SOFS: Fire Chapter 6 - Vengeance is Mine!

"Pixal! Come in, Pixal!" Pixal runs up to the base's keypad and presses a button, allowing Nya's face to be shown on the screen.

"Nya, where are you?" Pixal asks urgently.

"I'm with Zane, Katarina and Lloyd. We have the second scroll. Repeat: We have the second scroll!" Kai, Jay, Cole, Wu and Pixal cheer triumphantly.

"Nya, tell Lloyd and Katarina to be careful with the scroll. It is very dangerous. The less they handle it, the better." Wu advises Nya. She nods while she keeps her eyes on the road.

"I understand. We'll be careful." Suddenly, banging was heard on the hangar doors, peaking Nya's curiousity and bringing further dread to Kai, Jay, Cole, Wu and Pixal. "What was that sound?"

"The structural integrity of the doors is failing. You have to hurry, Nya." Pixal urges her.

"Hold on, Pixal! We're coming!" Nya pulls the lever up to activate the Land Bounty's thrusters. Seeing the Land Bounty go faster, Zane activates the thrusters on his Shuricopter.

Lloyd, having unraveled the scroll from the banner, pops his head up and moves to sit down on the seat behind Katarina. "What is it?"

"We're running out of time. And Lloyd, Wu said to be careful with that scroll. It's dangerous." Nya warns him.

Lloyd unravels the scroll from the staff. His eyes glow green and his head goes on fire. "I'll be careful."

Katarina glances behind her. She widens her eyes at the sight of her brother being powered by the scroll. "Maybe you should wrap it up again, just to be safe—"

"I said I'll be careful!"

Katarina's and Nya's eyes widen in fear. Nya turns her head back around to face the road, while Katarina looks down. Lloyd, having realized he had scared them, shakes his head. "Nya, sis, I... I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me." He says, looking down at himself fearfully.

"It's the scroll, Lloyd. Put it down." Katarina says firmly, with a hint of fear in her tone. He nods and after a bit of struggling, he puts the scroll back down and covers it back up with the banner.

She looks down at her hands, then touches her left eye. She hums thoughtfully.

Jay yelps in fear when the hangar bay doors bang furiously again. Pixal was typing furiously on a console, while the others watched the doors with fear and dread. "What do we do?!" Jay cries out, shaking Kai furiously.

Cole looks around for a solution. He spots something a dozen feet in front of him. It appeared to be a vent, and it could be big enough for them to fit. " In there! Come on!" He grabs Wu's wrist, which startles the sensei, and leads him, Kai and Jay to the vent. He pulls the lid for the vent off, just as the hangar bay doors bang again.

On the other side, Aspheera smirks. "It's working. Send them all!"

"All?" Char questions her.

She slithers up real close to him and glares at him menacingly. "ALL!" He meekly nods and slithers up to all of the fire cobras.

"ALL! YOU HEARD HER! GO!" He points his staff towards the terribly dented doors. One by one, the fire cobras charge at the doors immediately on his command.

Cole and Wu hop into the vents. "Pix! C'mon!" Jay urges her.

"I just need a few more seconds." She says quickly. The doors bang again. Jay hops into the vent next.

"We're out of time!" She continues typing furiously on the console. "PIXAL!" She bites her bottom lip as she makes the last adjustment to the mech.

Suddenly, the doors blast off in a large puff of smoke and fire. Aspheera and Char slither in with their troop of Pyro Vipers. As soon as the smoke clears, her eyes widen. The base was completely void of the Ninja and Wu.

She narrows her eyes and continues to go further into the base. Her tongues slids out as she hisses, and Char and the troop of Pyro Vipers obediently follow her. The further she goes into the base, the more pissed off she got.

It wasn't until she got to the computer systems on the other side of the base that she snapped. Her eyes turned to pinpricks of pure rage as she turns around to face Char and her troop. "What trick is this?!" The Pyro Vipers look at each other, and shrug at the angered question.

"A... tricky trick?" Char offers.

"Where are they?! Show yourself, Wu! Face me, if you have the courage!" Aspheera screams. She hits the vent once, letting dust go inside.

Jay, being near the dust, breathes it in. Kai's eyes widen as Jay was about to sneeze. Cole pinches Jay's nose and holds the back of his head. After a few seconds, it seemed like he wasn't going to sneeze anymore. Breathing internal sighs of relief, Cole slowly un-pinches Jay's nose and slowly withdraws his hands away from him.

Until Jay sneezed. Loudly.

Hearing that obnoxiously loud sneeze, Aspheera tears the lid off the vent and glares menacingly at the group. There was also a sort of sick, twisted happiness upon seeing Wu. "At last! I dreamed of this moment, Wu! I dreamed of it!" Wu glares at her.

"Keep dreaming!" Aspheera turns around to see a mech twice her size tower over her. Pixal, inside the mech, glares at Aspheera. Raising the mech's left arm in the air, she yells, "GET AWAY FROM THEM, YOU WITCH!" and swats Aspheera away like she was some disgusting bug.

Aspheera, dozens of feet away from Wu, Kai, Jay and Cole, falls on the floor. Her staff gets knocked out of her hands. Char, seeing his master getting thrown onto the floor, looks up at the mech.

Aspheera props an elbow on the floor as she looks at the mech, which was standing proudly before her. "Who are you?!" She hisses at Pixal.

"Pixal! And you should step away from my friends!" As the mech moves towards Aspheera, Char slithers out of the mech's war path.

Jay pops up from the vent and cheers Pixal on. "YEAH!"

Cole pops up as well and puts an arm over Jay. "Let her have it, Pixal!"

Char continues to slither away. Aspheera hisses at his cowardice and gets up. She picks up her staff. The mech jumps in front of her. She uses her staff to blast a fireball at the mech. Pixal puts both of the mech's arms in front of her, relfecting the attack and sending it back towards Aspheera. Aspheera lands in front of her troop when the attack sends her flying.

Kai cheers and whoops for Pixal. "What are we waiting for? Let's get out there and help." Pixal makes a fighting stance with the mech, while the Ninja and Wu get out their weapons and get into their fighting stances. Putting their hoods on, they charge at the Pyro Vipers.

Aspheera growls again. "ATTACK!" The Pyro Vipers obey and charge at the Ninja and Wu. A fight ensued between them. She quickly looks around, and uses her magic through the staff to detach a rock pillar from above them. Levitating it, she throws it at the mech, which was helping Jay with the Pyro Vipers.

The mech stumbles. Jay dodges a few Pryo Vipers. Wu attacks another one as Aspheera was getting another rock pillar from above. It goes at the mech again. Cole gets out of the way just as the mech falls down. Wu, Kai, Jay and Cole gasp, fearing that Pixal was greatly injured. Aspheera laughs.

The mech tries to get up again, but Aspheera uses her magic and the scroll to blast it once more. Using the mech's arm to block the attack, it glows a bright pink and detaches from the mech. It falls down, and in a bright, white light, the arm disappears, seeming to have been transported somewhere.

Smoke comes out of the mech. Pixal groans and looks at the screen inside the mech. Warning: Mechanical failure! Mechanical failure! She climbs out of the mech, gasping for air as she stumbles and falls.

"Go!" Jay, Kai, Cole and Wu rush towards Pixal, but the Pyro Vipers charge at them and block the Ninja and pin them down. They knock the Ninja's weapons out of their hands as they held them down. Wu, scanning around the room, sees the Ninjas' and Pixal's helpless faces, which were begging them to help and find another solution.

He looks down at the floor, defeated.

Suddenly, Zane comes in with his ShuriCopter, blasting ice at the Pyro Vipers. Looking down, he smiles with a wink at his friends. Wu and the Ninja laugh and breathe collective sighs of relief.

The Land Bounty rises up on his stand. Lloyd and Nya were standing out the Land Bounty, glaring at Aspheera and her troop.

"Aspheera!" Lloyd holds the second scroll high up in the air. Nya and Katarina get into their fighting stances.

Aspheera's eyes widen. "The second scroll?! Impossible!"

"I'm full of surprises!" Lloyd, Katarina, Nya and Zane jump down. Lloyd points the scroll at Aspheera threateningly. After glaring at each other for a moment, Aspheera performs her Spinjitzu and goes towards Lloyd. He spins the scroll around while running towards her and performs his Spinjitzu.

Both of their Spinjitzu collide. They part for a moment before clashing against each other again. They stop their Spinjitzu and lunge at each other. Both staffs of their respective scrolls clash with each other's.

Lloyd and Aspheera keep their eyes on each other, and she could sense he was struggling against her. He shoves her away, and an fight ensues between them, until she knocks him down. The scrolls gets knocked out of his hands.

Jay picks up the scroll and spins and twists in the air. He laughs, and performs his Spinjitzu against Aspheera, who does the same. They continue attacking each other with their Spinjitzu, until she gains the upper hand and was able to knock the staff out of his hands.

Cole leaps up in the air. "I got it!" He grabs the staff midair and lands back down. He spins the staff to and fro before running towards Aspheera. He jumps up in the air and hits the staff against hers. She blocks the attack right away. An fight between Aspheera and Cole ensues, until they performed Spinjitzu and he was defeated instantly.

The scrolls lands in front of Kai. He picks it up and holds it at Aspheera threateningly, but nothing was happening, which made her smirk. His eyes widen. He looks down at the scroll. It wasn't responding to him, why would it respond to him, he was powerless because he let her take his power.

He looks around frantically, until he spots Katarina in the distance. He throws the scroll high up in the air towards her. "Kat, heads up!"

She looks up and sees the scroll was hurdling towards her. She takes a few steps back, putting her hands up in front of her, fear in her eyes. "No, Kai, wait, I don't want the scroll-!"

But it was too late, she accidentally catches the scroll and she holds it. Her hood comes off again as her hair ignites on fire. Black horns and a tail appear, as well as a few glowing cracks on her face. Fire engulfs her body, her demonic body being seen in the flames.

"Oh no! Sis!"

Katarina grunts in pain. She holds the staff in her left hand while holding the top left side of her chest with her right hand. She glares at Aspheera, who was cackling at her.

'Katarina, do you trust me?'

"What's the matter? The scroll being too much for you?" Aspheera cackles.


The pain in her chest eases. The flames stop surrounding her body, revealing her demonic features and her fiery hair. The cracks on her face disappear. "That's better!" At incredible speed, she dashes towards Aspheera. Their staffs clash against each other, until they part.

Katarina teleports away before Aspheera could have the chance to attack. The Purple Ninja reappears and attacks Aspheera from behind, and continues to teleport and attack Aspheera from all angles before the sorceress could have the chance to react.

She teleports a dozen feet in front of Aspheera, and performs her Spinjitzu. Aspheera does the same, and their Spinjitzu collide for a moment before they stop and part. They clash their staffs against each others' again, both standing their ground.

"What are you?!" Aspheera hisses, taking in Katarina's demonic features. "The scroll shouldn't be doing this to you! It's turning you into some...demon!"

Katarina shoves Aspheera away with her staff, sending the Serpentine skidding a dozen feet away from her. She lunges at Aspheera again, who quickly uses her own staff to blast Katarina away from her. The scroll is knocked out of her hands as Katarina is sent tumbling across the floor in front of her friends. Her demonic features disappear in flames.

Lloyd runs over to his sister and helps her up. "Are you okay?" Katarina nods and gets up with his help. The scroll clatters at Zane's feet.

Aspheera aims her staff at Wu. The Ninja, Pixal and Wu gasp when they see another ball of magic hurdling towards them. They run out of the way just as the magic hits the mech. In a flash of bright light, the mech disappears.

Zane picks up the staff, feeling an overwhelming sensation the second he holds onto it. Filled with renewed vigor and determination, he runs towards Aspheera. "LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" He leaps up into the air as the Pyro Vipers try to attack him. He lands dozens of feet in front of her.

He swipes the staff at a couple of the Pyro Vipers that were running up to him from behind, encasing them in ice. He slams the staff down onto the ground, and immediately, a trail of ice spikes up from the ground and towards Aspheera, who screams when it traps her within the ice.

The Pyro Vipers turn tail and run to escape the ice. However, Zane doesn't let them get very far when he uses the scroll to trap all the Pryo Vipers within the ice.

The Ninja, Pixal and Wu gasp at the sight of the sight in their surrounding area. They turn to look at Zane, who was still holding the scroll. He was breathing heavily.

"Holy cow!" Cole exclaims.

"H-H-How'd you do that?" Jay stammers.

"It's the power of the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu. Zane, give it to me." Zane turns around and looks down at the scroll in his hands. He wanted to give the scroll back to Wu because he knows how dangerous it was, but at the same time, he didn't. It felt incredible weilding the scroll, he didn't want to just give it back.

"Zane!" Zan'e snaps himself out of his thoughts and hesitantly walks over to Wu. From within her ice prison, Aspheera shifts her gaze from Zane, and then to Wu. She watches Zane being hesitant to give the scroll back to Wu, who was silently pleading with the Ice Ninja to obey.

She breaks her arm free from the ice, which was holding her scroll. Upon hearing the ice break, Lloyd yells, "LOOK OUT!" causing everyone, including Zane and Wu, to snap their attention back to Aspheera.

Using her staff, she casts the same exact spell that was casted upon the mech and its mechanical arm.

Zane gasps.

It was headed straight for Wu.

Without thinking twice, he runs towards Wu and shoves him out of the way, still holding the scroll.

Wu tumbles onto the floor. He lifts his head back up, only for a bright, white light to consume Zane's body. Everyone gasps.

The only sound that echoed throughout the base was the clatter of Aspheera's staff. She closes her eyes.

Everyone didn't care if Aspheera was content with the deed that she had done upon their friend. All they could think about at the moment was that Zane was gone, dead, and it was because she had a vendetta against Wu.

"Oh no! Zane!" Nya cries out.


Pixal runs up to the spot where Zane had vanished moments ago. She touches the spot, once, twice, and was immediately overwhelemed with sadness. She had lost the love of her life once again, and the Ninja had lost their friend again, too. "NO!"

As everyone walks up to the spot where he had vanished, and Lloyd and Katarina comforted Pixal, Wu turns his head away.

"Zane." Pixal sobs.

It was all his fault.

And frankly, Katarina couldn't help but think the same thing.

That night, after Wu had gotten home from Kryptarium Prison, he couldn't get the words out of his head.

"You knew! All along you knew about Aspheera! You knew she would come and exact her revenge on you! And you stood idly by as she took her anger out on all of us!" Katarina had yelled at a startled Wu.

"I-I was young and foolish-!" He tried to reason with her.

"Foolish, yes! I've told you once before that your actions can have consequences on the people around you!" Her eyes glow brightly and her hair turns into flames.

"Well, it was a complicated—"

"We trusted you! I trusted you, Wu! We've became what you've wanted us to become for the good of Ninjago! But really, it was all about fixing your wrongdoings!"

"Katarina, please!"

"Time and time again, I've watched you hurt the people around you! First Lloyd's possession from Morro, Kai got his powers stolen by Aspheera, then you pushed me away, my own father got bitten by some damn snake because of you! I've watched my friends and my brother clean up your messes, deal with your enemies, fix your mistakes, all of it!"

Wu walks down the corridors as he remembers the last part of her undulterated anger. He closes his eyes tightly.


He opens the door to her bedroom. He sees her sleeping form on the bed. He stands in the doorway and sighs. "Yes, I do." He walks over to her and pets her hair a few times. "I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for my mistakes, Katarina."
