Hunted: Chapter 5 - The Gilded Path

"Even if we were to get 'em alone, none of us stand a chance against his power." Lloyd points out. He and the Resistance were now away from the table and standing in an empty space of the depot. 

"Then we keep thinking until there's a plan that works." Nya says. 

A couple of the members were looking through the depot's window and smirked. They ran to a group of the biker gang, who were on top of a crane with a chain attached at the top. 

They gave the group the signal. The group nods and begins to climb up the crane and onto the roof. 

Dareth, who had been watching the whole thing, gasps. "Oh no." He runs back inside the depot, just as the members finish climbing up to the rooftop.

He runs to one side of the depot. He stops running, out of breathe, as he watches more of the S.O.G climb over a fence. He grips the bottom of the depot's door, and uses all of his strength to lift it up. 

"We can't risk an all-out assault. My father is too powerful." Lloyd explains. The members on the rooftop open the window panes of the glass part of the roof. Something in Lloyd's shadow gives the group on the roof a nod. 

"Mm. We must, eh, how do you say? Stratergize." Karlof says, mispronouncing the word 'strategize'. 

Dareth had finally managed to open the door just wide enoug for him to squeeze through. He runs to the Elemental Master, Misako, Pixal, and Lloyd. 


He points up to the ceiling. Everyone looks up. 

Just standing on the glass roof were a large group of the S.O.G, waiting to attack. They used rope to climb down and get into the base. 

Lloyd looks at the Resistance. "Protect the base!"

The fight begun between the Resistance and the S.O.G. The Elemental Masters used their strength and their Elemental powers against the S.O.G, hoping to gain the upper hand with their powers. 

Just as Mr. Pale appeared beside one of the depot's door, Killow used his strength to open it. Mr. Pale looked behind him to see Killow was wearing his Oni Mask of Deception. 

Mr. Pale backed up as Killow laughs darkly. Killow levitats Mr. Pale up into the air and attempted to knock him into Turner, but instead knocks him into a trio of S.O.G. members. 

Turner turns his attention to Killow. Upon seeing the Oni Mask, Turner uses his speed to try and kick Killow down. Just as he punched Killow behind his back, Ultra Violet runs in and pushes Turner onto the floor. She points her sai at his throat threateningly. 

He tries to get out of the sai's way, but Ultra Violet kept stabbing it onto the floor, inches away from his face every time he turned left and right. Killow levitates Turner up in the air and throws him onto the floor at the other side of the depot. 

Nya throws a large chunk of metal at some of the members as they were cornering Neuro. He gives her a thankful look as they run off to help the others. Dareth gets knocked down onto the floor and tries to use his Brown Power onto a few of the S.O.G, but ended up having to go to the bathroom upon trying to use them. 

"Welcome to my foot!" Nya lifts her leg up in the air and kicks the members away with a strong kick, knocking them down onto the floor. 

As more bikers came in on their bikes, Lloyd notices something in the corner of his eye. In the Oni Mask of Hatred was Harumi, and standing beside her was Keres, who had a sickening, twisted smile on her face. 

"Take the son alive!" Harumi orders the bikers.

A group of bikers surround Lloyd. He begins to struggle against them. It would be so much easier if he had his powers. 

Skylor runs up to the group surrounding him. "There's too many. We need to get you out of here."

Lloyd grunts in frustration. "No! We need to fight!"

Are you sure that's the best option? Keres' voice says in his head. 

Skylor nods and begins using the Mr. Pale's and Turner's powers to take the bikers off Lloyd.

Killow looks up at Mystake, who was watching everything unfold from the window in the small room upstairs. He looks at Luke. "Get her."

He turns his attention to Killow. "But she's just an old lady."

Killow just chuckles. "Oh, she's more than that." Luke nods and runs in the direction of the upstairs room.

"We're losing!" Lloyd shouts. 

"We need to endure!" Skylor tells him. 

They watch Killow shake Turner and Shade upside down with his hands before carrying them off somewhere else. 

Suddenly, they hear a cold, sadistic, unsettling laugh that echoed throughout the room that made everyone's blood run cold. Lloyd and Skylor turn around to see Keres standing on top of some large discarded piece of metal, with Harumi standing beside her. 

Harumi had her twin katanas by her side, while Keres had her spear in a holster behind her back. Lloyd and Skylor pick up a katana each that was discarded on the floor and held it in front of Harumi and Keres. 

Harumi makes the first move. She jumps up high in the air and clashes her katanas with Skylor's and Lloyd's. Harumi shoves him onto the floor while she holds off Skylor with both of her katanas. "I missed you, Lloyd."

Lloyd picks up his katanas off the floor and raises it high in the air. "And you'll miss me again." His katana clashes with Harumi's again. She just laughs at his attempt to hold her off. 

Skylor comes up from behind Harumi and tackles her onto the ground, pinning her arms. "Nya! Get Lloyd out of here!"

Nya, who was fighting off a biker, nods and runs towards Lloyd. But she doesn't manage to get to him when something blasts her into the nearest wall. He and Skylor turn their attention to Keres, who was now on the ground and a dozen feet away from Harumi. 

Keres raises her arms up in the air. One by one, shadow clones of Mr. Pale, Turner, Shade, Skylor, Neuro and Lloyd emerge from their shadows. The clones' eyes glowed the colors of their counterparts' respective Elemental Powers. 

"Say hello to my little friends, Greenie!" The shadow clones jump up into the air and tackle Lloyd all at once, pinning him down on his stomach harshly. 

"Come on, fight back!" Keres tells him. Lloyd growls, trying to get the clones off of him. Her eyes widen in mock surprise. "Oh wait, I forgot. You can't! Because you lost your powers in a fight you can never win! Face it, Lloyd! You lost everything; Your friends, your home, you sister, your father, ALL OF IT !"

Lloyd was finally able to summon the strength to get the clones off of him. The clones disappear in black and dark purple smoke, as he gets up and lunges at her. They hold each other off with their fists, with Keres smiling from ear to ear. "Now that's more like it!"

"What do you-?"

"Want? What are you doing?" She says in a mocking tone. She scoffs. "Come on, Greenie, you know what. I'm bringing you over to your father. He finally wants to see you for the pathetic, powerless mess you are!"

"That doesn't explain why you're helping Harumi of all people! I know you're my sister's inner demon and you're a bad person, but why are you helping her, really?!"

"Even if I tell you, you wouldn't understand, Greenie. Just because you look for the good in everyone, even in people like the Quiet One, you wouldn't understand why people like me do the things we do, even if you try!" 

She lets go of his hands and summons her magic. She puts her hands on the ground, causing the ground underneathe Lloyd to go up. Straps of her magic grab Lloyd's wrists, bringing him back down onto the ground and wrapping themselves around him until he wasn't able to break free. 

She walks towards him slowly, her fists clenched. Her eyes glow menacingly. "If you think I'm going to help you, then you're dead wrong, Green Ninja." She chuckles. "No, I'm going to bring you to your father, then I'm going to kill everyone in this pathetic excuse of a Resistance. And there's nothing, absolutely nothing, you can do about it!"

She grabs her spear from behind her back. She taps one end of the weapon to the ground once, transforming it into a black scythe with transparent, dark purple along the edges of its black blade. 

 "Anyway, since you're not going to come with me quietly, I'm just gonna..." Lloyd closes his eyes tightly. 

Before Keres was able to do anything with her weapon, water suddenly covers her until she was in a orb of water. That water lifts her up in the air and throws her into a nearby wall. The orb releases her, and splashes the water all over her body, drenching her body completely. 

Her magic lets go of Lloyd. He looks at Nya, who was running towards him again. She picks him up off the ground. "Come on!" She leads him to an amoured vehicle that she covered in a big tarp. 

She puts the key in the ignition and steps on the gas pedal, driving the car forward enough to hit Harumi and send her flying into a nearby wall. 

"GET IN!" Lloyd tells Skylor from the back of the vehicle. Skylor gets up. He takes her hand and pulls her in. 

He spots Misako in the distance. She was busy holding off a biker. "My mother!" Another biker comes up from behind and grabs her by her waist. "We have to go back."

Misako turns her attention to her son as she tries to fight off the bikers to the best of her ability. "You are what's important. Go, son!"

Karlof, in his Metal Form, grabs one of the bikers. "We will hold off! Get Green Ninja to safe place!" Skylor nods and grabs Lloyd's arm. She leads him into the vehicle. Nya presses a button that closed the car's back door. 

She puts her foot on the gas, driving the car out of the depot as fast as it could allow. The car's front smashes through one of the depot's closed doors. Dareth runs to the car. Nya opens the back door just in time for Lloyd to pull Dareth in. 

Harumi, with her Oni Mask off, runs to the vehicle, but stops. "After them. After them!" She yells the order at the bikers. The biker immediately gets on their bikes and chase after the vehicle, just as the vehicle crashes through the fence. 

Keres runs up to Harumi. Harumi looks at her angrily. "Aren't you going to do something about this?!"

"You're just upset that you weren't able to capture the Green Ninja." Keres says. 

"I AM NOT! And instead of just standing there and belittling me, go after him!"

She slowly turns her head towards Harumi. Harumi's angry expression slowly fades. Keres' eyebrows furrowed. "May I remind you that I don't take orders from you nor the Lord of Destruction. Nor anyone for that matter?"

Harumi jabs her fist into Keres' chest. "May I remind you who released you into this world? If not for me, you would still be trapped in Katarina's mindscape. So you should be grateful that I saved you from that prison!"

Keres slaps Harumi's away from her chest. "Just because you saved me doesn't mean I have to listen to you. You only brought me back because you wanted me to help Lord Garmadon destroy Ninjago."

Harumi narrows her eyes at Keres, causing Keres' angry expression to falter slightly. "Maybe I should remind you of the conditions; You either stop Lloyd and whatever resistance he has left or I'll have Emperor Garmadon kill you and your host, just like how you killed Mr. E." 

The bikers chase the vehicle down the streets of Ninjago. 

"We can't just leave them." Lloyd argues. 

"...They aren't my concern. You are." Nya says, keeping her eyes on the road. 

Dareth moves his head around the interior of the car. "Oh...This thing has everything. Heh. There isn't a bathroom in here, is there?"

Nya looks at the car's left side mirror. "We aren't out of the woods yet!" Skylor pulls something down, which activated the canons on each side of the car. She uses the canons to get two of the bikers off their tail, but the third managed to climb up the car. "Nice work, you two."

"Uh, I know no one takes me seriously, but about that bathroom..."

Lloyd and Nya both snap their heads towards Dareth. "NO!"

Dareth groans. "Fine, I'll take it outside." He opens the car's top door, which knocked away the third biker, who was holding a stick of TNT. A loud explosion was heard in the distance. He smiles. "Don't worry, I took care of the last one. We're all clear."

He spots something in the distance. He instantly knew what - no, who - was on top of the building that they were slowly inching away from. "Spoke too soon." He slowly inches his body back into the vehicle. 

Lloyd and Skylor had already heard what he said, as they snap their heads towards him the moment he got back inside. 

Lord Garmadon summons his power of Destruction in all four of his hands. His body surrounds itself in dark, purple flames. A pulse went throughout the city, causing the ground to shake. 

"Did anyone else feel that?"

"We all did."

In the left mirror, Nya gasps. Coming towards them in the distance was the Colossus, summoned by Lord Garmadon's command. "We've got company." She presses the car's gas pedal even more, forcing it to go fast as the Colossus closes in on the vehicle. 

Finally, with one big jump, the Colossus was in front of the vehicle, causing Nya to swerve every which way. She stops, puts it in reverse, and drives the car backwards in an attempt to get away from the Colossus. Skylor fires the canons at it in a futile attempt to knock it down, but it was useless.

The Colossus raises its foot in the air, and slams it down hard on the front of the car. Everyone screams in fear, flying backwards towards the back of the car. The vehicle sputters. 

Dareth laughs nervously. "Uh, I don't need that bathroom anymore."

Lord Garmadon slowly lowers his right foot even more on the car, causing the Colossus to do the same. The vehicle creaks from the weight. Smoke billows from the car. 


The car creaks even more. Nya presses her foot on the gas. "Oh yes, she will!"

"We're pancakes!"

Lloyd closes his eyes tightly. "Please Dad. Don't do this."

Lord Garmadon's foot and powers suddenly falter, as if he heard his son's request. Before he was about to do anything else, lasers blast at him. He looks to his left, where he sees Pixal and her Samurai X mech. 

"The Resistance never quits!" She yells from the inside of the mech. His power suddenly vanishes, causing the Colossus to free the vehicle. 

With one blast of Destruction, the mech immediately goes down with Pixal in it. The car drives away as the Colossus falls backwards. "HOLD ON!"

As the vehicle drives away, Harumi and Keres walk up to Lord Garmadon. Keres looks to her right, seeing Killow carry an unconscious Pixal out of her fallen mech. 

"Take her to Kryptarium with the others." She sighs. "I'll decide what to do with them from there." Killow nods at the order as Harumi gives Keres a glance. 

As the car drives away, Lloyd gives one more glance at the building where his father and Keres stood. 

"What, by all accounts, looks like a devastating blow to the Resistance. The Green Ninja's secret headquarters has been raided with numerous arrests made." Gayle Gossip says on the TV screens. 

Lloyd and Nya, now in different clothing, look at the TV somberly. He pulls out his gi. "Are you sure I have to do this?"

Nya nods. "I already got rid of the vehicle I spend forever building. We need to destroy everything that can give us away."

"But this ," He looks down at the gi. "This is who I am."

"That suit never made you what you are. It's what's inside of you." She puts a comforting hand on his chest."

"It was never the color of the gi that made you who you are. It was the color of your heart. Don't give up." 

"From here on out, we have to hide our identities. They'll be looking for us, and wearing our colors will only draw attention."

Lloyd gives one more glance at his gi, then sigh. He holds it over a trash can fire. "The Resistance never quits." Finally, he lets go of his gi, dropping it into the fire and letting the flames consume the green gi. 

Dareth and Skylor, who were also wearing different clothes, walk up to Nya and Lloyd with a bag of food in Skylor's hand. "Who's hungry?"

Nya looks at the food nervously. "You didn't steal that, did you? We don't have any money."

"Oh, you're forgetting that she owns a noodle empire." Dareth reminds her. 

Skylor shrugs. She points to an elderly couple with a little girl by their side. They wave to the group. "And there are still a few kind souls who are watching over us." Skylor smiles at the family kindly. 

Dareth looks at a small group of kids smashing a police car. "This place is kinda sketchy. Are you sure we're safe here?"

Nya nods. "For the time being."

"What about our friends? My mother?"

"The word on the street is that they were taken to Kryptarium Prison." Skylor explains to Lloyd. 

"Garmadon's forces have that place pretty bottled up. And before you ask, no, I cannot use my Brown Power to break us in. Those abilities sadly flushed away." Dareth finishes sadly. 

"They'll be all right. But will you?"

Lloyd looks down at the ground sadly. "I already lost my powers. Now my friends? I couldn't protect them."

"It took us all by surprise. But we have to endure." Skylor says to Lloyd. 

"Yeah, right. Endure. Living in squalor with the rats." He says with an eyeroll, gesturing to a rat that was coming closer and closer to them. 

"Even those who have nothing find the will to carry on."

Upon seeing the rat, Dareth shrieks as it stops in front of them. He cowers behind Nya and Skylor. "Rat, rat, rat, rat. Rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat."

Nya slightly chuckles at the reaction. Dareth grabs a nearby mops and raises it high in the air, preparing to hit that rat dead. 

"Wait! Stop! Don't!" The rat says in Mystake's voice. Everyone's eyes widen. 

"Uh, is that rat talking to us?" Nya says nervously. 

Lloyd nods slowly. "Yes. I believe it is."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget how unnerving this can be." The rat laughs. "How about this?" In a flash of white light, the rat disappears, revealing Mystake, who stood upright. "Ah. Much better."

This caught everyone off-guard immediately, except for Dareth. 


"Y-you were just—"

"H-how did you do that?"

Mystake eyes the bag of food in Lloyd's hands. She takes it. "Ooh, food. Ha-ha. I'm famished"

Dareth smiles, completely unfazed by the shapeshifting. "Heh. She made me pee my entire body weight. Don't you know she can do anything?"

"Perhaps now is the time to tell you all who I really am. Or maybe after I eat."
