Hunted: Chapter 10 - Green Destiny

The bikers that surrounded Keres, Lloyd, Dareth and Nya eagerly got off their bikes and ran towards the group. Nya had to resort to kicking the bikers coming her way due to her shoulder injury, while Lloyd, Keres and Dareth threw punches in the bikers' way.

"Get us out of here, Dareth!" Nya said.

Dareth was spinning a biker to get him off his back. "I don't exactly have a free hand at the moment."

Keres growls. "There's too many of them, Greenie!"

"Just keep swinging!" Lloyd told them.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling in the sky. Everyone stopped their fighting for a moment to look up at the sky.

Seconds later, a vortex tore open in the cotton-candy sky. Everyone gasped.

There was a large red dragon with black and dark red scales leading four more dragons twice as small as it. And there were people riding on each one.

"Break away!" A young Wu yells from the large dragon. One by one, the dragons dove in at the Colossus for a moment before flying high up in the sky.

"Our city!" Cole says from an Earth Dragon.

"What's left of it." Jay mutters from a Lightning Dragon.

"Let's just hope our friends are okay." Kai says from a Fire Dragon. His earpiece beeps.

"You're coming in loud and clear, brother!" Nya says from Kai's earpiece happily. Kai and Jay smile with relief.

"Nya?! Oh, you're alright." Jay says, overjoyed.

She winces. "Oh... I don't know about that, but we could use a little help."

"I've located their transmission." Zane says immediately from an Ice Dragon.

"Lead the way." Wu tells him. Zane's dragon dives in at the location. The S.O.G and Ultra Violet immediately start running away. The Ice Dragon opens its mouth and uses its ice to freeze the biker gang in their path.

"The Ninja are back!" Dareth cheers.

"And with very large dragons." Nya notes.

The remainder of the biker gang run away, too scared to help their frozen comrades. Jay, Kai and Cole's dragons use their powers to scare them away and chase them off from Lloyd, Keres, Nya and Dareth.

Lloyd laughs, and puts an arm around Keres. He was smiling from ear to ear at the sight of his friends. "We did it! We held out!"

The large red dragon Firstbourne lands a few feet away from the frozen bikers. Wu, dressed in golden, dragon-themed armor, backflips off the dragon. On his bike, there was a shield and a sword. He turns around to face the group.

Keres raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Is that...?"

"Master Wu?" Lloyd finishes for her.

"When I was an old man, I was wise to avoid a fight. But today, I'm not an old man." Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane land their dragons beside Wu's dragon.

Nya cheers. "Yeah!" Dareth, Lloyd, and Nya immediately run up to their friends, who hop off their dragons and give them relieved and overjoyed hug. Keres stays at the sidelines, a small smile on her face.

Wu turns his head towards her. "You...."

She turns her head, and her smile slowly fades. " Don't worry, Katarina's okay. Promise."

Cole smiles. "Oh, look at us! The gang is back!"

Lloyd and Nya share a nervous look with each other. "Not...exactly." Nya says nervously.

Kai raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean 'not exactly'?"

Lloyd gestures to Keres, who spots Kai and walks up to him. "I'm Keres Morningstar. Nice to meet you, I guess."

Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane give Lloyd and Nya confused looks. "We'll explain later." Lloyd answers.

"What about Pixal and Misako?" Zane asks.

"Locked them away in Kryptarium Prison, along with the Elemental Masters and some of the citizens. No thanks to me, the generals, and Haurmi."

"You helped lock them away?!" Kai yells at her. Just to make matters worse, Dareth brings Skylor out of the car.

Kai gasps. "Skylor! What happened? Did you do this to her?!" He glares at Keres accusingly.

"Wha-?! No! Of course not! I'm not that cruel. And even if I did, I would just your little girl crush as my puppet instead." She smirks at him.

"She tapped into Garmadon's power. It was too much for her to bear." Nya explains to her brother calmly.

"But I think we can save her, if we stop my father." Lloyd explains.

"Has your power returned?" Wu asks.

Lloyd shakes his head. "No, but Mystake taught me power isn't what makes the Green Ninja. It's the person behind the power."

Wu's expression saddened a little. "She's no longer with us, is she?"

"You know, we wouldn't be here without that crazy, little woman. In honor of her, I recommend we drop old-school and kick butt!" Dareth says. He tosses a sword at Lloyd, who catches the sword. He looks at the sword's blade. He smiles.

"Dareth is right. We do this for Mystake, and everyone else hurt by my father." He says.

Wu nods. He looks at the Ninja. "Ninja, can you stop the Colossus?"

"We've learned a thing or two about taking down giants" Cole says. He, Jay, Kai, and Zane run to their dragons.

"Nya, you and Dareth, keep Skylor safe." Nya and Dareth nod. Wu faces Lloyd. "Lloyd... you must confront your father."

Lloyd widens his eyes. "I've survived without my power, but I don't know if I can stop him."

Wu smiles. "You may be without power, but you are not without me."

"I'll help, too." Keres says.

Lloyd smiles back. The large dragon roars as Wu and Lloyd climb on it. Lloyd raises his arm in the air. "Ninja...!"

"GO!" The dragons roar and fly in the air. Keres jumps in the air and backflips as she summons a glowing purple noodle dragon with black hair. She rides on it and follows the dragons.

Dareth smiles happily as he climbs into the battle wagon, watching the dragons fly in the air. "See you on the other side."

As the Ninja, Keres and Wu flew on their dragons, Wu winces in pain. Lloyd gives him a concerned look and puts a comforting arm on his back. "What's wrong?"

"My brother. I feel his rage."

At the top of Borg Tower, Lord Garmadon growls. "I feel you, brother. I see you brought the ninja, but it's too late." He commands the Colossus to destroy another building. "Feel the wrath, of my true potential!"

"Looks like there's a few more who are unable to evacuate." Kai says from his dragon.

"Giant snakes, Overlords, and now this? Why do people insist on living in this city?" Jay says.

"Because old friends are worth fighting for!"

The Ninja then worked on helping the last of the people; Jay's dragon picked up a car from a broken highway, Zane created an ice bridge over a road gap, and Kai used one of his chains to save a citizen from being crushed by rubble.

"Tell me you know how to defeat him." Lloyd asks Wu, as Keres rides beside Firstbourne.

"Only a fool thinks he knows everything. I admit I know nothing! How this will end, is beyond me." Wu says.

"Then we just have find out for ourselves."

Firstbourne drops Wu and Lloyd at the edge of the top of the tower. Keres jumps down besides them, causing her dragon to disappear. They slowly walk at the top of the tower, their weapons at the ready.

Once they were sure the coast was clear, they climb up the rubble. They startle when they see a tapestry of the S.O.G.'s insignia flying away in the wind.

"My family."

Lloyd, Keres, and Wu point their weapons at the sound of his voice.

"My enemies."

They stop walking.

"You may have Father's sword, but now my power will surpass his." The voice spoke to Wu. Wu slices away a tapestry in half when it comes down at him.

They barely had time to react when Lord Garmadon jumps from behind. He lands on the ground, his head bowed down. When he lifts his head back up, he opens his angry red eyes. A furious, threatening gaze sets down upon the trio, who point their weapons at him. He uses his power to summon four purple daggers in his hands.

Lloyd attacked first.

Keres, Lloyd and Wu tried to land blows with their weapons on him, but he just kept blocking and shoving them away. He then throws Lloyd to the edge, who desperately holds on with one hand with his sword in the other. He gets up as Lord Garmadon throws Wu and Keres to the other side.

One of his daggers disappear. He uses his top left hand to levitate Lloyd up in the air. His back painfully met a large chunk of rubble at the very top of the tower.

Wu lunges at his brother. They trade blows with one another, holding each other off with their weapons for a moment. "What have you become?!"

"Time has treated you well. You think Father's sword can hurt me?"

Wu lets out a strained grunt. He smirks. "No. But it can hold you!"

Keres yells. Lord Garmadon barely has the time to react when she jumps down on top of him. She plants her foot on his back. Her hair was in bright purple flames, and there were horns on her head. A demon tail swished angrily along with her emotions. Her skin was black as Garmadon's, her teeth and claws were razor sharp, and her eyes were glowing purple.

Wu backs up slowly with a grin on his face as Firstbourne slowly raises her head to meet Lord Garmadon's surprised face. Keres backflips off his back just in time for Firstbourne to let out a torrent of flames and lava directly at the Dark Lord. A fiery explosion covered the entire top of the tower.

Keres, Lloyd, and Wu get up to see Lord Garmadon in molten lava. But it didn't last. Black smoke emits from his body. The lava slowly disappears. "Don't you get it?!" Purple flames cover his body. "The fight is what fuels me!"

Wu gets the shield from the holster behind his back. "Lloyd, Keres, take cover!" The trio run away. Another explosion sounds, throwing them up in the air.

Keres falls back down on the top of the tower. Lloyd brings himself back on the top of the tower as he climbs over the edge. Lord Garmadon looks over at the pitiful sight. "Hello, my children. And farewell."

She struggles to get up, only to fall back down. "How long can you endure?"

"I thought the fight is what fueled you. Is this how you fight?"

Lord Garmadon lifts Lloyd up in the air. After a moment of hesitation, he throws Lloyd back down onto the ground. Lord Garmadon walks over to the Dragon Blade, and smiles down at its blade.

"If only Father could see me now."

Lloyd picks up his discarded sword. He gets up. The two lunge at each other. Their blades collide.

Zane's dragon tumbles in the air before flying again. Zane grunts. "He's too considerable to take down!"

Kai unleashes another chain at the Colossus, only for it to quickly turn around and grab it. "And he's got good reflexes!" It yanks Kai off his dragon. He screams. Jay's dragon catches him on his back.

"Guys, I'm nearly out of chain." Cole reports.

"Me too!" Jay says.

"Even if we had more, it's not thick enough to stop it."

"Then perhaps next time we should use thicker chains." Zane points out.

"There ain't gonna be a next time!" Cole yells.

"And Zane's the smart one." Jay mutters with a slight eyeroll.

Kai began thinking for a moment. "No, he's onto something. Look at all that chain." He points to the chain around the Colossus' limbs. "If we can use it, we could lock it down."

"And who of us is stupid enough to jump on that thing?"

Kai stands up. "Cole, say no more." Once Jay's dragon was nearing the Colossus' head, he jumps down and successfully lands on it with his feet. He stumbles back a little.

Lloyd and Lord Garmadon continued trading blows with each other. Lloyd ducks out of the way. "This isn't what your father wanted Ninjago to be. He left his world to make a better place. He fought to restore the balance!"

"Ninjago isn't built on balance! It's built on..." Lloyd jumps out of the way when his father slices a rock in half with the Dragon Blade. "Power! And controlled by he who possesses it!"

In one swift move, Lloyd gets back up and uses his sword to knock the Dragon Blade out of his father's grasp. The blade clatters to the other side. Seeing this, Lloyd rabs the blade and gets back up. He points it in Lord Garmadon's direction .

Lord Garmadon growls and summons his power. He throws it in Lloyd's direction, who blocks it with the blade. Seeing it wasn't affected by his power, he grins.

Lord Garmadon summons his daggers. He lunges at Lloyd, only for Keres to teleport in front of him and hold his daggers off with her spear. She shoves him a few feet away. He was about to attack at her again when she leans forward and lets Lloyd jump on her back. The Dragon Blade met his daggers.

"No matter what you've done, or what you've become, I have to believe this isn't you. You can change!" Lloyd yells.

"Youthful ignorance!"

He shoves Lloyd to the ground.

"People don't change."

He kicks Lloyd.

"They only reveal who they truly are!"

He uses his powers to shove Lloyd to the edge. He loses his footing. Keres grabs him with one hand with her spear in the other. "You're wrong! People can change!" She brings him back up. Lord Garmadon shoves them both to a black pillar.

She holds her spear with both of her hands. His daggers clang against it. "I thought that I had to be the bad guy because that's what I born to be! But Lloyd proved me wrong! I've changed, and so can you."

His daggers summon away. He grabs her by the throat and lifts her up in the air. "Such foolish words that bring little hope." He uses his hand to shove her into the ground. He lifts her back up into the air.

"She loved you." Keres spits out. "I wonder what she'll say when she sees you have become the monster that you are."

"I only see one monster here, and she's at my very mercy." He brings her close to his face. "Say hi to Katarina for me."

"If you kill her, that's quite some guilt you'll have to live with for the rest of your life."

"The only guilt I have is adopting her in the first place."

Her demon form dissipates in flames, revealing her human form. He spins his body around once. He throws her off the building.

Lloyd screams. "NO!"

Katarina pins Keres down. She had been trading blows with Keres ever since, and she was showing no signs of stopping. She pants heavily.

He closes his eyes tightly.

"Get up and fight me. Get up! Fight me!"

He gets up and reopens his eyes. He shakes his head. "No. It's the fight that fuels you."

Katarina narrows her angry eyes at Keres. "It's over, Keres."

"I can not fight you... but I can resist you." He leans his body back when Lord Garmadon attempts to slash him with his blades.

Kai grabs onto the chain. "Keep distracting it!"

"I can not fight you, but I can resist you."

She shoves Keres' head down. " about you let me go?"

"Stop saying that!"

Lloyd continues to dodge more of his father's attacks. "I can not fight you, but I can resist you.

Lord Garmadon lunges at him. He moves out of the way. His father falls to the ground. "I can not fight you, but I can resist you!"

The dragons surround the Colossus. The chains were all over its body. Kai jumps and grabs onto the chain as it tries to move. It starts to fall.

"It's working! Get off of there, Kai!"

As soon as he gets on top of the Colossus, it immediately falls onto the street. Kai screams. His dragon catches him. The Ninja cheer.

But their victory was short-lived when it starts to get back up again.

"It's breaking free!"

"It is weakened."

"It didn't fall hard enough."

"Oh c'mon!"

As the Colossus raises it fist in the air, another chain wraps around it. "Maybe I can offer some metal!" Wu says from the back of the Firstbourne.

A horn beeps from behind the Colossus. "I hope you didn't think we forgot about you." Nya says.

Kai smiles. "Hey!"

From the rooftops of the buildings, everyone from Kryptarium came in, carrying long strips of chains and ready to help. Misako raises hers in the air. "Tie it down!"

The citizens and the Elemental Masters wrap their chains around the Colosuss, tying his legs together.

Cole nods. "Here we go again. The bigger they are..."

The Colossus knelt down.

"The harder they fall!"

Then, finally, it came down.

Lord Garmadon summons his powers, however, they were weak. Lloyd seems to notice, but he didn't care.

"I can not fight you, but I can resist you."

He summons his powers again. When he raises his arms in the air, they disappear. He brings his arms back down with wide eyes. "My power... where is it?"

"Fine...I'll let you go."

Lloyd closes his eyes, which begin to glow green. His hands do the same.

"But when you come back..."

He slowly reopens his eyes. They glow even brighter. He looks down at his hands. His power surrounds him in a vibrant, green light. His eyes widen with realization.

"I want you to remember..."

The green light disappears. He brings his hands back down to his sides, and slowly turns his head.

"Nothing will ever be the same again."

The power that was fueling the Colossus finally goes out. Its body crumbles. The citizens quickly run out of the way. When the Colossus was no more, everyone cheers.

Katarina creases her eyebrows. "Yeah, I know."

From the ground, Wu spots a familiar figure falling from Borg Tower. He quickly gets on Firstbourne and flies as fast as the dragon could towards her.

"But that doesn't change who I am. I am not letting you ruin everything that's good in my life again.

Wu catches her in his arms.

"I've made the mistake of trusting you once. Never again."

Skylor, now with Lord Garmadon's power out of her system, coughs. Kai goes up to her and caresses her head gently. She slowly opens her eyes. "What happened?"

He smiles down softly at her. "We won."

Nya turns her head. When she sees Skylor fully conscious and awake, she smiles from ear to ear.

Lord Garmadon bows his head down. "You still have to finish it."

Lloyd looks down at his hands. Then shakes his head. The glow from his eyes disappear. He summons his powers away. He walks up to his father cautiously. "It's over."

"It's not over. But when they come, it will be. My power... It was the only thing that could battle back the darkness from devouring us all. But you took that away. And now everything will be gone."

Lloyd furrows his eyebrows. "Who will come?"

Lord Garmadon laughs. "You'll see. And when they come, nothing will be left."

Back on the ground, the police gather up the S.O.G and the generals, putting handcuffs on them and escorting them in the back of their cars.

"Well, I hope you scum took care of Kryptarium. I know some cells that have opened up." The Commissioner smirks at them.

"Do you have room for one more?" The Ninja and the police force turn their heads to see Lloyd standing by his father's side. He had escorted his father back down to the front of the building to be arrested for his crimes. A few policemen run up to his father.

Lloyd walks down the steps. The Ninja happily run up to him and surround him in one big hug. "Lloyd!"

"Man! I can't believe it! Oh, yeah!"

"Your power is back!"

"And Garmadon's power is gone. The balance is restored."

The Commissioner smiles. He wipes a tear away. "Thank you, ninja, for saving Ninjago. Again."

Pixal gets down from her mech. When her feet meet the ground, she instantly spots Zane. They both smile at the sight of each other. Pixal runs up to Zane and they both embrace each other in a comforting, loving hug.

"They will come!" Lord Garmadon yells out to them as the police escort him to the back of a police car.

"Just another day in Ninjago. I wonder what tomorrow holds?"

When Wu landed back down minutes later with Firstbourne at the front of Borg Tower, with a half-awake Katarina in his arms, he gently puts her on his feet.

Lloyd smiles and runs up to his sister. "Sis!"

She smiles back weakly. "Lloyd!"

The siblings hug each other tightly, tears brimming their eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay." He smiles, hugging her tighter.

When they separated from their hug, the rest of the group was standing by with smiles on their faces. "Got room in that hug for five more?"

Katarina smiles and nods. "Bring it in, guys!"

A couple of days later, the Ninja were back in their gis and were now busy cleaning up the Royal Palace. "We saved Ninjago. Can't we get a day off?" Cole groans.

"We helped break it, we help rebuild it." Lloyd points out.

"And besides, it'll be nice to do something to help get our minds off of the past few weeks." Katarina chimes in with a dry chuckle.

"Ninja!" The Ninja instantly snap their heads towards Wu, who was now aged back to normal. he was running up to them. He points to the front of the palace. "Trouble!"

Kai lets out a weary sigh. "Already?"

Jay groans. "I'm still sore from our last adventure."

"I swear, this city is a trouble magnet." Katarina sighs, summoning her twin daggers.

The Ninja instantly drop what they were doing and rush outside as fast as possible. When they got in their fighting stances, they didn't find any trouble.

They found the entire city waiting outside for them outside the palace, cheering for them. Music blared loudly. They got out of their fighting stances and Katarina summons her daggers away, too astonished at the surprise.

The Commissioner walks up to the Ninja. "I already thanked you, but the people want to thank you also."

As the music played, Nya gestures Skylor, Dareth and Pixal to join them. They run up to the steps. Nya leans her head against Jay's shoulder and they embrace each other in their hold. Zane hugs Pixal from behind. Skylor and Kai bump into each other as they wave, but smile and hold hands.

As Lloyd waves, he feels someone's hand hold his free one. He turns his head to see Katarina's hand holding his one, and smiles softly. She smiles back at him before continuing to wave at the people.

He knew right away it wasn't a real smile.

That night, while the city celebrated their victory with fireworks and the party, Lloyd climbs on a rooftop when no one was looking. He finds Wu gently petting the Firstbourne while she laid asleep.

"She has to leave?"

Wu nods. "This isn't their realm. She'll come back, when it's time. Right now, they need to return home."

Firstbourne opens her eyes. He leans his cheek against her snout. "Thank you, my friend." She closes her eyes for a moment and reopens them, as if to nod.

Lloyd puts a gentle hand on her, and smiles. Wu places a comforting hand on his shoulder. After a moment, he turns and walks to the edge of the rooftop. "The First Spinjitzu Master tried to make the perfect realm, and because of my father, there may never be lasting peace."

"Our world isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean we give up on it."

Lloyd turns to his sensei. "Tell me, Master. Back in the First Realm, did you see the Oni?"

Wu instantly shakes his head. "They were all gone when we arrived. To where, I do not know." Worry crosses his face. "What concerns you, Master Lloyd?"

Lloyd furrows his eyebrows. He stares in the distance, as if to take in the restored sight of his home.

"If my father is right, I think they are coming."
