SOFS: Ice Chapter 3 - An Unlikely Ally


Katarina perks her head up and turns her head to see Lloyd, laying on his left side. He was propped up with his left elbow, looking at her sleepily. 

"What are you still doing up?" He asks, quietly as possible, so as not to wake up the Ninja. She had been awake for the past few hours, definitely not talking to Keres or anything. 

"Nothing. Just having a little trouble sleeping, is all," She lies easily. She gives him a reassuring smile, to tell him that nothing was wrong and she was alright. "Don't worry about me, okay? Go back to sleep."

He squints his eyes at her suspiciously. She thought it was because he knew she was lying and he could right through her lie. A nervous moment later, he slightly shrugs and nods. 

"Okay. You get some sleep, okay?" He says with a yawn. He lies back down on his bed, and turns on his right side, going back to sleep. 

She breathes a sigh of relief. "He's right, I should go back to sleep." She whispers.

Keres nods. "Okay."

"Thanks for talking to me until I felt tired. I'm not sure if you know this, but-"

"You have insomnia, I know. Just because I'm a part of your mind, doesn't mean I don't know everything about you." Keres explains. 

Katarina quietly chuckles awkwardly. "Right. But that doesn't mean I'm not grateful to have someone to talk to when I can't sleep sometimes. I don't want to keep waking Lloyd up because of that."

"Well, I'm glad I could help. Good night, Yang."

"Night, Keres."

"Nya?" Lloyd interrupts Nya from her angry rage. She was furious about being unable to use her powers on ice, and now she was about to take it out on a house. But she stopped when Lloyd called out her name, and was now pretending she wasn't about to kick the house until it was a pile of wood. 

"You okay?" 

She looks away from him. "I... it's nothing. I just feel... useless without my powers."

He walks towards her. He jumps down on the frozen ravine. "You're not useless—" He was about finish his sentence, when he yelps, slipping on the frozen ravine. He takes a few seconds to steady himself, and continues to tread carefully across to her. 

"In fact, that's what I wanted to ask you. I need you to protect the village with the others, in case those Blizzard Samurai come back." Nya lifts Lloyd up to her side of the ravine. 

"What about you?" She asks. 

"I have to go away for a while." He says. 

She puts her hands on her hips. "Going after Zane? I hope you don't think you're going alone. We're coming with you." She says determinedly. 

He shakes his head at the idea. "I've thought about this, Nya. There's only two ways into that castle, by force and by stealth, and force won't work. You've seen how powerful the Ice Emperor is."

In the near distance, Cole was pushing a hammock that Kai and Jay were on. 

"So we sneak in, like the crafty ninja we are."  She turns around to see Cole getting knocked over by how much the hammock was swinging. The hammock swings all the way over once, until Jay ends up on a bare tree and Kai falls face first in the snow. 

"One of us has a better chance than six. And the Ice Emperor will be watching you guys, not me. He'll send more of those Blizzard Samurai here, which is why I need you to stay and protect these people." Lloyd explains to Nya. 

"So we draw his attention, while you sneak in and find Zane." 

He nods. "Exactly!"

There was a look of worry on her face. "It's risky, but it could work."

He puts a hand on her shoulder. "It will work. Trust me."

Lloyd packs his stuff up, along with a weapon to help him fend off the Blizzard Samurai and the wolves. Nya gave him the tracker, and Jay gave him some food, which Kai offered to light up with his fire powers. 

He soon set off, with the Ninja and the villagers wishing him luck. An hour into his walk, he doesn't realize something was following him. 

He decides to get out his water jug and the map from his backpack, and just when he opens his bag, he yelps. 

Inside his bag was a black cat with one purple eye. He knew immediately who this creature was. "Katarina?!"

The black cat hops out of his bag and transforms back into Katarina. She gives him a sheepish smile. "Hey, Lloyd. Fancy seeing you here."

"What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be back at the village with the others." He says, clearly a bit upset she stowed away with him. 

"Helping you rescue Zane from the Ice Emperor, obviously."

"Why? I can handle this by myself." Lloyd argues. 

"You said it yourself; The Ice Emperor is powerful, even more so without his Blizzard Samurai. I just wanted to be there for you, to help you defeat him." Katarina explains. "Besides, I promised Father I'd look after you. I'd never forgive myself if you died by the Ice Emperor's hands."

He sighs. "Fine, you can come." She smiles softly. They continue walking a little further. 

"Where do we need to go next?" She asks. Before her question could be answered, snarls came from all sides, startling the two. They turn around to find two wolves, surrounding them.

One lunges at them. They scream, and get out their weapons. Before they could attack, something attack the wolf. The wolf that was about to attack the siblings tumbles to the ground. Standing in front of it was another wolf, but its pelt was white instead of blackish grey. 

The other wolf runs away when the white wolf charges at it. The white wolf growls, watching the wolves retreat from the two. Lloyd and Katarina breathe a sigh of relief. 

"I've never seen a wolf like you before." Lloyd says. The white wolf had three tails with red tips. When the wolf turns around, it had three red markings on either side of its face. 

"What do you want? I bet you're hungry." Katarina says. She gets out something from her backpack, and lays the food item in front of the wolf. The wolf sniffs it, before looking at the two. "Now you won't be. You can eat that, okay? Truce?"

They walk away from the wolf, who looks on at them. Lloyd and Katarina walk for five more minutes, until they reach a seemingly never-ending canyon. He looks at the map. 

"Mala-Wojira. If you make a sound, Wojira's wrath will strike you down." He reads from the map. His sister nods. 

"Okay. No sound." She says. They both walk towards the canyon, entering inside it. "Quiet as a breeze."

Suddenly, he sneezes. In response to that, snow falls behind them. Her eyes widen, while he covers his mouth. 

Walking down the canyon seemed to feel like they've been walking for hours. Small gusts of wind would blow at them, and every now and then, snow would fall from the left and the right. 

At some point, it started to become hard to see. Lloyd and Katarina use their powers to light the way, but when they did, they gasp. 

There were a group of Blizzard Samurai standing in front of them, glaring at them viciously. 

Lloyd and Katarina use their powers to attack the Blizzard Samurai, knocking two of them out. The third one uses his ice swords to charge at Lloyd, but he punches the Blizzard Samurai up in the air, while Katarina kicks the other one against the canyon's wall. The Blizzard Samurai shatters from the impact. 

Before Lloyd and Katarina could attack again, two Blizzard Samurai uses their hands to grab their wrists and hold them down. As they struggled to break free, another Blizzard Samurai kneels down to hold them in place. 

Lloyd and Katarina struggle even more. Lloyd turns his head to see the Blizzard Samurai were freezing them, and he gasps. The siblings look at each other and nod. They kick the Blizzard Samurai off them and use their Spinjitzu, removing the ice from them completely. 

But the group just kept coming, pinning them down again and freezing them, ready to strike the two down. Katarina looks to her right. The snow was slowly coming down on them. She knew what she had to do. 


Katarina kicks the Blizzard Samurai off of her and lifts Lloyd up. They get out of the way the best they could, but the snow was coming down too fast. 

Moments later, Lloyd and Katarina wake up to find themselves on the other side of the avalanche. They gasp for air and cough a little, then look behind them. 

"You okay, Lloyd?" 

He nods. "Yeah."

They look up to see it was the wolf again, whimpering down at them as it stared at the two of them worriedly. 

"You saved our lives. Thank you. My name is Lloyd, and this is my sister, Katarina." 

The wolf pants and sticks its tongue out. Lloyd groans and stands up. "What am I doing? I gotta be crazy. You can't understand me."

Katarina stands up with him. "I don't know, Lloyd. I think it can. Animals are smarter than we realize. And as a Master of Form, I can understand animals perfectly."

The wolf runs ahead of them. It stops for a moment, glancing at the two, before running off again. "It wants us to follow it. Let's go."

Lloyd nods, and they both run after the wolf. They were greeted by a gust of wind as they finally made it out of the canyon. They shiver. "It's getting colder. We need to find shelter."

As if the wind heard them, it stops, revealing something in the distance. Lloyd and Katarina gasp. "I don't believe it! The-the Land Bounty!" She says in disbelief. 

They both run towards the Land Bounty and rush inside. They get to the controls, trying to reactivate the Land Bounty, but their attempts were futile. The screen would only flicker on and off before shutting down once more. 

Lloyd groans. "Oh, what a mess. Scopes are down, systems are fried. This is hopeless." 

Katarina goes towards the cabinet where they kept their supplies, and turns around with a smile. She holds up the first aid kid and a heat lantern. "I wouldn't say that."

He smiles. They both sit down and turn on the heat lantern. They wrap their blankets around themselves and decide to eat their food. 

"Even if we rescue Zane from the castle, we still have no way home." Lloyd explains as he munches on a carrot. 

"So what do we do? We don't have the Traveler's Tea we brought from Ninjago. We'll be stuck here forever." Katarina says sadly. 

"I don't know."

A silence falls on them, as they tried to comprehend the situation they were in. The wolf that rescued them twice hesitantly walks inside with a small whimper. It makes a small howl. 

"Tomorrow, we go back to the village and make a new plan." Lloyd says. Katarina nods. The wolf sniffs the floor for a bit before settling in a spot near the latern but not next to the Ninja. 

It was the middle of the night when the tracker beeped. The wolf perks up at the strange sound, and turns its head, only to growl at the sound the device was making. 

Lloyd and Katarina both wake up, and turn their attention towards the tracker. He picks up the tracker, and examine the screen closely, making sure it was real. 

"The mech?" They both stand up. "Wait! The mech!"

"If it still works, that would give us a chance against the Ice Emperor!" Katarina exclaims happily. 

Lloyd looks at the wolf, smiling from ear to ear. "What do you say? You in?" 

The wolf stands up, its tail wagging happily at its new friends' excitement. The siblings high-five each other. 

"Awesome! Hang on, Zane! Here we come!"
