Prime Empire: Chapter 13 - Game Over

A huge beam of bright pixelated yellow light burst through the roof of an abandoned warehouse. The first to come out - or fly out - of the light was Unagami in his vengeful dragon form.

Other NPCs of the game followed not a moment too soon. Racers from the Speedway, the Whack Rats, and the Red Visors, come to life in the real world by bolts of the pixelated light. People scream and cower in fear, not wanting to come too close to the game NPCs of the forgotten Prime Empire.

Thugs that work for the Mechanic run out of the abandoned warehouse, along with the Mechanic himself. They were running away from the Mechanic's own doing; A portal that allowed Unagami and his loyal companions to come to the real world, and all that was needed were a few hundred energy cubes and the Nindroid Zane to power it.

Zane, tied up with chains of Vengestone and rope while being plugged into the portal, screamed in agony. Pixal was fighting off the remainder of the thugs. Wu was also tied up, and was trying to get out of his restraints.

"Zane! Zane, hold on!" Wu pleads to the Ice Ninja. A man with white and grey hair, and wearing a dark blue flannel shirt left unbuttoned, showing a black shirt along with black dress pants and a black belt, watched everything from a safe distance.

Pixal looks up. "Mr. Dyer, I require assistance!" The man named Dyer nods and runs down the flight of stairs to help the Samurai X.

"Pixal, help Zane!" She runs past the sensei and nods with affirmation. Dyer works on untying Wu from his rope.

She carefully approaches her boyfriend, whose titanium body danced and pulsed with yellow electrictity. His body was shaking violently from the immense power of the portal. With firm hands, she grips onto the cord that was connected to his power source, and pulls hard.

The portal made a loud humming sound for a brief moment, before a bright blue dragon with yellow accents glides through the portal. Riding on the back of the digital dragon was none other than Jay himself, who notices Zane in a dire situation.

"ZANE! PIXAL!" He hops off the dragon's back and rushes over to help Pixal pull off the cord. After a few seconds, the cord comes free, and Zane stops crying out in pain. His chains fall off. Gasping, she immediately runs over to him, and holds his hand.

"Zane!" No response. "Zane...please...say something...anything."

Slowly but surely, his eyes flutter open and was accompanied with a gasp for air. Wu and Jay breathe a sigh of relief, while she hugs him with relief of her own. "Oh, thank the Master you're alright, Zane."

"You had us scared, buddy." Jay goes over and helps Zane up. Zane notices the dragon, and that the Ninja weren't with Jay.

"What happened? Where are the others?"

"They got turned into energy cubes..." Jay puts carefully, earning a gasp from everyone. "But it's okay, because I'm gonna get 'em all back. All I have to do is A, find Milton Dyer, B, find Unagami, C, get them to work out their issues, D, convince Unagami to turn all the energy cubes back into people and E..."

He stops talking about his form of a somewhat-expertly-put-form of a plan. "Uhm, I don't think there is an E. I think that's it."

"We found Dyer." Pixal says, and gestures to the creator of Prime Empire, who steps up.

"And I will do whatever I can to help."

"Are you certain Unagami can be reasoned with?" Wu asks Jay with uncertainty.

Jay shrugs, and puts an uneasy smile on his face. "I think so. He doesn't seem evil to me. Just confused. He doesn't understand what he's doing."

"This is all my fault. Vast Industries forced me to shut the game down. And I did it. But I didn't understand what I had created. I didn't know it was alive." Milton Dyer explains. Jay crosses his arms.

"Oh, he's alive, all right. And he's a little ticked off."

Dyer bows his head down. "If only... I could talk to him a-a-and explain."

Jay nods, and looks at Wu, Pixal and Zane. "Okay, this is starting to sound like a plan. You guys get to the top of Borg Tower, I'll get Unagami there." He hops back onto the back of his blue dragon, preparing to take off and face Unagami.

"How?" Zane asks. Jay shrugs.

"I have no idea!" The dragon takes off with Jay on it, and soars through the portal-sized hole of the warehouse. The others take their leave as well. 

Jay's dragon soars in the air and hovers above the city. Streaks of lightning were blasting on the ground non-stop and spawning more of the game's NPCs to terrorize the citizens. 

"WHERE ARE YOU, MILTON DYER?!" Unagami's loud and angry voice booms over the city. An explosion was created underneath Jay, and he knew exactly who caused it. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Found you!" Jay's dragon dives down towards Unagami, just as Unagami in his dragon form roars out his anger and anguish for all of Ninjago City to hear. Unagami lets out a blast of energy towards the nearby buildings. Jay wills his dragon to fly faster.

Police cars stop right in front of the vengeful Unagami, who looks down at the cars with pure hatred. Before he could do anything about it, his attention was diverted to a honking vehicle, which was carrying two of the thugs responsible for helping the Mechanic. 

The noodle truck stops. The thugs hug each other and cower in fear when Unagami screeches at them. Unagami raises half of his draconic body in the air, claws ready to destroy the vehicle and its occupants inside. 

But he wasn't able to deal with the blow when Jay's blue dragon stops him with a forceful tackle. Unagami was smashed onto the side of a nearby building. Jay whimpers and commands his dragon to get out of the way, just as Unagami blasts its energy towards him. 

"I-I guess that got your attention." Jay whimpers. Both dragons takes off in the air. Unagami continues blasting as Jay leads him towards his desired location. He smirks. Unagami had taken the bait. 

"That's it. Keep following me." The two continue to fly in the air, until Unagami disappears. Jay gasps, and looks all over for the dragon. Where could he have gone?!


He barely had time to react when Unagami rams himself into Jay's dragon. Both dragons crash and tumble onto the streets, and before Jay knew it, he and his dragon were pinned against a building. 

"GET..." Jay summons his lightning in his hands. "OFF!" He blasts Unagami with his lightning, successfully getting the Prime Empire dragon off him. Jay's dragon stands back up. 

"Powers are back!" Jay smirks. "That felt good!" Unagami roars again, and Jay saw he was preparing for another blast. He soars back up in the air, just in time before Unagami could strike. Unagami follows, taking the bait again. 

Pixal, Wu, Zane and Dyer were running along the streets, stopping and getting in their fighting stances with Dyer out of breath from running for so long. Zane summons his ice and encases the three Red Visors in ice blocks, and the group continues running. 

Dyer, as he runs past the ice blocks, stares at the frozen Red Visors in horror. "Oh no..."

Two people were being cornered by a couple of Whack Rats, who were preparing to attack the two people. Suddenly, Okino rushes to their rescue and tackles the rats to the ground. 

After making sure they were unconscious, he turns his attention to the citizens and bows before them. The two people thank Okino and run away to safety. 

Zane, Pixal, Wu and Dyer look up at the sky. They see Unagami chasing Jay and his dragon. "There's Jay!" Pixal says. 

"He's almost at the tower. Hurry!" Zane urges the group. A large car stops the group from going any further. Another rat ignites a torch and throws it at the group. As it prepares to drive away, Pixal and Zane share a nod, and jump on the side of a building. They launch themselves towards a nearby pole, and kick it towards the rat and his car. 

"Hey! No fair!" The rat cries out. Zane grabs the rat and throws it onto the ground. He gets in the driver's seat and puts the car in drive. Pixal, Wu and Dyer climb on. The rat screams. "You'll pay for this!"

The vehicle speeds towards the  entrance of Borg Tower, and drive into the lobby. Turning off the car, they hop off and run towards the elevator, just as Jay and Unagami circle around the tower. 

Jazz music plays as the elevator slowly makes its way up to the 100th floor. "I've never been to the top of Borg Tower before." Dyer spoke up, trying to make small talk. 

Zane smiles nervously. "We come here...a lot."

Suddenly, there was a loud commotion from the outside. Unagami was blasting another energy ray towards Jay and  his dragon. Jay was trying to dodge Unagami's attacks, which were destroying the building's exterior. 

Jay continues to circle around the tower. He doesn't expect Unagami to come from the other side of the building, and blasts another ray of energy at Jay and his dragon. Jay pulls the dragon up, but the dragon was hit anyways, as it let out a screech of pain. 

Jay manages to land the dragon on the helipad. He tries to get it working again, as the dragon glitches out. "No, no, no!" The dragon, having dealt too much damage, despawns, leaving Jay alone of the helipad. 

He summons his lightning as Unagami soars towards him. He backs up slightly. The Prime Empire dragon finally comes to a stop and lands on the helipad. He roars ferouciously. 

Jay realizes that attacking Unagami will only make things worse and fuel the Prime Empire dragon's rage. He summons his powers away. "Unagami, wait! Please!" 

Unagami roars again, louder this time. "You're angry! I get it. You were abandoned by your maker!"

A third roar. Jay puts down his mask. He decided to bring out the big guns. "I was abandoned by my parents too! I'm just like you!" Unagami doesn't roar this time. Maybe he was ready to listen. 

"I never understood why, and I never had the chance to even ask," Jay looks down on the ground, remembering how he found out that he was adopted, and after a long discussion with his parents, it stirred up some questions in the Lightning Ninja's mind. Some were full of pure anger, and other were just hurt and upset.  "But I always hoped there was a good reason. What if there's a reason?"

The dragon roars, and allows Unagami to revert back to his form, revealing himself fully to Jay. Holding his staff tightly, he bore his angry and hateful eyes towards the Lightning Ninja. "What reason?!"

Jay stutters. "I...I don't know, but..." The door behind him opens, revealing Dyer, Pixal, Wu and Zane. Unagami, having set his eyes on his creator, was already prepared to attack Dyer. Jay stops him. 

"Wait! Listen!" Unagami huffs and turns his eyes back to Jay, who was stopping him from exacting his revenge on his creator, his father, the one who abandoned him like he was nothing! "Anger doesn't solve anything. It won't help. It won't make you feel better."

Unagami growls, and points his staff directly at the Lightning Ninja's chest. "You are merely delaying the inevitable. This conversation can no longer be of use." As the staff charges up, Dyer pulls Jay out of harm's way and puts himself in front of the staff. 

"Unagami. Don't do this. Please." Unagami was taken aback by the older man's sudden actions. Those pleading eyes telling him to not hurt anyone. Even as an old man, Unagami could still recognize Dyer, even by his voice. 

It was enough to make Unagami's composed form glitch to a small human boy child, who was no longer pointing his staff at Dyer. His hair remained the same, but his appearance as a child was different. PacMan t shirt, dark blue jeans and sneakers, and his neon marking were just a lighter part of his skin tone. 

Unagami reverts back to his composed form. Pixal widens her eyes at the brief transformation. Despite being a game A.I. set out on revenge, deep down, Unagami was still a child, who didn't know any better. He thought of himself as a son to his creator. Maybe he hid himself behind this stoic appearance to mask his desire for his father back. 

"You recognize me, don't you? You recognize my voice?" Dyer slightly smiles. 

"You are Milton Dyer. My maker." Unagami states. Dyer nods. 

"Yes. But you were not made for this," He gestures to the huge chaotic mess Unagami had created during the time he was here. "You were not made to instill fear and suffering."

Unagami looks the mess briefly, before turning back to Dyer. "Why was I made?"

Dyer smiles. "To instill joy. And happiness." Unagami, letting his desires get the best of him, reverts back to his child form, which glared menacingly towards his creator. 

"But you abandoned me." Dyer looks at the little boy, then looks down. They stand in silence for a moment, before the child reverts back to the composed Unagami holding his staff. 

" I didn't understand what I had created. I didn't fully see what you were. I...I was scared." Unagami widens his eyes at this. It only served to fuel his anger. 

"To fear something you created is illogical."

"Yes, but it's true. I didn't understand how real you were. How alive. And then when Scott disappeared and the company panicked, I shut the project down." Dyer explains. 

"Scott did not disappear. He is inside Prime Empire." Unagami points out. 

Dyer sighs. "I know..."

Unagami thought back to when he was created thirty years ago. Back to when Scott became his first and only player, before being shut down. "Your expectations were very clear in this regard. You told me to provide him with an intense simulated gaming experience."

"You were doing what you were told. The fault is mine, Unagami. And if you will let me, I would like to make amends."

Unagami tilts his head curiously. "Define amend."

"To correct a mistake."

"Correct how?"

Dyer steps closer to Unagami. "Come home. Let me finish your programming and help you. Let me answer all of your questions." He takes Unagami's hand. Unagami was taken aback by the gesture. He expected Dyer to be completely angry with him for causing all this chaos and damage, not forgiveness. Dyer was willing to put the past behind him, just to forgive Unagami and help him. 

"You must have so many." Unagami took a moment to contemplate this, before finally reverting to his child form. For good. 

"Home?" He asks. Dyer nods. 

"With me," Dyer puts a hand on Unagami's shoulder, and smiles. "Please..."

Unagami smiles. "Your proposal is...accepted."

"But you must release all the people you took. They are living beings, like yourself. And they deserve freedom."

Unagami nods. "Very well. But all who choose. Not just the ones from this realm, also the ones from Prime Empire. They too deserve freedom." Dyer smiles with approval. 

"You learn quickly."

With a flick of his hand, the NPCs power down at Unagami's command. A wave of energy comes from the portal, releasing all the players and the rest of the NPCs from the game. Nya, Lloyd, Cole, Kai and Katarina were also released from the game, and were walking out of the warehouse with everyone else. 

"Where are we?" Lloyd asks, confused. 

"What happened here?" Cole asks, looking around at the damage. 

Nya smiles. "We're home. We're in Ninjago."

"" Jay, Pixal, Wu and Zane were walking towards the warehouse, and were prepared to welcome their friends back. Jay was the first to run up to them. Nya gasps at the sight of her boyfriend. 

"Jay!" Nya runs towards Jay, who picks her up in the air and spins her around once, before setting her back down and giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

"What happened? Did we get the Key-Tana? Did we win?" Kai asks Jay, who gives a tired laugh. 

"It's a long story." In the distance, Katarina spots Racer 7. They both share a smile, along with Racer 7 mouthing a thank you to her. Katarina gives a quick bow towards Racer 7, who gives a giggle.

Some of the other NPCs chose not to stay in Ninjago City and to go back to Prime Empire. "Where's Unagami?" Cole asks. Jay smiles. 

"Where he belongs. He's home."

Katarina spots Scott in the distance. He was reunited with his parents and his sister, who were happily hugging him and giving him a tearful welcome back. She smiles. "Welcome back, Scott." She whispers. 

"Sis?" Lloyd spoke to her. She turns her attention to him, and weakly smiles. "Did you hear us? I said we're going back to the Monastery. Tomorrow, we'll help the NPCs and Scott settle into Ninjago, along with cleaning up this whole mess."

She nods absentmindedly. "Erm...yeah, okay." She gestures to Scott. "I'm gonna go talk to Scott. See you back at the Monastery." She runs off to him and gives him a surprise hug, which makes him laugh. 

"Well, it's good to have everyone back," Jay smiles. "Now let's get home. I'm beat. I never wanna look at videogames for a whole month."

"You won't be saying that after a few days." Nya remarks with a smirk. Jay opens his mouth to retort, but closes it. 

"Touche." The Ninja laugh, and prepare to walk back to the Monastery. And as they do, Lloyd couldn't help but see how much happier Katarina looked when she was with Scott, Okino and Racer 7. 

A/N: During my short hiatus, I got myself an AO3 account, which I created a few years ago. I created two new works on there just this month, one of them involving a new OC of mine belonging to the Pixar Cars universe. I hope you can show her the love that you've shown to my Ninjago OC. 

This is what I've been doing for the past few weeks after rediscovering my love for the Pixars Cars franchise, and decided to try my hand at something new. This doesn't mean that I'm going to quit writing here on Wattpad, I've just switched to a new format where I can write some of my other stuff in my free time. I've found that my motivation to write on Wattpad has been low for a while, and it goes on for short periods of time to the point where I feel like I don't want to write on Wattpad for who-knows-how-long. So hopefully, this should help.  

So go ahead and check my other account out. 
