The Island: Chapter 2 - The Keepers of the Amulet

It had been a few hours since the Jungle Choppers had been driving in the dense jungle. There had been no signs of the living statues or any dangers dangers...yet. Suddenly, Lloyd stops his Jungle Choppers once he saw something rustling amongst the large jungle leaves. The Jungle Choppers stop as well. 

"What's wrong?" Nya asks immediately. 

"I thought I saw something up there. An animal." Lloyd explains. 

"We're in the jungle, Lloyd. I'm sure there's lots of animals." Jay says sarcastically. Cole's stomach rumbles. 

"Hey, did anyone bring a snack? I'm starving."

"I did." Cole's eyes lighten up. 


"But it fell in the ocean." Jay finishes with a sarcastic tone. Cole sits down on Kai's Jungle Chopper with a huff. 

"Thanks for getting my hopes up."

"What kind of animals are there on this island, Twitchy?" Katarina asks Twitchy carefully. 

"Uh, poisonous pythons, poisonous jaguars, poisonous frogs, poisonous eels, poisonous piranhas, poisonous birds!" His voice getting louder and louder with each thing he listed off from the top of his head. Although, that poisonous birds part seemed kinda unbelievable if you think about it. 

"Poisonous birds?" Nya echoes. 

"Pretty much everything on this island is poisonous! Especially those berries."  He points to a bush of berries Cole was eating from, but once Cole heardt that, he spit the berries out of his mouth. 

"Whatever is on this island, it won't stop us from finding my mom and Master Wu." Lloyd says, adjusting himself in his seat and grabbing the steering wheel. 

"And Clutch Powers." Nya reminds him. 

Lloyd nods absentmindely. "Oh yeah, right. And Clutch." Katarina could feel herself agreeing with him in her head. She didn't like Clutch Powers either. The Jungle Choppers start up and drive again in the dense jungle, just as a creature with horns and sharp claws rustled again in the distance. 

After a few more hours of driving, the Jungle Choppers ended up in a large clearing. Everyone gets off their respective vehicles. "Let's leave the Jungle Choppers here. There's no way we're gonna drive through that." Lloyd says, pointing to an area that was way more dense and more full of greenery than what they've been driving through for the past four hours. 

Suddenly, a large growling was heard, causing Twitchy to shudder in fear and Kai to laugh at Cole. "Ha, you weren't kidding. You really are hungry. I can hear your stomach growling from here."

Cole raises his eyebrow in confusion. "Uh, that wasn't my stomach."

Kai's eyes narrow. Something or someone was watching them from a distance. "Well, if it wasn't your stomach, then who's -?" The growling became louder now. Everyone was on high alert. Twitchy curls up into a tight ball, and hides his face into his knees and chest. 

"What are you doing?" Lloyd asks, going up to Twitchy. 

"Assuming survival position!" The leaves rustled around them at a very fast pace, darting this way and that. A coconut drops by Nya's feet, and when she goes to pick it up, the creature watching them darts towards her and the coconut at a high speed. 

She draws in a gasp. Everyone except Nya draws out their weapons. The creature tackles her. "NYA!" Zane screams. The creature, apparently a dragon with turquoise skin, scales, a lopsided look, small feathery wings, very tall horns, and sharp talons pins Nya down with its claws. 

"DRAGON!" She cries out. The dragon leans in real close to her face, sniffing her real loud. As the Ninja point their weapons at the dragon and study its every move, Kai prepares himself to do his Spinjitzu to save his sister. The dragon licks her face. 


"No, wait!" The dragon lifts its claws off her carefully, and gets into a playful stance. Nya gets up. "Look at him. I don't think he's dangerous." The dragon throws the coconut towards Cole, who chases it. 

"Is that a coconut?" The dragon zips towards the coconut and plays around with it with its tail as soon as Cole stops the coconut, and then balances it on its snout. The dragon drops the coconut and nudges it towards Nya. 

"I think he wants to play!" She picks up the coconut and throws a reasonably far distance. "Fetch!" The dragon wags its tail and leaps up very high to fetch the coconut for her. 

"He appears quite docile." Zane points out. 

"And very playful." Katarina adds. 

Lloyd sighs. "Yeah, look, it might be friendly and all, but -" The dragon appears behind them and places the coconut in front of him and Nya. Jay's eyes lighten up instantly, and he puts on a bright smile. 

"Zippy! Oh, let's call him Zippy!"

Lloyd nods impatiently. "Okay. Zippy might be friendly and all," He shudders at the huge amount of saliva going down his back once Zippy licks his gi. "Okay, ew, gross....But we don't have time to be playing fetch with dragons. We're trying to find my mom and Master Wu." He explains. 

"Are you sure? He's so cute!" Nya says, petting the dragon's snout as it rolls on his back. "Lloyd groans and crosses his arms with a deadpan expression. She sighs. "Okay, fine. Zippy, look. You're a real good boy, but we're on an important mission, and you might be a little huge and loud for us, okay?" 

She picks up the coconut and uses her Elemental Water powers to propel the coconut deep into the jungle. "Super fetch!" Once the dragon was gone, Twitchy gets out of his fetal position and cheers. 

"Survival mode successful again!" Lloyd urges the team to go deeper into the jungle. 

"Let's go, quick!" When sunset came, the Ninja and Twitchy were still venturing into the jungle. As Kai was cutting away some large leaves, a coconut lands on his katana. He sighs and goes over to Cole, who was busy hitting a coconut tree. He clears his throat, and gives Cole the coconut. 

"Yes! Finally!" As Cole opens his mouth, Kai raises his eyebrow at him. 

"Is it possible for you to think about anything except food?" 

Cole nods. "Yes. I'm thirsty too." A slobbery tongue stops him from eating the coconut, and Kai and Cole look up to see it was Zippy with the coconut in its teeth. "Give me back my drink, thief!" 

The dragon appears behind them, and Cole tries to grab the coconut again and again, until finally, Cole was finally able to grab it. But Zippy licks his face, causing Cole to change his mind. "Ew! You can keep it." The dragon happily disappears with the coconut in its mouth again. 

"This is most strange." Zane mutters. 

"What's wrong?" Cole says. 

"The trail appears to stop here. I see evidence of a struggle." He says, as his scanners scan the broken branches and the scratched-up dirt. 

"What kind of struggle?"

Katarina kneels down on the ground, examining it. "No doubt caused by Wu, Misako and Clutch. All this scuffed-up dirt and these branches show signs of fighting too." She goes up to a large fern and moves the giant leaves away, and her eyes widen at the sight of a statue covered in moss, red paint,  horns, and what appeared to be a mouth and eyes. 

Everyone gasps at the sight. Twitchy goes into his fetal position again. "Survival mode!" Nya, unfaze and unafraid, picks up a stick and pokes it. 

"Will you guys relax? It's just a statue. See?" 

"The monsters in the jungle! They look like statues, but it's a trick! They're alive." Katarina draws in a gasp and grabs Nya's wrist. She pulls the Water Ninja away quickly. "Nya, get away from that thing!"

The statue wakes up and bites down on Nya's stick just as Katarina pulls her away. The statue, now away, revealed it yellow and red eyes to the Ninja, and had an angry expression on its face. The statue jumps up into the air, revealing its weaponized arms. Lloyd, Katarina and Nya jump back when the statue lands. 

Two more statues, this time with blue markings and paint, come from the left side and the right side, with their own weapons too. The Ninja get out their weapons too. "Uh, the statue has brothers!" Kai shouts. 

"NINJA....GO!" Katarina and Lloyd perform their Spinjitzu at one statue at the same time, but the statue reflects the attack and sends them back. Kai and Cole perform their Spinjizu at another statue, while Lloyd, Nya and Katarina go at the statue they were just attacking. 

Cole raises his hammer up in the air and sends it down on to the red statue, who kicks the Earth Ninja back down. Once they were both on the ground, he uses his Elemental powers on the statue, sending a shockwave underneath the ground, but the statue reflects the attack back at him. 

Cole was sent back a few feet, but Kai catches him. Kai summons a fireball and throws it at the statue, who opens its mouth and swallows it. It sends the fireball back at the both of them. "It just ate my fire blast and spat it back!"

"They appear to be channeling our elemental energy!" Zane observes, as he dodges a fireball from the red statue. He watches Jay battle another statue, and summons his lightning to send an attack at it. "Jay, do not use your -!"

Too late, Jay already did it. The Lightning Ninja screams and runs away from the lightning attacks the statue was sending at him. The statue stops and turns its attention to Zane. The statue makes a spinning blade attack and chases Zane, who leaps into the air and sends his shurikens towards the statue. 

But the attack was ineffective, sending Zane's shurikens away. Zane ducks just in time when the statue comes at the Nindroid and slices a tree with its own blades. He rolls out of the way when the tree almost falls down on him, and continues running from the spinning-blade statue. 

Meanwhile, Lloyd, Nya and Katarina were attacking the red statue while Twitchy escaped from the fighting. The statue sends both Nya and Lloyd back, causing the two to crash into each other. Katarina huffs and summons her daggers away in favor of summoning her demon form. 

"Okay, that's it!" She launches herself into the air, and reels her fist back. "One spicy-hot demon girl attack coming right up!" She pounds her fiery fist into the statue, sending the red statue back a least a dozen feet from her. The statue roars, calling for its statue brothers the moment she summons her demon form away. 

The statues stack up on top of each other, darkening the sky and summoning a strike of purple lightning onto the top statue. The top statue sends strikes of lightning towards the Ninja, causing them to jump out of the way.

 "I don't think lightning's only your thing anymore!" Another strike of lightning causes both Kai and Jay to dodge it by a hair. 

"Yeah! I know!"

"Look out!" Lloyd warns them. The Fire Ninja and the Lightning Ninja jump out of the way just in time. The Ninja run away from the statues firing the lightning, but Lloyd and Katarina somehow got separated from them. The statues block their path, forcing them to find another way out. 

"Lloyd, over there!" She points to an opening that led to another part of the jungle. He nods, and the pair run in that direction. The statues give chase. She summons a magic fireball and was about to shoot the top statue with it, but he stops her. 

"Don't! These guys channel our powers! If you attack with your magic, who knows what they'll do?" Lloyd explains. 

"So you're suggesting we don't fight back?" She says, as she dodges another lightning strike. She rolls her eyes as she keeps running. "This is like surrendering ourselves to the Skull Sorcerer back in Shintaro all over again!"

"You're still hung up about that?" He says with disbelief. "Fine, you were right! Surrendering ourselves to him was a bad idea!"

"Bad idea?! It was a horrible idea! You forced the Geckles and the Munce back to where they started! In the Vengestone mines! If we had fought back..." She summons her daggers and throws it at the top statue, but the top statue reflects the attack. The daggers' blades go into the ground. 

"If we had fought back, half of them would've been dead! I was doing them a favor! The Skull Sorcerer was too strong!" He argues. She yelps when lightning strikes right behind her, causing her to fall down. He quickly helps her up, and they turn a different direction. 

"But if we hadn't, we wouldn't have almost been sacrificed to Grief Bringer in his demonstration. We would've been if we hadn't fought back! We're Ninja, Lloyd! What happened to Ninja never quit?"

"You're not a Ninja!" He screams. "You stopped being a Ninja the day you walked out on me! You don't get to talk about being a Ninja! You quit on us!" Both siblings leap onto the tree branches to get a running start ahead of the statues. 

"I quit on you? You quit on me! All those words you said back in Shintaro felt like you were stabbing me in the back! I trusted you! I loved you! I thought you were my family!" She huffs. "But you proved me wrong! You abused my trust! You may have said what you wanted to say towards me, but you never felt the pain that I've felt the day you said it to me. "

She turns her back on him. " All my life, I've never really fit in anywhere. I never fit in with the Morningstars, with the Alliance, with Wu and Garmadon, nobody. When you invited me to join your team, I thought you were different. I thought things would be different this time."

She wipes a tear away. "But you're just like everybody else...the reason I left was because of you. No one, not even you, would accept me for who I am. What kind of brother gives up on his sister the second things get hard?"

Lloyd puts on a look of empathy and understanding, and reaches his hand out towards her. "Sis..." Suddenly, a strike of lightning shoots upwards at the tree they were at. They took that as their cue to go down and keep running, until they found a safe place to hide. 

Hopefully, their friends were doing better than they were. 
