March of the Oni: Chapter 2 - Into the Breach

"How far, Nya?" Cole asks her.

"We're going as fast as we can, but this ship needs some fine tuning for sure." She says, as the ship's thrusters splutters in the air.

Jay busies himself on the ship's main computer. When he hears someone hum beside him, he turns his head, only to see Lord Garmadon standing beside him as he worked. He yelps in surprise and turns his head away. He closes his eyes tightly as the Dark Lord stares at both him and the computer for a few moments.

After he had satisfied his curiousity, he backs up a few steps away from Jay. He goes back to walking around. Jay reopens his eyes and glances at where Lord Garmadon was standing a few seconds ago. He nervously walks to the group.

"Am I the only one freaking out about this?"

"Why freak out?" Kai remarks sarcastically. "Our derange, psychotic, arch-nemesis is now our house guest."

"I find the term 'freak out' inadequate and imprecise. I prefer to say I am deeply troubled." Zane adds worriedly.

"Lloyd. Are you sure he can be trusted?" Nya whispers to Lloyd nervously. He, in turn, shakes his head.

"No. Of course not."

Jay scoffs. Lord Garmadon looks at the range of buttons on the control panel below the main computer. "Of course not?! That's not what you're supposed to say. You're supposed to say yes!"

"What choice do we have? If Master Wu is right, and we're under attack by the Oni, then my father may be our best chance." Lloyd puts his hands on his hips. He offers everyone a reassuring smile. "And anyway, he doesn't have his powers back, so how much trouble can he really cause?"

Lord Garmadon looks down at a particular button. Curiousity getting the best of him, he presses it. The sails fold and the thrusters shut down completely. The Ninja and Pixal, having heard the press of a button and noticing the sudden changes, turn their attention to where Lord Garmadon had been seconds ago.

Completely unfazed, he walks away, going about his usual business. Their eyes widen.

"Did he just turn off the—"

Before Zane can finish his sentence, the ship starts to plummet in the air.

"Oh, great."

They scream. The Ninja and Pixal desperately hold onto something while the ship continues to fall.

"He shut off the engines! We're gonna crash!" Jay screams.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Katarina runs to the side of the ship and summons her Elemental Dragon. Once the dragon was a dozen feet behind the ship, she summons her magic and creates two thick, transparent purple chains to wrap around the ship.

Once she was sure the chains were wrapped around the ship's hull, she tugs and pulls at the chains in an attempt to slow down its fall. Her dragon pulls up in the air to help.

Nya looks behind her, grasping onto the steering wheel. "Zane, the ignition switch! Hit the ignition switch!"

Zane spots the button Lord Garmadon had turned off seconds ago. He climbs desperately to the switch, but as he got closer, the ship gave out a sudden jerk. The Ninja and Pixal scream. Katarina and her dragon jerk forward as well, as the weight of the ship was too much for her to handle. She could feel her magic weakening.

The ship gave another jerk. The chains start to come loose. The ship's descent quickens. Jay screams. "I can see the ground!"

Katarina pulls at the chains again. In response to that pull, the chains come off the hull of the ship, causing the ship to plummet at its orginal speed. They let out another scream.

"It's getting really close, really fast!"

She watches the ship plummet. Her chains disappear. "NO!" She and her dragon start to chase after the falling ship.

Zane pulls his body with the help of the levers and the ship's walls. He edges closer and closer to the switch.

The ship was getting real close to the ground now.

He raises his hand in the air and presses the button.

The Bounty's sails reopen and the thrusters turn back on. It soars back in the air and slowly rises back over the clouds. Everyone falls back on the ship, and try to regain their breathe. Katarina lands back on the ship and falls onto the ground beside Lloyd, completely exhausted from the ordeal.

Lord Garmadon, who was still completely unfazed by the whole ordeal, puts all four of his hands on his hips. He glances at the button. His eyebrows furrow, not knowing him pressing the button would cause everyone to fall almost to their deaths. "That button should be labeled."

Nya gets back up and scoffs at him. She puts her hands on her hips as she watches him leave. "It is labeled! It says 'Don't push while in motion!'"

Lloyd helps his sister get back up. The Ninja and Pixal watch Lord Garmadon climb down the ladder. "Perhaps it would be wise to accompany your father, Lloyd, to prevent further... mishaps." Zane offers to Lloyd.

Lloyd groans angrily. "Ugh, I can't believe I have to babysit my own father." He climbs down the ladder, and rushes towards his father, only to find him in one of the ship's corridors. His father was standing in front of a door.

"Where does this go?" He asks his son.

"Nowhere. That's a closet." Lord Garmadon opens the door anyway by turning the handle. Once the door was fully open, a bunch of cleaning supplies, brooms, and mops fall out of their confined space. Lloyd sighs and kneels down to pick the contents up and put him them in their proper place.

Lord Garmadon, unwillingly to help his son out with this chore, turns around, only to be faced with another door opposite to the one he just opened. His curiousity getting the best of him once again, he opens the door. "And this one?"

Lloyd closes the door to the closet and turns around. He watches his father go in. "That's our sleeping quarters." He answers, following a short distance after his father.

Lord Garmadon looks around the room. There were beds placed on opposite sides of the room. Opposite to him and Lloyd were pictures of the Ninja's memories, friends and family. There were some pictures above the ship where the controls reside, but there were much more in their sleeping quarters. Behind him and Lloyd were weapons, mainly spears and swords.

"This is where you sleep? In this tiny... " He moves his upper hands closer and closer together to emphasize this small space. "Compartment?"

Lloyd scoffs. "It's not a compartment, it's a cabin." He gestures a hand around to prove his point. "We're on a ship, remember?"

Lord Garmadon walks over to the corkboard and picture frames that held a large amount of pictures. "And what are these?"

Lloyd spots the pictures and walks over to his father. "Just pictures."

"Do they celebrate some conquest or victory?"

He shakes his head. "No, they're just pictures." Lord Garmadon's eye catches a picture of himself when he was reformed, and his son, who was a bit younger at the time. They were looking at each other lovingly in the picture. "You know, memories, good times."

He picks up the picture frame where the photo resides. "Who is that?" Lloyd turns his attention away from the corkboard and towards the picture frame.

"That's you." His eyebrows furrow sadly. He gives his father a solemn look. "Don't you remember?"

His father turns around, holding the frame up to his face level. He furrows his eyebrows, apparently thinking particulary hard about what his son had said about this old man in the photo being him. But they weren't anything alike. This old man just appears frail and weak compared to him, a strong, powerful lord of darkness and destruction.

Yet it still got him thinking. Like this old man seemed...familiar to him, somehow.

Shoving the familiarity and nostaglia away, he throws the frame over his shoulders. Lloyd startles at the sudden movement. He rushes over the frame, trying to catch it, but the frame still manages to fall to the floor. The glass protecting the precious photo shatters onto the floor and onto the photo.

"Sentimentality is a weakness. If you wish to defeat the Oni, you would do well to banish such feelings." Lord Garmadon says. He walks out of the quarter, as Lloyd picks up the photo frame. Lloyd's eyebrows crease together angrily.

"Fine." He throws the frame and the photo into the trash. He begins to head out the door. "I didn't like that picture anyway."

But he stops in his tracks. His angry expression softens. He turns back around and walks back to the trashcan. He picks up the shattered frame, the photo remaining unscathed by the impact caused by his father. Some of the glass pieces fall into the trash. He places the frame back into its proper place.

He looks at the picture sadly as tears brim his eyes. How he missed his father, so very much.

On deck, Jay and Kai were busy mopping the floors. Kai looks at Jay with a smirk on his face as they continue their work. "So? Did you pop the question yet?"

Jay sighs, and shakes his head. He turns his head to face Kai. He stops cleaning. "No, I'm waiting for the right time."

Kai slowly turns around as he continues to busy himself with his chore. "There may not be a right time, Jay. You gotta just do it."

Cole pops his head out from the other side of the ship's deck. "Do what?"

Jay groans. Great, now Cole was getting in on it, too. And to make matters worse, Kai answers, "Jay's gonna ask Nya to be his Yang."

Cole gasps happily. "What?! Seriously?!" He jumps up and flips to where Jay and Kai are. "That's great! Why am I always the last person to know these things?"

Jay shushes both Kai and Cole from speaking about his proposal out loud, for fear that Nya might be close by and would catch in on their conversation. The last thing he needed right now was for these two bozos to ruin his surprise, for both him and for her. "Shh! Will you keep your voice down, please?"

"He's been planning it for weeks." Kai says to Cole, ignoring Jay's utter dismay and annoyance.

"Weeks? Haha!" Cole wraps his arms around Kai and Jay. "You gotta just do it, Jay. It's like ripping off an old bandage. The sooner you get over it, the better."

Kai and Jay's smiles disappear as soon as he refered to Nya as a bandage. They turn their heads towards him, sending glares in his direction. "Um, did you just compare Nya to an old bandage?"

Cole, having realized what he just said, widens his eyes.

"Nice. Way to go, Cole," Kai groans. Cole offers a sheepish grin as an apology. "Way to take the romance out of it." Jay nods in agreement to Kai's statement. Cole laughs sheepishly.

"All hands to the bridge."

Hearing the announcement, Jay, Cole, and Kai quickly climb up the ladder that led to the bridge. Zane, Pixal, Nya, Lloyd, and Katarina were there as well, along with Lord Garmadon, who stood in front of the group as he leaned against a railing. He bore a dull, bored look on his face.

As the trio walks over to their friends, Kai gives Lord Garmadon a glare and a signal that he had his eyes on the Dark Lord.

After the group became whole, Lord Garmadon clears his throat, sending everyone in their fighting stances. Lloyd and Katarina just scowl at him. He gets up from his place against the railing. "The Oni entered  this realm through a portal or rift between our world and theirs. There are only one or two ways this is possible. And, I'm willing to wager, it would've been through the Realm Crystal. To stop this darknessfrom spreading, the crystal must be destroyed."

Zane turns his attention to the computer and types on it quickly. After a few seconds, it reveals the Realm Crystal and its current known location. "The Realm Crystal is currently housed in the new high-security vault, below Borg Tower."

"That's smack in the middle of Ninjago City!" Nya points out, walking next to Zane and taking a glance at the computer screen herself.

"Uh, we just escaped from there, remember?" Kai reminds his friends. He turns his attention to Lord Garmadon, who just blinks. "It's engulfed in a giant, black cloud of destruction, and now you're asking us to turn around and go back?"

Lord Garmadon scoffs. "I asked nothing. I am telling you that if you wish to stop the darkness, the crystal must be destroyed."

"And I'm telling you, forget it," Cole butts in, gesturing his arms around that said he wasn't willing to go through with this task. "Just one of those black cloud tentacle things touched my foot for a second, and nearly froze me solid. We wouldn't last a minute inside the darkness."

"You said you saw an Oni in the darkness. The only logical reasoning of an Oni being in there is that they are immune to the cloud's effects." Katarina explains thoughtfully. Her father nods at her thinking.

"That is correct. You are merely human. I, however, am Oni. I can enter the darkness, make my way to the crystal, and destroy it. I will of course, require a weapon."

"Ha! Fat chance!" Cole scoffs.

"Do you really expect us to just hand you a sword and let you go?" Lloyd crosses his arms and glares at his father with a raised eyebrow.

His father nods. "If you wish to live, yes."

"Well, forget it! No way! I wouldn't trust you with a...a..." He puts a hand to his chin, trying to think of something else that he wouldn't trust his father, one of the most dangerous people in the world, with.

Kai taps his chin a few times. Then he smiles. "A pillow!"

Everyone slowly turns their heads in Kai's directions, giving him disapproving looks while they do so. Lloyd just closes his eyes tightly and sighs as he turns his head, while Nya just raises an eyebrow at her brother. Kai laughs sheepishly at the looks. "It's the most harmless thing I could think of."

Lloyd turns his attention back to Lord Garmadon. "It's not going to happen. You're not going anywhere, not without me. I'm your son, remember?" He walks up to his father until their faces were mere inches apart. "I'm Oni, too."

"No," He shoves his son away from him, causing everyone to get into their fighting stances, prepared to fight the Dark Lord. Katarina summons her daggers. "You are part Oni. That means you might survive."

The Ninja get out of their fighting stances as Lord Garmadon walks away. Lloyd narrows his eyes at his father. "Well, I guess we'll find out."

That late afternoon, the Ninja prepare Lloyd to head into the darkness. Zane places a camera on Lloyd's head and adjusts the straps to better fit him and make sure it sticks. "This will allow us to see what is happening inside the cloud."

His sister gives Lloyd a concerned look. "Are you sure you wanna do this, Lloyd? What if Father's right?"

He offers his friends and sister a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." His father, however, scoffs at the reassurance.

"That assumption is unfounded. You are mostly human, that side of you is weak." Katarina shakes her head at her father's statement with an annoyed expression.

'Mortals aren't weak, they've proven that. You know that.'

"It's also stubborn," Lloyd adds. "Let's go. Give him a sword, Cole." Cole turns around to face Lord Garmadon, who was at least a dozen feet away from him. Cole grabs the sword's handle and carefully pries it from one of the floorboards. Lord Garmadon watches him with an unreadable expression as Cole nervously walks over to him with the sword in his hands.

"Uhh, you sure about that?" Cole says with hesistantion. He turns around to Lloyd, waiting to see if the Green Ninja had changed his mind. But he didn't. He was firm in his decision. He nods at Cole.

Cole nervously walks a few feet towards the Dark Lord. Looking at the sword in his hand, he tosses it over. The sword lands at Lord Garmadon's feet with a clatter. Lord Garmadon looks down at the sword before him.

Cole turns back around, only for Lord Garmadon to grunt and jump up in the air at a great height. The Ninja, including Cole, startle at this sudden change. Kai gets out his katana, as Lord Garmadon lands in front of Cole. "Look out!"

Cole gets his hammer from the weapon holster behind his back. He blocks the attacks from Lord Garmadon with his hammer and its handle. Lord Garmadon uses his sword and his strength to shove the Earth Ninja aside.

Jay was next, and he was holding his nunchucks. His weapon met the Dark Lord's, who easily takes the nunchucks out of his grasp and tosses him on top of Cole.

Lloyd summons his Energy. Lord Garmadon glares at his son, who uses his Spinjitzu. His father jumps up into the air, refusing to be consumed by his son's Spinjitzu. He jumps on Kai's back, causing the Fire Ninja to tumble forward, and onto Zane.

Before he could get in front of Pixal, Katarina's eyes glow purple. Purple electricity dances around her body. She teleports in front of Pixal, leaving sparks of electricity in her wake. She summons her daggers, and clashes the blades against her father's. She pushes her father back.

Zane aims an arrow at Lord Garmadon, and releases it. Lord Garmadon blocks the arrow away from him with his sword, throwing the arrow aside as if it was nothing. Nya comes in and uses her spear to try and land a hit on him, but he blocks the attack as well. He kicks her aside.

Lord Garmadon grabs Pixal and throws her to the other side of the ship's deck. Katarina growls. She summons her magic and, in one swift motion, jumps up in the air and delivers a harsh roundhouse kick to his ribcage.

More electricity dances around her body as she clenches her fists. She points her daggers threateningly at him. Her father turns his head the other way. The rest of the team were in their fighting stances, their weapons at the ready, prepared for more of his attacks.

"Try that again," Cole growls threateningly. "Now that I'm ready."

Lord Garmadon glares at the team. After a moment passes, he summon his power of Destruction, causing the team to tense up at the sight of his powers. He raises his left upper hand arm and his left lower arm, admiring the sight of his powers having returned. He breathes a sigh of relief. "

"That's better." He jumps over the side of the ship, heading into the darkness with both the sword and his powers. The team slowly gets out of their fighting stance and runs over to the side of the ship, completely in shock.

"Okay, what the heck was that?" Cole blurts out nervously.

"Conflict fuels him." Lloyd says lowly.

"He was powering up." Katarina adds. The glow in her eyes disappear, and so do the magical electricity. She summons her weapons away.

"He did that just to get his powers back?!" Jay cries out indignantly.

"I. Do. Not. Trust. Him!" Cole yells out angrily, emphasing each word with a stomp. He clenches the handle of his hammer tightly.

"Lloyd, are you sure you want to go through with this?" Nya asks Lloyd worriedly. She puts a hand on her friend's shoulder, while giving him a worried, scared look.

He looks around at his friends' concerned, worried faces. They were waiting for his answer, waiting for him to change his mind and stay on the ship while his father was down there, with his powers back. He slowly shakes his head. "No. But I don't really have a choice."

Parachute in one hand and his sword in the other, he jumps over the side of the ship and dives into the darkness. As he dove, he put the parachute pack over his arms and shoulders, and takes in a deep breath. He closes his eyes tightly before reopening them once more. He was ready to face the darkness head on.

Even if it meant getting him potentially killed.

"The camera feed. Come on!" Zane says with urgency. The rest of the team run back to the bridge. Zane turns the computer on and presses a few buttons that will allow him to access the feed.

Just in time to see Lloyd open his parachute. He slowly descends deeper into the darkness. "He opened his parachute."

Lloyd turns his head to the left. The camera on his head shows something black that wrapped itself around a building he was near. There appeared to be just three or four of them, sitting comfortably around the building's exterior.

"What are those?" Nya wonders aloud.

Kai grimaces. "They look like... tentacles." Cole makes a noise of digust.

"Ulgh. That's one of the things that grabbed my foot. Ewulgh. It was terrible."

Lloyd lands on the streets. He removes the parachute pack off his pack. He gets out his sword, preparing for the Oni to come out and attack him out of the blue. After a moment, he puts his sword back into the weapon holster on his back.

Suddenly, he began gasping for air. He lets out choked gasps as he tries to get in whatever air it can. He felt his chest tightening from the lack of oxygen it was receiving. His mind raced with thousand of thoughts, thoughts that he was going to die in the darkness without saying goodbye to his friends and family.

He was going to die because he was too stubborn to admit that he was afraid he wasn't going to make it. His father was right, even with his Oni side, there was just a slight chance of his survival.

He kneels on the street. He holds his throat with one hand while using his other hand to reach out for his father. He needed to get out of his damn darkness, he had to. But his father was too busy with his powers to even realize he was there.

He should've stayed on the ship when he had the chance.

The team gasp, their eyes wide with horror as they watch their friend struggling already against the darkness. "Oh no!"

"We have to get him out of there." Cole says with urgency in his tone.

Then, something in Lloyd's behavior changed. The camera glitches. Zane was the first to realize the change. "Wait."

The tightening feeling in his chest, his quick and sudden gasps for air, his desperation to get out of that darkness, slowly eases and becomes less and less of a toll on him. Lloyd, realizing this, slowly gets up and takes in a deep breath of air. He couldn't believe it, he was surviving in the darkness, and it was all thanks to his Oni side coming through.

He walks towards his father, who was still busying himself with his powers.


Nya smiles. "He's okay." The teams breathes a sigh of relief, knowing well that Lloyd wasn't going to die in the darkness after all.

"Oh thank god!"

Lloyd continues walking towards his father, surveying his surroundings. He smiles as he breathes a sigh of relief. "I-I'm okay."

Lord Garmadon hums. He summons his powers away. "That was foolish. You are fortunate to have survived." He says to his son, and walks down the street that led to Borg Tower. Lloyd narrows his eyes at him.

"Like you care."

Both father and son continue down their intended path, and were met with a dark, barren wasteland that the darkness left in its wake. Transportation vehicles were tossed over, and every now and then, they would pass by someone frozen by the darkness. Lights flickered on an off, trying to fight to be the source of light in a place shrouded in the dark.

Lloyd spots someone familiar in the distance. He gasps, and runs up to the man in his wheelchair. He was wearing his usual attire, but accompanying his face with terror, despair and helplessness. "Oh, no! Dr. Borg! Can you hear me? Cyrus!"

Pixal gasps at the sight of the man she refers to as her father. "Oh, Pix. It's your father."

"He has fallen into darkness." Lord Garmadon says, pointing out the obvious.

"What does that mean?" Lloyd waves a hand in front of Borg as his father continues his intended path. "Is he still alive?"

"Yes, but in a deep slumber. Nothing you do will wake him."

"Well, there has to be something. He's my friend." There was only one thing that Lloyd can do. He looks at his father, who was now walking ahead of him. "Grab his legs."

Lord Garmadon swiftly turns his head around. His face was written with bewilderment and digust. He stops walking. "What?"

"Grab his legs, I'll get his arms. If we can get him back to the temple, maybe Wu can get him a potion or something."

Lord Garmadon rolls his eyes and turns back around, walking again on the road to Borg Tower. "Only the destruction of the Realm Crystal can save him now."

Lloyd narrows his eyes at his father. He runs up to his father, stopping him in his tracks once more. "Ninja don't leave friends behind."

"First, I am not a ninja. Second, I'm not a fool. And third, there are Oni out there, and we won't have a chance against them, if we're dragging a friend along like a human suitcase! So, you better decide, do you want to win or claim to your foolish ideals and perish?"

"There's a pretty big fat chance you're not going to be able to save him like last time. You can't hope that beating him with brute strength alone is going to turn him back to normal. So you either turn this car around and come back home or you go into Kryptarium and get yourself killed! Which is it, Lloyd?!"

With that, Lord Garmadon walks away, leaving a conflicted Lloyd to make his own choice. Lloyd looks behind Borg, who was still wearing that same look of helpessness and terror on his face. He puts a hand on Borg's shoulder. "If you can hear me, we're going to fix this. I promise."

He slowly backs up and walks away from Borg. Pixal, having watched the whole thing, shakes her head and buries her head in her hands. Zane wraps his arms around her and rubs comforting circles on her back, trying his best to comfort and soothe his beloved.

An hour later, the team hears a distress signal. A voice belonging to a man voices his distress over the radio as he tries to make contact to any survivors left.

"Anyone is out there? Anyone can hear me?"

Zane presses a button, allowing him to communicate with the man on the radio. "Come in." The Ninja and Pixal walk up to Zane, who was still trying to make contact with the man.

"Vinny Folson..."

"Come in. We hear you."

"... NGTV news, signing off." The radio cuts off contact completely. Kai looks confused.

"What was that?" He asks Zane.

"I believe it was a distress call, but we have lost the audio." Zane explains to his teammates.

"Can you trace the signal?" Katarina asks him.

"I will attempt to triangulate the source." Zane quickly types on the computer at incredible speed, until the computer was able to pinpoint the radio's signal. A red dot shows up where a news building was located.

"There! Several miles east of us. It appears to be a television station in the outskirts of Ninjago City."

Cole leans against Kai's shoulder, causing Kai to look over at him. "Maybe some people who didn't evacuate in time."

Kai raises an arm in the air. Cole immediately takes his arm off Kai's shoulder and stops leaning against him. "We got to help them."

"What about Lloyd? We can't just abandon him." Jay argues.

"If someone's in trouble, Lloyd would be the first person to tell us to help." Nya argues back.

"On one hand, Jay's right. If Lloyd and my father are finished with the Realm Crysal, we have to stay here and retrieve them. But on the other hand..." Katarina huffs, clearly conflicted by what to do. "We have to help those people. But we won't be able to do that because Lloyd and my father are down there."

"There's literally nothing more imperative than the success of his mission. If he fails, all of Ninjago is lost." Zane says.

"Perhaps..." Pixal starts, a plan forming in her head. "Perhaps there is a way to be in more places than one. I can remain behind in the , while you take the Bounty and investigate the distress call."

"What if you run out of fuel?" Nya asks.

"That would not be good. Let us hope you are back before that happens." Pixal takes Zane's hand and offers him a reassuring smile. He smiles back, confident that they'll be back in time for her, Lloyd and his father.

"We will be back." He says with a firm nod. They let each other go. Pixal walks out on deck and presses a button that allowed her to summon her Samurai X mech to her exact location. She presses a button, and the mech launches into the air, until it was high enough to hover over the Bounty.

Nya places a comforting hand on Zane's shoulder. He was watching her mech with a worried expression. "She'll be okay." She walks back around and presses a button that allowed the Bounty to fly away.

The mech slowly flies down and was about to sit comfortably on one of the top of the buildings that were peeking out of the darkness, but a dark tendril slowly makes its ways towards her. Her mech lifts back up in the air, and settles for just hovering dozens of feet above the dark cloud instead.

Lloyd was about to round a corner as he and his father were at their location, when he spots something in the far distance. He swiftly turns around with a slight gasp. His back presses against a wall as he prayed to the First Spinjitzu Master that they didn't see him.

His father peeks out from behind the wall, and narrows his eyes. He smirks at the sight and chuckles, which confused Lloyd because what he saw wasn't worth smiling and laughing about. Standing on the steps of Borg Towere were two Oni, armed with spears as they looked around for whoever dared came into their presence.

"What do we do?" Lloyd says to his father. "Maybe we can sneak around behind them, or find a manhole, or some—"

"I have a plan," His father cuts him off. His head motions slightly to his right, Lloyd's left. "Follow me."

He and Lloyd walk out of their hiding spot. His father cleared his throat, before saying loud enough for the Oni to hear, "Uh, greetings, Brother Oni. How are you? Love what you've done with the place."

The Oni turn their attention to the tresspassers, and raise their weapons in the air. One end of their weapons strike down on the ground. Dark tendrils seep out from their weapons.


Lord Garmadon runs up to the Oni and jumps a great height into the air. He raises his sword in the air, and strikes down at the incoming tendrils of darkness. Lloyd, seeing his father take immediate action, runs up to a couple of the dark tendrils and uses his Spinjitzu to ward them off. But his Spinjitzu had little to no effect on them, causing him to tumble onto the ground.

He slowly turns his head, only to see the tendrils were quickly getting closer and closer to him. He yelps in surprise and quickly gets up form his fallen position. He gets out his sword and strikes at the tendrils.

Meanwhile, Lord Garmadon was busying himself with the Oni. He uses his fighting skills against them, only to find out that they knew how to fight as well. He didn't let their weapons hit him, using his sword to block their attacks as he struck them with the blade. Seeing his attacks with a mere weapon weren't enough, he summons his powers and strikes at one of the Oni. The Oni tumbles at least a dozen feet away from the Dark Lord.

Lloyd runs up to his father. They press their backs against each other's as two of the Oni corner them. They point their weapons at the Oni threateningly. The Oni were slowly getting closer and closer.

The Oni in front of Lloyd uses its weapon to strike Lloyd's sword away. He yelps, realizing he had to face an Oni without a weapon. He glances at his sword, with a dark tendril was carrying away. He lunges for his sword, but he misses. Lord Garmadon summons his powers and blasts one of the Oni away.

Lloyd turns on his back and gasps when an Oni raises its weapon, prepared to strike him down. Before he could react, his father lunges at the other Oni, knocking him down onto the ground. Lloyd quickly gets up, surprised.

"You-you saved my life." Lord Garmadon scoffs and pushes his son away.

"Again, your sentiment clouds your judgement. The Realm Crystal is all that matters. Two of us stand a better chance of victory than one."

Lloyd huffs, watching his father walk ahead of him. He rushes over to his father in an effort to catch up to him. " Fine. I don't care either. We work together until this is done, and then you go back to your jail cell." His father stops walking, and turns around to face his son. He was smiling. "What?"

"What, what?"

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Maybe I'm happy."

"That's not a happy smile. That's an evil, I've-got-something-up-my-sleeve smile."

"Really? How's this?" Lord Garmadon smiles again, but it was the same smile as before.

"That's exactly the same."

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."

"Not, it isn't!" His father summons his powers in three of his hand, his fourth hand occupying his sword. Lloyd's eyes widen in fear, and he instinctively gets into his fighting stance. A blast of power comes at him, causing him to duck and strike the Oni that was walking up behind him. He turns around to see the Oni tumble down the stairs, its weapon making a loud, clattering sound.

"Shall we continue?" Lloyd nods and follows after his father as they walk towards the front doors of the building. Once they enter the building, they see more people frozen by the darkness. Red lights illuminated the dark, corrupted building, and the bright blue symbol for the building flickers on and off.

Lloyd runs over to his father, who had made his way over to a railing. He was about to jump over, but his father stops him. "Ah-ah-ah. Power before youth."

Lloyd's mouth gapes open. 'Power before youth?!' His father jumps down, with his son following after him. They make their way to the floor that held the Realm Crystal, and cautiously walk along the building's long, dark hallway.

"Follow the darkness."

"He must be nearing the source of the darkness." Zane reports to the team. The camera feed glitches slightly. "The Realm Crystal seems to be interfering with the signal."

The Ninja, one by one, join Zane so they could watch the feed from Lloyd's point of view. Lloyd and his father stop at a corner. His father turns around. "This is it." Lloyd nods, and rounds the corner with his father.

In the center of a room was the Realm Crystal. Black smoke streamed slowly out of the crystal as it stood on its podium. The top half of the crystal was as black as ever, with bright red light slightly illuminating the corrupted crystal. On the feed were ghostly whispers as Lloyd and his father slowly enter the room. Lord Garmadon walks ahead of Lloyd, stopping a few feet in front of the crystal. Lloyd stops as well.

"There it is! Destroy it! Quick!" Jay cries out, shaking Zane violently.

"He cannot hear you." Zane reminds his friend calmly.

Lord Garmadon gets out his sword, smiling at the sight of the crystal and the fact that he gets to destroy it. He walks closer and closer to the crystal, as he raises his blade in the air. He strikes down, but another weapon stops his blade halfway. The blade breaks off and the weapon throws him across the room.

More smoke seeps out of the Realm Crystal. Lloyd's eyes widen in fear. He narrows his eyes as he tries to focus on the figure coated in the dark, black smoke. Purple light flashes in the smoke.

The Ninjas' eyes widen as they watch the feed.

Lloyd slowly steps back as the figure coated in smoke slowly rises. More flashes of purple appear in the smoke, as the figure takes a few steps towards Lloyd and his father. Once the smoke disappears, they could see that it was an Oni, but it appeared more different than the rest. Its horns were much bigger, he was wearing black metal shoulder armor, and he was wearing some kind of necklace around its neck. Its weapon was much grander compared to the Onis' weapons.

It bangs its weapon down on the ground as it glares at the Green Ninja and his father.

The Ninja gasp at the sight of the Oni. The feed on the camera glitches more and more frequently. "Who the hell is that one?" Katarina mutters fearfully.

"Who's that?" Lloyd asks his father, who gets up and brushes himself off.

"Whatever it is, it's about to experience my full wrath." He uses his powers to create four purple daggers in each of his hands. He lunges at the Oni. The two exchange blows with their weapons, but the Oni was completely unfazed by this pathetic exchange. It wouldn't call this 'full wrath', it would call it a weak display of power before it.

The Oni swipes its weapon on Lord Garmadon's body, throwing the Dark Lord to another part of the room. His daggers disappears due to the impact. Lloyd gasps, as he watches his father sit up. Lloyd summons his powers and performs his Spinjitzu, but the Oni uses its weapon to throw Lloyd to the same spot as his father, interrupting his Spinjitzu.

Lloyd yells out in pain. He holds the spot where the Oni struck. He could feel a wound and a new scar coming on, as a bit of blood soaks through the wound and through his gi. The camera falls from his head due to the impact.

Katarina gasps. Kai presses a few buttons on the computer, trying to get the feed to stop glitching. "Zane! How do we get the signal back?"

Zane shakes his head. "The signal is lost, Kai."

"Who are y-you?" Lloyd groans, as he looks at the Oni weakly. He keeps his hand on the wound, trying to apply pressure to it.

"I am the Omega! The Destructor! The Bringer of Doom!" The Omega spoke in a distorted voice, and it sounded like more than one voice was coming from its mouth. It slowly marches towards the son and his father, and points its weapon at them threateningly. "Are you the protectors of this realm?"

Lloyd removes his hand from his wound. He gets up with a nod and gets into his fighting stance. "Yes. I am."

The Omega turns its attention to his father. "And you?"

"Usually, no," Lord Garmadon says with a shake of his head, "But, well, today... yes!"

"You are an Oni," The Omega says. It watches Lord Garmadon get up. "Yet, you fight to preserve this realm. Why?" It finishes in a disgusted tone. It wasn't pleased with Lord Garmadon, an Oni, protecting Ninjago with his life on the line, with his offspring helping him.

Lord Garmadon smirks with a slight chuckle. "If anyone is going to destroy Ninjago, it'll be me, not some Oni usurper with a walking stick." He shoves the Oni's weapon away with his hand. The Omega steps back a little by his actions.

The Omega growls. It raises its staff in the air. "Then perish with them!" With that, he lunges at Lloyd and Lord Garmadon.

A/N: You could see that I was trying to be more descriptive in this chapter than I normally would be in all my other ones. I was just trying something, seeing if being more descriptive would help picture the whole thing. Also, I just felt like it. Now my fingers hurt, but it was nice trying this out
