

"You will?" Emilia asked in surprise, expecting Talia to say no.

"Theres still lots for you to learn about your family, Emilia." Emilia followed Talia out of her office, walking into the living room where Keith sat with Cora asleep next to him.

"I'm taking Emilia to Lincoln." Talia told her husband, remembering her Sons overprotectiveness since Emilia got injured "Make sure Derek doesn't freak out in the morning."

"I will." Keith nodded, picking up Cora from the sofa to carry her up to her bed.


"Hey Scott, is everything okay? what are you doing up this late?" Emilia answered the phone, leaning against the car window.

"We're fine. Where are you?" Scott's tired voice echoed through the speaker.

"I'm going to visit a friend, i'll be back soon." Emilia explained looking back to the front of the car, looking at the large gates opening in front of her in surprise "Tell mom not to worry, I'm fine."

"I think she's a little worried, she's doing that thing with her hair again." Scott added, Emilia sighed knowing that she's probably freaking out.

"Try and distract her until i get back, love you Scotty." Emilia said goodbye noticing the large house at the bottom of the driveway.

"Love you to Emmy." Scott said before hanging up, Talia looked over to Emilia noticing the look on her face.

"I'm assuming he doesn't know about his father." Talia spoke up, parking the range rover next to some over cars parked in front of the house.

"He has no idea." Emilia replied looking at the house in awe ,"Melissa doesn't want to tell him, it will disrupt him even more , especially since he's doing so well."

"Talking about brothers." Talia hinted, looking over the the doorway of the house opening.


Timeeee to meet lincolnnnnnnnn
And Jason 😉

- Ebony
