Prime Empire: Chapter 11 - The Speedway Five Billion

"What is this place?" Racer 7 asks the Ninja and Scott. 

"My garage. It's protected by a Level 999 Stealth Barrier," Scott explains. He narrows his eyes at the young racer. "Were you followed?"

"Who would be following me?" She asks curiously. 

"Those Red Visor guys." Jay explains. 

"Unagami's been trying to find this place for years." Scott says. She thinks for a moment, before shaking her head. 

"No, I wasn't followed." This results in the two of the them narrowing their eyes at each other, before Scott relents and lets out a sigh.

"Pull your car in before someone sees it." Racer 7 hops back into her car and slowly backs it into the camoflauged garage.

Although, there was someone who was watching the entire thing unfold. "Red 29 to Unagami. I have located the ninja. Repeat, I have located the ninja. Send backup." More Red Visors spawn at the Red Visor's request, prepared to take down Scott and the Ninja once and for all. 

"Unagami is actually a man named Milton Dyer, a game programmer. He built Prime Empire. He's using it to trap players inside the game." Lloyd explains to Racer 7. 

"The only way to stop Dyer is to get the three Keytanas." Nya adds. 

"To do that, we need your help. We need to win this race." Jay concludes. 

"You said I was programmed to lose. But I could break my programming," Katarian nods. "What if you're wrong?"

"What if I'm not? Trust me, I've seen it done. If Okino can break his programming, then that means you can, too. You can win. You just have to believe in yourself." Katarina says. 

Nya looks at Racer 7 hopefully. "What do you say? Will you help us?" 

The young racer was quick to agree. "I'll do it."

An alarm sounds on Scott's monitor. "Something tripped the motion sensors!" He presses a button to show one the garage's cameras. Red Visors had found them, and they were coming in hot. 

"What do we do?" Nya asks. 

"I'll hold them off. You guys get to the racetrack and win that Key-Tana." Katarina volunteers. The Ninja were immediately in disagreement of that. 

"Are you crazy? We're not leaving you here!" Kai protests. 

"Yeah, no way!" Cole agrees. 

"There's no way we're leaving you, sis!" Lloyd argues. 

"We're out of options! The Speedway starts in five minutes and there are too many to-!"

"I'll hold them off," The Ninja and Racer 7 turn their attention to Scott. Their eyes widen. "I've been hiding in this garage for 30 years, playing it safe. Time to try out that hero thing." He smirks. 

"You only have one life left, Scott." Kai reminds Scott. 

He nods. "I know, and I want it to count for something. Just promise me you'll beat this game. Find Unagami, and you make him set this right." He opens up his menu bar and equips his gun. 

The Ninja nod. "We promise." The garage doors bang. The Red Visors were shooting at the garage, hoping to find a weak spot. The garage's stealth barrier was wearing off slowly. 


The Ninja and Racer 7 hop quickly into their respective vehicles. Katarina joins Lloyd on his, and Cole joins Kai. 

Just as the barrier wears off, Scott says, "Katarina!" 

Katarina perks her head up at him. 

"I heard what you've said earlier! It wasn't your fault I've been stuck in this damn game for thirty years! If it's alright with you, I still want us to be friends!"

She nods. "Of course, it's alright with me!"

He smiles, as he opens the garage doors. "Once you and I get out of here, we'll hang out like we used to! Just like old times! Now go be a hero and take down Unagami! See you on the other side!"

The shooting stops. He cocks his gun. "Game on, Unagami." He runs out of his garage and pulls his mask up. He starts shooting the Red Visors, and manages to shoot two of them perfectly. A barrage of lasers come right at him, and he goes towards a new hiding spot. 

Once there, he equips a remote-controlled toy vehicle, and directs it towards the Red Visors. It stops at one of their feet, causing the Red Visor to look down. "Huh?" The Red Visors stop shooting to look down at the toy. 

After three seconds, it explodes. More Red Visors rush to the scene. "LET'S GO!" Racer 7 exclaims to the Ninja. They buckle up and floor it, speeding out of the garage. The Red Visors start shooting at them instead, causing Scott to come out. 

"HEY!" The Red Visors start shooting him again. His eyes widen, realizing there were too many of them. He rushes back to hide again, about to form a new plan. 

Suddenly, he gets shot, turning him into a cube instantly. 

"NOOOOO!" Katarina screams. Scott's cubed form lands on the ground. She pounds her fist on Lloyd's vehicle. She closes her eyes tightly and lets out a shuddering breath. "Scott..."

The Red Visors go up to Scott's cubed form. "We have eliminated the threat known as Scott."

"What about the ninja?"

"They escaped. They are on their way to the Speedway. We require vehicles."

"Ladies and gentlemen! Robots and beasts and racers of all kinds! Welcome to the main event, the most dangerous race in all of Prime Empire. The Speedway Five-Billion!"

The crowd cheers as the racers lock into the grid at the starting line. 

"And the prize is... That's right. A Key-Tana! But who will take the prize home? Let's meet our contestants. First up, the ever-popular Whack Rats! The Chrome Domes! The Ballistic Missiles! And lastly...Wait, what's this? I'm being told we're one team short. That's right, the Fast Chickens are a no-show. What do we think of that, folks?"

The crowd boos. "But the Speedway waits for no one! So let's get started. On your mark..."

The racers rev their engines. 

"Get set...GO!"

The admin fires its gun. The racers take off. 

"Holy Loot-Box! We've got a last-minute arrival!" 

The Ninja and Racer 7 speed onto the track and cross the starting line, with the Red Visors in hot pursuit. 

"The Fast Chickens are in the house! And it looks like they've got company. Red Visors in pursuit. I'd say that's against the rules, but it's the Speedway. There are no rules!"

Cole screams as Kai manuevers his way on the track. "Why did I choose to ride on the back of a jet?!"

A Whack Rat throws a bomb at one of the racers. The racer's vehicle catches on fire, knocking its vehicle into another racer. Jay and Lloyd swerve out of the way. "WOAH!"

A Ballistic Missile activates the bombs in his vehicle, and sends it straight to a Whack Rat racer. The racer and its vehicle explodes, and the other racer crashes into a barrier, causing it to despawn, too. 

Jay maneuvers his way through the racers. Unfortunately, a familiar Whack Rat recognizes him. "Ninja!"

Jay snaps his head towards the familiar racer, and snarls. "Ritchie!"

"That's Mister Ritchie to you!" Ritchie takes out a bomb and throws it at Jay, who manages to duck himself and his jet just in time. The bomb ends up hitting another racer, causing the racer's car to swerve and hit two other cars in its path. 

The crowd cheers loudly. "There's another vehicle down and out, as we pass the second-mile marker with the Whack Rats in first, and the Fast Chickens in last."

The racers pass through the portal that allowed them to get to the next section of the track. The Red Visors surround Nya's vehicle, and slam into its sides.  She looks at both of the offending vehicles, who suddenly hug her car's sides. 

Just when they were about to slam into her again, she brakes real hard, causing the cars to slam into each other instead of slamming into her. She accelerates, and crashes her cars directly into the Red Visors', causing them to get eliminated from the race. 

"Ah, loot box! Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!" A Whack Rat racer obtains the loot box, letting his car obtain a spike ball that was implanted at the end of its car. The spike ball hits a racer's car. 

Kai notices the spike ball and gasps. "Look out, Cole! Wrecking ball!" The spike ball was headed towards Cole, who leaps up into the air to avoid the hit. But he gets caught in it anyway, but he was thankfully not hit by the spikes. He was instead holding onto the chain for dear life. 


Before any of the Ninja or Racer 7 could come to their rescue, Cole manages to let go of the chain ball and kick the Whack Rat racer out of his car. Cole manages to obtain the racer's car, and just in time for him to spot another loot box. 

"Loot box. Loot box!"

"I've got it! I've got it!" Kai says. His jet soars towards the loot box and obtains whatever was inside it, but nothing was happening. 

Nothing happened. What kind of loot box is - whoa!" Suddenly, the words were taken out of Kai's mouth when his jet was quickly transformed into a huge mech. Kai whoops happily. "Woo-hoo! I just got a mech! So awesome!"

Kai's mech swoops an arm down and eliminates another racer. The crowd cheers even louder. "Nice move from the red mech!"

Racer 7, Lloyd and Katarina were side by side now. Suddenly, the car in front of them dispenses bombs from the car's rear. "Look out!" Both vehicles swerve out of the way to avoid the bombs, which exploded by the time the remaining racers jump through the next portal. 

"That's one more out of the race. The Whack Rats are still in the lead, Chrome Dome's in second, and surprisingly, Fast Chickens moving into third!"

Three Whack Rat racers were moving in and decided to box Nya's car in. "They're boxing me in!" One of the Whack Rat racers in front of her unleash spikes towards her, so she decides to press a button that allowed her to levitate her car in the air. The spikes explode behind the racers, eliminating another racer. 

Another Whack Rat racer throws a bomb at Nya's car, which explodes on the hood of her car. "Guys, I need help!"

Racer 7 races her car up to Nya. "Nya, hang on!" Her car goes in front of Nya's car, and unleashes retardant from her car's rear. The flames were extinguished. 

"Thanks, Seven!"

But Nya wasn't the only one who had trouble. Red Visors were slamming their sleek cars into Jay's jet. "Um, guys? I could use a little help!"

"Hang on, buddy!" Cole and Kai race to Jay's rescue, while eliminating another racer from the race. Jay's jet was repeatedly being slammed into by the Red Visors, and they weren't planning on quitting any time soon. 

"Ugh, if I could just get this guy off my tail!"

As Cole and Kai were nearing Jay, they glance at each other and share a nod. "Good luck, Jay." Cole whispers. 

Kai's mech leaps into the air and summons out two blades from its forearms. Kai's mech slams into one of the Red Visor's cars, while Cole uses the spike ball to latch onto another. The four of them were sent swerving on the track, until-"


Katarina, Lloyd, Nya, Racer 7 and Jay widen their eyes in pure shock, as they watch Cole and Kai explode along with the two Red Visors. 


The crowd gasps. Kai and Cole's cubed forms tumble and land onto the trakc. 



"Fast Chickens moving into second place, neck and neck with the Whack Rats! And we're crossing the fourth mile marker."

"Fourth mile marker. You said I was programmed to lose, but that I could break my programming. What if you're wrong?" Racer 7 had asked Katarina earlier, as they near the fourth mile marker. 

"What if I'm not? Trust me, I've seen it done. If Okino can break his programming, then that means you can, too. You can win. You just have to believe in yourself."

Her grip tightens on her steering wheel. She takes a deep, shaky breath, and floors it. She steers to a hard right. A Whack Rat racer notices her and slams his car into Racer 7's. She steers to her right again, and steps on the brake just when the racer was about to slam into her again. 

She floor it again and puts herself between the racers. She tilts her car all the way to the left, and once she was in front of the racers, she steers to the right, putting her car back on its wheels as it makes the turn. 

"Woo hoo! Racer Seven takes the lead!" The crowd was in shock, but once they recover from it, they cheer loudly for Racer 7. "You heard that right, Racer Seven takes the lead and steals first position!

Katarina, Jay, Nya and Lloyd cheer for their young racer friend. "YES!" Nya whoops. 

"I knew she could do it!" Katarina exclaims proudly through cheers of her own. Meanwhile, inside her car, Racer 7 couldn't wipe the smile off her face. 

She did it. She really did it. 

"She's past the fourth mile marker, making Speedway history here, folks!"

"Ugh, get her!" A Whack Rat orders the others, who obey and speed up to Racer 7. 

Jay notices what they're trying to do. "Those rats are trying to take her out!"

"We gotta help her." Nya says. Lloyd and Katarina nod. 

"Hang on, Seven. We're coming!" 

The offending racers slam into Racer 7's car, but Lloyd returns it back to the Whack Rat racer. Racer 7 looks around and see that Nya and Jay were helping her with the racers as well. 

"Racer Seven's teammates are trying to clear the road for her, but can she make it? We're in the homestretch and it looks like a nail-biter."

The Ninja's vehicles slam into the Whack Rats', just as Racer 7 floors it with all her car's got. Her car and the Ninja's vehicle's cross the finish line. 

"It's Racer Seven! Racer Seven and the Fast Chickens!"

Everyone cheers, and it wasn't just the crowd at the circuit, but the people all over Terra Technica who were rooting for Racer 7 as well. 

Okino was even passing by and noticed Racer 7 had won, thanks to his friends' help. He smiles to himself, knowing very well that the Ninja helped her break her programming, before continuing on his path. Even the League of Jay members were cheering and hugging each other. 

Just as Racer 7 gets out of her car, the people lift her up in the air and cheer happily for their favorite racer. When it was time for them to recieve the Keytana, she gives it to Jay, who sighs. "We can fix this. We're gonna find Unagami and make him bring them all back. I promise."

She nods, and notices the Red Visors shoving their way through the crowd. "You'd better go."

"What about you?" Nya asks. Racer 7 smiles. 

"I'll go my own way, thanks to you." 

"Thank you." Lloyd says. 

"Good luck, Seven. Way to break free from your strings." Katarina says, sharing a fist bump with Racer 7. The Ninja leave the podium, and start to run out of the track.

Racer 7 jumps down from the top of the podium, just as the Red Visors appear before her. "Where did they go?" One of them asks her. 

"Who?" She says innocently. 

The Red Visor scoffs. "It doesn't matter. There is nowhere in Prime Empire they can hide. Unagami will find them."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." She says to the Red Visor. 

"Why not?" The Red Visor growls. She turns her back on them, a smirk creeping up on her face. 

"Because they are going after him."
