March of the Oni: Chapter 4 - Endings

After that comforting talk and Katarina tended to Lloyd's injury, Nya and Kai summoned their friends to the bridge. They were informed of the plan to have Kai forged the Golden Armour back into the Four Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu in the Monastery's forge.

It only took them a few hours to get back home. They park the Bounty outside, and one by one, they hopped off the Bounty and walk into the Monastery. They were greeted by the monks, Misako and Wu, who all immediately noticed their grief-stricken faces.

"What is it?" Wu asks the Ninja worriedly, giving Misako a worried glance.

"It's Cole," Nya chokes out, her voice cracked from crying. Her eyes were swollen with tears. "He—He..."

"He's gone." Jay finishes for her.

"He fell into the darkness." Kai explains solemnly.

Wu looks down at the floor and blinks rapidly. Misako puts a hand on his back. "A-And the Realm Crystal?"

"We destroyed it, but it didn't stop them." Lloyd says.

"The Realm Crystal was just a gateway for the Oni and their leader. It wasn't the key to stop them from coming." Katarina explains.

"What do we do now?" Misako asks Wu worriedly.

"Luckily, you have me." The Ninja turn around and Wu and Misako snap their attention to see Lord Garmadon walking through the Monastery gates, as he carried the Golden Armour.


"Misako. The old me would have something heartfelt and sweet. But, I am no longer that man." He makes his way towards Wu and Misako. He tosses him the Golden Armour. "Wu, wipe that gloomy look off your face and do something with this." Lord Garmdon walks away from the group.

"The Armor of the Golden Master."

"If we melt it down and reforge the Weapons of Spinjitzu, we might still have a chance." Nya says.

Wu nods, and glances at the monks. "Prepare the forge."

Kai sighs. "I guess I better get to it, huh?"

"Kai, you're the Master of Fire. You can do this." Nya puts a hand on her brother's shoulder and offers him a comforting smile.

He nods and takes the armour from Wu. "Yeah. Right. How hard can it be?" He walks to the forge with his friends following close behind.

Katarina leans against a support beam, a few feet away from the forge and away from her friends and brother. She crosses her arms across her chest, her eyebrows knitted together as she lets out a small huff.

"You haven't talked since we set course for the Monastery," Lord Garmadon says, walking up to her. "Are you okay?"

She looks down at the floor. She decides to ignore his concerned words.

"My father used to be so kind, so understanding, but he's gone and he's replaced with this piece of shit!"

Her father moves his upper right hand, and places it on her shoulder. "Katarina...?" She slaps his hand away.

"This is all your fault! If you hadn't come back, none of this would've happened! Ninjago City would've been fine, the people wouldn't have to live in fear because of this whole damn mess, and Cole wouldn't be dead! No one is to blame for this, except you!"

Lord Garmadon didn't answer. He was trying to be kind and understanding towards his daughter, yet she was pushing him away. He didn't understand why, she used to love him so much, why the sudden change of heart?


She growls and turns her head away from him. She closes her eyes tightly. She used to be so annoyed with that nickname, and it made her father laugh every time she was.

"Kat, please..."

Now she wished he would stop calling her that.

"Talk to me."

She watches Kai give her friends their respective weapons; Jay with the Nunchucks of Lightning, Zane with his Shurikens of Ice, himself with the Sword of Fire.

But he gifted the Scythe of Quakes to Nya.

Making her eyes well up with tears.

"When this is over, I want you gone and out of my sight. I-I can't have you here around me anymore, I can't, it's too much."

"But I'm your father..."

She summons her daggers. The blades were made of a steel that was resistable to Elemental Powers, and were basically hard to destroy, unless something of immense power were able to derstroy them. Her father crafted them for her.

"My father is gone. He sacrificed himself to save all of Ninjago years ago." She wipes her tears away. "I...I don't even know if I have a father anymore."

Lord Garmadon's facial expression is now similiar to something of sadness. He slowly nods. "I...I understand."

Suddenly, a monk rings a bell, catching everyone's attention. "They're here." The Ninja run out of the Monastery courtyard and towards the steps. They look down, only to see the Omega and its Oni march up the stairs.

Cole snaps his eyes open. He immediately sits up and gasps for air. He touches the back of his head, only to see a bit of blood. He'll have to worry about that later.

He immediately spots a dark tendril near him. He screams. He gets up and looks around frantically. "Wh-wh-where the heck am I?" He looks up, and spots more dark tendrils slithering across the rooftop's interior.

"Oh, oh, boy-boy."

He puts a hand to his comns, as the tendrils slowly make their way down towards him. "H-hey, guys? Did you forget something? It's me, Cole! Guys? Hello?!" Static comes from his comns. He groans.

If only he knew they left them behind and now believed he was dead.

He pulls out the remote to his Earth Driller and finds that it was damaged badly. Making him groan even more. "Oh, great. Now, what? Stay calm. Don't panic. Why panic? I mean, I'm all alone, surrounded by creepy, black tendrils that are getting closer and closer."

He jumps up on a desk as the dark tendrils make their way toward him. The tendrils creep up over the desk, causing him to jump towards a lamp hanging from the ceiling. He swings the lamp to toss his body over to another room of the building. He closes the door so the tendrils wouldn't get to him.

He pulls out the remote. "Let's see if we can get this working again." He hurries to a filing cabinet and tosses a bunch of items out of it to see if there was anything useful in there. Finally, after a moment, he pulls out a pair of scissors. He hurries to a table and holds the remote before them.

He groans again, realizing how complicated this was. "Where's Nya, or Pixal, or Zane, or Jay when you need them?" He says as he begins to fiddle with the scissors on the remote. "Please work, please work, please work, please work."

The light on the remote goes from red to green. He runs to the front door of the building and looks around for his Earth Driller amongst the darkness.

"Where is it? Where? I can't see it. I can't see anything." Cole slumps against the larges windows of the building's entrance and groans. The remote drops from his hand and makes another beeping sound.

Suddenly, after a few seconds, he hears the sound of a roaring vehicle. He perks his head up. He smiles and cheers when he sees his Earth Driller coming to his rescue. It parks outside the news building. He picks up the remote and puts it back in his pocket. "It worked! Whoo-hoo-hoohoo! I can make it."

Then he realized one key flaw.

"Yeah, right. As soon as you step out there, it's gonna freeze you solid. Quit talking like that! I'm going for it."

He runs out of the news building and performs his Spinjitzu. "NINJA G-!" He stops after a few seconds as he begins coughing. He falls to his hands and knees. It felt like his lungs were going to explode.

He gets up. "Mmph. I can do it!"

He stumbles to his vehicle. He could feel the oxygen leaving his lungs as his legs and arms struggle to work. He knew they were going to turn solid any minute now.

He falls in front of the vehicle and crawls the last few inches towards it. The dark tendrils were awfully close to him now.

He pulls out the remote, which was now red again, and taps it a few times against the vehicle. It turns green. The door opens. He climbs inside and immediately closes the door.

Once he was inside, he gasps for air. He turns on a button that allowed the vehicle to start up. "Let's... n-never... do that... a-again."

He drives the vehicle away from the news center. If his friends were anywhere, it was the Monastery of Spinjitzu. He just had to get there without any issues.

Suddenly, he sees a group of Oni ahead. He stops the vehicle. The Oni shield their eyes.

Okay, maybe one issue.

The group of Oni turn around and hiss at Cole. Cole growls back. "Okay. You asked for it!" He turns on the drill and drives at the Oni.

Lloyd and Jay motion for the people to run up the steps of the Monastery as the Omega and the Oni came closer and closer. The people ran inside.

The Ninja look down and got out their weapons. Lloyd summons his powers. They were ready to fight.

"So begins the end."

Lloyd was about to use his powers when his mother calls out to him. "Lloyd! Katarina!" He snaps his attention to his mother, who was holding a little boy's hand as they both ran up the steps.

"Mother! You should be inside." Katarina says.

"I'm not leaving you two." Misako says stubbornly.

Katarina and Lloyd take her hands. "No matter what happens, those inside need your protection. Will you do that for me?" Lloyd asks his mother.

Misako looks down at the scared child next to her, then at her son and daughter. She nods and hugs the two of them. "I love you both. Be careful."

"We will, Mom." Misako smiles at her daughter, then takes the little boy's hand again. She runs inside with him, as Lloyd looks at his mother worriedly.

Katarina puts a hand on his shoulder. "She'll be okay." He nods.

"I hope so."

Suddenly, Faith steps out of the Monastery gates, a bit weakly, with a sword in her hand. Everyone gasps. "Faith!"

"You should be resting, Faith. You're not fully healed yet." Kai scolds her.

Faith shakes her head. She takes her place alongside her friends. "If the end is coming, I will face it on my feet."

"As will I." Wu says, walking down the steps and taking his place alongside the Ninja.

Lord Garmadon hums. "Hm. I did not expect to fight alongside you again."

"Nor I you. It seems life has a few surprises left for both of us."

The Oni were getting closer now. Wu looks at the monks. "Close the doors! Quickly!" The monks nod and quickly close the doors to the Monastery. The doors slam shut seconds later.

Everyone got their weapons ready. Lord Garmadon summons his powers in all four of his hands.

The Oni were near them now on the Monastery steps. The Omega stops walking, and so do the Oni. "The time of endings has come!"

The Ninja, Faith, Lord Garmadon, and Wu got in their fighting stances. "This is it, guys. Pick your targets." Lloyd says, as he summons his powers.

"I'll take the big one." Lord Garmadon says.

"He's all yours." Jay nods.

The Omega roars. The Oni charge.

Lord Garmadon and Katarina look at each other and nod. She summons her powers and jumps down towards the next flight of stairs with her father. They slam their fists into the ground. An explosion of magic and destruction throws some of the Oni off-balance, sending those Oni off the flight of stairs.

Jay flips in the air and using his nunchucks to knock the Oni away. Some of the Oni backed away from his nunchucks, not wanting to be touched by them.

Kai fends them off with his sword, and waves it around to prevent the Oni from getting close to him.

Faith shoves an Oni aside with her elbow. Three of the Oni fall off the mountain.

Zane sees an Oni coming up to him. He uses his shurikens to freeze it. The Oni encased in ice rolls over the flight of stairs and falls off the mountain as well.

While Katarina fights off a few Oni with her magic, Lord Garmadon blasts the Omega with his destruction. The Omega blocks it with its staff. Lord Garmadon growls and lifts the Omega in the air with his powers. He brings it down on a group of incoming Oni.

"Nya, look out!" Nya looks behind her and gasps when she sees an Oni about to attack her. She uses the scythe to hold its weapon off, and closes her eyes tightly when it continuously hits its ace against the scythe.

Lloyd sees the Oni attacking her, and quickly uses his Spinjitzu to get it away from her. Another Oni comes his way. He spins around once while he kicks it away.

"Use the scythe!" Nya swiftly turns around and uses the scythe to block another Oni's attack.

"I'm trying, but I'm not the Master of Earth! It's not responding!" The Oni shoves her into Lloyd. He quickly sits up and punches an Oni from behind. They quickly stand up, and see that they were surrounded.

"There are too many!" Master Wu comes to their rescue and uses his Spinjitzu against the group of Oni.

Suddenly, a rumbling comes from underground. Everyone turns their attention to see a large drill coming out of the ground. They quickly recognized it as the Earth Drill, which comes out of the ground while knocking another group of Oni away.

Its door opens. Their mouths open wide when they see the person coming out of the vehicle.

"Hey, guys! Couldn't wait for me, huh?"

"Cole!" Nya says happily. She was very much relieved that she didn't kill him after all. Lloyd uses his Spinjitzu to get the Oni from her. He was very much relieved Cole was okay, too.


Jay, holding his nunchucks, runs over and looks at Cole, tears in his eyes. "Th-Th-Th—we thought we'd lost you—y-you, jerk!"

Cole chuckles. "You can't get rid of me that easily." Nya laughs, a few tears coming down her cheeks. He points to his scythe. "Is that my old scythe?"

She nods. "Yes. And you can have it back." She tosses the scythe over to him. He jumps off the vehicle and grabs his scythe in mid-air. He performs a double front flip and bangs the tip of the scythe's blade onto the ground. Some of the Oni and the Omega get thrown back by the impact.

Kai whoops and performs his Spinjitzu on the Oni. Jay does the same. Nya and Lloyd attack the Oni in unision with their fists.

Lord Garmadon slowly walks up to the Omega. He blasts his destruction at it, only for it to use its staff and hold the destruction in the air. The staff absorbs it. "You only delay the inevitable. We cannot be defeated."

The Omega lunges at the Earth Drill and blasts it off the mountain. "This grows tiresome. I think it's time we evened things out a bit." Lord Garmadon says, pounding his upper fists.

He uses his destruction to transform his body to look more like an Oni. Horns jutted out of either side of his head, and his face was completely different. His helmet was no longer on his head. He summons a staff that resembled the Omega's.

"Now, that I have my own stick, let's try this again." He slam his staff and whips it around at the Oni coming his way in explosions of destruction.

"They just keep coming!" Jay yells. The Oni were climbing over the mountain.

Lord Garmadon and the Omega charge at each other. They collided their weapons in a blast of destruction.

The Oni were surrounding the Ninja now. "The weapons! They are not enough!"

"We can't hold them much longer!"

The Omega knocks Lord Garmadon at least a dozen feet away from it. "You are Oni." Lord Garmadon quickly gets up as the Omega walks towards him. "But only in form. In your heart, I sense uncertainty and doubt."

The Omega whacks him again, sending his staff out of his grasp. Katarina looks at her fallen father and gasps. Lloyd does the same. "Part of you longs to understand these pitiful beings. To be one of them. Your hopes weaken you."

Another hit of the Omega's staff sends Garmadon flying away. He lands a dozen feet away from the Monastery gates.

"DAD!" Lloyd sees his sister running to her father's aid. He reaches out a hand towards her.

"Sis, wait!"

In a burst of purple flames, Lord Garmadon loses his Oni form, turning him back to normal. Katarina runs up her father, and was about to help him up, when the Omega send a ball of destruction at her. She swiftly turns around and uses one of her daggers to block the attack.

But when she did, one of the blades shatter. She gasps in disbelief. "Wh-What the-? I thought-"

"Your blades can resist Elemental Powers. All but one. The power of Destruction." The Omega blasts her again, instinctively causing her to use her other dagger. It shatters as well.

The Oni were climbing over the mountain walls now. Lloyd looks around and sees there was way too many of them to fight off. There was only one option left.

"Fall back! Everyone, fall back!" The Ninja, Faith and Master Wu stop fighting and turn around. They run back towards the Monastery gates and head inside.

"Roger that!"

Lloyd runs to Katarina and his father. He grabs both of them. He sees her sister staring at the shattered remains of her beloved weapons. He takes her by the wrist with one hand and grabs his father's helmet, and drags them both inside.

Jay and Kai close the doors once everyone was inside. Lloyd, Katarina, Kai and Jay prop a large piece of wood to help the doors stay closed. The Oni still continue to bang on the closed doors. "That's not gonna last forever."

The last word echoes in Jay's mind. He turns his head towards Nya, who had her spear at the ready. "Nya." He fully turns around to face her. "I have to ask you something important."

"What? Now?" Lord Garmadon and Lloyd turn their attention Jay.

Jay nods. "Yes, now." Everyone turns to Jay, who gets down on one knee and puts his nunchucks down. He takes a deep breathe.

"Nya, you make me so happy everyday." She shakes her head, confused as to why her boyfriend was saying this to her. "When we're not together, I miss you so much that it feels like part of me is missing"

He pull a ying and yang pendant, and splits it in half. He holds out the yang half towards her. "Will you be my Yang?"

She gasps, and slowly takes the yang half from his hand. She stares down at it, a small smile forming on her lips. Cole appears behind her and whispers, "Now you're asking?!"

Kai appears behind her too. "We seriously need to talk about your sense of timing, Jay!"

"There may not be another time." Jay hisses.

Nya slowly looks at him. She smiles even wider, until she was smiling from ear to ear. She throws her spear aside as she holds the yang half tightly. "Yes!" She throws herself onto Jay, who catches her. They embrace each other, as they share a kiss. "Of course! Yes, yes, yes! Oh!"

Everyone was smiling for Nya and Jay. "I taught him how to do that."

Dark tendrils made their way through the cracks on the doors and were going over the walls. Lloyd looks at the paintings, but was left staring at one particular painting. He hums thoughtfully.

"Nya, Jay, it's been fun, guys." Cole says. Jay and Nya were now wearing their respective halves of the pendants.

"It has been an honor." Zane smiles.

"Let's go out with a bang." Jay says.

"It's been one hell of a ride with you guys." Katarina smiles sadly.

Kai nods. "Yeah. Let's give 'em—!"

"A tornado!" Lloyd interrupts him.

"Yeah! Let's give 'em a tornado!" Kai blinks, confused by what he said. He looks at Lloyd. "Uh—wait, what?"

"What's the opposite of destruction? Creation!" He points to the painting that showed a large tornado. Don't you get it? Creation—the Tornado of Creation! It's the one thing that can defeat the Oni—the power of Creation! But all of us this time, or it won't work."

"How do you know?" Jay asks.

"Yeah. It was a miracle it worked the first time!" Kai adds.

Lloyd softly chuckles. "Okay, I'm guessing. But what do we have to lose?"

Zane nods. "He's right. We have nothing to lose."

"What the hell. I'm in."

"I love crazy ideas. Let's do it!"

"Let me think...ah, fuck yes!"

Jay holds his hand out to Nya. "We're one now, Nya. Care to join?" She nods with a confident smile and takes his hand. 

"It has to be all of us."

His father shakes his head. "I am not one of you."

"No, but you're as much a part of the history of Ninjago as the rest of us." The darkness was seeping through more of the cracks on the doors. He steps towards his father and gives him a hard look in the eyes. 

Lord Garmadon backs away from his son, and walks away. His son looks at his father in complete disbelief. 

The Oni break down the doors. 

It was now or never. 

"Here goes nothing. NINJA...GO!" Cole was the first to perform his Spinjizu. 

"NINJA...GO!" The rest of the Ninja and Master Wu perform their Spinjitzu, one by one. 

Lord Garmadon stares at the Ninja and Wu performing their Spinjitzu. They were trying hard to form the Tornado of Creation, but like Lloyd said, it wouldn't work if all of them weren't doing it. 

He turns his head towards one of the paintings. It was of him taking over Ninjago. On the right was Harumi holding the Mask of Hatred, and on the left was his son. 

A dark tendril covers Lloyd in the painting. He snaps his head away, and shakes away the feeling of wanting his son to be okay. 

He huffs. 

He performs his Spinjitzu. 

A bright light came from the center of their combined Spinjitzu. The Tornado of Creation slowly emerges from the light. 

The Omega hisses. The tornado was coming closer and closer to the Oni, causing them to be blown away by the force of the tornado. But the Omega stands its ground. 

The last thing the Oni saw was a bright light. 

The dark clouds part over the corrupted, dark city. The dark tendrils on the ground and surrounding the buildings disappear. The people that were frozen began to move again, waking up from their frozen state in gasps as their frozen positions became undone. 

Even the darkness in the Realm of Oni and Dragon disappeared. The Dragon Hunters unfroze from their positions. They looked around, confused. 

The power in the Golden Weapons vanishes. The Ninja, Wu and Lord Garmadon were scattered around the Monastery courtyard, momentarily unconscious from performing the Tornado of Creation. 

Everyone slowly gets up, groaning weakly. Nya quickly runs to Jay and hugs him with relief.  "We're alive!" Jay laughs. "We're alive!"

Katarina weakly gets up with a groan. She blinks when she hears those words. "We were gonna die from performing that?!" 

"Kai!" Cole gets up quickly and looks to see Kai had his body buried underneathe a broken door. He runs towards Kai and lifts it off Kai's body. He grabs Kai's hand and helps him up to his feet. Cole runs a hand up and down his back.  

Zane walks up to the two. "Where's Lloyd?" Cole and Kai look around and see Lloyd's body buried under more broken parts of the doors. 

"Oh no." Kai, Cole and Zane rush over and lift the broken doors off Lloyd's body. They drag him out into the open. "LLOYD!" Nya, Jay, and Katarina rush over to see his unconscious body. 

"Lloyd. Buddy, wake up!" 

"He—He's not moving!"

"Someone find Wu. Where's Wu?!" Hearing someone call out his name, Wu runs over and tends to Lloyd. He lifts Lloyd's arm up. 

"You can do something, right? Right?!" He sadly shakes his head. 

"There is nothing to be done."

Tears well up in Katarina's eyes. She laughs. "You're-You're joking, right? There ain't no way in hell that my little brother, who's just as strong as the rest of us, is dead." 

She kneels down by his side, trying to shake him awake. Tears fall down everyone's faces as she tries to wake him up. "He's-He's not dead, he's okay, he's just-he's just-can't be gone."

Kai puts a hand on her shoulder. Tears fall down his cheeks. "Kat...I'm so sorry." She stands up, staring over his body, tears falling down her face as her body trembles. It didn't take her long to start crying. 

Nya sobs. "Oh, Lloyd." Wu puts a hand on Kai's shoulder, who cries as well. Cole rubs a hand up and down Kai's shoulder. 

Lord Garmadon, who had been watching the whole thing, stares at his son's body. He slowly backs away. There definitely weren't tears welling up in his eyes. 

A golden petal floats over Lloyd's body. 

A second later, Lloyd makes a sound, startling everyone. Everyone continues to watch him as seconds later, he sits up and coughs. The Ninja cheer as Katarina hugs him. "Oh, you're okay!"

Lord Garmadon breathes a sigh of relief. He wipes the tears from his eyes. Knowing his son was okay, he turns around and slowly walks away. Kai helps Lloyd up. 

"Where am I?" Lloyd asks. 

"Don't you remember?" Nya says, confused. 

"Yeah. You had us worried there for a sec." Kai says, breathing a sigh of relief as Lloyd got to his feet. 

"But... the First Spinjitzu Master..."

Cole chuckles. "You must have hit your head pretty hard, buddy."

"Yeah, let's get you inside, huh?" The Ninja lead Lloyd inside the Monastery. Wu doesn't follow suit. He just turns around to see his brother starting down the Monastery steps. 

Lord Garmadon turns around and meets Wu's eyes. Wu, knowing they have to part ways again, smiles sadly. 

"Goodbye, Brother."

The next day, the Ninja walk up the steps to the Monastery, where their friends were waiting for them. Wu bows before them. The Ninja make their way to bowls of paint, where they each dip their hand in them and place a handprint on the mural wall.  

Finally, after Lloyd finishes putting his green handprint on the wall, he smiles and backs way. Their handprints were in a red circle that stood beside all the paintings of their past events. 

He steps back, admiring the sight. He bumps into Kai, who smiles at him. Pixal walks up beside Zane and gives him a loving smile. Skylor does the same to Kai, except she winks at him. 

Katarina holds Lloyd's hand and admires the sight of the paintings on the wall. Jay holds Nya's and leans his head against hers. 

As they all stare at the painting, Firstbourne, now fully healed, flies in the cotton-candy sky. 
