Seabound: Chapter 8 - The Storm Amulet

The Ninja, Benthomaar, Maya and Keres gather in the submarine's dining area a few hours later, so Maya and Nya could tell everyone else what they saw in Wojira's temple.

"Okay, so, let me get this straight. Kalmaar needs two amulets to awaken this huge serpent Wojira, and he's got one of them already?" Jay asks for clarification. Benthomaar nods.

"Correct. The Wave Amulet." He explains.

"And the second is the Storm Amulet that we found on the Island of the Keepers?"

It was Lloyd's turn to nod in reply. "Yes. Which means we better get there first and make sure he doesn't get his hands on it."

"Or he'll awaken Wojira and destroy the surface world." Maya explains. Zane hums in thought.

"I fail to see how the amulets will awaken Wojira. How are they linked?" Katarina peeks into the dining area silently, and narrows her eyes at the shark prince, who was sitting next to Jay. Even though Benthomaar helped the Ninja and Maya escape Merlopia, and help them fight the Merlopian guards, she felt like she couldn't trust him, despite what they have in common already.

"It's really weird. But we saw it. Wojira is a huge snake, and she has these two holes on her head. And the amulets fit inside." Nya explains to her friends. The Lightning Ninja makes a face of disgust.

"Inside her head? Gross!" He remarks. The Purple Ninja keeps her eyes on the shark prince keenly. Lloyd looks away for a moment and finds her staring at them. He smiles softly with a sigh of relief.

"Hey Katarina," He greets her. Everyone else turns their attention to her, and they smile just as kindly, including Benthomaar, except his smile was a bit bigger than theirs. "How're you feeling?"

She shakes her head in response. He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, I thought so." She walks over and stands next to Benthomaar instead of standing next to Keres like she normally would, and leans against the booth's chair.

"...Did I miss anything?" She whispers.

"Oh yeah, you did," Jay answers. "Bentho told us his story of his life with Kalmaar and Trimaar, and how he accidentally helped Kalmaar by leading him down to the Tartarus Trench to get to Wojira's Temple, all because he lied to him and promised to treat him like a brother. Turns out Kalmaar didn't like him from the start. And Trimaar adopted Bentho after saving him from a group of eels."

Katarina deadpans at the response, and glances at Benthomaar, who sank down a little in his seat. She instantly felt guilty for her distrust towards him, and decided to put them aside for now. She summons a shadow and uses it to whack the Lightning Ninja behind the head. "I mean anything important, Sparky."

"We were talking about the two Storm Amulets, and how they're linked to Wojira. Kalmaar needs both of them to awaken her." Benthomaar explains as he sits himself back up on his seat. She nods slowly.

"The Storm Amulet and the Wave Amulet. I read about those. The Storm Amulet creates powerful lightning strikes in the sky, like a thunderstorm, and the Wave Amulet creates powerful waves in the ocean. The amulets separately are dangerous enough, but they're deadlier together," She explains.

"Kalmaar and those guards were zapping her with electricity. That's what was making Nya's powers go haywire –" Suddenly, the submarine shakes violently, causing everyone to almost fall down. Benthomaar immediately stands up and moves to catch Katarina when she stumbles and falls when Keres was about to catch her. The Purple Ninja latches on the shark prince's arms almost immediately, and smiles kindly at him with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Benthomaar. You have good reflexes." She remarks when she stands up fully again. The shark prince blushes at the comment easily, as he wasn't used to receiving compliments and praise from anyone else besides his adoptive father. He chuckles as he scratches the back of his neck. Keres' face darkens immediately at the shark prince.

"What was that?" Lloyd wonders aloud as everyone goes into the bridge.

Keres replies with bitterness "It's the electrical storm. We're nearing the Island of the Keepers. Let's dive to a deeper depth to avoid the storm better. But I can't promise that we won't experience any turbulence."

Katarina nods in response. "Okay. I'll stay back with Maya and Benthomaar in the dining area while the rest of you try to get the sub to avoid the storm." Keres glances at the shark prince and narrows her eyes at him, before she nods and allows them to go back to the dining area. She seats herself at the controls.

Everyone but Jay buckles up and have the Hydro Bounty dive in a deeper depth. Lightning strikes a jagged rock, and the pointed piece falls into the water and onto the roof of the submarine. The Lightning Ninja gets thrown off to the side. "Bear left, two degrees."

"Left rudder, two degrees." Nya repeats. The Bounty turns to the left, and its hull grazes a rock below. Jay was thrown upwards, and falls back down.

"Oh, come on!"

"Jay, your chair does have a seat belt, you know." His Yang reminds him. The Lightning Ninja sighs and puts himself back on his seat. He puts his seatbelt on with a slight sigh.

"Ugh, are we there yet?"

"Yes, we are." Keres answers. The submarine submerges and parks at the Island's pier. Everyone climbs out of the ladder, and stands by it so they can get out of the submarine, but Nya stops her mother and the shark prince.

"Benthomaar, the Keepers can be a little, uh, touchy." The Water Ninja starts to explain, causing Keres to chuckle a little.

"That's what she said." Katarina turns her attention to Keres and elbows her harshly with a shake of her head.

"Keres, now's not the time for one of your jokes. This is serious." The inner demon was confused, the Purple Ninja would normally laugh at her jokes. Maybe it was her injuries. That had to be it.

Nya turns her attention to Katarina and Keres and clears her throat to get their attention. "So it might be better if you let us do the talking." The Water Ninja grabs her Yang and brings him close. The Lightning Ninja nods along.

"Yeah, they know us. We're old friends."

"By old friends, you mean they used their stone statues to electrocute you guys, imprison us, electrocuted us again because they thought we stole their Storm Amulet, tied us up, sacrificed Jay to a fake Wojira that was used for a con, then yeah, they're friends with us." The Purple Ninja nods while she crossed her arms. Benthomaar was staring at her intently while she was explaining this, and glances at Nya and Jay, who were laughing nervously.

Then the shark prince bows slightly before Nya and Jay. "As you wish." The Lightning Ninja nods and was the first to climb out of the submarine to talk to the Keepers. When the shark prince straightens himself, he didn't realize Katarina was smiling at him while he was doing his polite bow.

The Lightning Ninja pokes his head through, and gives a thumbs up. Everyone else took that as their cue to climb up the ladder and join the Keepers. Nya and Jay inform the Keepers of their current situation, causing them to gasp in shock.

The Keepers immediately escort the Ninja, Keres, Maya and Benthomaar to Mammatus at the center of the island. "So the time comes at last. The time for which we have prepared all these years. Awaken the Stone Guardians. Let all know, invaders come. We must prepare to defend the amulet!" Mammatus bangs his staff down on the ground, and all the Keepers do the same thing.


Nya shakes her head immediately. "No, please! Listen! You can't prepare! There are too many of them!"

"And they have powerful weapons." Lloyd adds.

"Our only chance is to get the amulet as far from here as we can." The Water Ninja reasons with the King.

But he shakes his head. "This is the safest place in all the realm. This island has concealed the amulet for thousands of years. We are protected by the storm."

"They're not gonna come through the storm. They're going to go under it, like we did. They'll find you and take the amulet." The Water Ninja explains. Jay nods in agreement.

"Nya's right. We gotta get it out of here, fast!"

Mammatus looks away from the Ninja, hesitating, unsure if this was the right decision to make. The Water Ninja makes eye contact with him, her eyes pleading. "Please. You don't know this guy like I do. He almost killed one of my friends," Katarina looks away and subconsciously touches her left side, where the nearly-fatal wound was. Benthomaar glances at her sympathetically and places a hand behind her back. "He will stop at nothing."

The King hums for a brief moment, before sighing reluctantly. "So be it." He bangs his staff down, summoning the Storm Amulet at once. One of the Keepers unlocks it from its secured place, and kneels down and gives it to him. Nya walks up to Mammatus. "For thousands of years, we have upheld the oath bestowed upon us by the First Spinjitzu Master himself. That oath, I now pass on to you. Nya, of Ninjago. Do you accept this sacred duty?"

The Water Ninja nods. "I do."

"Then swear it."

"I swear. I will do everything in my power to protect the amulet." The King nods affirmatively and hands the Storm Amulet to Nya, who gratefully takes it with a smile. "Thank you." When she turns around and the Ninja, Maya, Keres and Benthomaar were prepared to head back to the submarine so they can go home, Zane stops her.

"One moment. Something's wrong," He scans the Storm Amulet in her hands as he takes the object from her. "This item does not match my visual record of the amulet on our last visit."

"What are you talking about?" She asks, confused.

"It is similar, but not identical," He explains, and touches the object with his hand. A piece of it breaks off, and he shows it to everyone. "This amulet is a fake!"

They all gasp.

"A fake? How is that possible?!" Mammatus says, confused as everyone else. He takes the fake from Zane and pieces the fake back together.

"But who would steal the Storm -" Nya's eyes widen with realization. "Oh, no. We need to get back to the Bounty. We have to radio Wu and the others!"

"Why?" Jay asks.

"Because I know where the amulet is. It's in Ninjago City. Come on!" The Ninja, Maya, Keres and Benthomaar rush back to the Hydro Bounty and head into the bridge. Katarina fires up the radio almost immediately.

"Sis, fire up the radio! We need to reach the Monastery, quick!" Lloyd exclaims urgently.

"Already on it, Lloyd," The radio tunes into the Monastery. "Wu, come in! Come in, Wu!" Static comes through the radio, indicating that no on was there. She sighs internally. "Is anybody there?! Kai? Cole? Ray!"

Finally, a voice cuts through. "Katarina!" Everyone sighs with relief.

"Oh thank the Master." Nya goes next to the Purple Ninja to explain the situation.

"Cole, there's no time. You have to listen. We're at the Island of the Keepers, looking for the Storm Amulet. It's not here. It's been stolen!" She explains urgently.

"... That's bad." Cole remarks.

"It gets worse. The amulet is in Ninjago City. At the Explorer's Club." She adds on.

"How did it get to the - oh," The Earth Ninja was starting to realize who took the Storm Amulet from the Island of the Keepers. "Oh, I see. Don't worry, we'll get it. We're on our way."

Suddenly, something blasts through the doors. Everyone immediately gets into their fighting stances, Benthomaar readying his spear and Katarina summoning her twin daggers. They realized it was Kalmaar and a few of his forces, making one hell of an entrance by blasting through the doors to the bridge. Everyone else notices the fresh wound on Kalmaar's left eye immediately.

"Benthomaar!" Kalmaar greets proudly. "I see you found yourself at home among these subspecies." He says while tapping a tentacle down on the floor in disgust. The shark prince steels himself away from feeling any sympathy towards his so-called brother's wound, and points his spear directly at him.

"Kalmaar, these are my friends. Do not hurt them!"

The King of Merlopia just cackles. "You're in no position to ask anything," He uses his bloody trident to knock the spear out of Benthomaar's hands. "I will do as I wish, and take what I will-!" Katarina takes this as her opportunity to throw one of her daggers at Kalmaar, narrowingly missing him. His eyes widen at the sight of the blade, and he hisses at the Purple.

"You gonna finish that fucking sentence, Your Majesty?" She growls, saying the last couple words with distaste. "Or do you want to lose that other eye today?"

Kalmaar glares at her hard for a few seconds, taking a good look at her. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"I lived, bitch!" The corrupted growls at her, before deciding to zap her on her side wound. She winces in pain and it catches her off guard enough for him to aim the stained-blood trident at her. Gripe and another guard do the same to Benthomaar and the others.

Seeing everyone was in a difficult decision, Nya looks around for a solution. She notices the fake Amulet Jay was holding behind his back, and gets an idea. "Okay, fine. We give up. You can have it. Give him the amulet, Jay."

That statement catches everyone off guard.


"Give him the amulet," She says through gritted teeth and gestures to the fake Storm Amulet in her boyfriend's hands. "The one in your hands."

Jay finally got the hint. "Oh. Oh, right. I mean, no! Darn it, I won't! You're going to have to try and pry it out of my cold, lifeless hands!"

Katarina just wanted the First Spinjitzu to take her life right then and there.

Because goddammit, Jay was such a horrible liar under pressure!

The others got the hint also. "It's not worth it, Jay. Give it to him." Lloyd pretends to persuade him, and Benthomaar nods along.

"Fine. You twisted my arm," The Lightning Ninja huffs. "Here it is." He tosses the fake Storm Amulet to Kalmaar, who catches it with one tentacle. The Ninja, Keres, Maya and Benthomaar glare at him, silently willing that Jay's over-the-top lie would work and fool the corrupted King.

But it didn't.

Kalmaar scoffs and tucks the fake under his arm. "Save the theatrics. I heard you. It's a fake. The real amulet is in Ninjago City, at this Explorer's Club."

"Aww, man! You heard that? And after I did all that great acting." Everyone exchanges glances with each other, not quite believing that statement from the Lightning Ninja.

"Well, don't get too excited, Calamari!" The Ninja, Benthomaar, Keres and Maya get back into their fighting stances, ready to fight Kalmaar. "You'll have to go through us to get it."

"It's Kalmaar. As much as I would relish blasting you all into pieces, I think I have something better in mind." Katarina goes into her demon form and uses her elbow to knock the trident out of the Maaray guard's hands.

The Maaray guard was caught off guard, and only got one glance at her demon features before she picks up his discarded weapon and stabs it right into his shoulder. The weapon also ends up pinning him against the wall.

Benthomaar picks up his own spear and spins it to and fro for a moment before launching himself at the corrupted king, who aims his own trident at his adoptive brother. "I think it would be far more satisfying to leave you alive, and stranded." He blasts his weapon at Benthomaar, who dodges out of the way just in time. The blast hits one of the controls.

But he didn't stop there.

"So you may live with your failure, and know that all that follows, is your fault!"

Katarina and Keres realize what the corrupted king was doing immediately. The inner demon retreats back into her head, allowing the Purple Ninja to summon Benthomaar's shadow clone. The clone picks up the shark prince's spear and clashes it with Kalmaar, forcing him to stop blasting the control.

Kalmaar struggles against the clone as Katarina manipulates its movements in her demonic form. Gripe notices this and uses this as his advantage. He launches himself up into the air and lands in front of her, making sure she was out of the clone's line of sight. Being physically compromised, he grabs her by the collar of his wetsuit and throws her across the bridge.

Her back hits the controls hard and she falls to the ground. Benthomaar's shadow clone's form dissipates immediately, and retreats back into its counterpart's shadow, whilst dropping the spear in the process.

Her demonic form won't let up.

Kalmaar dusts himself off and readjusts his grip on his trident. He aims it at the Water Ninja's throat. She gasps.

"For without your blundering, I never would have found the Storm Amulet. I leave you to ponder that, until the seas rise up, and swallow you all!" He blasts one more part of the ship, and it falls onto the ground with a loud thud. He turns his back on everyone. "Farewell, adopted brother."

Benthomaar manages to un-shield himself, and was in total disbelief at his brother's actions, left to watch Kalmaar walk away with his forces, one of whom was injured and managed to free him from the wall. Everyone but Katarina gets up.

"Zane! Extinguish the fire!"

"Shut off the power!"

"Stop him!"

Benthomaar looks behind him and sees that she was about to be burned and be engulfed by the flames. Without thinking twice, he rushes over and picks her up bridal-style. Strangely enough, he found, the flames that were her hair didn't hurt him. As her demonic form lets up, the flames extinguish and her hair gracefully falls over his arms, and her bangs were covering her eyes. He slowly reaches a hand up and moves a bit of her hair away.

"Bentho, c'mon!" Lloyd urges him, commanding away the small blush forming on the shark prince's cheeks. Benthomaar obeys and was able to get out the submarine whilst Zane was extinguishing the flames. By the time they were all out of the submarine, Nya had given up chasing Kalmaar and the controls were destroyed.

"Tell me we can fix the controls. Please, tell me we can fix them." Nya says desperately. Zane shakes his head.

"I'm sorry." Zane apologizes to her. The Water Ninja looks towards Katarina, who was now conscious and awake, slightly leaning her body against Benthomaar for support.

"Can't you create a portal that would take us back home?" She asks her. The Purple Ninja shakes her head also.

"I tried, and it didn't work," Katarina explains. "My magic is shot, thanks to Kalmaar. Besides, you guys aside from Bentho know that my magic relies on my physical and emotional wellbeing. If one of the two is compromised, then my magic won't obey me."

Nya groans. "What have I done? He's right. Without me, he would never have found it. Without me, none of this would have happened. I've messed everything up!"

Maya walks over to her daughter and cups her face in her hands. "Nya, look at me. When I first came here, I thought I was here to help you. But the more I watched you, the more time I spent with you, the more I realized: you don't need my help. You're a better Elemental Master than I ever was. If I were in your shoes right now, I really would be stuck. But I have no doubt, you'll find a way to get us out of here."

"You really think that?" The Water Ninja says doubtfully. Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Hell yeah!"



A smile slowly creeps on her face and she chuckles. "Thanks, guys!"
