The Island: Chapter 4 - The Tooth of Wojira

The raft sailed across the sea and away from the dock, getting closer and closer to the mythical sea serpent called Wojira. Jay, who was on the raft, struggles out of his wrist binds as he eyes the beast. He screams as he realized how close he was to it.

"Guys, I see something! I see something!"

The Ninja were also struggling out of their binds. "Can you describe it?" Nya asks worriedly.

"Can you define "something"?" Zane asks. '

"Does it have teeth?" Cole asks.

Kai grunts with extertion. "Ugh, these ropes are tough. I think I can burn through them!" His hands behind his back ignite into small flames, and made quick work burning the rope. The Ninja look at him, and shush him to how loud he was grunting.

"Shh! They'll hear!" Nya hisses. Kai was finally able to release himself from his arm binds, and falls flat on his face and onto the sand, before he remembers his ankles were tied to his pole, too. He ignites a small flame in his hand and burns the ropes around his ankles.

As Jay screams even louder, Kai quickly scrambles up, makes sure the Keepers weren't watching him, and runs to free his friend from their ropes.

"Let's hope this final sacrifice appeases Wojira, once and for all!" When Mammatus turns around as he spoke to the Keepers, he gasps when he sees the Ninja had managed to free themselves from their binds. The Keepers turn around and notice this too. The Ninja glare at the Keepers angrily.

"Stop them!" Mammatus orders the Keepers, who immediately draw their spears and shields and dash towards the Ninja.

"NINJA....GO!" The Ninja perform their Spinjitzu on the Keepers with ease, along with Wu, who finishes freeing Misako from her binds and defends her with his Spinjitzu against an armed Keeper. Misako kicks another armed Keeper.

"Hurry up, Dwayne!" Clutch urges Dwayne.

"I'm trying, Mr. Powers!" A spear from one of the Keepers was thrown in their direction, and Dwayne was able to catch it and slice it down on the ropes that was holding Clutch. Clutch falls down on his back and glares at Dwayne.

"Faster next time, intern!"

The Ninja easily fought and push their way through the Keepers, even Mammatus, who they push out of the way even though he threatened them with his electric spear. Nya jumps high into the air and uses her Water powers to summon a huge wave to come down onto the rest of the Keepers.

"Zane, a little ice?" Zane nods and uses one hand to create a large path of ice at the edge of the dock as the Keepers throw their spears towards the Ninja.

"Somebody, help! There's definitely something out here! Something big and snaky and glowing!" He screams as the yellow glowing eyes stare at him from a close distance. The ice bridge appears by his raft, and the Ninja slide on.

"Jay!" Nya says.

His eyes brighten up at the sight of his Yang and his friends. "Oh, thank goodness! It's so good to see you guys!" Kai and Zane prepare to get down from the bridge to get to Jay's raft, but a loud creaking sound stops them.

Everyone looks up to see something glowing in the fog, and when that glowing thing came closer, it appeared to be a huge fireball that splashed between them and Jay's raft. The ice bridge came apart, and Jay's raft floats farther away.

Katarina points to the threatening sea serpent. "Over there! I see something!" She summons her magic and Nya summons her water, and they both aim their powers directly at Wojira's long scaly body. But it did nothing to subdue Wojira.

Jay's eyes widen as he sees how large it is. "What is it?" Kai asks him worriedly.

"I don't know, but it's big! Get me out of here before it comes back!" Zane and Lloyd share a glance, as Zane summons his ice in one hand. Lloyd nods and makes a jump towards the water, just as Zane makes an ice block to prevent Lloyd from going into the water. Lloyd leaps onto Jay's raft and begins to untie his wrist binds.

Suddenly, the water shakes, and Jay begins to struggle again. "Hurry!"

Lloyd grunts as he struggles to free Jay from his binds, since it was hard to free someone who was moving way too much. "Just stay still!"

Wojira makes itself known by showing its face, and fires another huge fireball. It heads straight towards Jay and Lloyd. Jay gasps. "Look out!" But before Lloyd had any time to react, the fireball crashes down, and Lloyd was forecfully lunged forward into the water.

Lloyd stays in the water for a few moments before swimming back up quickly. "Jay?" Jay takes a deep breath in, and moves his hands and arms around again. The binds felt a bit looser now.

"I'm okay. I think I can get loose, just need a few more-" Something grabs him and raft, and suddenly pulls him towards Wojira. Jay screams loudly.

"JAY!" Lloyd uses one hand to blast an Energy ball towards Wojira, as he scrambles quickly towards the raft.


"IT'S GOT ME!" Jay screams as he and beast both disappeared into the foggy bank.


"Say something! Where are you? " After a moment of silence, Kai began to hyperventaliate and holds onto Zane. "It ate Jay! It really ate him!"

Something similar to wood pops out of the water's surface. Lloyd grabs onto it for support while he examined it.

"Or did it....?"

It took a long while for everyone to swim back to shore, and when they finally made it back to the island, they were exhausted and had to take a moment to catch their breath. When they stood up, the Keepers and Mammatus point their spears at them angrily. Some of the Keepers were holding Misako and Wu hostage again.

"You fools! You risk angering Wojira? If the beast returns, you will be the next sacrifices!" Mammatus yells at the Ninja angrily.

Lloyd shakes his head furiously. "No, we won't, because Wojira doesn't exist."

Mammatus and the Keepers glare at Lloyd for his blunt statement. "Blasphemy! You saw her!"

Lloyd holds up the broken piece of wood he discovered when he blasted Wojira. "We saw something, but tell me, do sea monsters have wooden teeth?" He throws the wooden piece onto the sand, and the wood ends up at Mammatus' feet. Mammatus looks down and puts one end of his staff onto the wood.

"I don't understand." Mammatus mutters with confusion.

"It's a con. You've been tricked into giving sacrifices to a fake monster." Katarina tells him and the Keepers bluntly.

"But that's impossible." Mammatus shakes his head in denial.

"Why don't you tell us how all of this started?" Lloyd asks him. "From the beginning."

Mammatus looks at the wooden piece, then the Ninja and the Keepers and sighs. "For thousands of seasons, our people have been entrusted with the protection of the amulet. Entrusted by the First Spinjitzu Master himself to keep it from Wojira, for if the serpent ever obtained it again, the seas would rise up and swallow all the world. But Wojira slept, and all was peaceful. Until one day ..."

"Come quickly!" One of the Keepers said to Mammatus last month, and led their leader to the beach where the docks were located. All the Keepers were there, and their eyes were trained on something in the distance.

"It's her. Isn't it? It's Wojira! The sleeper has awoken! What should we do?"

"This doesn't seem right. Wojira should be asleep at the bottom of the sea." Mammatus said to the Keepers, clearly confused why Wojira was awake right now.

"Someone must have awoken her!"

Suddenly, a figure in a straw hat appeared behind the Keepers in a low voice. "We should send her a sacrifice of gold and gems to appease her!"

The Keepers and Mammatus looked at each other, then the awakened beast out in the sea near their island. They knew they had to do it.

"I did not know where the idea came from, but it was worth a try. We thought we had appeased her, but only a week later, she was back. Soon our treasures were gone, so we gave fruits and coconuts, whatever was left. But we needed something to placate Wojira forever. We needed an ultimate sacrifice!"

"So you thought you'd sacrifice our friend?!" Katarina yells at Mammatus angrily. "How could you?!"

"We were commanded to defend the amulet at all costs! Not some costs, all!" Mammatus yells back defensively.

"Sacrificing Jay cost you nothing, but it could cost Jay everything." Kai says solemnly. Mammatus looks away from the Ninja, realizing what he had done.

"You lost our friend. You're gonna help get him back." Nya says firmly.

"How?" Mammatus asks.

"First, you're gonna draw me a map of the coastline, and show me any place near the water where someone could hide something really big." Lloyd tells him.

The fake Wojira, which appeared to be a ship with some floats attacked to it and controlled by a couple of criminals, steers towards a cave hidden from the island. The ship docks in the cave, where there were many more criminals with large crates and loot.

"Boss ain't gonna be happy with this. They were supposed to give us gems and rubies and gold, not a person." One of the crooks says.

"Maybe the islanders are out of jewels. Maybe they got nothing left except people." Another crook presumes. The ship stops moving, and the two crooks hop down from the ship.

"Well, I ain't gonna be the one to tell him the news. You find a way to tell him." The first crook says.

"Me? Why me?'" The other crook groans. The raft that was carrying Jay lowers from the top of the ship, and the crooks were surprised Jay wasn't in the raft nor on the palanquin. "Hey, where'd he go?"

The crooks look around a little more, before looking up to see Jay, who was free from his binds and was coming right down to kick their butts. He swings his leg at both crooks at once, and lands down on his feet effortlessly.

"I happen to think I'm quite valuable, thank you very much." He turns around, ready to head back to the island, when three more criminals appear behind him, ready to fight the Blue Ninja. He gasps when he sees their prison uniforms. "Those are prison uniforms! Who are you guys? And how are there so many of you?!"

Jay begins to effortlessly fight back against the criminals, but the crooks he subdued seconds ago manage to regain consciousness and pin his arms behind his back. The two crooks pick him up, and carry him towards the water. "Throw him out to sea! He's too much trouble!"

"Yes!" Everyone looks up and gasps. That was when the Ninja appear into the cave from the open ceiling, going down on ropes as they got out their weapons from their weapon holsters. "But he's our trouble!"

The Ninja jump down from their ropes and begin attacking the army of criminals with their weapons. Cole comes to Jay's rescue and kicks both of the crooks at once, and catches Jay mid-air. The crooks fall into the water, as Cole carries Jay bridal-style.

"Aww, good to see you, guys! How'd you find me?"

Lloyd was busy holding a criminal with a small sword with his dao without looking, moving his dao around with ease. "Once we figured out this alleged sea monster wasn't real..."

"We had a little talk with the leader, who told us about a cave..." Cole continues, as he puts Jay down and strikes a few criminals with his hammer.

Nya jumps down and strikes her trident down on a thug. "Where some thugs just might be hiding a big monster!" She trips another one with the blunt end of her trident.

Jay nods understandingly. "Smart thinking, guys! But this is a pretty bizarre crime ring going on here. Any idea who's behind it?"

"We figured that out too. Remember there was a breakout to Kryptarium Prison? All kinds of criminals back on the streets?" Katarina asks, as she uses her daggers to hold off another armed criminal.

Jay nods. "Yeah."

" Well, guess who still hasn't been caught, and who likes to use weird vehicles to get his way!" Lloyd says, as he kicks a criminal down from getting back up.

The leader of the crime ring makes themself known by appearing out of a tunnel and taking off their straw hat. The Ninja gasp when they saw it was...

"Ronin!" Everyone except Lloyd gasps.

"I was actually gonna say the Mechanic, but Ronin fits too." Lloyd mutters, scratching the back of his neck.

"I thought you always worked alone, Ronin." Kai grabs a bat, and unarms the criminal holding it by kicking him down.

"I usually do, but when the police hired me to track down all those escaped prisoners from Kryptarium, I realized I had an opportunity to put them to work, for me!" Ronin starts putting the stolen loot onto the ship.

"Too bad you went through all that trouble for nothing." Cole scoffs.

"Not for nothing! These islanders had been sitting on a small fortune of gems and gold bullion!" Ronin boards the ship. "But if they're starting to sacrifice people, I may have cleaned them out, so I'll cut my losses while I'm ahead." He grabs the steering wheel and manuevers it towards the entrance of the cave. "So long, ninja. Keep them busy, boys!"

The criminals yell and charge towards the Ninja, who begin fighting them again. "He's escaping!" Nya yells.

Strikes of lightning appear in the distance of the cave's entrance, and they were aiming for a small boat that acted as a small lightning rod. And there was someone on it. "Not on my watch!" Twitchy yells, as electriciy surrounds him. He was grabbing both sides of his ship, and his hands were glowing a bright purplish-pink. "Come on, storm, give me all you've got!"

"Twitchy?" Lloyd gasps.

"It's never to-o-o late to conquer your fears, especially to rescue a friend! Hold on guys!"

Ronin widens his eyes when he realizes the small ship was headed straight for the fake Wojira. "Whoa, hey! What are you doing? You're gonna sink us both!"

Twitchy's mouth forms into a confident smirk. "That's the plan!" He plants his hands down onto the purple gems of the ship. Two spears jut out, full of electricity. Ronin quickly steers his ship the other way, but it was too late. Both ships crash into each other, destroying both of them in the process, while both occupants fly out of the ship and land in the water.

"Someone help Twitchy!" Katarina yells. Twitchy was the first to appear out of the water, and coughs a little. Nya offers the blunt end of her trident to him, and he gratefully grabs onto it.

"That was a very brave thing to do, Twitchy." She praises him, as she grabs his hand and pulls him the rest of the way out of the water. They both watch the fake Wojira sink into the water, as the criminals put their hands up.

Ronin resurfaces with some loot he managed to grab, but Cole and Kai get in his way and stop him from escaping with what treasure he had. Kai trips Ronin, who falls down with a soft groan. "Okay, okay. You got me."

"You're gonna see the inside of a jail cell for this, Ronin." Kai and Cole fist bump each other.

It took a while to haul all the criminals back to the island. Mammatus was very angry at the criminals for conning him and the Keepers out of their treasure and food, so they put them into the very cell the Ninja were in hours ago. "And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you ninja and your pesky friend."

Cole crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, as he stole a glance from Kai. "Why did I have a feeling he was gonna say that?" Cole and Kai walk away from the cell, just as Zippy appears in front of it and roars at Ronin and the criminals. Ronin and the criminals fall down and back away from the cell door and Zippy.

"Let me offer my sincerest apologies, my ninja allies." Mammatus offers to the Ninja, Misako and Wu.

"For what?" Cole asks.

"Having our Stone Guardian attack you, locking you up, sacrificing your friend to a monster, that sort of stuff." Mammatus lists off, as he guiltly looks away from the Ninja.

Kai waves it off. "Nah, forget it."

"Yeah, happens to us all the time." Katarina shrugs. "You get used to it."

"I'm just happy they captured Ronin and his thugs," Lloyd walks up to his mom and Wu, and both Lloyd and Misako hug each other lovingly. "And found my mom and Master Wu alive and well."

"And Clutch Powers." Zane adds.

"Oh yeah."

"On behalf of the Keepers of the Storm Amulet of Wojira -" Mammatus gestures to the top of the throne where the Storm Amulet was being kept. Everyone gasps when they realize the amulet wasn't in its proper place. "What?! Where?!"

Nya looks around and sees that Clutch Powers wasn't with Dwayne. "Where's Clutch?" He points in the direction of the docks immediately, and she groans. Here we go again...

Meanwhile, Clutch was at the docks, carrying his bag close to his chest. He was about to escape onto one of the catamarans and go back to Ninjago city with the amulet, when he felt a sudden jolt of electricity from behind him. He falls down, and so does his bag, which opens and reveals the Storm Amulet.

"I don't think that belongs to you." Nya growls. Clutch looks behind him to see an angry Nya and an angry Mammatus glaring at him.

"Oh, how the heck did that get in there?" He laughs nervously.

At sunset, Katarina and Lloyd were sitting at the docks, looking in the sunset. "I'm sorry, Lloyd." She apologizes to him. He turns towards her, surprised.

"What for?"

"For getting on your back about your trust issues towards Vania. I shouldn't have hounded you like that and force you to trust her so quickly like we did. You were still sore from Harumi, and I can't blame you for being suspicious towards Vania," She chuckles softly. "Keres was the same towards Vania, and I guess I pressured her to trust the Sky Queen too. But still, I'm sorry for that."

He waves his hand around. "No, don't be. I shouldn't have assumed Vania's intentions so quickly. I was actually able to trust her and apologize to her before we left Shintaro."

"That was very mature of you, Lloyd." She smiles.

"But if anyone should be apologizing, it's me. I'm sorry for calling you an emotional freak, and for calling you a mistake. I'm sorry for not listening to you from time to time, not taking your suggestions and ideas, and making you feel bad about yourself while at the same time making you out to be the problem in my life. I know I shouldn't have said those things, even though I said them anyway, and when you left the Monastery...I didn't realize how much I needed you until you were gone. I shouldn't have been so hard on you, sis....You're a great sister and a great asset to the team. I'm sorry for telling you otherwise."

She takes a moment to consider his words, she sigh.s "Lloyd, I appreciate the apology, but...I don't know if I can forgive you for what you said to me. It really hurt, and it broke my heart hearing it from you all of all people. I can forgive half the things people say and do to me, because I'm used to it, but forgiving you for something like that is going your way takes time."

She looks down at the water. "It might take weeks, months or years before we can get our relationship back on track. But just so you know, I don't hate you. I just wish I can forgive you right away and be your sister again, but I can't, because you betrayed my trust and my love towards you."

He looks down at the water too. "....That's okay, Katarina. I'll work hard to earn your trust and forgiveness. Things may not be the same between us ever again....but I look forward to the day where we can be siblings again and get our relationship back on track."

"Me too, Lloyd."

Misako and Wu come up behind them and smile gently at the both of them. Lloyd and Katarina stand up. "Lloyd? Are you okay?"

"Better than ever, Mom." Lloyd says, as they all look out into the distance. "But I was just thinking, I know Ronin's monster was fake, but I guess I was wondering if Wojira is really still out there, somewhere."

"If she is, may she sleep for another thousand years." Wu whispers.

Just at the bottom of the Endless Sea, laid a sea serpent of large proportions in a dark temple as glowing blue tubes were attached to her body. In the center of her head were two holes where two amulets should be, and one of the amulets, which were a bright blue color, occupied one of the holes.

Now all it needed to awake from its slumber was the Storm Amulet.
