I'm Sorry, But This Is Goodbye (I Hope You Understand Why)

It had been a day since the Ninja had gotten back from their adventure in Shintaro, and were more than content to just relaxing and sleeping for a while. 

Katarina, however, wasn't going to relax in the Monastery. Not anymore. She couldn't see any reason why she should. Lloyd made it clear that she was unwanted on the team. He never even wanted her on the team in the first place. So what was the point anymore? 

As she was packing up her things, Keres says "Maybe you shouldn't do this, Kat." Katarina was putting more of her belongings in her suitcase. 

"I've already made up my mind, Keres. You can't talk me out of it." Katarina states firmly. 

"I know, but...the team still needs you."

"No, he doesn't." She puts the last of her belongings in her suitcase, and slams it shut. "He made it clear that he didn't want me on the team in the first place. He didn't want me around at all. He was just pretending to like me....It felt like I was being stabbed in the back by him back in Shintaro."

She sits down on her bed. "You weren't there when it happened, Keres."

Keres sighs, and sits down next to her. "Yes, I was. I wanted to so badly find out the truth why you were so cold to him. And when he said all those things....Fuck, I'm so sorry, Kat."

"Me too. I feel sorry for myself, for believing all his bullshit." Katarina diverts her attention to her suitcase. "This is what I want, Keres. I want to leave and become my own person. I'm not a Morningstar or a Garmadon or a Ninja or a sister....I'm nobody."

"You don't need any of those fucked-up titles to be somebody, Kat," Keres puts a hand on her shoulder. "You just need to be you. Don't let anybody push you around. You just gotta be strong enough to see it through."

Katarina makes eye contact with her. "And if nobody sees that, fuck them. But....that doesn't mean you have to leave the Monastery. These guys love you so much, and you leaving them will break their hearts. Especially Wu's. He experienced it once, he can't experience it again. He'll be so sad."

Katarina sighs. "I know...I-I'll think about it." Keres looks her straight in the eyes and sighs, too. 

"Please do. You're a part of this team as much as everybody else. Don't let Lloyd tell you otherwise." Keres's projection disappears, leaving Katarina to her own thoughts. 

Lloyd was the first to wake up the next morning at 6:00am. He walks to Katarina's room. "Hey sis, you up? I was wondering if-" His voice cuts off when he sees the bed nicely made, and her belongings gone. His eyes dart to the sheet of paper in her room. He goes over to it and unfolds it carefully, reading the words. 

Ninja, Pixal and Wu, 

I have decided to leave the Monastery, on my own accord. I don't quite believe I belong on the team. I've felt like that I've caused more harm than good since I joined you. I don't want to burden you with my problems anymore. 

Sadly, this isn't goodbye forever. This leave of absence is only temporary. I will be back again, stronger than ever. Until then, if you ever need my help, give me a call. 

- Katarina

Lloyd's eyes widen with shock. His arms fall to his side and he buries his face in his free hand. Tears well up in his eyes. 

"What have I done?"
