Hunted: Chapter 3 - Radio Free Ninjago

Hey guys! Sorry this took a little while to get out. I had to study for my driver's learner permit test because I wanted to pass the second time (I failed the first time), so I wanted to take the time to study for it and pass.

Anways, I passed and I'm glad I could get back and write again.

So yeah, enjoy!

"Does anyone wanna go over the plan again?" Lloyd asks Shade, Skylor, Turner, and Neuro.

The plan was to get Lloyd inside Borg Tower and have him record a message for all of Ninjago City. And without his powers, he needed a little assistance from some of the Elemental Masters.

"I'm good, but I still think we could use more help, seeing that the broadcast station is in Borg's Tower, right under Garmadon's feet." Shade says nervously, gesturing to the tower.

"All the more reason to keep our footprint small." Skylor says determinedly.

"Do you know what you're going to say?" Mr. Pale asks, appearing between Turner and Shade, who were startled by his presence.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Lloyd says nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"He doesn't have a clue." Neuro states, apparently having read his mind.

"That's not our problem. We just have to get him up there."

Shade and the others nod. "It's clear. Let's move."

"You summoned me, Emperor?"

Lord Garmadon glances at Harumi before looking back down at his Colossus.

"The city is too quiet. I feel the presence of my son."

"He would be foolish to show his face." He turns around and glares angrily at Harumi.

"Do I look like a fool?"

Harumi steps back a little. "I will handle security of the tower myself. I will not fail you." She bows before him and walks down the steps that led to the elevator.

When Lord Garmadon turns back around, swirls of black and dark purple shadows appear next to him until they take Keres' form. "She will."

"Are you suggesting that she won't be able to find my son?"

"I'm suggesting that she's a major liability." She places her hands behind her back and looks down at the Colossus with him. "She failed you with the Nindroid general. It won't be any different this time."

"If you want, I can find the son and bring him to you. And if he has any company..." She brings out her hand and ignites a flame, showing it to him.

He hums. "No, let Harumi find him."

She scoffs and extinguishes the flame in her hand. She places her hand behind her back.

"As you wish."

"Well, that was...something." Katarina says as she walks back into the Monastery with Garmadon.

"At least they're powerless now," Garmadon says.

"They may be, but they went after the Time Blades in that vortex. If they managed to retrieve them,

"They won't retrieve them. Me and Wu made sure of that."

Katarina looks down at the palms of her hands. "If my magic had been a little stronger, they wouldn't have gone after them."

Garmadon puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You've done all you could. It wasn't your fault that they got away. They're not going to come back."

She drops her hands to her sides. She sighs. "Okay."

"Promise me you won't stress yourself over this." He asks her, looking at her eyes.

She nods. "I won't, promise."

"So what?! You help us catch everyone else, but no one knows where the Mailman is." Ultra Violet holds up a picture of the mailman in front of the camera. "He's just a postal worker; why have we not caught him, people?"

Lloyd kicks the door open. Ultra Violet has a look of shock as he, Skylor, Mr. Pale, Turner, Neuro, and Shade run into the recording room and beat up the S.O.G. members. The camera drops to the floor.

"Sorry, UV, but your show has just been cancelled." Lloyd smirks at Ultra Violet.

She screams and takes out her sai. She raises her weapon in the air, about to attack them, when Mr. Pale appears from behind and grabs her wrists. He pins them behind her back. Lloyd swiftly turns around and kicks the sai out of her hand.

He and the Elemental Masters tie her and her crew up with rope in a corner of the room. She and the members began struggling against their binds.

Skylor presses a few keys on the keyboard and turns around. "All right, Lloyd. Once we go live, it'll only be a matter of time before they know we're here. Are you ready?"

Neuro lifts the mic up, and Shade turns the camera around to have it face Lloyd. Lloyd nods. She nods back. "Then we're live in five, four, three, two..."

He takes a deep breath.

She presses another key on the keyboard.

The red light outside the room blares.

The people of Ninjago City gasp at the sight of Lloyd's face on their screens.

"Hello, Ninjago. It's me. Lloyd Garmadon. The Green Ninja."

Keres looks at her wrist, which had a BorgWatch that she found on the ground a few days ago. She definitely didn't take it because it looked the least bit interesting, and she wanted to see what it could do.

The watch's holographic screen shows Lloyd broadcasting the message. She narrows her eyes and scowls. "I knew it."

"Lord Garmadon wants you to be afraid, but I need you to be brave. With the help of Princess Harumi, Lord Garmadon struck a major blow against Ninjago City."

Harumi was walking on one of the top floors when she heard and saw Lloyd on a fallen TV screen. She stops walking and stares at the screen for a moment before screaming and kicking at the TV. She runs to a nearby computer and furiously presses the keys on its keyboard to get the message to turn off.

"We are ready to strike back. There is a resistance. And we may be small, but we are power—"

Suddenly, he stops talking. One of the screens had glitched, showing Lord Garmadon lifting Lloyd up in the air by his gi and throwing him across the room and out of the building. Katarina screamed out Lloyd's name as it was happening.


Her voice echoed in his mind as he closed his eyes tightly. All he remembered before he fully blacked out was that she stood in front of him protectively.

"I'll fucking kill you, Harumi! I promise you, I'll hurt you so much you'll wish you've never done any of this in the first place!"


There was violent banging on the door. They didn't notice a shadow of Keres on the wall, watching them intently.

Lloyd looks down on the floor. There were scattered photos of some of the citizens with jail bars scrawled hastily in front of them. They were imprisoned in Kryptarium.

He had to help them.

He looks back at the camera with renewed determination.

"I may not have Elemental Power, but I call upon the power of the people. When we get knocked down, we rise up. Stronger than before. This is our city. He thinks he can bully us with stone giants. Well this isn't the first time our city has faced ruin. Buildings fall, but we rise!"

Outside, the frightened citizens cheered at his speech with renewed bravery and hope.

"And to you, Father, I say this: Fighting me may make you feel powerful, but you're about to see what real power is. The Resistance never quits!" He says, pumping his fist up in the air.

"And to my sister, Katarina. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you. But I will save you this time. You have my word."

Keres' eyes widened in bewilderment. She watches them escape through a window as Killow finally manages to break the door down. She appears out of the shadows, while Harumi and the S.O.G. look around for Lloyd.

"They got away." Killow says.

"The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits. The Resistance never quits."

Keres blasts the monitors of Lloyd's looping video with one hand without looking. She glares at Harumi hatefully.

She walks to the broken window and looks out of it. She watches the trucks drive away.

"But don't worry, I have some trusted friends on the case." Her other hand stops glowing with her magic. She turns around to face everyone in the room. "It's time to take the trash out."
