SOFS: Fire Chapter 7 - A Cold Goodbye

"NOOOO!" Pixal's eyes snap open and she immediately sits up in her bed. She takes in a few shuddering breaths, as she took in the nightmare she endured that night.

She turns her head to her left, where her nightstand was. Sitting on her nightstand was a photo of her and Zane standing in front of a cherry blossom tree they had took that spring. She takes the photo of her and her boyfriend, and gingerly runs a hand along the frame's glass.

The door opens. The light turns on in her bedroom.

"Pixal!" Nya says worriedly, as the rest of her friends rush into the bedroom with worried and concerned looks. Nya rushes over to her bed and puts a hand on Pixal's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Pixal slowly nods. She sets the frame down on her blanket. "I am fine. I was dreaming about the moment he... he..." She closes her eyes tightly, not wanting to continue.

Nya rubs Pixal's back. "It's okay, I know."

Pixal hugs the beloved picture to her chest. " I... find it difficult to accept that he is gone."

Lloyd sadly nods. "Me too." Katarina leans her against his, and closes her eyes as she puts a hand on his back.

"We all do. It just doesn't feel real." Jay says sorrowfully, his eyes welling up with tears.

Wu runs into Pixal's bedroom. "Zane's alive!"




"Quiet, all of you!" Wu shushes them. The Ninja and Pixal stop clamoring, so they coudl listen to what Wu had to say. "Listen! I spoke to Aspheera at Kryptarium Prison. She didn't destroy Zane. She banished him to a distant realm."

"Well, what are we waiting for?! We gotta go after him!" Kai exclaims confidently.

Lloyd nods in agreement, as well as his friends. "Yeah! What realm?"

There was a dark, downcast look on his face as he sets his eyes on the Ninja and Pixal. "The Never Realm." He says in a low, dark tone. The Ninja and Pixal give each other and Wu confused glances.

"What?" Katarina says, confused.

"The Never Realm." Nya echoes.

"I've never heard of it." Cole says.

"There are few who have." Wu turns away and walks out of Pixal's bedroom. The Ninja and Pixal scramble to follow after him.

"Wait!" Lloyd calls after Wu. He, the Ninja and Pixal walk behind Wu in a straight, single-filed line. "What's the Never-Realm?"

"According to legend, it is the most distant and remote of all realms. My fatheronly spoke of it to me once..." He stops walking, causing everyone to bump into each other. "In warning."

He resumes walking, faster than ever. They give each other worried glances, then scramble once again to catch up to their Master's fast walking.

"He told me of all the realms of Creation, it was the one I should never visit. He told me it was a cold and dangerous place. He forbade it."

"Uh, forbade as in abosolutely, never ever?" Jay says fearfully.

"Why?" Kai asks.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?" Cole chimes in.

Wu shrugs. "I don't know. He went there only once and said he nearly couldn't find his way home. He said it was unlike the other realms. He warned me that others would not be as fortunate."

"Well that's just great. Creepy and vague." Jay groans.

Wu walks into his meditation room. The Ninja and Pixal walk into the room as well. "I will use Aspheera's staff to find Zane. It banished him there. It will work for me too." He opens a cabinet and takes out a small wooden box. He opens it and reveals two small sacks. "Once I have found him, I will use the Traveler's Tea to bring us both home."

"You mean all eight of us because we're going with you!" Lloyd declares.

"Yeah!" Cole exclaims in agreement.

"Absolutely not. I cannot allow it. What happened to him is my fault and mine alone. It is my responsibility." Wu says with a shake of his head.

"Hey, no way!" Kai shakes his head as well.

"We're not sitting this one out!" Katarina protests.

"Zane's our brother!" Jay argues.

"Enough!" Wu closes the box shut. "I will risk no other lives! My foolishness has already caused enough damage." He turns away from the Ninja and Pixal. "My decision is final."

Everyone glanes at each other, unsure of what to do. Lloyd, however, had an idea. "Okay. We understand, Master."

His friends widen their eyes.

"But.. this feels a little rushed. Maybe you should just, you know, sleep on it. For a night. And come up with a game plan."

His friends realize what Lloyd was trying to do, and they glance at each other with small but firm nods.

Wu turns back around to face them. "A game plan?"

"Yeah, you know, prepare. Think it all out." Katarina explains.

"Um. Yeah, yeah. Exactly! You're the one always telling us not to rush into stuff. Right?" Jay chimes in a bit nervously.

Wu sighs. "Very well. I will meditate on it."

Lloyd looks at his friends and gives them a wink. The plan was now in motion.

The Ninja and Pixal assigned Lloyd to fetch the sack of Traveler's Tea, which seemed pretty simple enough.

On paper.

Actually doing it went from Lloyd grabbing Wu's food supplies to getting eletrocuted by the chicken - which led to him coughing out chicken feathers for the next couple minutes.

Until finally, Lloyd was able to retrieve the sack of Traveler's Tea. He rushed back into the relaxtion room, grabbed his weapon and his friends followed him into the elevator leading to their secret base.

The plan was to get the Traveler's Tea and use the scroll to transport them to the Never Realm when they were in the Land Bounty. Now that they had the Traveler's Tea, the rest of the plan should be simple without Wu noticing it.

It was foolproof.

"Did you get it this time?" Cole asks.

Lloyd nods and unhooks the sack from his belt. "Got it." The Ninja and Pixal smile proudly.

"Great. We have our return ticket. I wonder why Wu was so adamant about going alone. Sure, the Never-Realm sounds creepy, but how bad could it be?" Cole wonders aloud.

Lloyd shrugs. "Beats me. Come on. Let's get the staff." Nya puts her hand on the handprint scanner and the elevator begins descending.

"What about the tracking device?" Nya asks.

"Right here." Pixal hands it to her.

"What's it key to?"

"The mech. Assuming Zane is still with it and it's within a 500-mile radius, you will see it on this display." Pixal explains to her.

"Master Wu's going to be pretty upset if he wakes up and finds us gone." Jay says nervously.

"But he is upset," The elevator door stops and its doors open. "He's not thinking rationally."

Katarina nods in agreement. "Don't worry about it, Jay. If he is upset, he'll understand once we bring Zane back." The Ninja and Pixal nod in agreement. They were about to walk out of the elevator, but Jay yelps in surprise.

Standing far across from them and blocking their path to get to the Land Bounty was Master Wu, holding the scroll in his hand. His eyes were a bright, golden color along with the fire on his head and the scroll he was holding.

"Master Wu!" Kai yelps.

"How'd you get down here? Y-you were just upstairs." Lloyd stutters as he and the others walk out of the elevator.

"Give me the Traveler's Tea, Lloyd." Wu says sternly, getting straight to the point. He holds out his free hand.

Lloyd shakes his head. "I can't do that. It's for your own good, Master."

"That is for me to judge. Give me the Traveler's Tea." WU says in a much sterner tone.

"We stand a better chance at finding Zane and you know it. There are more of us, and we're younger, and stronger and—"

"GIVE ME THE TEA!" Electricity dances across Wu's body and his body becomes engulfed in flames momentarily. The Ninja and Pixal brace themselves, and give each other a firm nod.

"You're holding the Forbidden Scroll, master. Why don't you put it down?" Lloyd says firmly but gently.

"You disobey me?!"

"I'm sorry, but...yes."

Wu screams and charges at the Ninja. He raises the staff in the air, and everyone gets out of his way. He turns right and was about to attack Lloyd with the staff, when Katarina teleports in between them and blocks the attack with her daggers. She stares at Wu straight in the eyes with a death glare, one that Lloyd had only seen once when Kai made a joke that he didn't know offended her.

Wu knocks her daggers out of her hands. Lloyd and Katarina duck when Wu swipes the staff at them. Lloyd throws the sack at Kai, who catches it and executes a forward roll. Wu, seeing the sack in Kai's hands, lunges at him. Kai dodges the attack, but Wu knocks it out of his hands. Before he could retrieve, Kai kicks it, causing everyone to run after the sack.

Nya, who was running ahead of everyone else, catches the sack just as Wu performs his Spinjitzu to retrieve it himself. He stops a few feet ahead of her, and growls. "Give it to me, Nya!"

She shakes her head and holds the sack protectively. "No, Master!" She performs her Spinjitzu as he runs up to her.

"The tea is not the answer!" She throws the sack to Jay, who slides on the floor and catches it. Wu dashes to him and leaps up into the air.

"Master, please!" Lloyd pleads desperately to him.

Wu strikes down the ground with his staff, and fortunately, Jay was able to get up just in time to avoid it. Jay flips out of the way as Wu swings and stabs his staff into nothingness. "Yeah, come on. Let's not fight about this."

He continues dodging the attack. He sees Cole and chucks the sack into the air. Cole runs for it and uses his hammer to swing the sacks towards Katarina, just as Wu dashes up to him. "Yeah, Wu! Try to understand."

Katarina catches the sack, but gets knocked a dozen feet into the air by Wu, who runs up to her and strikes her with the staff.


She tumbles onto the floor. She feels a tinge of pain in her left arm, and when she touches the spot, she looks at the plan of her gloved hand and finds a bit of blood on it. Her eyes widen and looks at him with fear in her eyes.

Lloyd, seeing the fear in her eyes, screams, "It's the scroll, Master Wu! Don't you see what it—?!"

"I will not risk anyone else's life!" Wu snaps. He turns his attention back to Katarina. "Now do as I command, and give me the Traveler's Tea!" She stands up, holding the sack in one hand as she holds her left arm with the other, and takes a few steps back from him.

Lloyd sighs. "Master, I'm really sorry about this, but you're not giving us any choice." He puts a hand behind his back and gets out a shuriken. Jay gets out some rope.

"GET HIM!" He throws the shuriken, knocking the staff out of Wu's hand. Jay tosses one end of the rope at Cole and they both run around Wu in circles as they tie the rope around him.

Wu struggles out of his sudden bindings. "The tea. The tea will not r—!" Lloyd goes up in front of Wu and ties a bandana over his mouth to muffle him. Wu stumbles back and falls flat on his butt, the scroll just out of reach. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

"Oh boy!" Jay exclaims.

"Did we just tie up our own master?" Kai says. 

"At least we know we're back in shape. Last time was just embarrassing." Cole says with a shrug. The Ninja and Pixal nod in agreement. 

"We didn't have a choice. I'm sorry, Master Wu, but you're not thinking very clearly. Just like you were before Zane disappeared, and that's just making it worse." Lloyd picks up the staff, power momemtarily coursing through him until he tosses it to Pixal. Her eyes and the scroll glow a bright white, and without any powers, there was no fire on top of her head. "Pix, I need you to do the honors. Everyone else, on the Bounty!"

Pixal nods. "Please hurry. I do not wish to hold this any longer than necessary," She glances at the scroll nervously. "It feels... strange." She and the others run towards the Land Bounty hurriedly. 

Lloyd picks his dao up from the ground. "I'm really sorry about this, Master Wu. I hope one day you can forgive me."

Wu continues to struggle out of his rope, with no success. "Don't do this. Don't do this! Don't do this." He says, his words muffled by the gag. 

"We'll be back with Zane. I promise." He turns away from Wu and runs towards the Land Bounty. He puts a hand on his sister's shoulder, and from Wu's position, they were exchanging a few words for a moment, until they ran towards the Land Bounty. 

Lloyd and Katarina climb into the Land Bounty and got into their seats. They buckle up, and it seemed like the rest of the Ninja had buckled up as well. 

"Lock and load!" Cole exclaims. 

"Pixal, do you copy?" Nya speaks through the intercom. 

"I read you. Are you ready?"

Katarina looks at the others, as she wraps a bandage around her injured arm. "Anyone having second thoughts? It's now or never."

Everyone shakes their heads. "Next stop, the Never-Realm."

"What are we waiting for?" Cole replies. 

"Let's get this show on the road!" Kai shouts, pumping his fist up in the air. 

Seeing that everyone was ready, Nya speaks through the intercom again. "We're ready."

Pixal, hundreds of feet in front of the Land Bounty, raises the staff high up into the air. "Here we go."

Then, she stops. She glances down at the staff, the memory of Zane sacrificing himself for Wu as he takes the hit goes through her head. She grips the staff tightly and closes her eyes. 

When she reopens them again, the tip of the staff glows, and she raises it up into the air again. She aims the blast at the Land Bounty. Bright light encases the exterior of the land vehicle, until finally, in a bright flash of light, it disappears. 

The Ninja were screaming as they were taken through the vortex that will transport them to the Never Realm. The Land Bounty shook violently from the turbulence, as they continue to scream. 


No one had time to respond to Jay's question, because the Land Bounty was spinning and they were struggling to stay in their seats. They had to grip onto the edge of their seats, and Lloyd and Nya had to grip onto the steering wheels as the Land Bounty continues to plummet. 

